blob: 73c0d93dfcb3eb0c5b2e5e3763ef68bce58b2fe6 [file] [log] [blame]
Whitespace and Escaping
This section of the documentation explains how to remove unused whitespace
from the templates and embed raw Jinja syntax.
Sometimes you might want to add Jinja syntax elements into the template
without executing them. In that case you have quite a few possibilities.
For small parts this might be a good way:
.. sourcecode:: jinja
{{ "{{ foo }} is variable syntax and {% foo %} is block syntax" }}
When you have multiple elements you can use the ``raw`` block:
.. sourcecode:: jinja
{% raw %}
Filtering blocks works like this in Jinja:
{% filter escape %}
<code>goes here</code>
{% endfilter %}
{% endraw %}
If the Jinja environment was created with ``trim_blocks`` set to true the
first newline after a template tag is removed automatically (php like
Starting with `Jinja 1.1` you can also handle some whitespace rules in the
template. If you put an minus sign (`-`) to the start or end of an block
(for example a `for` tag), a comment or variable element you can remove
the whitespaces after or before that block:
.. sourcecode:: jinja
{% for item in seq -%}
{{ item }}
{%- endfor %}
This will yield all elements without whitespace between them because they
are automatically removed. This of course works for other tags too:
.. sourcecode:: jinja
{% for user in userlist -%}
{{ user|e -}}
{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{%- endfor %}
Note that you must not use a whitespace between the tag and the minus sign:
.. sourcecode:: jinja
{%- if foo -%}...{% endif %}
{% - if foo - %}...{% endif %}