first version of the jinja2 docs

branch : trunk
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0dfe44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+    Jinja Documentation Extensions
+    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    Support for automatically documenting filters and tests.
+    :copyright: Copyright 2008 by Armin Ronacher.
+    :license: BSD.
+import inspect
+from docutils import nodes
+from docutils.statemachine import ViewList
+from sphinx.ext.autodoc import prepare_docstring
+def format_filter(name, aliases, func):
+    try:
+        argspec = inspect.getargspec(func)
+    except:
+        try:
+            argspec = inspect.getargspec(func.__init__)
+        except:
+            try:
+                argspec = inspect.getargspec(func.__new__)
+            except:
+                return []
+        del argspec[0][0]
+    if getattr(func, 'environmentfilter', False) or \
+       getattr(func, 'contextfilter', False):
+        del argspec[0][0]
+    signature = inspect.formatargspec(*argspec)
+    result = ['.. function:: %s%s' % (name, signature), '']
+    for line in inspect.getdoc(func).splitlines():
+        result.append('    ' + line)
+    if aliases:
+        result.extend(('', '    :aliases: %s' % ', '.join(
+                      '``%s``' % x for x in sorted(aliases))))
+    return result
+def jinja_filters(dirname, arguments, options, content, lineno,
+                  content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
+    from jinja2.defaults import DEFAULT_FILTERS
+    mapping = {}
+    for name, func in DEFAULT_FILTERS.iteritems():
+        mapping.setdefault(func, []).append(name)
+    filters = []
+    for func, names in mapping.iteritems():
+        aliases = sorted(names, key=lambda x: len(x))
+        name = aliases.pop()
+        filters.append((name, aliases, func))
+    filters.sort()
+    result = ViewList()
+    for name, aliases, func in filters:
+        for item in format_filter(name, aliases, func):
+            result.append(item, '<jinjaext>')
+    node = nodes.paragraph()
+    state.nested_parse(result, content_offset, node)
+    return node.children
+def setup(app):
+    app.add_directive('jinjafilters', jinja_filters, 1, (0, 0, 0))