chore: regens API reference docs (#889)

diff --git a/docs/dyn/firebasehosting_v1beta1.sites.versions.html b/docs/dyn/firebasehosting_v1beta1.sites.versions.html
index 2aea919..80d6053 100644
--- a/docs/dyn/firebasehosting_v1beta1.sites.versions.html
+++ b/docs/dyn/firebasehosting_v1beta1.sites.versions.html
@@ -80,43 +80,134 @@
 <p class="firstline">Returns the files Resource.</p>
 <p class="toc_element">
-  <code><a href="#create">create(parent, body, versionId=None, x__xgafv=None, sizeBytes=None)</a></code></p>
+  <code><a href="#clone">clone(parent, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
+<p class="firstline">Creates a new version on the target site using the content</p>
+<p class="toc_element">
+  <code><a href="#create">create(parent, body=None, versionId=None, x__xgafv=None, sizeBytes=None)</a></code></p>
 <p class="firstline">Creates a new version for a site.</p>
 <p class="toc_element">
   <code><a href="#delete">delete(name, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
 <p class="firstline">Deletes the specified version.</p>
 <p class="toc_element">
-  <code><a href="#patch">patch(name, body, updateMask=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
+  <code><a href="#list">list(parent, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None, pageSize=None, filter=None)</a></code></p>
+<p class="firstline">Lists the versions that have been created on the specified site.</p>
+<p class="toc_element">
+  <code><a href="#list_next">list_next(previous_request, previous_response)</a></code></p>
+<p class="firstline">Retrieves the next page of results.</p>
+<p class="toc_element">
+  <code><a href="#patch">patch(name, body=None, updateMask=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
 <p class="firstline">Updates the specified metadata for a version. Note that this method will</p>
 <p class="toc_element">
-  <code><a href="#populateFiles">populateFiles(parent, body, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
+  <code><a href="#populateFiles">populateFiles(parent, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
 <p class="firstline">Adds content files to a version.</p>
 <h3>Method Details</h3>
 <div class="method">
-    <code class="details" id="create">create(parent, body, versionId=None, x__xgafv=None, sizeBytes=None)</code>
+    <code class="details" id="clone">clone(parent, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
+  <pre>Creates a new version on the target site using the content
+of the specified version.
+  parent: string, Required. The target site where the cloned version will reside,
+in the format: `sites/{site}` (required)
+  body: object, The request body.
+    The object takes the form of:
+{ # The request sent to CloneVersion.
+    "sourceVersion": "A String", # Required. The name of the version to be cloned, in the format:
+        # `sites/{site}/versions/{version}`
+    "exclude": { # A representation of filter path. # If provided, only paths that do not match any of the regexes in this
+        # list will be included in the new version.
+      "regexes": [ # An array of regexes to filter by.
+        "A String",
+      ],
+    },
+    "include": { # A representation of filter path. # If provided, only paths that match one or more regexes in this list
+        # will be included in the new version.
+      "regexes": [ # An array of regexes to filter by.
+        "A String",
+      ],
+    },
+    "finalize": True or False, # If true, immediately finalize the version after cloning is complete.
+  }
+  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
+    Allowed values
+      1 - v1 error format
+      2 - v2 error format
+  An object of the form:
+    { # This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a
+      # network API call.
+    "response": { # The normal response of the operation in case of success.  If the original
+        # method returns no data on success, such as `Delete`, the response is
+        # `google.protobuf.Empty`.  If the original method is standard
+        # `Get`/`Create`/`Update`, the response should be the resource.  For other
+        # methods, the response should have the type `XxxResponse`, where `Xxx`
+        # is the original method name.  For example, if the original method name
+        # is `TakeSnapshot()`, the inferred response type is
+        # `TakeSnapshotResponse`.
+      "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
+    },
+    "metadata": { # Service-specific metadata associated with the operation.  It typically
+        # contains progress information and common metadata such as create time.
+        # Some services might not provide such metadata.  Any method that returns a
+        # long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any.
+      "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
+    },
+    "done": True or False, # If the value is `false`, it means the operation is still in progress.
+        # If `true`, the operation is completed, and either `error` or `response` is
+        # available.
+    "name": "A String", # The server-assigned name, which is only unique within the same service that
+        # originally returns it. If you use the default HTTP mapping, the
+        # `name` should be a resource name ending with `operations/{unique_id}`.
+    "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for # The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation.
+        # different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is
+        # used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains
+        # three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details.
+        #
+        # You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the
+        # [API Design Guide](
+      "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any
+          # user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the
+          # google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
+      "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
+      "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details.  There is a common set of
+          # message types for APIs to use.
+        {
+          "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
+        },
+      ],
+    },
+  }</pre>
+<div class="method">
+    <code class="details" id="create">create(parent, body=None, versionId=None, x__xgafv=None, sizeBytes=None)</code>
   <pre>Creates a new version for a site.
   parent: string, Required. The parent to create the version for, in the format:
-<code>sites/<var>site-name</var></code> (required)
-  body: object, The request body. (required)
+&lt;code&gt;sites/&lt;var&gt;site-name&lt;/var&gt;&lt;/code&gt; (required)
+  body: object, The request body.
     The object takes the form of:
 { # A `Version` is the collection of configuration and
     # [static files](sites.versions.files) that determine how a site is displayed.
   "status": "A String", # The deploy status of a version.
-      # <br>
-      # <br>For a successful deploy, call the
+      # &lt;br&gt;
+      # &lt;br&gt;For a successful deploy, call the
       # [`CreateVersion`](sites.versions/create) endpoint to make a new version
       # (`CREATED` status),
       # [upload all desired files](sites.versions/populateFiles) to the version,
       # then [update](sites.versions/patch) the version to the `FINALIZED` status.
-      # <br>
-      # <br>Note that if you leave the version in the `CREATED` state for more
-      # than 12&nbsp;hours, the system will automatically mark the version as
+      # &lt;br&gt;
+      # &lt;br&gt;Note that if you leave the version in the `CREATED` state for more
+      # than 12&amp;nbsp;hours, the system will automatically mark the version as
       # `ABANDONED`.
-      # <br>
-      # <br>You can also change the status of a version to `DELETED` by calling the
+      # &lt;br&gt;
+      # &lt;br&gt;You can also change the status of a version to `DELETED` by calling the
       # [`DeleteVersion`](sites.versions/delete) endpoint.
   "deleteUser": { # Contains metadata about the user who performed an action, such as creating # Output only. Identifies the user who `DELETED` the version.
       # a release or finalizing a version.
@@ -125,11 +216,11 @@
     "email": "A String", # The email address of the user when the user performed the action.
   "name": "A String", # The unique identifier for a version, in the format:
-      # <code>sites/<var>site-name</var>/versions/<var>versionID</var></code>
+      # &lt;code&gt;sites/&lt;var&gt;site-name&lt;/var&gt;/versions/&lt;var&gt;versionID&lt;/var&gt;&lt;/code&gt;
       # This name is provided in the response body when you call the
       # [`CreateVersion`](../sites.versions/create) endpoint.
   "versionBytes": "A String", # Output only. The total stored bytesize of the version.
-      # <br>This value is calculated after a version is `FINALIZED`.
+      # &lt;br&gt;This value is calculated after a version is `FINALIZED`.
   "labels": { # The labels used for extra metadata and/or filtering.
     "a_key": "A String",
@@ -147,6 +238,16 @@
         # changed their email address or deleted their account.
     "email": "A String", # The email address of the user when the user performed the action.
+  "preview": { # Version preview configuration. If active and unexpired, # Version preview configuration for the site version. This configuration
+      # specfies whether previewing is enabled for this site version. Version
+      # previews allow you to preview your site at a custom URL before
+      # releasing it as the live version.
+      # this version will be accessible via a custom URL even
+      # if it is not the currently released version.
+    "expireTime": "A String", # Indicates the expiration time for previewing this
+        # version; preview URL requests received after this time will 404.
+    "active": True or False, # If true, preview URLs are enabled for this version.
+  },
   "config": { # The configuration for how incoming requests to a site should be routed and # The configuration for the behavior of the site. This configuration exists
       # in the [`firebase.json`](/docs/cli/#the_firebasejson_file) file.
       # processed before serving content. The patterns are matched and applied
@@ -157,17 +258,19 @@
       { # A [`redirect`](/docs/hosting/full-config#redirects) represents the
           # configuration for returning an HTTP redirect response given a matching
           # request URL path.
-        "glob": "A String", # Required. The user-supplied
-            # [glob pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
+        "regex": "A String", # The user-supplied RE2 regular expression to match against the request
+            # URL path.
+        "glob": "A String", # The user-supplied [glob
+            # pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
             # against the request URL path.
         "location": "A String", # Required. The value to put in the HTTP location header of the response.
-            # <br>The location can contain capture group values from the pattern using
+            # &lt;br&gt;The location can contain capture group values from the pattern using
             # a `:` prefix to identify the segment and an optional `*` to capture the
             # rest of the URL.
             # For example:
-            # <code>"glob": "/:capture*",
-            # <br>"statusCode": 301,
-            # <br>"location": ""</code>
+            # &lt;code&gt;"glob": "/:capture*",
+            # &lt;br&gt;"statusCode": 301,
+            # &lt;br&gt;"location": ""&lt;/code&gt;
         "statusCode": 42, # Required. The status HTTP code to return in the response. It must be a
             # valid 3xx status code.
@@ -179,11 +282,13 @@
         # request URL path matches the glob.
       { # A [`header`](/docs/hosting/full-config#headers) defines custom headers to
           # add to a response should the request URL path match the pattern.
+        "regex": "A String", # The user-supplied RE2 regular expression to match against the request
+            # URL path.
         "headers": { # Required. The additional headers to add to the response.
           "a_key": "A String",
-        "glob": "A String", # Required. The user-supplied
-            # [glob pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
+        "glob": "A String", # The user-supplied [glob
+            # pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
             # against the request URL path.
@@ -193,28 +298,30 @@
           # content rewrite on the version. If the pattern matches, the request will be
           # handled as if it were to the destination path specified in the
           # configuration.
+        "regex": "A String", # The user-supplied RE2 regular expression to match against the request
+            # URL path.
         "function": "A String", # The function to proxy requests to. Must match the exported function
             # name exactly.
-        "path": "A String", # The URL path to rewrite the request to.
-        "glob": "A String", # Required. The user-supplied
-            # [glob pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
-            # against the request URL path.
         "run": { # A configured rewrite that directs requests to a Cloud Run service. If the # The request will be forwarded to Cloud Run.
             # Cloud Run service does not exist when setting or updating your Firebase
             # Hosting configuration, then the request fails. Any errors from the Cloud Run
             # service are passed to the end user (for example, if you delete a service, any
             # requests directed to that service receive a `404` error).
-          "region": "A String", # Optional. User-provided region where the Cloud Run service is hosted.<br>
+          "region": "A String", # Optional. User-provided region where the Cloud Run service is hosted.&lt;br&gt;
               # Defaults to `us-central1` if not supplied.
           "serviceId": "A String", # Required. User-defined ID of the Cloud Run service.
         "dynamicLinks": True or False, # The request will be forwarded to Firebase Dynamic Links.
+        "path": "A String", # The URL path to rewrite the request to.
+        "glob": "A String", # The user-supplied [glob
+            # pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
+            # against the request URL path.
   "createTime": "A String", # Output only. The time at which the version was created.
   "fileCount": "A String", # Output only. The total number of files associated with the version.
-      # <br>This value is calculated after a version is `FINALIZED`.
+      # &lt;br&gt;This value is calculated after a version is `FINALIZED`.
   versionId: string, A unique id for the new version. This is only specified for legacy version
@@ -232,18 +339,18 @@
     { # A `Version` is the collection of configuration and
       # [static files](sites.versions.files) that determine how a site is displayed.
     "status": "A String", # The deploy status of a version.
-        # <br>
-        # <br>For a successful deploy, call the
+        # &lt;br&gt;
+        # &lt;br&gt;For a successful deploy, call the
         # [`CreateVersion`](sites.versions/create) endpoint to make a new version
         # (`CREATED` status),
         # [upload all desired files](sites.versions/populateFiles) to the version,
         # then [update](sites.versions/patch) the version to the `FINALIZED` status.
-        # <br>
-        # <br>Note that if you leave the version in the `CREATED` state for more
-        # than 12&nbsp;hours, the system will automatically mark the version as
+        # &lt;br&gt;
+        # &lt;br&gt;Note that if you leave the version in the `CREATED` state for more
+        # than 12&amp;nbsp;hours, the system will automatically mark the version as
         # `ABANDONED`.
-        # <br>
-        # <br>You can also change the status of a version to `DELETED` by calling the
+        # &lt;br&gt;
+        # &lt;br&gt;You can also change the status of a version to `DELETED` by calling the
         # [`DeleteVersion`](sites.versions/delete) endpoint.
     "deleteUser": { # Contains metadata about the user who performed an action, such as creating # Output only. Identifies the user who `DELETED` the version.
         # a release or finalizing a version.
@@ -252,11 +359,11 @@
       "email": "A String", # The email address of the user when the user performed the action.
     "name": "A String", # The unique identifier for a version, in the format:
-        # <code>sites/<var>site-name</var>/versions/<var>versionID</var></code>
+        # &lt;code&gt;sites/&lt;var&gt;site-name&lt;/var&gt;/versions/&lt;var&gt;versionID&lt;/var&gt;&lt;/code&gt;
         # This name is provided in the response body when you call the
         # [`CreateVersion`](../sites.versions/create) endpoint.
     "versionBytes": "A String", # Output only. The total stored bytesize of the version.
-        # <br>This value is calculated after a version is `FINALIZED`.
+        # &lt;br&gt;This value is calculated after a version is `FINALIZED`.
     "labels": { # The labels used for extra metadata and/or filtering.
       "a_key": "A String",
@@ -274,6 +381,16 @@
           # changed their email address or deleted their account.
       "email": "A String", # The email address of the user when the user performed the action.
+    "preview": { # Version preview configuration. If active and unexpired, # Version preview configuration for the site version. This configuration
+        # specfies whether previewing is enabled for this site version. Version
+        # previews allow you to preview your site at a custom URL before
+        # releasing it as the live version.
+        # this version will be accessible via a custom URL even
+        # if it is not the currently released version.
+      "expireTime": "A String", # Indicates the expiration time for previewing this
+          # version; preview URL requests received after this time will 404.
+      "active": True or False, # If true, preview URLs are enabled for this version.
+    },
     "config": { # The configuration for how incoming requests to a site should be routed and # The configuration for the behavior of the site. This configuration exists
         # in the [`firebase.json`](/docs/cli/#the_firebasejson_file) file.
         # processed before serving content. The patterns are matched and applied
@@ -284,17 +401,19 @@
         { # A [`redirect`](/docs/hosting/full-config#redirects) represents the
             # configuration for returning an HTTP redirect response given a matching
             # request URL path.
-          "glob": "A String", # Required. The user-supplied
-              # [glob pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
+          "regex": "A String", # The user-supplied RE2 regular expression to match against the request
+              # URL path.
+          "glob": "A String", # The user-supplied [glob
+              # pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
               # against the request URL path.
           "location": "A String", # Required. The value to put in the HTTP location header of the response.
-              # <br>The location can contain capture group values from the pattern using
+              # &lt;br&gt;The location can contain capture group values from the pattern using
               # a `:` prefix to identify the segment and an optional `*` to capture the
               # rest of the URL.
               # For example:
-              # <code>"glob": "/:capture*",
-              # <br>"statusCode": 301,
-              # <br>"location": ""</code>
+              # &lt;code&gt;"glob": "/:capture*",
+              # &lt;br&gt;"statusCode": 301,
+              # &lt;br&gt;"location": ""&lt;/code&gt;
           "statusCode": 42, # Required. The status HTTP code to return in the response. It must be a
               # valid 3xx status code.
@@ -306,11 +425,13 @@
           # request URL path matches the glob.
         { # A [`header`](/docs/hosting/full-config#headers) defines custom headers to
             # add to a response should the request URL path match the pattern.
+          "regex": "A String", # The user-supplied RE2 regular expression to match against the request
+              # URL path.
           "headers": { # Required. The additional headers to add to the response.
             "a_key": "A String",
-          "glob": "A String", # Required. The user-supplied
-              # [glob pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
+          "glob": "A String", # The user-supplied [glob
+              # pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
               # against the request URL path.
@@ -320,28 +441,30 @@
             # content rewrite on the version. If the pattern matches, the request will be
             # handled as if it were to the destination path specified in the
             # configuration.
+          "regex": "A String", # The user-supplied RE2 regular expression to match against the request
+              # URL path.
           "function": "A String", # The function to proxy requests to. Must match the exported function
               # name exactly.
-          "path": "A String", # The URL path to rewrite the request to.
-          "glob": "A String", # Required. The user-supplied
-              # [glob pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
-              # against the request URL path.
           "run": { # A configured rewrite that directs requests to a Cloud Run service. If the # The request will be forwarded to Cloud Run.
               # Cloud Run service does not exist when setting or updating your Firebase
               # Hosting configuration, then the request fails. Any errors from the Cloud Run
               # service are passed to the end user (for example, if you delete a service, any
               # requests directed to that service receive a `404` error).
-            "region": "A String", # Optional. User-provided region where the Cloud Run service is hosted.<br>
+            "region": "A String", # Optional. User-provided region where the Cloud Run service is hosted.&lt;br&gt;
                 # Defaults to `us-central1` if not supplied.
             "serviceId": "A String", # Required. User-defined ID of the Cloud Run service.
           "dynamicLinks": True or False, # The request will be forwarded to Firebase Dynamic Links.
+          "path": "A String", # The URL path to rewrite the request to.
+          "glob": "A String", # The user-supplied [glob
+              # pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
+              # against the request URL path.
     "createTime": "A String", # Output only. The time at which the version was created.
     "fileCount": "A String", # Output only. The total number of files associated with the version.
-        # <br>This value is calculated after a version is `FINALIZED`.
+        # &lt;br&gt;This value is calculated after a version is `FINALIZED`.
@@ -351,7 +474,7 @@
   name: string, Required. The name of the version to be deleted, in the format:
-<code>sites/<var>site-name</var>/versions/<var>versionID</var></code> (required)
+&lt;code&gt;sites/&lt;var&gt;site-name&lt;/var&gt;/versions/&lt;var&gt;versionID&lt;/var&gt;&lt;/code&gt; (required)
   x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
     Allowed values
       1 - v1 error format
@@ -373,7 +496,183 @@
 <div class="method">
-    <code class="details" id="patch">patch(name, body, updateMask=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
+    <code class="details" id="list">list(parent, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None, pageSize=None, filter=None)</code>
+  <pre>Lists the versions that have been created on the specified site.
+Will include filtering in the future.
+  parent: string, Required. The parent for which to list files, in the format:
+&lt;code&gt;sites/&lt;var&gt;site-name&lt;/var&gt;&lt;/code&gt; (required)
+  pageToken: string, The next_page_token from a previous request, if provided.
+  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
+    Allowed values
+      1 - v1 error format
+      2 - v2 error format
+  pageSize: integer, The maximum number of versions to return. The service may return fewer than
+this value.
+If unspecified, at most 25 versions will be returned.
+The maximum value is 100; values above 100 will be coerced to 100
+  filter: string, The filter string used to return a subset of versions in the response.
+Currently supported fields for filtering are: name, status,
+and create_time. Filter processing will be implemented in accordance
+with go/filtering.
+  An object of the form:
+    { # The response when listing Versions.
+    "nextPageToken": "A String", # The pagination token, if more results exist
+    "versions": [ # The list of versions, if any exist.
+      { # A `Version` is the collection of configuration and
+          # [static files](sites.versions.files) that determine how a site is displayed.
+        "status": "A String", # The deploy status of a version.
+            # &lt;br&gt;
+            # &lt;br&gt;For a successful deploy, call the
+            # [`CreateVersion`](sites.versions/create) endpoint to make a new version
+            # (`CREATED` status),
+            # [upload all desired files](sites.versions/populateFiles) to the version,
+            # then [update](sites.versions/patch) the version to the `FINALIZED` status.
+            # &lt;br&gt;
+            # &lt;br&gt;Note that if you leave the version in the `CREATED` state for more
+            # than 12&amp;nbsp;hours, the system will automatically mark the version as
+            # `ABANDONED`.
+            # &lt;br&gt;
+            # &lt;br&gt;You can also change the status of a version to `DELETED` by calling the
+            # [`DeleteVersion`](sites.versions/delete) endpoint.
+        "deleteUser": { # Contains metadata about the user who performed an action, such as creating # Output only. Identifies the user who `DELETED` the version.
+            # a release or finalizing a version.
+          "imageUrl": "A String", # A profile image URL for the user. May not be present if the user has
+              # changed their email address or deleted their account.
+          "email": "A String", # The email address of the user when the user performed the action.
+        },
+        "name": "A String", # The unique identifier for a version, in the format:
+            # &lt;code&gt;sites/&lt;var&gt;site-name&lt;/var&gt;/versions/&lt;var&gt;versionID&lt;/var&gt;&lt;/code&gt;
+            # This name is provided in the response body when you call the
+            # [`CreateVersion`](../sites.versions/create) endpoint.
+        "versionBytes": "A String", # Output only. The total stored bytesize of the version.
+            # &lt;br&gt;This value is calculated after a version is `FINALIZED`.
+        "labels": { # The labels used for extra metadata and/or filtering.
+          "a_key": "A String",
+        },
+        "finalizeUser": { # Contains metadata about the user who performed an action, such as creating # Output only. Identifies the user who `FINALIZED` the version.
+            # a release or finalizing a version.
+          "imageUrl": "A String", # A profile image URL for the user. May not be present if the user has
+              # changed their email address or deleted their account.
+          "email": "A String", # The email address of the user when the user performed the action.
+        },
+        "finalizeTime": "A String", # Output only. The time at which the version was `FINALIZED`.
+        "deleteTime": "A String", # Output only. The time at which the version was `DELETED`.
+        "createUser": { # Contains metadata about the user who performed an action, such as creating # Output only. Identifies the user who created the version.
+            # a release or finalizing a version.
+          "imageUrl": "A String", # A profile image URL for the user. May not be present if the user has
+              # changed their email address or deleted their account.
+          "email": "A String", # The email address of the user when the user performed the action.
+        },
+        "preview": { # Version preview configuration. If active and unexpired, # Version preview configuration for the site version. This configuration
+            # specfies whether previewing is enabled for this site version. Version
+            # previews allow you to preview your site at a custom URL before
+            # releasing it as the live version.
+            # this version will be accessible via a custom URL even
+            # if it is not the currently released version.
+          "expireTime": "A String", # Indicates the expiration time for previewing this
+              # version; preview URL requests received after this time will 404.
+          "active": True or False, # If true, preview URLs are enabled for this version.
+        },
+        "config": { # The configuration for how incoming requests to a site should be routed and # The configuration for the behavior of the site. This configuration exists
+            # in the [`firebase.json`](/docs/cli/#the_firebasejson_file) file.
+            # processed before serving content. The patterns are matched and applied
+            # according to a specific
+            # [priority order](/docs/hosting/full-config#hosting_priority_order).
+          "redirects": [ # A list of globs that will cause the response to redirect to another
+              # location.
+            { # A [`redirect`](/docs/hosting/full-config#redirects) represents the
+                # configuration for returning an HTTP redirect response given a matching
+                # request URL path.
+              "regex": "A String", # The user-supplied RE2 regular expression to match against the request
+                  # URL path.
+              "glob": "A String", # The user-supplied [glob
+                  # pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
+                  # against the request URL path.
+              "location": "A String", # Required. The value to put in the HTTP location header of the response.
+                  # &lt;br&gt;The location can contain capture group values from the pattern using
+                  # a `:` prefix to identify the segment and an optional `*` to capture the
+                  # rest of the URL.
+                  # For example:
+                  # &lt;code&gt;"glob": "/:capture*",
+                  # &lt;br&gt;"statusCode": 301,
+                  # &lt;br&gt;"location": ""&lt;/code&gt;
+              "statusCode": 42, # Required. The status HTTP code to return in the response. It must be a
+                  # valid 3xx status code.
+            },
+          ],
+          "appAssociation": "A String", # How to handle well known App Association files.
+          "trailingSlashBehavior": "A String", # Defines how to handle a trailing slash in the URL path.
+          "cleanUrls": True or False, # Defines whether to drop the file extension from uploaded files.
+          "headers": [ # A list of custom response headers that are added to the content if the
+              # request URL path matches the glob.
+            { # A [`header`](/docs/hosting/full-config#headers) defines custom headers to
+                # add to a response should the request URL path match the pattern.
+              "regex": "A String", # The user-supplied RE2 regular expression to match against the request
+                  # URL path.
+              "headers": { # Required. The additional headers to add to the response.
+                "a_key": "A String",
+              },
+              "glob": "A String", # The user-supplied [glob
+                  # pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
+                  # against the request URL path.
+            },
+          ],
+          "rewrites": [ # A list of rewrites that will act as if the service were given the
+              # destination URL.
+            { # A [`rewrite`](/docs/hosting/full-config#rewrites) represents an internal
+                # content rewrite on the version. If the pattern matches, the request will be
+                # handled as if it were to the destination path specified in the
+                # configuration.
+              "regex": "A String", # The user-supplied RE2 regular expression to match against the request
+                  # URL path.
+              "function": "A String", # The function to proxy requests to. Must match the exported function
+                  # name exactly.
+              "run": { # A configured rewrite that directs requests to a Cloud Run service. If the # The request will be forwarded to Cloud Run.
+                  # Cloud Run service does not exist when setting or updating your Firebase
+                  # Hosting configuration, then the request fails. Any errors from the Cloud Run
+                  # service are passed to the end user (for example, if you delete a service, any
+                  # requests directed to that service receive a `404` error).
+                "region": "A String", # Optional. User-provided region where the Cloud Run service is hosted.&lt;br&gt;
+                    # Defaults to `us-central1` if not supplied.
+                "serviceId": "A String", # Required. User-defined ID of the Cloud Run service.
+              },
+              "dynamicLinks": True or False, # The request will be forwarded to Firebase Dynamic Links.
+              "path": "A String", # The URL path to rewrite the request to.
+              "glob": "A String", # The user-supplied [glob
+                  # pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
+                  # against the request URL path.
+            },
+          ],
+        },
+        "createTime": "A String", # Output only. The time at which the version was created.
+        "fileCount": "A String", # Output only. The total number of files associated with the version.
+            # &lt;br&gt;This value is calculated after a version is `FINALIZED`.
+      },
+    ],
+  }</pre>
+<div class="method">
+    <code class="details" id="list_next">list_next(previous_request, previous_response)</code>
+  <pre>Retrieves the next page of results.
+  previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
+  previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)
+  A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
+  page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
+    </pre>
+<div class="method">
+    <code class="details" id="patch">patch(name, body=None, updateMask=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
   <pre>Updates the specified metadata for a version. Note that this method will
 fail with `FAILED_PRECONDITION` in the event of an invalid state
 transition. The only valid transition for a version is currently from a
@@ -383,27 +682,27 @@
   name: string, The unique identifier for a version, in the format:
 This name is provided in the response body when you call the
 [`CreateVersion`](../sites.versions/create) endpoint. (required)
-  body: object, The request body. (required)
+  body: object, The request body.
     The object takes the form of:
 { # A `Version` is the collection of configuration and
     # [static files](sites.versions.files) that determine how a site is displayed.
   "status": "A String", # The deploy status of a version.
-      # <br>
-      # <br>For a successful deploy, call the
+      # &lt;br&gt;
+      # &lt;br&gt;For a successful deploy, call the
       # [`CreateVersion`](sites.versions/create) endpoint to make a new version
       # (`CREATED` status),
       # [upload all desired files](sites.versions/populateFiles) to the version,
       # then [update](sites.versions/patch) the version to the `FINALIZED` status.
-      # <br>
-      # <br>Note that if you leave the version in the `CREATED` state for more
-      # than 12&nbsp;hours, the system will automatically mark the version as
+      # &lt;br&gt;
+      # &lt;br&gt;Note that if you leave the version in the `CREATED` state for more
+      # than 12&amp;nbsp;hours, the system will automatically mark the version as
       # `ABANDONED`.
-      # <br>
-      # <br>You can also change the status of a version to `DELETED` by calling the
+      # &lt;br&gt;
+      # &lt;br&gt;You can also change the status of a version to `DELETED` by calling the
       # [`DeleteVersion`](sites.versions/delete) endpoint.
   "deleteUser": { # Contains metadata about the user who performed an action, such as creating # Output only. Identifies the user who `DELETED` the version.
       # a release or finalizing a version.
@@ -412,11 +711,11 @@
     "email": "A String", # The email address of the user when the user performed the action.
   "name": "A String", # The unique identifier for a version, in the format:
-      # <code>sites/<var>site-name</var>/versions/<var>versionID</var></code>
+      # &lt;code&gt;sites/&lt;var&gt;site-name&lt;/var&gt;/versions/&lt;var&gt;versionID&lt;/var&gt;&lt;/code&gt;
       # This name is provided in the response body when you call the
       # [`CreateVersion`](../sites.versions/create) endpoint.
   "versionBytes": "A String", # Output only. The total stored bytesize of the version.
-      # <br>This value is calculated after a version is `FINALIZED`.
+      # &lt;br&gt;This value is calculated after a version is `FINALIZED`.
   "labels": { # The labels used for extra metadata and/or filtering.
     "a_key": "A String",
@@ -434,6 +733,16 @@
         # changed their email address or deleted their account.
     "email": "A String", # The email address of the user when the user performed the action.
+  "preview": { # Version preview configuration. If active and unexpired, # Version preview configuration for the site version. This configuration
+      # specfies whether previewing is enabled for this site version. Version
+      # previews allow you to preview your site at a custom URL before
+      # releasing it as the live version.
+      # this version will be accessible via a custom URL even
+      # if it is not the currently released version.
+    "expireTime": "A String", # Indicates the expiration time for previewing this
+        # version; preview URL requests received after this time will 404.
+    "active": True or False, # If true, preview URLs are enabled for this version.
+  },
   "config": { # The configuration for how incoming requests to a site should be routed and # The configuration for the behavior of the site. This configuration exists
       # in the [`firebase.json`](/docs/cli/#the_firebasejson_file) file.
       # processed before serving content. The patterns are matched and applied
@@ -444,17 +753,19 @@
       { # A [`redirect`](/docs/hosting/full-config#redirects) represents the
           # configuration for returning an HTTP redirect response given a matching
           # request URL path.
-        "glob": "A String", # Required. The user-supplied
-            # [glob pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
+        "regex": "A String", # The user-supplied RE2 regular expression to match against the request
+            # URL path.
+        "glob": "A String", # The user-supplied [glob
+            # pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
             # against the request URL path.
         "location": "A String", # Required. The value to put in the HTTP location header of the response.
-            # <br>The location can contain capture group values from the pattern using
+            # &lt;br&gt;The location can contain capture group values from the pattern using
             # a `:` prefix to identify the segment and an optional `*` to capture the
             # rest of the URL.
             # For example:
-            # <code>"glob": "/:capture*",
-            # <br>"statusCode": 301,
-            # <br>"location": ""</code>
+            # &lt;code&gt;"glob": "/:capture*",
+            # &lt;br&gt;"statusCode": 301,
+            # &lt;br&gt;"location": ""&lt;/code&gt;
         "statusCode": 42, # Required. The status HTTP code to return in the response. It must be a
             # valid 3xx status code.
@@ -466,11 +777,13 @@
         # request URL path matches the glob.
       { # A [`header`](/docs/hosting/full-config#headers) defines custom headers to
           # add to a response should the request URL path match the pattern.
+        "regex": "A String", # The user-supplied RE2 regular expression to match against the request
+            # URL path.
         "headers": { # Required. The additional headers to add to the response.
           "a_key": "A String",
-        "glob": "A String", # Required. The user-supplied
-            # [glob pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
+        "glob": "A String", # The user-supplied [glob
+            # pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
             # against the request URL path.
@@ -480,34 +793,36 @@
           # content rewrite on the version. If the pattern matches, the request will be
           # handled as if it were to the destination path specified in the
           # configuration.
+        "regex": "A String", # The user-supplied RE2 regular expression to match against the request
+            # URL path.
         "function": "A String", # The function to proxy requests to. Must match the exported function
             # name exactly.
-        "path": "A String", # The URL path to rewrite the request to.
-        "glob": "A String", # Required. The user-supplied
-            # [glob pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
-            # against the request URL path.
         "run": { # A configured rewrite that directs requests to a Cloud Run service. If the # The request will be forwarded to Cloud Run.
             # Cloud Run service does not exist when setting or updating your Firebase
             # Hosting configuration, then the request fails. Any errors from the Cloud Run
             # service are passed to the end user (for example, if you delete a service, any
             # requests directed to that service receive a `404` error).
-          "region": "A String", # Optional. User-provided region where the Cloud Run service is hosted.<br>
+          "region": "A String", # Optional. User-provided region where the Cloud Run service is hosted.&lt;br&gt;
               # Defaults to `us-central1` if not supplied.
           "serviceId": "A String", # Required. User-defined ID of the Cloud Run service.
         "dynamicLinks": True or False, # The request will be forwarded to Firebase Dynamic Links.
+        "path": "A String", # The URL path to rewrite the request to.
+        "glob": "A String", # The user-supplied [glob
+            # pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
+            # against the request URL path.
   "createTime": "A String", # Output only. The time at which the version was created.
   "fileCount": "A String", # Output only. The total number of files associated with the version.
-      # <br>This value is calculated after a version is `FINALIZED`.
+      # &lt;br&gt;This value is calculated after a version is `FINALIZED`.
   updateMask: string, A set of field names from your [version](../sites.versions) that you want
 to update.
-<br>A field will be overwritten if, and only if, it's in the mask.
-<br>If a mask is not provided then a default mask of only
+&lt;br&gt;A field will be overwritten if, and only if, it's in the mask.
+&lt;br&gt;If a mask is not provided then a default mask of only
 [`status`](../sites.versions#Version.FIELDS.status) will be used.
   x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
     Allowed values
@@ -520,18 +835,18 @@
     { # A `Version` is the collection of configuration and
       # [static files](sites.versions.files) that determine how a site is displayed.
     "status": "A String", # The deploy status of a version.
-        # <br>
-        # <br>For a successful deploy, call the
+        # &lt;br&gt;
+        # &lt;br&gt;For a successful deploy, call the
         # [`CreateVersion`](sites.versions/create) endpoint to make a new version
         # (`CREATED` status),
         # [upload all desired files](sites.versions/populateFiles) to the version,
         # then [update](sites.versions/patch) the version to the `FINALIZED` status.
-        # <br>
-        # <br>Note that if you leave the version in the `CREATED` state for more
-        # than 12&nbsp;hours, the system will automatically mark the version as
+        # &lt;br&gt;
+        # &lt;br&gt;Note that if you leave the version in the `CREATED` state for more
+        # than 12&amp;nbsp;hours, the system will automatically mark the version as
         # `ABANDONED`.
-        # <br>
-        # <br>You can also change the status of a version to `DELETED` by calling the
+        # &lt;br&gt;
+        # &lt;br&gt;You can also change the status of a version to `DELETED` by calling the
         # [`DeleteVersion`](sites.versions/delete) endpoint.
     "deleteUser": { # Contains metadata about the user who performed an action, such as creating # Output only. Identifies the user who `DELETED` the version.
         # a release or finalizing a version.
@@ -540,11 +855,11 @@
       "email": "A String", # The email address of the user when the user performed the action.
     "name": "A String", # The unique identifier for a version, in the format:
-        # <code>sites/<var>site-name</var>/versions/<var>versionID</var></code>
+        # &lt;code&gt;sites/&lt;var&gt;site-name&lt;/var&gt;/versions/&lt;var&gt;versionID&lt;/var&gt;&lt;/code&gt;
         # This name is provided in the response body when you call the
         # [`CreateVersion`](../sites.versions/create) endpoint.
     "versionBytes": "A String", # Output only. The total stored bytesize of the version.
-        # <br>This value is calculated after a version is `FINALIZED`.
+        # &lt;br&gt;This value is calculated after a version is `FINALIZED`.
     "labels": { # The labels used for extra metadata and/or filtering.
       "a_key": "A String",
@@ -562,6 +877,16 @@
           # changed their email address or deleted their account.
       "email": "A String", # The email address of the user when the user performed the action.
+    "preview": { # Version preview configuration. If active and unexpired, # Version preview configuration for the site version. This configuration
+        # specfies whether previewing is enabled for this site version. Version
+        # previews allow you to preview your site at a custom URL before
+        # releasing it as the live version.
+        # this version will be accessible via a custom URL even
+        # if it is not the currently released version.
+      "expireTime": "A String", # Indicates the expiration time for previewing this
+          # version; preview URL requests received after this time will 404.
+      "active": True or False, # If true, preview URLs are enabled for this version.
+    },
     "config": { # The configuration for how incoming requests to a site should be routed and # The configuration for the behavior of the site. This configuration exists
         # in the [`firebase.json`](/docs/cli/#the_firebasejson_file) file.
         # processed before serving content. The patterns are matched and applied
@@ -572,17 +897,19 @@
         { # A [`redirect`](/docs/hosting/full-config#redirects) represents the
             # configuration for returning an HTTP redirect response given a matching
             # request URL path.
-          "glob": "A String", # Required. The user-supplied
-              # [glob pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
+          "regex": "A String", # The user-supplied RE2 regular expression to match against the request
+              # URL path.
+          "glob": "A String", # The user-supplied [glob
+              # pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
               # against the request URL path.
           "location": "A String", # Required. The value to put in the HTTP location header of the response.
-              # <br>The location can contain capture group values from the pattern using
+              # &lt;br&gt;The location can contain capture group values from the pattern using
               # a `:` prefix to identify the segment and an optional `*` to capture the
               # rest of the URL.
               # For example:
-              # <code>"glob": "/:capture*",
-              # <br>"statusCode": 301,
-              # <br>"location": ""</code>
+              # &lt;code&gt;"glob": "/:capture*",
+              # &lt;br&gt;"statusCode": 301,
+              # &lt;br&gt;"location": ""&lt;/code&gt;
           "statusCode": 42, # Required. The status HTTP code to return in the response. It must be a
               # valid 3xx status code.
@@ -594,11 +921,13 @@
           # request URL path matches the glob.
         { # A [`header`](/docs/hosting/full-config#headers) defines custom headers to
             # add to a response should the request URL path match the pattern.
+          "regex": "A String", # The user-supplied RE2 regular expression to match against the request
+              # URL path.
           "headers": { # Required. The additional headers to add to the response.
             "a_key": "A String",
-          "glob": "A String", # Required. The user-supplied
-              # [glob pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
+          "glob": "A String", # The user-supplied [glob
+              # pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
               # against the request URL path.
@@ -608,42 +937,44 @@
             # content rewrite on the version. If the pattern matches, the request will be
             # handled as if it were to the destination path specified in the
             # configuration.
+          "regex": "A String", # The user-supplied RE2 regular expression to match against the request
+              # URL path.
           "function": "A String", # The function to proxy requests to. Must match the exported function
               # name exactly.
-          "path": "A String", # The URL path to rewrite the request to.
-          "glob": "A String", # Required. The user-supplied
-              # [glob pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
-              # against the request URL path.
           "run": { # A configured rewrite that directs requests to a Cloud Run service. If the # The request will be forwarded to Cloud Run.
               # Cloud Run service does not exist when setting or updating your Firebase
               # Hosting configuration, then the request fails. Any errors from the Cloud Run
               # service are passed to the end user (for example, if you delete a service, any
               # requests directed to that service receive a `404` error).
-            "region": "A String", # Optional. User-provided region where the Cloud Run service is hosted.<br>
+            "region": "A String", # Optional. User-provided region where the Cloud Run service is hosted.&lt;br&gt;
                 # Defaults to `us-central1` if not supplied.
             "serviceId": "A String", # Required. User-defined ID of the Cloud Run service.
           "dynamicLinks": True or False, # The request will be forwarded to Firebase Dynamic Links.
+          "path": "A String", # The URL path to rewrite the request to.
+          "glob": "A String", # The user-supplied [glob
+              # pattern](/docs/hosting/full-config#glob_pattern_matching) to match
+              # against the request URL path.
     "createTime": "A String", # Output only. The time at which the version was created.
     "fileCount": "A String", # Output only. The total number of files associated with the version.
-        # <br>This value is calculated after a version is `FINALIZED`.
+        # &lt;br&gt;This value is calculated after a version is `FINALIZED`.
 <div class="method">
-    <code class="details" id="populateFiles">populateFiles(parent, body, x__xgafv=None)</code>
+    <code class="details" id="populateFiles">populateFiles(parent, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
   <pre>Adds content files to a version.
   parent: string, Required. The version to add files to, in the format:
-<code>sites/<var>site-name</var>/versions/<var>versionID</var></code> (required)
-  body: object, The request body. (required)
+&lt;code&gt;sites/&lt;var&gt;site-name&lt;/var&gt;/versions/&lt;var&gt;versionID&lt;/var&gt;&lt;/code&gt; (required)
+  body: object, The request body.
     The object takes the form of:
+{ # The request to populate a Version's Files.
     "files": { # A set of file paths to the hashes corresponding to assets that should be
         # added to the version. Note that a file path to an empty hash will remove
         # the path from the version. Calculate a hash by Gzipping the file then
@@ -660,14 +991,14 @@
   An object of the form:
-    {
+    { # The response to a PopulateVersionFilesRequest.
     "uploadRequiredHashes": [ # The content hashes of the specified files that need to be uploaded to the
         # specified endpoint.
       "A String",
     "uploadUrl": "A String", # The URL to which the files should be uploaded, in the format:
-        # <br>"<var>site-name</var>/versions/<var>versionID</var>/files".
-        # <br>Perform a multipart `POST` of the Gzipped file contents to the URL
+        # &lt;br&gt;";var&gt;site-name&lt;/var&gt;/versions/&lt;var&gt;versionID&lt;/var&gt;/files".
+        # &lt;br&gt;Perform a multipart `POST` of the Gzipped file contents to the URL
         # using a forward slash and the hash of the file appended to the end.