chore: Update discovery artifacts (#1381)

## Deleted keys were detected in the following stable discovery artifacts:
documentai v1
serviceconsumermanagement v1
serviceusage v1

## Deleted keys were detected in the following pre-stable discovery artifacts:
firebase v1beta1
serviceconsumermanagement v1beta1
serviceusage v1beta1

## Discovery Artifact Change Summary:
feat(apigee): update the api
feat(container): update the api
feat(dlp): update the api
feat(documentai): update the api
feat(firebase): update the api
feat(ondemandscanning): update the api
feat(osconfig): update the api
feat(prod_tt_sasportal): update the api
feat(serviceconsumermanagement): update the api
feat(serviceusage): update the api
diff --git a/docs/dyn/ondemandscanning_v1.projects.locations.scans.vulnerabilities.html b/docs/dyn/ondemandscanning_v1.projects.locations.scans.vulnerabilities.html
index 1b58104..9dfe9f1 100644
--- a/docs/dyn/ondemandscanning_v1.projects.locations.scans.vulnerabilities.html
+++ b/docs/dyn/ondemandscanning_v1.projects.locations.scans.vulnerabilities.html
@@ -244,6 +244,16 @@
         "provenanceBytes": "A String", # Serialized JSON representation of the provenance, used in generating the build signature in the corresponding build note. After verifying the signature, `provenance_bytes` can be unmarshalled and compared to the provenance to confirm that it is unchanged. A base64-encoded string representation of the provenance bytes is used for the signature in order to interoperate with openssl which expects this format for signature verification. The serialized form is captured both to avoid ambiguity in how the provenance is marshalled to json as well to prevent incompatibilities with future changes.
+      "compliance": { # An indication that the compliance checks in the associated ComplianceNote were not satisfied for particular resources or a specified reason. # Describes a compliance violation on a linked resource.
+        "nonComplianceReason": "A String",
+        "nonCompliantFiles": [
+          { # Details about files that caused a compliance check to fail.
+            "displayCommand": "A String", # Command to display the non-compliant files.
+            "path": "A String", # display_command is a single command that can be used to display a list of non compliant files. When there is no such command, we can also iterate a list of non compliant file using 'path'. Empty if `display_command` is set.
+            "reason": "A String", # Explains why a file is non compliant for a CIS check.
+          },
+        ],
+      },
       "createTime": "A String", # Output only. The time this occurrence was created.
       "deployment": { # The period during which some deployable was active in a runtime. # Describes the deployment of an artifact on a runtime.
         "address": "A String", # Address of the runtime element hosting this deployment.