chore: Update discovery artifacts (#1430)

## Deleted keys were detected in the following pre-stable discovery artifacts:
run v1alpha1

## Discovery Artifact Change Summary:
feat(artifactregistry): update the api
feat(chat): update the api
feat(cloudasset): update the api
feat(cloudbuild): update the api
feat(composer): update the api
feat(container): update the api
feat(datafusion): update the api
feat(dataproc): update the api
feat(documentai): update the api
feat(groupssettings): update the api
feat(logging): update the api
feat(monitoring): update the api
feat(paymentsresellersubscription): update the api
feat(redis): update the api
feat(run): update the api
feat(slides): update the api
feat(spanner): update the api
feat(storagetransfer): update the api
diff --git a/googleapiclient/discovery_cache/documents/artifactregistry.v1.json b/googleapiclient/discovery_cache/documents/artifactregistry.v1.json
index 897454c..d33ae7f 100644
--- a/googleapiclient/discovery_cache/documents/artifactregistry.v1.json
+++ b/googleapiclient/discovery_cache/documents/artifactregistry.v1.json
@@ -348,9 +348,57 @@
-  "revision": "20210622",
+  "revision": "20210629",
   "rootUrl": "",
   "schemas": {
+    "AptArtifact": {
+      "description": "A detailed representation of an Apt artifact. Information in the record is derived from the archive's control file. See",
+      "id": "AptArtifact",
+      "properties": {
+        "architecture": {
+          "description": "Output only. Operating system architecture of the artifact.",
+          "readOnly": true,
+          "type": "string"
+        },
+        "component": {
+          "description": "Output only. Repository component of the artifact.",
+          "readOnly": true,
+          "type": "string"
+        },
+        "controlFile": {
+          "description": "Output only. Contents of the artifact's control metadata file.",
+          "format": "byte",
+          "readOnly": true,
+          "type": "string"
+        },
+        "name": {
+          "description": "Output only. The Artifact Registry resource name of the artifact.",
+          "readOnly": true,
+          "type": "string"
+        },
+        "packageName": {
+          "description": "Output only. The Apt package name of the artifact.",
+          "readOnly": true,
+          "type": "string"
+        },
+        "packageType": {
+          "description": "Output only. An artifact is a binary or source package.",
+          "enum": [
+            "BINARY",
+            "SOURCE"
+          ],
+          "enumDescriptions": [
+            "Package type is not specified.",
+            "Binary package.",
+            "Source package."
+          ],
+          "readOnly": true,
+          "type": "string"
+        }
+      },
+      "type": "object"
+    },
     "CancelOperationRequest": {
       "description": "The request message for Operations.CancelOperation.",
       "id": "CancelOperationRequest",
@@ -404,6 +452,114 @@
       "properties": {},
       "type": "object"
+    "ImportAptArtifactsErrorInfo": {
+      "description": "Error information explaining why a package was not imported.",
+      "id": "ImportAptArtifactsErrorInfo",
+      "properties": {
+        "error": {
+          "$ref": "Status",
+          "description": "The detailed error status."
+        },
+        "gcsSource": {
+          "$ref": "ImportAptArtifactsGcsSource",
+          "description": "Google Cloud Storage location requested."
+        }
+      },
+      "type": "object"
+    },
+    "ImportAptArtifactsGcsSource": {
+      "description": "Google Cloud Storage location where the artifacts currently reside.",
+      "id": "ImportAptArtifactsGcsSource",
+      "properties": {
+        "uris": {
+          "description": "Cloud Storage paths URI (e.g., gs://my_bucket//my_object).",
+          "items": {
+            "type": "string"
+          },
+          "type": "array"
+        },
+        "useWildcards": {
+          "description": "Supports URI wildcards for matching multiple objects from a single URI.",
+          "type": "boolean"
+        }
+      },
+      "type": "object"
+    },
+    "ImportAptArtifactsResponse": {
+      "description": "The response message from importing artifacts.",
+      "id": "ImportAptArtifactsResponse",
+      "properties": {
+        "aptArtifacts": {
+          "description": "The Apt artifacts updated.",
+          "items": {
+            "$ref": "AptArtifact"
+          },
+          "type": "array"
+        },
+        "errors": {
+          "description": "Detailed error info for packages that were not imported.",
+          "items": {
+            "$ref": "ImportAptArtifactsErrorInfo"
+          },
+          "type": "array"
+        }
+      },
+      "type": "object"
+    },
+    "ImportYumArtifactsErrorInfo": {
+      "description": "Error information explaining why a package was not imported.",
+      "id": "ImportYumArtifactsErrorInfo",
+      "properties": {
+        "error": {
+          "$ref": "Status",
+          "description": "The detailed error status."
+        },
+        "gcsSource": {
+          "$ref": "ImportYumArtifactsGcsSource",
+          "description": "Google Cloud Storage location requested."
+        }
+      },
+      "type": "object"
+    },
+    "ImportYumArtifactsGcsSource": {
+      "description": "Google Cloud Storage location where the artifacts currently reside.",
+      "id": "ImportYumArtifactsGcsSource",
+      "properties": {
+        "uris": {
+          "description": "Cloud Storage paths URI (e.g., gs://my_bucket//my_object).",
+          "items": {
+            "type": "string"
+          },
+          "type": "array"
+        },
+        "useWildcards": {
+          "description": "Supports URI wildcards for matching multiple objects from a single URI.",
+          "type": "boolean"
+        }
+      },
+      "type": "object"
+    },
+    "ImportYumArtifactsResponse": {
+      "description": "The response message from importing artifacts.",
+      "id": "ImportYumArtifactsResponse",
+      "properties": {
+        "errors": {
+          "description": "Detailed error info for packages that were not imported.",
+          "items": {
+            "$ref": "ImportYumArtifactsErrorInfo"
+          },
+          "type": "array"
+        },
+        "yumArtifacts": {
+          "description": "The yum artifacts updated.",
+          "items": {
+            "$ref": "YumArtifact"
+          },
+          "type": "array"
+        }
+      },
+      "type": "object"
+    },
     "ListDockerImagesResponse": {
       "description": "The response from listing docker images.",
       "id": "ListDockerImagesResponse",
@@ -575,6 +731,93 @@
       "type": "object"
+    },
+    "UploadAptArtifactMediaResponse": {
+      "description": "The response to upload an artifact.",
+      "id": "UploadAptArtifactMediaResponse",
+      "properties": {
+        "operation": {
+          "$ref": "Operation",
+          "description": "Operation to be returned to the user."
+        }
+      },
+      "type": "object"
+    },
+    "UploadAptArtifactResponse": {
+      "description": "The response of the completed artifact upload operation. This response is contained in the Operation and available to users.",
+      "id": "UploadAptArtifactResponse",
+      "properties": {
+        "aptArtifacts": {
+          "description": "The Apt artifacts updated.",
+          "items": {
+            "$ref": "AptArtifact"
+          },
+          "type": "array"
+        }
+      },
+      "type": "object"
+    },
+    "UploadYumArtifactMediaResponse": {
+      "description": "The response to upload an artifact.",
+      "id": "UploadYumArtifactMediaResponse",
+      "properties": {
+        "operation": {
+          "$ref": "Operation",
+          "description": "Operation to be returned to the user."
+        }
+      },
+      "type": "object"
+    },
+    "UploadYumArtifactResponse": {
+      "description": "The response of the completed artifact upload operation. This response is contained in the Operation and available to users.",
+      "id": "UploadYumArtifactResponse",
+      "properties": {
+        "yumArtifacts": {
+          "description": "The Apt artifacts updated.",
+          "items": {
+            "$ref": "YumArtifact"
+          },
+          "type": "array"
+        }
+      },
+      "type": "object"
+    },
+    "YumArtifact": {
+      "description": "A detailed representation of a Yum artifact.",
+      "id": "YumArtifact",
+      "properties": {
+        "architecture": {
+          "description": "Output only. Operating system architecture of the artifact.",
+          "readOnly": true,
+          "type": "string"
+        },
+        "name": {
+          "description": "Output only. The Artifact Registry resource name of the artifact.",
+          "readOnly": true,
+          "type": "string"
+        },
+        "packageName": {
+          "description": "Output only. The yum package name of the artifact.",
+          "readOnly": true,
+          "type": "string"
+        },
+        "packageType": {
+          "description": "Output only. An artifact is a binary or source package.",
+          "enum": [
+            "BINARY",
+            "SOURCE"
+          ],
+          "enumDescriptions": [
+            "Package type is not specified.",
+            "Binary package (.rpm). .rpm",
+            "Source package (.srpm)."
+          ],
+          "readOnly": true,
+          "type": "string"
+        }
+      },
+      "type": "object"
   "servicePath": "",