chore: Update discovery artifacts (#1195)

* chore(accesscontextmanager): update the api
* chore(adexchangebuyer2): update the api
* chore(admin): update the api
* chore(alertcenter): update the api
* chore(analyticsadmin): update the api
* chore(analyticsdata): update the api
* chore(androidmanagement): update the api
* chore(apigateway): update the api
* chore(apigee): update the api
* chore(appengine): update the api
* chore(area120tables): update the api
* chore(artifactregistry): update the api
* chore(bigquery): update the api
* chore(bigqueryconnection): update the api
* chore(bigqueryreservation): update the api
* chore(billingbudgets): update the api
* chore(binaryauthorization): update the api
* chore(blogger): update the api
* chore(calendar): update the api
* chore(chat): update the api
* chore(cloudasset): update the api
* chore(cloudbuild): update the api
* chore(cloudfunctions): update the api
* chore(cloudidentity): update the api
* chore(cloudkms): update the api
* chore(cloudresourcemanager): update the api
* chore(cloudscheduler): update the api
* chore(cloudtasks): update the api
* chore(composer): update the api
* chore(compute): update the api
* chore(container): update the api
* chore(containeranalysis): update the api
* chore(content): update the api
* chore(datacatalog): update the api
* chore(dataflow): update the api
* chore(datafusion): update the api
* chore(datamigration): update the api
* chore(dataproc): update the api
* chore(deploymentmanager): update the api
* chore(dialogflow): update the api
* chore(displayvideo): update the api
* chore(dlp): update the api
* chore(dns): update the api
* chore(documentai): update the api
* chore(eventarc): update the api
* chore(file): update the api
* chore(firebaseml): update the api
* chore(games): update the api
* chore(gameservices): update the api
* chore(genomics): update the api
* chore(healthcare): update the api
* chore(homegraph): update the api
* chore(iam): update the api
* chore(iap): update the api
* chore(jobs): update the api
* chore(lifesciences): update the api
* chore(localservices): update the api
* chore(managedidentities): update the api
* chore(manufacturers): update the api
* chore(memcache): update the api
* chore(ml): update the api
* chore(monitoring): update the api
* chore(notebooks): update the api
* chore(osconfig): update the api
* chore(pagespeedonline): update the api
* chore(people): update the api
* chore(privateca): update the api
* chore(prod_tt_sasportal): update the api
* chore(pubsub): update the api
* chore(pubsublite): update the api
* chore(recommender): update the api
* chore(remotebuildexecution): update the api
* chore(reseller): update the api
* chore(run): update the api
* chore(safebrowsing): update the api
* chore(sasportal): update the api
* chore(searchconsole): update the api
* chore(secretmanager): update the api
* chore(securitycenter): update the api
* chore(serviceconsumermanagement): update the api
* chore(servicecontrol): update the api
* chore(servicenetworking): update the api
* chore(serviceusage): update the api
* chore(sheets): update the api
* chore(slides): update the api
* chore(spanner): update the api
* chore(speech): update the api
* chore(sqladmin): update the api
* chore(storage): update the api
* chore(storagetransfer): update the api
* chore(sts): update the api
* chore(tagmanager): update the api
* chore(testing): update the api
* chore(toolresults): update the api
* chore(transcoder): update the api
* chore(vectortile): update the api
* chore(videointelligence): update the api
* chore(vision): update the api
* chore(webmasters): update the api
* chore(workflowexecutions): update the api
* chore(youtube): update the api
diff --git a/docs/dyn/containeranalysis_v1alpha1.projects.notes.html b/docs/dyn/containeranalysis_v1alpha1.projects.notes.html
index fc467a6..9d5256c 100644
--- a/docs/dyn/containeranalysis_v1alpha1.projects.notes.html
+++ b/docs/dyn/containeranalysis_v1alpha1.projects.notes.html
@@ -170,6 +170,7 @@
         "description": "A String", # The distribution channel-specific description of this package.
         "latestVersion": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The latest available version of this package in this distribution channel.
           "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+          "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
           "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
           "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
           "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -202,6 +203,7 @@
     "package": "A String", # Required - The package this Upgrade is for.
     "version": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # Required - The version of the package in machine + human readable form.
       "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+      "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
       "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
       "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
       "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -218,6 +220,7 @@
           "package": "A String", # The package being described.
           "version": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The version of the package being described. This field can be used as a filter in list requests.
             "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+            "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
             "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
             "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
             "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -226,12 +229,14 @@
         "isObsolete": True or False, # Whether this Detail is obsolete. Occurrences are expected not to point to obsolete details.
         "maxAffectedVersion": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The max version of the package in which the vulnerability exists.
           "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+          "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
           "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
           "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
           "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
         "minAffectedVersion": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The min version of the package in which the vulnerability exists.
           "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+          "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
           "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
           "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
           "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -239,6 +244,7 @@
         "package": "A String", # The name of the package where the vulnerability was found. This field can be used as a filter in list requests.
         "packageType": "A String", # The type of package; whether native or non native(ruby gems, node.js packages etc)
         "severityName": "A String", # The severity (eg: distro assigned severity) for this vulnerability.
+        "source": "A String", # The source from which the information in this Detail was obtained.
     "severity": "A String", # Note provider assigned impact of the vulnerability
@@ -301,6 +307,7 @@
         "description": "A String", # The distribution channel-specific description of this package.
         "latestVersion": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The latest available version of this package in this distribution channel.
           "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+          "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
           "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
           "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
           "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -333,6 +340,7 @@
     "package": "A String", # Required - The package this Upgrade is for.
     "version": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # Required - The version of the package in machine + human readable form.
       "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+      "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
       "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
       "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
       "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -349,6 +357,7 @@
           "package": "A String", # The package being described.
           "version": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The version of the package being described. This field can be used as a filter in list requests.
             "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+            "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
             "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
             "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
             "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -357,12 +366,14 @@
         "isObsolete": True or False, # Whether this Detail is obsolete. Occurrences are expected not to point to obsolete details.
         "maxAffectedVersion": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The max version of the package in which the vulnerability exists.
           "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+          "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
           "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
           "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
           "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
         "minAffectedVersion": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The min version of the package in which the vulnerability exists.
           "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+          "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
           "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
           "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
           "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -370,6 +381,7 @@
         "package": "A String", # The name of the package where the vulnerability was found. This field can be used as a filter in list requests.
         "packageType": "A String", # The type of package; whether native or non native(ruby gems, node.js packages etc)
         "severityName": "A String", # The severity (eg: distro assigned severity) for this vulnerability.
+        "source": "A String", # The source from which the information in this Detail was obtained.
     "severity": "A String", # Note provider assigned impact of the vulnerability
@@ -455,6 +467,7 @@
         "description": "A String", # The distribution channel-specific description of this package.
         "latestVersion": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The latest available version of this package in this distribution channel.
           "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+          "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
           "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
           "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
           "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -487,6 +500,7 @@
     "package": "A String", # Required - The package this Upgrade is for.
     "version": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # Required - The version of the package in machine + human readable form.
       "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+      "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
       "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
       "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
       "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -503,6 +517,7 @@
           "package": "A String", # The package being described.
           "version": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The version of the package being described. This field can be used as a filter in list requests.
             "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+            "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
             "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
             "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
             "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -511,12 +526,14 @@
         "isObsolete": True or False, # Whether this Detail is obsolete. Occurrences are expected not to point to obsolete details.
         "maxAffectedVersion": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The max version of the package in which the vulnerability exists.
           "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+          "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
           "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
           "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
           "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
         "minAffectedVersion": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The min version of the package in which the vulnerability exists.
           "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+          "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
           "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
           "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
           "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -524,6 +541,7 @@
         "package": "A String", # The name of the package where the vulnerability was found. This field can be used as a filter in list requests.
         "packageType": "A String", # The type of package; whether native or non native(ruby gems, node.js packages etc)
         "severityName": "A String", # The severity (eg: distro assigned severity) for this vulnerability.
+        "source": "A String", # The source from which the information in this Detail was obtained.
     "severity": "A String", # Note provider assigned impact of the vulnerability
@@ -641,6 +659,7 @@
             "description": "A String", # The distribution channel-specific description of this package.
             "latestVersion": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The latest available version of this package in this distribution channel.
               "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+              "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
               "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
               "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
               "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -673,6 +692,7 @@
         "package": "A String", # Required - The package this Upgrade is for.
         "version": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # Required - The version of the package in machine + human readable form.
           "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+          "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
           "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
           "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
           "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -689,6 +709,7 @@
               "package": "A String", # The package being described.
               "version": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The version of the package being described. This field can be used as a filter in list requests.
                 "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+                "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
                 "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
                 "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
                 "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -697,12 +718,14 @@
             "isObsolete": True or False, # Whether this Detail is obsolete. Occurrences are expected not to point to obsolete details.
             "maxAffectedVersion": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The max version of the package in which the vulnerability exists.
               "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+              "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
               "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
               "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
               "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
             "minAffectedVersion": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The min version of the package in which the vulnerability exists.
               "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+              "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
               "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
               "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
               "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -710,6 +733,7 @@
             "package": "A String", # The name of the package where the vulnerability was found. This field can be used as a filter in list requests.
             "packageType": "A String", # The type of package; whether native or non native(ruby gems, node.js packages etc)
             "severityName": "A String", # The severity (eg: distro assigned severity) for this vulnerability.
+            "source": "A String", # The source from which the information in this Detail was obtained.
         "severity": "A String", # Note provider assigned impact of the vulnerability
@@ -788,6 +812,7 @@
         "description": "A String", # The distribution channel-specific description of this package.
         "latestVersion": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The latest available version of this package in this distribution channel.
           "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+          "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
           "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
           "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
           "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -820,6 +845,7 @@
     "package": "A String", # Required - The package this Upgrade is for.
     "version": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # Required - The version of the package in machine + human readable form.
       "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+      "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
       "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
       "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
       "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -836,6 +862,7 @@
           "package": "A String", # The package being described.
           "version": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The version of the package being described. This field can be used as a filter in list requests.
             "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+            "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
             "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
             "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
             "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -844,12 +871,14 @@
         "isObsolete": True or False, # Whether this Detail is obsolete. Occurrences are expected not to point to obsolete details.
         "maxAffectedVersion": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The max version of the package in which the vulnerability exists.
           "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+          "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
           "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
           "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
           "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
         "minAffectedVersion": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The min version of the package in which the vulnerability exists.
           "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+          "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
           "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
           "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
           "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -857,6 +886,7 @@
         "package": "A String", # The name of the package where the vulnerability was found. This field can be used as a filter in list requests.
         "packageType": "A String", # The type of package; whether native or non native(ruby gems, node.js packages etc)
         "severityName": "A String", # The severity (eg: distro assigned severity) for this vulnerability.
+        "source": "A String", # The source from which the information in this Detail was obtained.
     "severity": "A String", # Note provider assigned impact of the vulnerability
@@ -918,6 +948,7 @@
         "description": "A String", # The distribution channel-specific description of this package.
         "latestVersion": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The latest available version of this package in this distribution channel.
           "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+          "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
           "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
           "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
           "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -950,6 +981,7 @@
     "package": "A String", # Required - The package this Upgrade is for.
     "version": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # Required - The version of the package in machine + human readable form.
       "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+      "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
       "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
       "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
       "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -966,6 +998,7 @@
           "package": "A String", # The package being described.
           "version": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The version of the package being described. This field can be used as a filter in list requests.
             "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+            "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
             "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
             "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
             "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -974,12 +1007,14 @@
         "isObsolete": True or False, # Whether this Detail is obsolete. Occurrences are expected not to point to obsolete details.
         "maxAffectedVersion": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The max version of the package in which the vulnerability exists.
           "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+          "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
           "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
           "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
           "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
         "minAffectedVersion": { # Version contains structured information about the version of the package. For a discussion of this in Debian/Ubuntu: For a discussion of this in Redhat/Fedora/Centos: # The min version of the package in which the vulnerability exists.
           "epoch": 42, # Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme.
+          "inclusive": True or False, # Whether this version is vulnerable, when defining the version bounds. For example, if the minimum version is 2.0, inclusive=true would say 2.0 is vulnerable, while inclusive=false would say it's not
           "kind": "A String", # Distinguish between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions. If kind is not NORMAL, then the other fields are ignored.
           "name": "A String", # The main part of the version name.
           "revision": "A String", # The iteration of the package build from the above version.
@@ -987,6 +1022,7 @@
         "package": "A String", # The name of the package where the vulnerability was found. This field can be used as a filter in list requests.
         "packageType": "A String", # The type of package; whether native or non native(ruby gems, node.js packages etc)
         "severityName": "A String", # The severity (eg: distro assigned severity) for this vulnerability.
+        "source": "A String", # The source from which the information in this Detail was obtained.
     "severity": "A String", # Note provider assigned impact of the vulnerability