chore: Update discovery artifacts (#1381)

## Deleted keys were detected in the following stable discovery artifacts:
documentai v1
serviceconsumermanagement v1
serviceusage v1

## Deleted keys were detected in the following pre-stable discovery artifacts:
firebase v1beta1
serviceconsumermanagement v1beta1
serviceusage v1beta1

## Discovery Artifact Change Summary:
feat(apigee): update the api
feat(container): update the api
feat(dlp): update the api
feat(documentai): update the api
feat(firebase): update the api
feat(ondemandscanning): update the api
feat(osconfig): update the api
feat(prod_tt_sasportal): update the api
feat(serviceconsumermanagement): update the api
feat(serviceusage): update the api
diff --git a/docs/dyn/firestore_v1.projects.databases.documents.html b/docs/dyn/firestore_v1.projects.databases.documents.html
index 02464f5..5887319 100644
--- a/docs/dyn/firestore_v1.projects.databases.documents.html
+++ b/docs/dyn/firestore_v1.projects.databases.documents.html
@@ -175,11 +175,7 @@
     "createTime": "A String", # Output only. The time at which the document was created. This value increases monotonically when a document is deleted then recreated. It can also be compared to values from other documents and the `read_time` of a query.
     "fields": { # The document's fields. The map keys represent field names. A simple field name contains only characters `a` to `z`, `A` to `Z`, `0` to `9`, or `_`, and must not start with `0` to `9`. For example, `foo_bar_17`. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty. Field paths may be used in other contexts to refer to structured fields defined here. For `map_value`, the field path is represented by the simple or quoted field names of the containing fields, delimited by `.`. For example, the structured field `"foo" : { map_value: { "x&y" : { string_value: "hello" }}}` would be represented by the field path `foo.x&y`. Within a field path, a quoted field name starts and ends with `` ` `` and may contain any character. Some characters, including `` ` ``, must be escaped using a `\`. For example, `` `x&y` `` represents `x&y` and `` `bak\`tik` `` represents `` bak`tik ``.
       "a_key": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-        "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-          "values": [ # Values in the array.
-            # Object with schema name: Value
-          ],
-        },
+        "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
         "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
         "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
         "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -234,16 +230,31 @@
           { # A transformation of a field of the document.
             "appendMissingElements": { # An array value. # Append the given elements in order if they are not already present in the current field value. If the field is not an array, or if the field does not yet exist, it is first set to the empty array. Equivalent numbers of different types (e.g. 3L and 3.0) are considered equal when checking if a value is missing. NaN is equal to NaN, and Null is equal to Null. If the input contains multiple equivalent values, only the first will be considered. The corresponding transform_result will be the null value.
               "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                # Object with schema name: Value
+                { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
+                  "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
+                  "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
+                  "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
+                  "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
+                  "geoPointValue": { # An object that represents a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair of doubles to represent degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless specified otherwise, this object must conform to the WGS84 standard. Values must be within normalized ranges. # A geo point value representing a point on the surface of Earth.
+                    "latitude": 3.14, # The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].
+                    "longitude": 3.14, # The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].
+                  },
+                  "integerValue": "A String", # An integer value.
+                  "mapValue": { # A map value. # A map value.
+                    "fields": { # The map's fields. The map keys represent field names. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty.
+                      "a_key": # Object with schema name: Value
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "nullValue": "A String", # A null value.
+                  "referenceValue": "A String", # A reference to a document. For example: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`.
+                  "stringValue": "A String", # A string value. The string, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes of the UTF-8 representation are considered by queries.
+                  "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
+                },
             "fieldPath": "A String", # The path of the field. See Document.fields for the field path syntax reference.
             "increment": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # Adds the given value to the field's current value. This must be an integer or a double value. If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the given value. If either of the given value or the current field value are doubles, both values will be interpreted as doubles. Double arithmetic and representation of double values follow IEEE 754 semantics. If there is positive/negative integer overflow, the field is resolved to the largest magnitude positive/negative integer.
-              "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-                "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                  # Object with schema name: Value
-                ],
-              },
+              "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
               "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
               "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
               "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -263,11 +274,7 @@
               "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
             "maximum": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # Sets the field to the maximum of its current value and the given value. This must be an integer or a double value. If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the given value. If a maximum operation is applied where the field and the input value are of mixed types (that is - one is an integer and one is a double) the field takes on the type of the larger operand. If the operands are equivalent (e.g. 3 and 3.0), the field does not change. 0, 0.0, and -0.0 are all zero. The maximum of a zero stored value and zero input value is always the stored value. The maximum of any numeric value x and NaN is NaN.
-              "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-                "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                  # Object with schema name: Value
-                ],
-              },
+              "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
               "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
               "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
               "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -287,11 +294,7 @@
               "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
             "minimum": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # Sets the field to the minimum of its current value and the given value. This must be an integer or a double value. If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the input value. If a minimum operation is applied where the field and the input value are of mixed types (that is - one is an integer and one is a double) the field takes on the type of the smaller operand. If the operands are equivalent (e.g. 3 and 3.0), the field does not change. 0, 0.0, and -0.0 are all zero. The minimum of a zero stored value and zero input value is always the stored value. The minimum of any numeric value x and NaN is NaN.
-              "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-                "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                  # Object with schema name: Value
-                ],
-              },
+              "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
               "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
               "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
               "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -312,7 +315,26 @@
             "removeAllFromArray": { # An array value. # Remove all of the given elements from the array in the field. If the field is not an array, or if the field does not yet exist, it is set to the empty array. Equivalent numbers of the different types (e.g. 3L and 3.0) are considered equal when deciding whether an element should be removed. NaN is equal to NaN, and Null is equal to Null. This will remove all equivalent values if there are duplicates. The corresponding transform_result will be the null value.
               "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                # Object with schema name: Value
+                { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
+                  "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
+                  "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
+                  "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
+                  "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
+                  "geoPointValue": { # An object that represents a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair of doubles to represent degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless specified otherwise, this object must conform to the WGS84 standard. Values must be within normalized ranges. # A geo point value representing a point on the surface of Earth.
+                    "latitude": 3.14, # The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].
+                    "longitude": 3.14, # The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].
+                  },
+                  "integerValue": "A String", # An integer value.
+                  "mapValue": { # A map value. # A map value.
+                    "fields": { # The map's fields. The map keys represent field names. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty.
+                      "a_key": # Object with schema name: Value
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "nullValue": "A String", # A null value.
+                  "referenceValue": "A String", # A reference to a document. For example: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`.
+                  "stringValue": "A String", # A string value. The string, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes of the UTF-8 representation are considered by queries.
+                  "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
+                },
             "setToServerValue": "A String", # Sets the field to the given server value.
@@ -323,11 +345,7 @@
         "createTime": "A String", # Output only. The time at which the document was created. This value increases monotonically when a document is deleted then recreated. It can also be compared to values from other documents and the `read_time` of a query.
         "fields": { # The document's fields. The map keys represent field names. A simple field name contains only characters `a` to `z`, `A` to `Z`, `0` to `9`, or `_`, and must not start with `0` to `9`. For example, `foo_bar_17`. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty. Field paths may be used in other contexts to refer to structured fields defined here. For `map_value`, the field path is represented by the simple or quoted field names of the containing fields, delimited by `.`. For example, the structured field `"foo" : { map_value: { "x&y" : { string_value: "hello" }}}` would be represented by the field path `foo.x&y`. Within a field path, a quoted field name starts and ends with `` ` `` and may contain any character. Some characters, including `` ` ``, must be escaped using a `\`. For example, `` `x&y` `` represents `x&y` and `` `bak\`tik` `` represents `` bak`tik ``.
           "a_key": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-            "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-              "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                # Object with schema name: Value
-              ],
-            },
+            "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
             "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
             "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
             "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -359,16 +377,31 @@
         { # A transformation of a field of the document.
           "appendMissingElements": { # An array value. # Append the given elements in order if they are not already present in the current field value. If the field is not an array, or if the field does not yet exist, it is first set to the empty array. Equivalent numbers of different types (e.g. 3L and 3.0) are considered equal when checking if a value is missing. NaN is equal to NaN, and Null is equal to Null. If the input contains multiple equivalent values, only the first will be considered. The corresponding transform_result will be the null value.
             "values": [ # Values in the array.
-              # Object with schema name: Value
+              { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
+                "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
+                "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
+                "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
+                "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
+                "geoPointValue": { # An object that represents a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair of doubles to represent degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless specified otherwise, this object must conform to the WGS84 standard. Values must be within normalized ranges. # A geo point value representing a point on the surface of Earth.
+                  "latitude": 3.14, # The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].
+                  "longitude": 3.14, # The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].
+                },
+                "integerValue": "A String", # An integer value.
+                "mapValue": { # A map value. # A map value.
+                  "fields": { # The map's fields. The map keys represent field names. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty.
+                    "a_key": # Object with schema name: Value
+                  },
+                },
+                "nullValue": "A String", # A null value.
+                "referenceValue": "A String", # A reference to a document. For example: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`.
+                "stringValue": "A String", # A string value. The string, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes of the UTF-8 representation are considered by queries.
+                "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
+              },
           "fieldPath": "A String", # The path of the field. See Document.fields for the field path syntax reference.
           "increment": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # Adds the given value to the field's current value. This must be an integer or a double value. If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the given value. If either of the given value or the current field value are doubles, both values will be interpreted as doubles. Double arithmetic and representation of double values follow IEEE 754 semantics. If there is positive/negative integer overflow, the field is resolved to the largest magnitude positive/negative integer.
-            "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-              "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                # Object with schema name: Value
-              ],
-            },
+            "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
             "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
             "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
             "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -388,11 +421,7 @@
             "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
           "maximum": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # Sets the field to the maximum of its current value and the given value. This must be an integer or a double value. If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the given value. If a maximum operation is applied where the field and the input value are of mixed types (that is - one is an integer and one is a double) the field takes on the type of the larger operand. If the operands are equivalent (e.g. 3 and 3.0), the field does not change. 0, 0.0, and -0.0 are all zero. The maximum of a zero stored value and zero input value is always the stored value. The maximum of any numeric value x and NaN is NaN.
-            "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-              "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                # Object with schema name: Value
-              ],
-            },
+            "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
             "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
             "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
             "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -412,11 +441,7 @@
             "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
           "minimum": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # Sets the field to the minimum of its current value and the given value. This must be an integer or a double value. If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the input value. If a minimum operation is applied where the field and the input value are of mixed types (that is - one is an integer and one is a double) the field takes on the type of the smaller operand. If the operands are equivalent (e.g. 3 and 3.0), the field does not change. 0, 0.0, and -0.0 are all zero. The minimum of a zero stored value and zero input value is always the stored value. The minimum of any numeric value x and NaN is NaN.
-            "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-              "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                # Object with schema name: Value
-              ],
-            },
+            "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
             "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
             "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
             "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -437,7 +462,26 @@
           "removeAllFromArray": { # An array value. # Remove all of the given elements from the array in the field. If the field is not an array, or if the field does not yet exist, it is set to the empty array. Equivalent numbers of the different types (e.g. 3L and 3.0) are considered equal when deciding whether an element should be removed. NaN is equal to NaN, and Null is equal to Null. This will remove all equivalent values if there are duplicates. The corresponding transform_result will be the null value.
             "values": [ # Values in the array.
-              # Object with schema name: Value
+              { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
+                "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
+                "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
+                "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
+                "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
+                "geoPointValue": { # An object that represents a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair of doubles to represent degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless specified otherwise, this object must conform to the WGS84 standard. Values must be within normalized ranges. # A geo point value representing a point on the surface of Earth.
+                  "latitude": 3.14, # The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].
+                  "longitude": 3.14, # The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].
+                },
+                "integerValue": "A String", # An integer value.
+                "mapValue": { # A map value. # A map value.
+                  "fields": { # The map's fields. The map keys represent field names. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty.
+                    "a_key": # Object with schema name: Value
+                  },
+                },
+                "nullValue": "A String", # A null value.
+                "referenceValue": "A String", # A reference to a document. For example: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`.
+                "stringValue": "A String", # A string value. The string, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes of the UTF-8 representation are considered by queries.
+                "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
+              },
           "setToServerValue": "A String", # Sets the field to the given server value.
@@ -471,11 +515,7 @@
     { # The result of applying a write.
       "transformResults": [ # The results of applying each DocumentTransform.FieldTransform, in the same order.
         { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-          "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-            "values": [ # Values in the array.
-              # Object with schema name: Value
-            ],
-          },
+          "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
           "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
           "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
           "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -563,16 +603,31 @@
           { # A transformation of a field of the document.
             "appendMissingElements": { # An array value. # Append the given elements in order if they are not already present in the current field value. If the field is not an array, or if the field does not yet exist, it is first set to the empty array. Equivalent numbers of different types (e.g. 3L and 3.0) are considered equal when checking if a value is missing. NaN is equal to NaN, and Null is equal to Null. If the input contains multiple equivalent values, only the first will be considered. The corresponding transform_result will be the null value.
               "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                # Object with schema name: Value
+                { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
+                  "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
+                  "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
+                  "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
+                  "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
+                  "geoPointValue": { # An object that represents a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair of doubles to represent degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless specified otherwise, this object must conform to the WGS84 standard. Values must be within normalized ranges. # A geo point value representing a point on the surface of Earth.
+                    "latitude": 3.14, # The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].
+                    "longitude": 3.14, # The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].
+                  },
+                  "integerValue": "A String", # An integer value.
+                  "mapValue": { # A map value. # A map value.
+                    "fields": { # The map's fields. The map keys represent field names. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty.
+                      "a_key": # Object with schema name: Value
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "nullValue": "A String", # A null value.
+                  "referenceValue": "A String", # A reference to a document. For example: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`.
+                  "stringValue": "A String", # A string value. The string, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes of the UTF-8 representation are considered by queries.
+                  "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
+                },
             "fieldPath": "A String", # The path of the field. See Document.fields for the field path syntax reference.
             "increment": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # Adds the given value to the field's current value. This must be an integer or a double value. If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the given value. If either of the given value or the current field value are doubles, both values will be interpreted as doubles. Double arithmetic and representation of double values follow IEEE 754 semantics. If there is positive/negative integer overflow, the field is resolved to the largest magnitude positive/negative integer.
-              "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-                "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                  # Object with schema name: Value
-                ],
-              },
+              "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
               "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
               "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
               "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -592,11 +647,7 @@
               "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
             "maximum": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # Sets the field to the maximum of its current value and the given value. This must be an integer or a double value. If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the given value. If a maximum operation is applied where the field and the input value are of mixed types (that is - one is an integer and one is a double) the field takes on the type of the larger operand. If the operands are equivalent (e.g. 3 and 3.0), the field does not change. 0, 0.0, and -0.0 are all zero. The maximum of a zero stored value and zero input value is always the stored value. The maximum of any numeric value x and NaN is NaN.
-              "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-                "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                  # Object with schema name: Value
-                ],
-              },
+              "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
               "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
               "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
               "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -616,11 +667,7 @@
               "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
             "minimum": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # Sets the field to the minimum of its current value and the given value. This must be an integer or a double value. If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the input value. If a minimum operation is applied where the field and the input value are of mixed types (that is - one is an integer and one is a double) the field takes on the type of the smaller operand. If the operands are equivalent (e.g. 3 and 3.0), the field does not change. 0, 0.0, and -0.0 are all zero. The minimum of a zero stored value and zero input value is always the stored value. The minimum of any numeric value x and NaN is NaN.
-              "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-                "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                  # Object with schema name: Value
-                ],
-              },
+              "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
               "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
               "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
               "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -641,7 +688,26 @@
             "removeAllFromArray": { # An array value. # Remove all of the given elements from the array in the field. If the field is not an array, or if the field does not yet exist, it is set to the empty array. Equivalent numbers of the different types (e.g. 3L and 3.0) are considered equal when deciding whether an element should be removed. NaN is equal to NaN, and Null is equal to Null. This will remove all equivalent values if there are duplicates. The corresponding transform_result will be the null value.
               "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                # Object with schema name: Value
+                { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
+                  "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
+                  "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
+                  "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
+                  "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
+                  "geoPointValue": { # An object that represents a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair of doubles to represent degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless specified otherwise, this object must conform to the WGS84 standard. Values must be within normalized ranges. # A geo point value representing a point on the surface of Earth.
+                    "latitude": 3.14, # The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].
+                    "longitude": 3.14, # The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].
+                  },
+                  "integerValue": "A String", # An integer value.
+                  "mapValue": { # A map value. # A map value.
+                    "fields": { # The map's fields. The map keys represent field names. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty.
+                      "a_key": # Object with schema name: Value
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "nullValue": "A String", # A null value.
+                  "referenceValue": "A String", # A reference to a document. For example: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`.
+                  "stringValue": "A String", # A string value. The string, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes of the UTF-8 representation are considered by queries.
+                  "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
+                },
             "setToServerValue": "A String", # Sets the field to the given server value.
@@ -652,11 +718,7 @@
         "createTime": "A String", # Output only. The time at which the document was created. This value increases monotonically when a document is deleted then recreated. It can also be compared to values from other documents and the `read_time` of a query.
         "fields": { # The document's fields. The map keys represent field names. A simple field name contains only characters `a` to `z`, `A` to `Z`, `0` to `9`, or `_`, and must not start with `0` to `9`. For example, `foo_bar_17`. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty. Field paths may be used in other contexts to refer to structured fields defined here. For `map_value`, the field path is represented by the simple or quoted field names of the containing fields, delimited by `.`. For example, the structured field `"foo" : { map_value: { "x&y" : { string_value: "hello" }}}` would be represented by the field path `foo.x&y`. Within a field path, a quoted field name starts and ends with `` ` `` and may contain any character. Some characters, including `` ` ``, must be escaped using a `\`. For example, `` `x&y` `` represents `x&y` and `` `bak\`tik` `` represents `` bak`tik ``.
           "a_key": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-            "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-              "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                # Object with schema name: Value
-              ],
-            },
+            "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
             "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
             "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
             "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -688,16 +750,31 @@
         { # A transformation of a field of the document.
           "appendMissingElements": { # An array value. # Append the given elements in order if they are not already present in the current field value. If the field is not an array, or if the field does not yet exist, it is first set to the empty array. Equivalent numbers of different types (e.g. 3L and 3.0) are considered equal when checking if a value is missing. NaN is equal to NaN, and Null is equal to Null. If the input contains multiple equivalent values, only the first will be considered. The corresponding transform_result will be the null value.
             "values": [ # Values in the array.
-              # Object with schema name: Value
+              { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
+                "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
+                "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
+                "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
+                "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
+                "geoPointValue": { # An object that represents a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair of doubles to represent degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless specified otherwise, this object must conform to the WGS84 standard. Values must be within normalized ranges. # A geo point value representing a point on the surface of Earth.
+                  "latitude": 3.14, # The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].
+                  "longitude": 3.14, # The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].
+                },
+                "integerValue": "A String", # An integer value.
+                "mapValue": { # A map value. # A map value.
+                  "fields": { # The map's fields. The map keys represent field names. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty.
+                    "a_key": # Object with schema name: Value
+                  },
+                },
+                "nullValue": "A String", # A null value.
+                "referenceValue": "A String", # A reference to a document. For example: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`.
+                "stringValue": "A String", # A string value. The string, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes of the UTF-8 representation are considered by queries.
+                "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
+              },
           "fieldPath": "A String", # The path of the field. See Document.fields for the field path syntax reference.
           "increment": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # Adds the given value to the field's current value. This must be an integer or a double value. If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the given value. If either of the given value or the current field value are doubles, both values will be interpreted as doubles. Double arithmetic and representation of double values follow IEEE 754 semantics. If there is positive/negative integer overflow, the field is resolved to the largest magnitude positive/negative integer.
-            "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-              "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                # Object with schema name: Value
-              ],
-            },
+            "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
             "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
             "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
             "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -717,11 +794,7 @@
             "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
           "maximum": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # Sets the field to the maximum of its current value and the given value. This must be an integer or a double value. If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the given value. If a maximum operation is applied where the field and the input value are of mixed types (that is - one is an integer and one is a double) the field takes on the type of the larger operand. If the operands are equivalent (e.g. 3 and 3.0), the field does not change. 0, 0.0, and -0.0 are all zero. The maximum of a zero stored value and zero input value is always the stored value. The maximum of any numeric value x and NaN is NaN.
-            "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-              "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                # Object with schema name: Value
-              ],
-            },
+            "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
             "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
             "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
             "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -741,11 +814,7 @@
             "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
           "minimum": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # Sets the field to the minimum of its current value and the given value. This must be an integer or a double value. If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the input value. If a minimum operation is applied where the field and the input value are of mixed types (that is - one is an integer and one is a double) the field takes on the type of the smaller operand. If the operands are equivalent (e.g. 3 and 3.0), the field does not change. 0, 0.0, and -0.0 are all zero. The minimum of a zero stored value and zero input value is always the stored value. The minimum of any numeric value x and NaN is NaN.
-            "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-              "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                # Object with schema name: Value
-              ],
-            },
+            "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
             "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
             "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
             "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -766,7 +835,26 @@
           "removeAllFromArray": { # An array value. # Remove all of the given elements from the array in the field. If the field is not an array, or if the field does not yet exist, it is set to the empty array. Equivalent numbers of the different types (e.g. 3L and 3.0) are considered equal when deciding whether an element should be removed. NaN is equal to NaN, and Null is equal to Null. This will remove all equivalent values if there are duplicates. The corresponding transform_result will be the null value.
             "values": [ # Values in the array.
-              # Object with schema name: Value
+              { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
+                "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
+                "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
+                "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
+                "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
+                "geoPointValue": { # An object that represents a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair of doubles to represent degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless specified otherwise, this object must conform to the WGS84 standard. Values must be within normalized ranges. # A geo point value representing a point on the surface of Earth.
+                  "latitude": 3.14, # The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].
+                  "longitude": 3.14, # The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].
+                },
+                "integerValue": "A String", # An integer value.
+                "mapValue": { # A map value. # A map value.
+                  "fields": { # The map's fields. The map keys represent field names. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty.
+                    "a_key": # Object with schema name: Value
+                  },
+                },
+                "nullValue": "A String", # A null value.
+                "referenceValue": "A String", # A reference to a document. For example: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`.
+                "stringValue": "A String", # A string value. The string, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes of the UTF-8 representation are considered by queries.
+                "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
+              },
           "setToServerValue": "A String", # Sets the field to the given server value.
@@ -790,11 +878,7 @@
     { # The result of applying a write.
       "transformResults": [ # The results of applying each DocumentTransform.FieldTransform, in the same order.
         { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-          "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-            "values": [ # Values in the array.
-              # Object with schema name: Value
-            ],
-          },
+          "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
           "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
           "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
           "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -834,11 +918,7 @@
   "createTime": "A String", # Output only. The time at which the document was created. This value increases monotonically when a document is deleted then recreated. It can also be compared to values from other documents and the `read_time` of a query.
   "fields": { # The document's fields. The map keys represent field names. A simple field name contains only characters `a` to `z`, `A` to `Z`, `0` to `9`, or `_`, and must not start with `0` to `9`. For example, `foo_bar_17`. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty. Field paths may be used in other contexts to refer to structured fields defined here. For `map_value`, the field path is represented by the simple or quoted field names of the containing fields, delimited by `.`. For example, the structured field `"foo" : { map_value: { "x&y" : { string_value: "hello" }}}` would be represented by the field path `foo.x&y`. Within a field path, a quoted field name starts and ends with `` ` `` and may contain any character. Some characters, including `` ` ``, must be escaped using a `\`. For example, `` `x&y` `` represents `x&y` and `` `bak\`tik` `` represents `` bak`tik ``.
     "a_key": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-      "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-        "values": [ # Values in the array.
-          # Object with schema name: Value
-        ],
-      },
+      "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
       "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
       "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
       "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -876,11 +956,7 @@
   "createTime": "A String", # Output only. The time at which the document was created. This value increases monotonically when a document is deleted then recreated. It can also be compared to values from other documents and the `read_time` of a query.
   "fields": { # The document's fields. The map keys represent field names. A simple field name contains only characters `a` to `z`, `A` to `Z`, `0` to `9`, or `_`, and must not start with `0` to `9`. For example, `foo_bar_17`. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty. Field paths may be used in other contexts to refer to structured fields defined here. For `map_value`, the field path is represented by the simple or quoted field names of the containing fields, delimited by `.`. For example, the structured field `"foo" : { map_value: { "x&y" : { string_value: "hello" }}}` would be represented by the field path `foo.x&y`. Within a field path, a quoted field name starts and ends with `` ` `` and may contain any character. Some characters, including `` ` ``, must be escaped using a `\`. For example, `` `x&y` `` represents `x&y` and `` `bak\`tik` `` represents `` bak`tik ``.
     "a_key": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-      "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-        "values": [ # Values in the array.
-          # Object with schema name: Value
-        ],
-      },
+      "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
       "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
       "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
       "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -946,11 +1022,7 @@
   "createTime": "A String", # Output only. The time at which the document was created. This value increases monotonically when a document is deleted then recreated. It can also be compared to values from other documents and the `read_time` of a query.
   "fields": { # The document's fields. The map keys represent field names. A simple field name contains only characters `a` to `z`, `A` to `Z`, `0` to `9`, or `_`, and must not start with `0` to `9`. For example, `foo_bar_17`. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty. Field paths may be used in other contexts to refer to structured fields defined here. For `map_value`, the field path is represented by the simple or quoted field names of the containing fields, delimited by `.`. For example, the structured field `"foo" : { map_value: { "x&y" : { string_value: "hello" }}}` would be represented by the field path `foo.x&y`. Within a field path, a quoted field name starts and ends with `` ` `` and may contain any character. Some characters, including `` ` ``, must be escaped using a `\`. For example, `` `x&y` `` represents `x&y` and `` `bak\`tik` `` represents `` bak`tik ``.
     "a_key": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-      "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-        "values": [ # Values in the array.
-          # Object with schema name: Value
-        ],
-      },
+      "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
       "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
       "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
       "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1003,11 +1075,7 @@
       "createTime": "A String", # Output only. The time at which the document was created. This value increases monotonically when a document is deleted then recreated. It can also be compared to values from other documents and the `read_time` of a query.
       "fields": { # The document's fields. The map keys represent field names. A simple field name contains only characters `a` to `z`, `A` to `Z`, `0` to `9`, or `_`, and must not start with `0` to `9`. For example, `foo_bar_17`. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty. Field paths may be used in other contexts to refer to structured fields defined here. For `map_value`, the field path is represented by the simple or quoted field names of the containing fields, delimited by `.`. For example, the structured field `"foo" : { map_value: { "x&y" : { string_value: "hello" }}}` would be represented by the field path `foo.x&y`. Within a field path, a quoted field name starts and ends with `` ` `` and may contain any character. Some characters, including `` ` ``, must be escaped using a `\`. For example, `` `x&y` `` represents `x&y` and `` `bak\`tik` `` represents `` bak`tik ``.
         "a_key": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-          "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-            "values": [ # Values in the array.
-              # Object with schema name: Value
-            ],
-          },
+          "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
           "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
           "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
           "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1117,11 +1185,7 @@
           "before": True or False, # If the position is just before or just after the given values, relative to the sort order defined by the query.
           "values": [ # The values that represent a position, in the order they appear in the order by clause of a query. Can contain fewer values than specified in the order by clause.
             { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-              "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-                "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                  # Object with schema name: Value
-                ],
-              },
+              "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
               "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
               "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
               "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1169,11 +1233,7 @@
           "before": True or False, # If the position is just before or just after the given values, relative to the sort order defined by the query.
           "values": [ # The values that represent a position, in the order they appear in the order by clause of a query. Can contain fewer values than specified in the order by clause.
             { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-              "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-                "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                  # Object with schema name: Value
-                ],
-              },
+              "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
               "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
               "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
               "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1207,11 +1267,7 @@
             "op": "A String", # The operator to filter by.
             "value": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # The value to compare to.
-              "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-                "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                  # Object with schema name: Value
-                ],
-              },
+              "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
               "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
               "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
               "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1264,11 +1320,7 @@
       "createTime": "A String", # Output only. The time at which the document was created. This value increases monotonically when a document is deleted then recreated. It can also be compared to values from other documents and the `read_time` of a query.
       "fields": { # The document's fields. The map keys represent field names. A simple field name contains only characters `a` to `z`, `A` to `Z`, `0` to `9`, or `_`, and must not start with `0` to `9`. For example, `foo_bar_17`. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty. Field paths may be used in other contexts to refer to structured fields defined here. For `map_value`, the field path is represented by the simple or quoted field names of the containing fields, delimited by `.`. For example, the structured field `"foo" : { map_value: { "x&y" : { string_value: "hello" }}}` would be represented by the field path `foo.x&y`. Within a field path, a quoted field name starts and ends with `` ` `` and may contain any character. Some characters, including `` ` ``, must be escaped using a `\`. For example, `` `x&y` `` represents `x&y` and `` `bak\`tik` `` represents `` bak`tik ``.
         "a_key": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-          "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-            "values": [ # Values in the array.
-              # Object with schema name: Value
-            ],
-          },
+          "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
           "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
           "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
           "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1354,11 +1406,7 @@
       "before": True or False, # If the position is just before or just after the given values, relative to the sort order defined by the query.
       "values": [ # The values that represent a position, in the order they appear in the order by clause of a query. Can contain fewer values than specified in the order by clause.
         { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-          "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-            "values": [ # Values in the array.
-              # Object with schema name: Value
-            ],
-          },
+          "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
           "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
           "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
           "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1406,11 +1454,7 @@
       "before": True or False, # If the position is just before or just after the given values, relative to the sort order defined by the query.
       "values": [ # The values that represent a position, in the order they appear in the order by clause of a query. Can contain fewer values than specified in the order by clause.
         { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-          "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-            "values": [ # Values in the array.
-              # Object with schema name: Value
-            ],
-          },
+          "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
           "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
           "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
           "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1444,11 +1488,7 @@
         "op": "A String", # The operator to filter by.
         "value": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # The value to compare to.
-          "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-            "values": [ # Values in the array.
-              # Object with schema name: Value
-            ],
-          },
+          "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
           "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
           "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
           "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1493,11 +1533,7 @@
       "before": True or False, # If the position is just before or just after the given values, relative to the sort order defined by the query.
       "values": [ # The values that represent a position, in the order they appear in the order by clause of a query. Can contain fewer values than specified in the order by clause.
         { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-          "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-            "values": [ # Values in the array.
-              # Object with schema name: Value
-            ],
-          },
+          "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
           "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
           "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
           "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1549,11 +1585,7 @@
   "createTime": "A String", # Output only. The time at which the document was created. This value increases monotonically when a document is deleted then recreated. It can also be compared to values from other documents and the `read_time` of a query.
   "fields": { # The document's fields. The map keys represent field names. A simple field name contains only characters `a` to `z`, `A` to `Z`, `0` to `9`, or `_`, and must not start with `0` to `9`. For example, `foo_bar_17`. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty. Field paths may be used in other contexts to refer to structured fields defined here. For `map_value`, the field path is represented by the simple or quoted field names of the containing fields, delimited by `.`. For example, the structured field `"foo" : { map_value: { "x&y" : { string_value: "hello" }}}` would be represented by the field path `foo.x&y`. Within a field path, a quoted field name starts and ends with `` ` `` and may contain any character. Some characters, including `` ` ``, must be escaped using a `\`. For example, `` `x&y` `` represents `x&y` and `` `bak\`tik` `` represents `` bak`tik ``.
     "a_key": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-      "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-        "values": [ # Values in the array.
-          # Object with schema name: Value
-        ],
-      },
+      "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
       "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
       "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
       "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1593,11 +1625,7 @@
   "createTime": "A String", # Output only. The time at which the document was created. This value increases monotonically when a document is deleted then recreated. It can also be compared to values from other documents and the `read_time` of a query.
   "fields": { # The document's fields. The map keys represent field names. A simple field name contains only characters `a` to `z`, `A` to `Z`, `0` to `9`, or `_`, and must not start with `0` to `9`. For example, `foo_bar_17`. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty. Field paths may be used in other contexts to refer to structured fields defined here. For `map_value`, the field path is represented by the simple or quoted field names of the containing fields, delimited by `.`. For example, the structured field `"foo" : { map_value: { "x&y" : { string_value: "hello" }}}` would be represented by the field path `foo.x&y`. Within a field path, a quoted field name starts and ends with `` ` `` and may contain any character. Some characters, including `` ` ``, must be escaped using a `\`. For example, `` `x&y` `` represents `x&y` and `` `bak\`tik` `` represents `` bak`tik ``.
     "a_key": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-      "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-        "values": [ # Values in the array.
-          # Object with schema name: Value
-        ],
-      },
+      "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
       "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
       "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
       "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1671,11 +1699,7 @@
       "before": True or False, # If the position is just before or just after the given values, relative to the sort order defined by the query.
       "values": [ # The values that represent a position, in the order they appear in the order by clause of a query. Can contain fewer values than specified in the order by clause.
         { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-          "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-            "values": [ # Values in the array.
-              # Object with schema name: Value
-            ],
-          },
+          "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
           "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
           "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
           "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1723,11 +1747,7 @@
       "before": True or False, # If the position is just before or just after the given values, relative to the sort order defined by the query.
       "values": [ # The values that represent a position, in the order they appear in the order by clause of a query. Can contain fewer values than specified in the order by clause.
         { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-          "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-            "values": [ # Values in the array.
-              # Object with schema name: Value
-            ],
-          },
+          "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
           "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
           "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
           "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1761,11 +1781,7 @@
         "op": "A String", # The operator to filter by.
         "value": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # The value to compare to.
-          "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-            "values": [ # Values in the array.
-              # Object with schema name: Value
-            ],
-          },
+          "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
           "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
           "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
           "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1809,11 +1825,7 @@
     "createTime": "A String", # Output only. The time at which the document was created. This value increases monotonically when a document is deleted then recreated. It can also be compared to values from other documents and the `read_time` of a query.
     "fields": { # The document's fields. The map keys represent field names. A simple field name contains only characters `a` to `z`, `A` to `Z`, `0` to `9`, or `_`, and must not start with `0` to `9`. For example, `foo_bar_17`. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty. Field paths may be used in other contexts to refer to structured fields defined here. For `map_value`, the field path is represented by the simple or quoted field names of the containing fields, delimited by `.`. For example, the structured field `"foo" : { map_value: { "x&y" : { string_value: "hello" }}}` would be represented by the field path `foo.x&y`. Within a field path, a quoted field name starts and ends with `` ` `` and may contain any character. Some characters, including `` ` ``, must be escaped using a `\`. For example, `` `x&y` `` represents `x&y` and `` `bak\`tik` `` represents `` bak`tik ``.
       "a_key": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-        "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-          "values": [ # Values in the array.
-            # Object with schema name: Value
-          ],
-        },
+        "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
         "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
         "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
         "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1870,16 +1882,31 @@
           { # A transformation of a field of the document.
             "appendMissingElements": { # An array value. # Append the given elements in order if they are not already present in the current field value. If the field is not an array, or if the field does not yet exist, it is first set to the empty array. Equivalent numbers of different types (e.g. 3L and 3.0) are considered equal when checking if a value is missing. NaN is equal to NaN, and Null is equal to Null. If the input contains multiple equivalent values, only the first will be considered. The corresponding transform_result will be the null value.
               "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                # Object with schema name: Value
+                { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
+                  "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
+                  "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
+                  "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
+                  "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
+                  "geoPointValue": { # An object that represents a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair of doubles to represent degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless specified otherwise, this object must conform to the WGS84 standard. Values must be within normalized ranges. # A geo point value representing a point on the surface of Earth.
+                    "latitude": 3.14, # The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].
+                    "longitude": 3.14, # The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].
+                  },
+                  "integerValue": "A String", # An integer value.
+                  "mapValue": { # A map value. # A map value.
+                    "fields": { # The map's fields. The map keys represent field names. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty.
+                      "a_key": # Object with schema name: Value
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "nullValue": "A String", # A null value.
+                  "referenceValue": "A String", # A reference to a document. For example: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`.
+                  "stringValue": "A String", # A string value. The string, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes of the UTF-8 representation are considered by queries.
+                  "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
+                },
             "fieldPath": "A String", # The path of the field. See Document.fields for the field path syntax reference.
             "increment": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # Adds the given value to the field's current value. This must be an integer or a double value. If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the given value. If either of the given value or the current field value are doubles, both values will be interpreted as doubles. Double arithmetic and representation of double values follow IEEE 754 semantics. If there is positive/negative integer overflow, the field is resolved to the largest magnitude positive/negative integer.
-              "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-                "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                  # Object with schema name: Value
-                ],
-              },
+              "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
               "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
               "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
               "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1899,11 +1926,7 @@
               "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
             "maximum": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # Sets the field to the maximum of its current value and the given value. This must be an integer or a double value. If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the given value. If a maximum operation is applied where the field and the input value are of mixed types (that is - one is an integer and one is a double) the field takes on the type of the larger operand. If the operands are equivalent (e.g. 3 and 3.0), the field does not change. 0, 0.0, and -0.0 are all zero. The maximum of a zero stored value and zero input value is always the stored value. The maximum of any numeric value x and NaN is NaN.
-              "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-                "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                  # Object with schema name: Value
-                ],
-              },
+              "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
               "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
               "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
               "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1923,11 +1946,7 @@
               "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
             "minimum": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # Sets the field to the minimum of its current value and the given value. This must be an integer or a double value. If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the input value. If a minimum operation is applied where the field and the input value are of mixed types (that is - one is an integer and one is a double) the field takes on the type of the smaller operand. If the operands are equivalent (e.g. 3 and 3.0), the field does not change. 0, 0.0, and -0.0 are all zero. The minimum of a zero stored value and zero input value is always the stored value. The minimum of any numeric value x and NaN is NaN.
-              "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-                "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                  # Object with schema name: Value
-                ],
-              },
+              "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
               "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
               "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
               "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1948,7 +1967,26 @@
             "removeAllFromArray": { # An array value. # Remove all of the given elements from the array in the field. If the field is not an array, or if the field does not yet exist, it is set to the empty array. Equivalent numbers of the different types (e.g. 3L and 3.0) are considered equal when deciding whether an element should be removed. NaN is equal to NaN, and Null is equal to Null. This will remove all equivalent values if there are duplicates. The corresponding transform_result will be the null value.
               "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                # Object with schema name: Value
+                { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
+                  "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
+                  "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
+                  "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
+                  "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
+                  "geoPointValue": { # An object that represents a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair of doubles to represent degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless specified otherwise, this object must conform to the WGS84 standard. Values must be within normalized ranges. # A geo point value representing a point on the surface of Earth.
+                    "latitude": 3.14, # The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].
+                    "longitude": 3.14, # The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].
+                  },
+                  "integerValue": "A String", # An integer value.
+                  "mapValue": { # A map value. # A map value.
+                    "fields": { # The map's fields. The map keys represent field names. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty.
+                      "a_key": # Object with schema name: Value
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "nullValue": "A String", # A null value.
+                  "referenceValue": "A String", # A reference to a document. For example: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`.
+                  "stringValue": "A String", # A string value. The string, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes of the UTF-8 representation are considered by queries.
+                  "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
+                },
             "setToServerValue": "A String", # Sets the field to the given server value.
@@ -1959,11 +1997,7 @@
         "createTime": "A String", # Output only. The time at which the document was created. This value increases monotonically when a document is deleted then recreated. It can also be compared to values from other documents and the `read_time` of a query.
         "fields": { # The document's fields. The map keys represent field names. A simple field name contains only characters `a` to `z`, `A` to `Z`, `0` to `9`, or `_`, and must not start with `0` to `9`. For example, `foo_bar_17`. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty. Field paths may be used in other contexts to refer to structured fields defined here. For `map_value`, the field path is represented by the simple or quoted field names of the containing fields, delimited by `.`. For example, the structured field `"foo" : { map_value: { "x&y" : { string_value: "hello" }}}` would be represented by the field path `foo.x&y`. Within a field path, a quoted field name starts and ends with `` ` `` and may contain any character. Some characters, including `` ` ``, must be escaped using a `\`. For example, `` `x&y` `` represents `x&y` and `` `bak\`tik` `` represents `` bak`tik ``.
           "a_key": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-            "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-              "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                # Object with schema name: Value
-              ],
-            },
+            "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
             "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
             "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
             "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -1995,16 +2029,31 @@
         { # A transformation of a field of the document.
           "appendMissingElements": { # An array value. # Append the given elements in order if they are not already present in the current field value. If the field is not an array, or if the field does not yet exist, it is first set to the empty array. Equivalent numbers of different types (e.g. 3L and 3.0) are considered equal when checking if a value is missing. NaN is equal to NaN, and Null is equal to Null. If the input contains multiple equivalent values, only the first will be considered. The corresponding transform_result will be the null value.
             "values": [ # Values in the array.
-              # Object with schema name: Value
+              { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
+                "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
+                "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
+                "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
+                "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
+                "geoPointValue": { # An object that represents a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair of doubles to represent degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless specified otherwise, this object must conform to the WGS84 standard. Values must be within normalized ranges. # A geo point value representing a point on the surface of Earth.
+                  "latitude": 3.14, # The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].
+                  "longitude": 3.14, # The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].
+                },
+                "integerValue": "A String", # An integer value.
+                "mapValue": { # A map value. # A map value.
+                  "fields": { # The map's fields. The map keys represent field names. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty.
+                    "a_key": # Object with schema name: Value
+                  },
+                },
+                "nullValue": "A String", # A null value.
+                "referenceValue": "A String", # A reference to a document. For example: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`.
+                "stringValue": "A String", # A string value. The string, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes of the UTF-8 representation are considered by queries.
+                "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
+              },
           "fieldPath": "A String", # The path of the field. See Document.fields for the field path syntax reference.
           "increment": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # Adds the given value to the field's current value. This must be an integer or a double value. If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the given value. If either of the given value or the current field value are doubles, both values will be interpreted as doubles. Double arithmetic and representation of double values follow IEEE 754 semantics. If there is positive/negative integer overflow, the field is resolved to the largest magnitude positive/negative integer.
-            "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-              "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                # Object with schema name: Value
-              ],
-            },
+            "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
             "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
             "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
             "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -2024,11 +2073,7 @@
             "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
           "maximum": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # Sets the field to the maximum of its current value and the given value. This must be an integer or a double value. If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the given value. If a maximum operation is applied where the field and the input value are of mixed types (that is - one is an integer and one is a double) the field takes on the type of the larger operand. If the operands are equivalent (e.g. 3 and 3.0), the field does not change. 0, 0.0, and -0.0 are all zero. The maximum of a zero stored value and zero input value is always the stored value. The maximum of any numeric value x and NaN is NaN.
-            "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-              "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                # Object with schema name: Value
-              ],
-            },
+            "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
             "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
             "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
             "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -2048,11 +2093,7 @@
             "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
           "minimum": { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types. # Sets the field to the minimum of its current value and the given value. This must be an integer or a double value. If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the input value. If a minimum operation is applied where the field and the input value are of mixed types (that is - one is an integer and one is a double) the field takes on the type of the smaller operand. If the operands are equivalent (e.g. 3 and 3.0), the field does not change. 0, 0.0, and -0.0 are all zero. The minimum of a zero stored value and zero input value is always the stored value. The minimum of any numeric value x and NaN is NaN.
-            "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-              "values": [ # Values in the array.
-                # Object with schema name: Value
-              ],
-            },
+            "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
             "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
             "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
             "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
@@ -2073,7 +2114,26 @@
           "removeAllFromArray": { # An array value. # Remove all of the given elements from the array in the field. If the field is not an array, or if the field does not yet exist, it is set to the empty array. Equivalent numbers of the different types (e.g. 3L and 3.0) are considered equal when deciding whether an element should be removed. NaN is equal to NaN, and Null is equal to Null. This will remove all equivalent values if there are duplicates. The corresponding transform_result will be the null value.
             "values": [ # Values in the array.
-              # Object with schema name: Value
+              { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
+                "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
+                "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
+                "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
+                "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.
+                "geoPointValue": { # An object that represents a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair of doubles to represent degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless specified otherwise, this object must conform to the WGS84 standard. Values must be within normalized ranges. # A geo point value representing a point on the surface of Earth.
+                  "latitude": 3.14, # The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].
+                  "longitude": 3.14, # The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].
+                },
+                "integerValue": "A String", # An integer value.
+                "mapValue": { # A map value. # A map value.
+                  "fields": { # The map's fields. The map keys represent field names. Field names matching the regular expression `__.*__` are reserved. Reserved field names are forbidden except in certain documented contexts. The map keys, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1,500 bytes and cannot be empty.
+                    "a_key": # Object with schema name: Value
+                  },
+                },
+                "nullValue": "A String", # A null value.
+                "referenceValue": "A String", # A reference to a document. For example: `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/documents/{document_path}`.
+                "stringValue": "A String", # A string value. The string, represented as UTF-8, must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes of the UTF-8 representation are considered by queries.
+                "timestampValue": "A String", # A timestamp value. Precise only to microseconds. When stored, any additional precision is rounded down.
+              },
           "setToServerValue": "A String", # Sets the field to the given server value.
@@ -2099,11 +2159,7 @@
     { # The result of applying a write.
       "transformResults": [ # The results of applying each DocumentTransform.FieldTransform, in the same order.
         { # A message that can hold any of the supported value types.
-          "arrayValue": { # An array value. # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
-            "values": [ # Values in the array.
-              # Object with schema name: Value
-            ],
-          },
+          "arrayValue": # Object with schema name: ArrayValue # An array value. Cannot directly contain another array value, though can contain an map which contains another array.
           "booleanValue": True or False, # A boolean value.
           "bytesValue": "A String", # A bytes value. Must not exceed 1 MiB - 89 bytes. Only the first 1,500 bytes are considered by queries.
           "doubleValue": 3.14, # A double value.