Updated docs
diff --git a/docs/dyn/people_v1.people.connections.html b/docs/dyn/people_v1.people.connections.html
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+++ b/docs/dyn/people_v1.people.connections.html
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+<h1><a href="people_v1.html">Google People API</a> . <a href="people_v1.people.html">people</a> . <a href="people_v1.people.connections.html">connections</a></h1>
+<h2>Instance Methods</h2>
+<p class="toc_element">
+  <code><a href="#list">list(resourceName, pageSize=None, x__xgafv=None, pageToken=None, sortOrder=None, syncToken=None, requestMask_includeField=None)</a></code></p>
+<p class="firstline">Provides a list of the authenticated user's contacts merged with any linked profiles.</p>
+<p class="toc_element">
+  <code><a href="#list_next">list_next(previous_request, previous_response)</a></code></p>
+<p class="firstline">Retrieves the next page of results.</p>
+<h3>Method Details</h3>
+<div class="method">
+    <code class="details" id="list">list(resourceName, pageSize=None, x__xgafv=None, pageToken=None, sortOrder=None, syncToken=None, requestMask_includeField=None)</code>
+  <pre>Provides a list of the authenticated user's contacts merged with any linked profiles.
+  resourceName: string, The resource name to return connections for. Only `people/me` is valid. (required)
+  pageSize: integer, The number of connections to include in the response. Valid values are between 1 and 500, inclusive. Defaults to 100.
+  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
+  pageToken: string, The token of the page to be returned.
+  sortOrder: string, The order in which the connections should be sorted. Defaults to `LAST_MODIFIED_ASCENDING`.
+  syncToken: string, A sync token, returned by a previous call to `people.connections.list`. Only resources changed since the sync token was created are returned.
+  requestMask_includeField: string, Comma-separated list of fields to be included in the response. Omitting this field will include all fields. Each path should start with `person.`: for example, `person.names` or `person.photos`.
+  An object of the form:
+    {
+    "connections": [ # The list of people that the requestor is connected to.
+      { # Information about a person merged from various data sources such as the authenticated user's contacts and profile data. Fields other than IDs, metadata, and group memberships are user-edited. Most fields can have multiple items. The items in a field have no guaranteed order, but each non-empty field is guaranteed to have exactly one field with `metadata.primary` set to true.
+        "phoneNumbers": [ # The person's phone numbers.
+          { # A person's phone number.
+            "canonicalForm": "A String", # The read-only canonicalized [ITU-T E.164](https://law.resource.org/pub/us/cfr/ibr/004/itu-t.E.164.1.2008.pdf) form of the phone number.
+            "formattedType": "A String", # The read-only type of the phone number translated and formatted in the viewer's account locale or the the `Accept-Language` HTTP header locale.
+            "type": "A String", # The type of the phone number. The type can be custom or predefined. Possible values include, but are not limited to, the following: * `home` * `work` * `mobile` * `homeFax` * `workFax` * `otherFax` * `pager` * `workMobile` * `workPager` * `main` * `googleVoice` * `other`
+            "value": "A String", # The phone number.
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the phone number.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "addresses": [ # The person's street addresses.
+          { # A person's physical address. May be a P.O. box or street address. All fields are optional.
+            "formattedType": "A String", # The read-only type of the address translated and formatted in the viewer's account locale or the `Accept-Language` HTTP header locale.
+            "countryCode": "A String", # The [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](http://www.iso.org/iso/country_codes.htm) country code of the address.
+            "city": "A String", # The city of the address.
+            "formattedValue": "A String", # The read-only value of the address formatted in the viewer's account locale or the `Accept-Language` HTTP header locale.
+            "region": "A String", # The region of the address; for example, the state or province.
+            "poBox": "A String", # The P.O. box of the address.
+            "streetAddress": "A String", # The street address.
+            "country": "A String", # The country of the address.
+            "postalCode": "A String", # The postal code of the address.
+            "extendedAddress": "A String", # The extended address of the address; for example, the apartment number.
+            "type": "A String", # The type of the address. The type can be custom or predefined. Possible values include, but are not limited to, the following: * `home` * `work` * `other`
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the address.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "nicknames": [ # The person's nicknames.
+          { # A person's nickname.
+            "type": "A String", # The type of the nickname.
+            "value": "A String", # The nickname.
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the nickname.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "occupations": [ # The person's occupations.
+          { # A person's occupation.
+            "value": "A String", # The occupation; for example, `carpenter`.
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the occupation.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "braggingRights": [ # The person's bragging rights.
+          { # A person's bragging rights.
+            "value": "A String", # The bragging rights; for example, `climbed mount everest`.
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the bragging rights.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "names": [ # The person's names.
+          { # A person's name. If the name is a mononym, the family name is empty.
+            "phoneticMiddleName": "A String", # The middle name(s) spelled as they sound.
+            "honorificPrefix": "A String", # The honorific prefixes, such as `Mrs.` or `Dr.`
+            "phoneticFamilyName": "A String", # The family name spelled as it sounds.
+            "displayName": "A String", # The display name formatted according to the locale specified by the viewer's account or the Accept-Language HTTP header.
+            "middleName": "A String", # The middle name(s).
+            "phoneticHonorificPrefix": "A String", # The honorific prefixes spelled as they sound.
+            "familyName": "A String", # The family name.
+            "phoneticGivenName": "A String", # The given name spelled as it sounds.
+            "phoneticHonorificSuffix": "A String", # The honorific suffixes spelled as they sound.
+            "givenName": "A String", # The given name.
+            "honorificSuffix": "A String", # The honorific suffixes, such as `Jr.`
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the name.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "resourceName": "A String", # The resource name for the person, assigned by the server. An ASCII string with a max length of 27 characters. Always starts with `people/`.
+        "birthdays": [ # The person's birthdays.
+          { # A person's birthday. At least one of the `date` and `text` fields are specified. The `date` and `text` fields typically represent the same date, but are not guaranteed to.
+            "date": { # Represents a whole calendar date, for example a date of birth. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are not significant. The date is relative to the [Proleptic Gregorian Calendar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proleptic_Gregorian_calendar). The day may be 0 to represent a year and month where the day is not significant. The year may be 0 to represent a month and day independent of year; for example, anniversary date. # The date of the birthday.
+              "month": 42, # Month of year. Must be from 1 to 12.
+              "day": 42, # Day of month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 if specifying a year/month where the day is not significant.
+              "year": 42, # Year of date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 if specifying a date without a year.
+            },
+            "text": "A String", # A free-form string representing the user's birthday.
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the birthday.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "relations": [ # The person's relations.
+          { # A person's relation to another person.
+            "person": "A String", # The name of the other person this relation refers to.
+            "formattedType": "A String", # The type of the relation translated and formatted in the viewer's account locale or the locale specified in the Accept-Language HTTP header.
+            "type": "A String", # The person's relation to the other person. The type can be custom or predefined. Possible values include, but are not limited to, the following values: * `spouse` * `child` * `mother` * `father` * `parent` * `brother` * `sister` * `friend` * `relative` * `domesticPartner` * `manager` * `assistant` * `referredBy` * `partner`
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the relation.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "etag": "A String", # The [HTTP entity tag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_ETag) of the resource. Used for web cache validation.
+        "relationshipStatuses": [ # The person's relationship statuses.
+          { # A person's relationship status.
+            "formattedValue": "A String", # The read-only value of the relationship status translated and formatted in the viewer's account locale or the `Accept-Language` HTTP header locale.
+            "value": "A String", # The relationship status. The value can be custom or predefined. Possible values include, but are not limited to, the following: * `single` * `inARelationship` * `engaged` * `married` * `itsComplicated` * `openRelationship` * `widowed` * `inDomesticPartnership` * `inCivilUnion`
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the relationship status.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "skills": [ # The person's skills.
+          { # A skill that the person has.
+            "value": "A String", # The skill; for example, `underwater basket weaving`.
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the skill.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "imClients": [ # The person's instant messaging clients.
+          { # A person's instant messaging client.
+            "username": "A String", # The user name used in the IM client.
+            "formattedType": "A String", # The read-only type of the IM client translated and formatted in the viewer's account locale or the `Accept-Language` HTTP header locale.
+            "protocol": "A String", # The protocol of the IM client. The protocol can be custom or predefined. Possible values include, but are not limited to, the following: * `aim` * `msn` * `yahoo` * `skype` * `qq` * `googleTalk` * `icq` * `jabber` * `netMeeting`
+            "formattedProtocol": "A String", # The read-only protocol of the IM client formatted in the viewer's account locale or the `Accept-Language` HTTP header locale.
+            "type": "A String", # The type of the IM client. The type can be custom or predefined. Possible values include, but are not limited to, the following: * `home` * `work` * `other`
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the IM client.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "events": [ # The person's events.
+          { # An event related to the person.
+            "date": { # Represents a whole calendar date, for example a date of birth. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are not significant. The date is relative to the [Proleptic Gregorian Calendar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proleptic_Gregorian_calendar). The day may be 0 to represent a year and month where the day is not significant. The year may be 0 to represent a month and day independent of year; for example, anniversary date. # The date of the event.
+              "month": 42, # Month of year. Must be from 1 to 12.
+              "day": 42, # Day of month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 if specifying a year/month where the day is not significant.
+              "year": 42, # Year of date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 if specifying a date without a year.
+            },
+            "formattedType": "A String", # The read-only type of the event translated and formatted in the viewer's account locale or the `Accept-Language` HTTP header locale.
+            "type": "A String", # The type of the event. The type can be custom or predefined. Possible values include, but are not limited to, the following: * `anniversary` * `other`
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the event.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "metadata": { # Metadata about a person. # Metadata about the person.
+          "previousResourceNames": [ # Any former resource names this person has had. Populated only for [`connections.list`](/people/api/rest/v1/people.connections/list) requests that include a sync token. The resource name may change when adding or removing fields that link a contact and profile such as a verified email, verified phone number, or profile URL.
+            "A String",
+          ],
+          "sources": [ # The sources of data for the person.
+            { # The source of a field.
+              "type": "A String", # The source type.
+              "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+            },
+          ],
+          "deleted": True or False, # True if the person resource has been deleted. Populated only for [`connections.list`](/people/api/rest/v1/people.connections/list) requests that include a sync token.
+          "objectType": "A String", # The type of the person object.
+        },
+        "interests": [ # The person's interests.
+          { # One of the person's interests.
+            "value": "A String", # The interest; for example, `stargazing`.
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the interest.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "photos": [ # The person's photos.
+          { # A person's photo. A picture shown next to the person's name to help others recognize the person.
+            "url": "A String", # The URL of the photo.
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the photo.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "residences": [ # The person's residences.
+          { # A person's past or current residence.
+            "current": True or False, # True if the residence is the person's current residence; false if the residence is a past residence.
+            "value": "A String", # The address of the residence.
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the residence.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "relationshipInterests": [ # The kind of relationship the person is looking for.
+          { # The kind of relationship the person is looking for.
+            "formattedValue": "A String", # The value of the relationship interest translated and formatted in the viewer's account locale or the locale specified in the Accept-Language HTTP header.
+            "value": "A String", # The kind of relationship the person is looking for. The value can be custom or predefined. Possible values include, but are not limited to, the following values: * `friend` * `date` * `relationship` * `networking`
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the relationship interest.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "coverPhotos": [ # The person's cover photos.
+          { # A person's cover photo. A large image shown on the person's profile page that represents who they are or what they care about.
+            "url": "A String", # The URL of the cover photo.
+            "default": True or False, # True if the cover photo is the default cover photo; false if the cover photo is a user-provided cover photo.
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the cover photo.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "locales": [ # The person's locale preferences.
+          { # A person's locale preference.
+            "value": "A String", # The well-formed [IETF BCP 47](https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47) language tag representing the locale.
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the locale.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "organizations": [ # The person's past or current organizations.
+          { # A person's past or current organization. Overlapping date ranges are permitted.
+            "formattedType": "A String", # The read-only type of the organization translated and formatted in the viewer's account locale or the `Accept-Language` HTTP header locale.
+            "domain": "A String", # The domain name associated with the organization; for example, `google.com`.
+            "endDate": { # Represents a whole calendar date, for example a date of birth. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are not significant. The date is relative to the [Proleptic Gregorian Calendar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proleptic_Gregorian_calendar). The day may be 0 to represent a year and month where the day is not significant. The year may be 0 to represent a month and day independent of year; for example, anniversary date. # The end date when the person left the organization.
+              "month": 42, # Month of year. Must be from 1 to 12.
+              "day": 42, # Day of month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 if specifying a year/month where the day is not significant.
+              "year": 42, # Year of date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 if specifying a date without a year.
+            },
+            "name": "A String", # The name of the organization.
+            "startDate": { # Represents a whole calendar date, for example a date of birth. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are not significant. The date is relative to the [Proleptic Gregorian Calendar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proleptic_Gregorian_calendar). The day may be 0 to represent a year and month where the day is not significant. The year may be 0 to represent a month and day independent of year; for example, anniversary date. # The start date when the person joined the organization.
+              "month": 42, # Month of year. Must be from 1 to 12.
+              "day": 42, # Day of month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 if specifying a year/month where the day is not significant.
+              "year": 42, # Year of date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 if specifying a date without a year.
+            },
+            "symbol": "A String", # The symbol associated with the organization; for example, a stock ticker symbol, abbreviation, or acronym.
+            "title": "A String", # The person's job title at the organization.
+            "current": True or False, # True if the organization is the person's current organization; false if the organization is a past organization.
+            "jobDescription": "A String", # The person's job description at the organization.
+            "location": "A String", # The location of the organization office the person works at.
+            "department": "A String", # The person's department at the organization.
+            "type": "A String", # The type of the organization. The type can be custom or predefined. Possible values include, but are not limited to, the following: * `work` * `school`
+            "phoneticName": "A String", # The phonetic name of the organization.
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the organization.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "biographies": [ # The person's biographies.
+          { # A person's short biography.
+            "value": "A String", # The short biography.
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the biography.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "memberships": [ # The person's group memberships.
+          { # A person's membership in a group.
+            "contactGroupMembership": { # A Google contact group membership. # The contact group membership.
+              "contactGroupId": "A String", # The contact group ID for the contact group membership. The contact group ID can be custom or predefined. Possible values include, but are not limited to, the following: * `myContacts` * `starred` * A numerical ID for user-created groups.
+            },
+            "domainMembership": { # A Google Apps Domain membership. # The domain membership.
+              "inViewerDomain": True or False, # True if the person is in the viewer's Google Apps domain.
+            },
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the membership.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "taglines": [ # The person's taglines.
+          { # A brief one-line description of the person.
+            "value": "A String", # The tagline.
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the tagline.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "urls": [ # The person's associated URLs.
+          { # A person's associated URLs.
+            "formattedType": "A String", # The read-only type of the URL translated and formatted in the viewer's account locale or the `Accept-Language` HTTP header locale.
+            "type": "A String", # The type of the URL. The type can be custom or predefined. Possible values include, but are not limited to, the following: * `home` * `work` * `blog` * `profile` * `homePage` * `ftp` * `reservations` * `appInstallPage`: website for a Google+ application. * `other`
+            "value": "A String", # The URL.
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the URL.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "ageRange": "A String", # The person's age range.
+        "genders": [ # The person's genders.
+          { # A person's gender.
+            "formattedValue": "A String", # The read-only value of the gender translated and formatted in the viewer's account locale or the `Accept-Language` HTTP header locale.
+            "value": "A String", # The gender for the person. The gender can be custom or predefined. Possible values include, but are not limited to, the following: * `male` * `female` * `other` * `unknown`
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the gender.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        "emailAddresses": [ # The person's email addresses.
+          { # A person's email address.
+            "formattedType": "A String", # The read-only type of the email address translated and formatted in the viewer's account locale or the `Accept-Language` HTTP header locale.
+            "type": "A String", # The type of the email address. The type can be custom or predefined. Possible values include, but are not limited to, the following: * `home` * `work` * `other`
+            "value": "A String", # The email address.
+            "metadata": { # Metadata about a field. # Metadata about the email address.
+              "source": { # The source of a field. # The source of the field.
+                "type": "A String", # The source type.
+                "id": "A String", # A unique identifier within the source type generated by the server.
+              },
+              "verified": True or False, # True if the field is verified; false if the field is unverified. A verified field is typically a name, email address, phone number, or website that has been confirmed to be owned by the person.
+              "primary": True or False, # True if the field is the primary field; false if the field is a secondary field.
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    ],
+    "nextPageToken": "A String", # The token that can be used to retrieve the next page of results.
+    "nextSyncToken": "A String", # The token that can be used to retrieve changes since the last request.
+  }</pre>
+<div class="method">
+    <code class="details" id="list_next">list_next(previous_request, previous_response)</code>
+  <pre>Retrieves the next page of results.
+  previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
+  previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)
+  A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
+  page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
+    </pre>
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