[svn] various updates i haven't checked in so far (see the diff of the changelog) and fixed critical bug reported by Alexey Melchakov

branch : trunk
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 08b316f..de01f65 100644
@@ -13,6 +13,11 @@
 - ``{{ debug() }}`` can now be used to get a list of filters and
+- the template lexer keeps not track of brace, parenthesis and
+  bracket balance in order to not break variable tags apart if they
+  are configured to look like this: ``${expr}``. This also fixes
+  the problem with nested dicts in variable expressions.
 - added whitespace management system for the template designer.
 - some small bugfixes.
@@ -25,6 +30,8 @@
   to workaround problems with `datetime.strftime` which only accepts
   binary strings.
+- it's now possible to use newlines in string literals
 - developer friendly traceback is now toggleable
 - silent variable name failure is now toggleable
@@ -46,6 +53,17 @@
 - added `striptags` and `xmlattr` filters for easier SGML/XML processing
+- the trans tag does not need explicit naming for variables with the same
+  name any more. You can now use ``{% trans foo %}`` instead of the verbose
+  version ``{% trans foo=foo %}``.
+- reimplemented Buffet plugin so that it works at least for pylons
+- added `Environment.get_translations_for_string`
+- fixed a bug in the parser that didn't unescape keyword arguments. (thanks
+  to Alexey Melchakov for reporting)
 Version 1.0