2.0.0 Migration Guide

The 2.0 release of google-api-python-client is a significant upgrade as only python 3.6 and newer is supported. If you are not able to upgrade python, then please continue to use version 1.x as we will continue supporting python 2.7+ in v1.

In addition, discovery documents will no longer be retrieved dynamically when you call discovery.build(). The discovery documents will instead be retrieved from the client library directly. Existing code written for earlier versions of this library will not require updating. We believe this new default behaviour will provide a more predictable experience for users. If always using the latest version of a service definition is more important than reliability, users should set the static_discovery argument of discovery.build() to False to retrieve the service definition from the internet.

If you experience issues or have questions, please file an issue.

Supported Python Versions

WARNING: Breaking change

The 2.0.0 release requires Python 3.6+, as such you must upgrade to Python 3.6+ to use version 2.0.0.

Method Calls

Note: Existing code written for earlier versions of this library will not require updating. You should only update your code if always using the latest version of a service definition is more important than reliability.

WARNING: Breaking change

The 2.0.0 release no longer retrieves discovery documents dynamically on each call to discovery.build(). Instead, discovery documents are retrieved from the client library itself.

Under the hood, the discovery.build() function retrieves a discovery artifact in order to construct the service object. The breaking change is that the discovery.build() function will no longer retrieve discovery artifacts dynamically. Instead it will use service definitions shipped in the library.


from googleapiclient.discovery import build

# Retrieve discovery artifacts from the internet
with build('drive', 'v3') as service:
    # ...


from googleapiclient.discovery import build

# Retrieve discovery artifacts from the client library
with build('drive', 'v3') as service:
    # ...

# Retrieve discovery artifacts from the internet
with build('drive', 'v3', static_discovery=False) as service:
    # ...