chore: Update discovery artifacts (#1344)

chore: update docs/dyn/
chore(acceleratedmobilepageurl): update the api
chore(accesscontextmanager): update the api
chore(adexchangebuyer): update the api
chore(adexchangebuyer2): update the api
chore(admob): update the api
chore(adsense): update the api
feat(analyticsadmin): update the api
chore(analyticsdata): update the api
chore(androiddeviceprovisioning): update the api
chore(androidpublisher): update the api
chore(apigateway): update the api
chore(apigee): update the api
chore(apikeys): update the api
chore(appengine): update the api
chore(area120tables): update the api
chore(artifactregistry): update the api
feat(bigquery): update the api
chore(bigqueryconnection): update the api
chore(bigqueryreservation): update the api
chore(bigtableadmin): update the api
chore(binaryauthorization): update the api
chore(blogger): update the api
chore(books): update the api
chore(calendar): update the api
chore(chat): update the api
chore(chromemanagement): update the api
chore(chromepolicy): update the api
chore(chromeuxreport): update the api
chore(classroom): update the api
chore(cloudasset): update the api
chore(cloudbuild): update the api
chore(cloudchannel): update the api
chore(clouddebugger): update the api
chore(clouderrorreporting): update the api
chore(cloudfunctions): update the api
chore(cloudidentity): update the api
chore(cloudiot): update the api
chore(cloudkms): update the api
chore(cloudprofiler): update the api
chore(cloudresourcemanager): update the api
chore(cloudsearch): update the api
chore(cloudshell): update the api
chore(cloudtrace): update the api
chore(container): update the api
chore(containeranalysis): update the api
chore(content): update the api
chore(customsearch): update the api
chore(dataflow): update the api
chore(deploymentmanager): update the api
chore(dialogflow): update the api
chore(displayvideo): update the api
chore(dlp): update the api
feat(documentai): update the api
chore(domainsrdap): update the api
chore(doubleclickbidmanager): update the api
chore(doubleclicksearch): update the api
chore(driveactivity): update the api
chore(essentialcontacts): update the api
chore(eventarc): update the api
chore(factchecktools): update the api
chore(fcm): update the api
chore(file): update the api
chore(firebase): update the api
chore(firebasedatabase): update the api
chore(firebaseml): update the api
chore(fitness): update the api
chore(games): update the api
chore(gamesConfiguration): update the api
chore(gamesManagement): update the api
feat(gameservices): update the api
chore(genomics): update the api
chore(gkehub): update the api
chore(gmail): update the api
chore(gmailpostmastertools): update the api
chore(groupssettings): update the api
chore(healthcare): update the api
chore(homegraph): update the api
chore(iam): update the api
chore(iamcredentials): update the api
chore(iap): update the api
chore(language): update the api
chore(libraryagent): update the api
chore(lifesciences): update the api
chore(memcache): update the api
chore(metastore): update the api
chore(ml): update the api
feat(monitoring): update the api
feat(mybusinessaccountmanagement): update the api
chore(mybusinesslodging): update the api
chore(mybusinessplaceactions): update the api
feat(networkmanagement): update the api
chore(ondemandscanning): update the api
chore(orgpolicy): update the api
chore(osconfig): update the api
feat(oslogin): update the api
chore(pagespeedonline): update the api
chore(paymentsresellersubscription): update the api
chore(people): update the api
chore(playablelocations): update the api
chore(playcustomapp): update the api
chore(policysimulator): update the api
chore(poly): update the api
chore(privateca): update the api
chore(prod_tt_sasportal): update the api
chore(pubsub): update the api
feat(pubsublite): update the api
chore(realtimebidding): update the api
feat(recommender): update the api
chore(redis): update the api
chore(remotebuildexecution): update the api
chore(reseller): update the api
chore(retail): update the api
chore(run): update the api
chore(safebrowsing): update the api
chore(sasportal): update the api
chore(searchconsole): update the api
chore(secretmanager): update the api
chore(securitycenter): update the api
chore(serviceconsumermanagement): update the api
feat(servicenetworking): update the api
chore(serviceusage): update the api
chore(slides): update the api
chore(sourcerepo): update the api
chore(speech): update the api
chore(sqladmin): update the api
chore(storage): update the api
chore(storagetransfer): update the api
chore(streetviewpublish): update the api
chore(sts): update the api
chore(tagmanager): update the api
chore(tasks): update the api
chore(testing): update the api
chore(toolresults): update the api
chore(tpu): update the api
chore(trafficdirector): update the api
chore(vault): update the api
chore(vectortile): update the api
chore(vision): update the api
chore(webrisk): update the api
chore(workflowexecutions): update the api
chore(workflows): update the api
chore(youtube): update the api
chore(youtubeAnalytics): update the api
chore(youtubereporting): update the api
chore(docs): Add new discovery artifacts and reference documents
diff --git a/googleapiclient/discovery_cache/documents/mybusinessaccountmanagement.v1.json b/googleapiclient/discovery_cache/documents/mybusinessaccountmanagement.v1.json
index 6ebac30..cf49f46 100644
--- a/googleapiclient/discovery_cache/documents/mybusinessaccountmanagement.v1.json
+++ b/googleapiclient/discovery_cache/documents/mybusinessaccountmanagement.v1.json
@@ -396,22 +396,24 @@
     "locations": {
       "methods": {
-        "transferLocation": {
+        "transfer": {
           "description": "Moves a location from an account that the user owns to another account that the same user administers. The user must be an owner of the account the location is currently associated with and must also be at least a manager of the destination account.",
-          "flatPath": "v1/locations/{locationsId}:transferLocation",
+          "flatPath": "v1/locations/{locationsId}:transfer",
           "httpMethod": "POST",
-          "id": "mybusinessaccountmanagement.locations.transferLocation",
+          "id": "mybusinessaccountmanagement.locations.transfer",
           "parameterOrder": [
-            "locationsId"
+            "name"
           "parameters": {
-            "locationsId": {
+            "name": {
+              "description": "Required. The name of the location to transfer. `locations/{location_id}`.",
               "location": "path",
+              "pattern": "^locations/[^/]+$",
               "required": true,
               "type": "string"
-          "path": "v1/locations/{locationsId}:transferLocation",
+          "path": "v1/{+name}:transfer",
           "request": {
             "$ref": "TransferLocationRequest"
@@ -528,7 +530,7 @@
-  "revision": "20210501",
+  "revision": "20210505",
   "rootUrl": "",
   "schemas": {
     "AcceptInvitationRequest": {
@@ -917,10 +919,6 @@
         "destinationAccount": {
           "description": "Required. Name of the account resource to transfer the location to (for example, \"accounts/{account}\").",
           "type": "string"
-        },
-        "name": {
-          "description": "Required. The name of the location to transfer. `locations/{location_id}`.",
-          "type": "string"
       "type": "object"