blob: 65a192eaf80fe5d7ab4a1fc234ee1a29566150f4 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Django suport layer. This module is a metamodule, do never import it
directly or access any of the functions defined here.
The public interface is `jinja.contrib.djangosupport` and
`django.contrib.jinja`. See the docstring of `jinja.contrib.djangosupport`
for more details.
:copyright: 2007-2008 by Armin Ronacher, Bryan McLemore, David Cramer.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import sys
import warnings
import new
from django.conf import settings
from django.template.context import get_standard_processors
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django import contrib
from jinja import Environment, FileSystemLoader, ChoiceLoader
from jinja.loaders import MemcachedFileSystemLoader
exported = ['render_to_response', 'render_to_string', 'convert_django_filter']
#: used environment
env = None
#: default filters
def configure(convert_filters=DEFAULT_FILTERS, loader=None, **options):
Initialize the system.
global env
if env:
warnings.warn("Jinja already initialized.")
# setup environment
if loader is None:
loaders = tuple(FileSystemLoader(l) for l in settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS)
if not loaders:
loader = None
elif len(loaders) == 1:
loader = loaders[0]
loader = ChoiceLoader(loaders)
env = Environment(loader=loader, **options)
# convert requested filters
for name in convert_filters:
env.filters[name] = convert_django_filter(name)
# import templatetags of installed apps
for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
__import__(app + '.templatetags')
except ImportError:
# setup the django.contrib.jinja module
def setup_django_module():
create a new Jinja module for django.
from jinja.contrib import djangosupport
module = contrib.jinja = sys.modules['django.contrib.jinja'] = \
module.env = env
module.__doc__ = djangosupport.__doc__
module.register = Library
public_names = module.__all__ = ['register', 'env']
get_name = globals().get
for name in exported:
setattr(module, name, get_name(name))
def render_to_response(template, context={}, request=None,
"""This function will take a few variables and spit out a full webpage."""
content = render_to_string(template, context, request)
if mimetype is None:
mimetype = settings.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE
return HttpResponse(content, mimetype)
def render_to_string(template, context={}, request=None):
"""Render a template to a string."""
assert env is not None, 'Jinja not configured for django'
if request is not None:
context['request'] = request
for processor in get_standard_processors():
template = env.get_template(template)
return template.render(context)
def convert_django_filter(f):
"""Convert a django filter into a Jinja filter."""
if isinstance(f, str):
p = f.split('.')
f = getattr(__import__('.'.join(p[:-1]), None, None, ['']), p[-1])
def filter_factory(*args):
def wrapped(env, ctx, value):
return f(value, *args)
return wrapped
filter_factory.__name__ = f.__name__
filter_factory.__doc__ = getattr(f, '__doc__', None)
return filter_factory
class Library(object):
Continues a general feel of wrapping all the registration
methods for easy importing.
This is available in `django.contrib.jinja` as `register`.
For more details see the docstring of the `django.contrib.jinja` module.
def object(func, name=None):
"""Register a new global."""
if name is None:
name = getattr(func, '__name__')
env.globals[name] = func
return func
object = staticmethod(object)
def filter(func, name=None):
"""Register a new filter function."""
if name is None:
name = func.__name__
env.filters[name] = func
return func
filter = staticmethod(filter)
def test(func, name):
"""Register a new test function."""
if name is None:
name = func.__name__
env.tests[name] = func
return func
test = staticmethod(test)
def context_inclusion(func, template, name=None):
Similar to the inclusion tag from django this one expects func to be a
function with a similar argument list to func(context, *args, **kwargs)
It passed in the current context allowing the function to edit it or read
from it. the function must return a dict with which to pass into the
renderer. Normally expected is an altered dictionary.
Note processors are NOT ran on this context.
def wrapper(env, context, *args, **kwargs):
context = func(context.to_dict(), *args, **kwargs)
return render_to_string(template, context)
wrapper.jinja_context_callable = True
if name is None:
name = func.__name__
wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__
wrapper.__doc__ = func.__doc__
env.globals[name] = wrapper
context_inclusion = staticmethod(context_inclusion)
def clean_inclusion(func, template, name=None, run_processors=False):
Similar to above however it won't pass the context into func().
Also the returned context will have the context processors run upon it.
def wrapper(env, context, *args, **kwargs):
if run_processors:
request = context['request']
request = None
context = func({}, *args, **kwargs)
return render_to_string(template, context, request)
wrapper.jinja_context_callable = True
if name is None:
name = func.__name__
wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__
wrapper.__doc__ = func.__doc__
env.globals[name] = wrapper
clean_inclusion = staticmethod(clean_inclusion)