Split test_python_types.cpp into builtin_casters, stl and pytypes
diff --git a/tests/test_builtin_casters.py b/tests/test_builtin_casters.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59af0ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_builtin_casters.py
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+# Python < 3 needs this: coding=utf-8
+import pytest
+from pybind11_tests import builtin_casters as m
+from pybind11_tests import UserType, IncType
+def test_simple_string():
+    assert m.string_roundtrip("const char *") == "const char *"
+def test_unicode_conversion():
+    """Tests unicode conversion and error reporting."""
+    assert m.good_utf8_string() == u"Say utf8β€½ πŸŽ‚ 𝐀"
+    assert m.good_utf16_string() == u"bβ€½πŸŽ‚π€z"
+    assert m.good_utf32_string() == u"aπ€πŸŽ‚β€½z"
+    assert m.good_wchar_string() == u"aβΈ˜π€z"
+    with pytest.raises(UnicodeDecodeError):
+        m.bad_utf8_string()
+    with pytest.raises(UnicodeDecodeError):
+        m.bad_utf16_string()
+    # These are provided only if they actually fail (they don't when 32-bit and under Python 2.7)
+    if hasattr(m, "bad_utf32_string"):
+        with pytest.raises(UnicodeDecodeError):
+            m.bad_utf32_string()
+    if hasattr(m, "bad_wchar_string"):
+        with pytest.raises(UnicodeDecodeError):
+            m.bad_wchar_string()
+    assert m.u8_Z() == 'Z'
+    assert m.u8_eacute() == u'é'
+    assert m.u16_ibang() == u'β€½'
+    assert m.u32_mathbfA() == u'𝐀'
+    assert m.wchar_heart() == u'♥'
+def test_single_char_arguments():
+    """Tests failures for passing invalid inputs to char-accepting functions"""
+    def toobig_message(r):
+        return "Character code point not in range({0:#x})".format(r)
+    toolong_message = "Expected a character, but multi-character string found"
+    assert m.ord_char(u'a') == 0x61  # simple ASCII
+    assert m.ord_char(u'é') == 0xE9  # requires 2 bytes in utf-8, but can be stuffed in a char
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
+        assert m.ord_char(u'Δ€') == 0x100  # requires 2 bytes, doesn't fit in a char
+    assert str(excinfo.value) == toobig_message(0x100)
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
+        assert m.ord_char(u'ab')
+    assert str(excinfo.value) == toolong_message
+    assert m.ord_char16(u'a') == 0x61
+    assert m.ord_char16(u'é') == 0xE9
+    assert m.ord_char16(u'Δ€') == 0x100
+    assert m.ord_char16(u'β€½') == 0x203d
+    assert m.ord_char16(u'♥') == 0x2665
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
+        assert m.ord_char16(u'πŸŽ‚') == 0x1F382  # requires surrogate pair
+    assert str(excinfo.value) == toobig_message(0x10000)
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
+        assert m.ord_char16(u'aa')
+    assert str(excinfo.value) == toolong_message
+    assert m.ord_char32(u'a') == 0x61
+    assert m.ord_char32(u'é') == 0xE9
+    assert m.ord_char32(u'Δ€') == 0x100
+    assert m.ord_char32(u'β€½') == 0x203d
+    assert m.ord_char32(u'♥') == 0x2665
+    assert m.ord_char32(u'πŸŽ‚') == 0x1F382
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
+        assert m.ord_char32(u'aa')
+    assert str(excinfo.value) == toolong_message
+    assert m.ord_wchar(u'a') == 0x61
+    assert m.ord_wchar(u'é') == 0xE9
+    assert m.ord_wchar(u'Δ€') == 0x100
+    assert m.ord_wchar(u'β€½') == 0x203d
+    assert m.ord_wchar(u'♥') == 0x2665
+    if m.wchar_size == 2:
+        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
+            assert m.ord_wchar(u'πŸŽ‚') == 0x1F382  # requires surrogate pair
+        assert str(excinfo.value) == toobig_message(0x10000)
+    else:
+        assert m.ord_wchar(u'πŸŽ‚') == 0x1F382
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
+        assert m.ord_wchar(u'aa')
+    assert str(excinfo.value) == toolong_message
+def test_bytes_to_string():
+    """Tests the ability to pass bytes to C++ string-accepting functions.  Note that this is
+    one-way: the only way to return bytes to Python is via the pybind11::bytes class."""
+    # Issue #816
+    import sys
+    byte = bytes if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else str
+    assert m.strlen(byte("hi")) == 2
+    assert m.string_length(byte("world")) == 5
+    assert m.string_length(byte("a\x00b")) == 3
+    assert m.strlen(byte("a\x00b")) == 1  # C-string limitation
+    # passing in a utf8 encoded string should work
+    assert m.string_length(u'πŸ’©'.encode("utf8")) == 4
+@pytest.mark.skipif(not hasattr(m, "has_string_view"), reason="no <string_view>")
+def test_string_view(capture):
+    """Tests support for C++17 string_view arguments and return values"""
+    assert m.string_view_chars("Hi") == [72, 105]
+    assert m.string_view_chars("Hi πŸŽ‚") == [72, 105, 32, 0xf0, 0x9f, 0x8e, 0x82]
+    assert m.string_view16_chars("Hi πŸŽ‚") == [72, 105, 32, 0xd83c, 0xdf82]
+    assert m.string_view32_chars("Hi πŸŽ‚") == [72, 105, 32, 127874]
+    assert m.string_view_return() == "utf8 secret πŸŽ‚"
+    assert m.string_view16_return() == "utf16 secret πŸŽ‚"
+    assert m.string_view32_return() == "utf32 secret πŸŽ‚"
+    with capture:
+        m.string_view_print("Hi")
+        m.string_view_print("utf8 πŸŽ‚")
+        m.string_view16_print("utf16 πŸŽ‚")
+        m.string_view32_print("utf32 πŸŽ‚")
+    assert capture == """
+        Hi 2
+        utf8 πŸŽ‚ 9
+        utf16 πŸŽ‚ 8
+        utf32 πŸŽ‚ 7
+    """
+    with capture:
+        m.string_view_print("Hi, ascii")
+        m.string_view_print("Hi, utf8 πŸŽ‚")
+        m.string_view16_print("Hi, utf16 πŸŽ‚")
+        m.string_view32_print("Hi, utf32 πŸŽ‚")
+    assert capture == """
+        Hi, ascii 9
+        Hi, utf8 πŸŽ‚ 13
+        Hi, utf16 πŸŽ‚ 12
+        Hi, utf32 πŸŽ‚ 11
+    """
+def test_tuple(doc):
+    """std::pair <-> tuple & std::tuple <-> tuple"""
+    assert m.pair_passthrough((True, "test")) == ("test", True)
+    assert m.tuple_passthrough((True, "test", 5)) == (5, "test", True)
+    # Any sequence can be cast to a std::pair or std::tuple
+    assert m.pair_passthrough([True, "test"]) == ("test", True)
+    assert m.tuple_passthrough([True, "test", 5]) == (5, "test", True)
+    assert doc(m.pair_passthrough) == """
+        pair_passthrough(arg0: Tuple[bool, str]) -> Tuple[str, bool]
+        Return a pair in reversed order
+    """
+    assert doc(m.tuple_passthrough) == """
+        tuple_passthrough(arg0: Tuple[bool, str, int]) -> Tuple[int, str, bool]
+        Return a triple in reversed order
+    """
+def test_builtins_cast_return_none():
+    """Casters produced with PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER() should convert nullptr to None"""
+    assert m.return_none_string() is None
+    assert m.return_none_char() is None
+    assert m.return_none_bool() is None
+    assert m.return_none_int() is None
+    assert m.return_none_float() is None
+def test_none_deferred():
+    """None passed as various argument types should defer to other overloads"""
+    assert not m.defer_none_cstring("abc")
+    assert m.defer_none_cstring(None)
+    assert not m.defer_none_custom(UserType())
+    assert m.defer_none_custom(None)
+    assert m.nodefer_none_void(None)
+def test_void_caster():
+    assert m.load_nullptr_t(None) is None
+    assert m.cast_nullptr_t() is None
+def test_reference_wrapper():
+    """std::reference_wrapper for builtin and user types"""
+    assert m.refwrap_builtin(42) == 420
+    assert m.refwrap_usertype(UserType(42)) == 42
+    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
+        m.refwrap_builtin(None)
+    assert "incompatible function arguments" in str(excinfo.value)
+    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
+        m.refwrap_usertype(None)
+    assert "incompatible function arguments" in str(excinfo.value)
+    a1 = m.refwrap_list(copy=True)
+    a2 = m.refwrap_list(copy=True)
+    assert [x.value for x in a1] == [2, 3]
+    assert [x.value for x in a2] == [2, 3]
+    assert not a1[0] is a2[0] and not a1[1] is a2[1]
+    b1 = m.refwrap_list(copy=False)
+    b2 = m.refwrap_list(copy=False)
+    assert [x.value for x in b1] == [1, 2]
+    assert [x.value for x in b2] == [1, 2]
+    assert b1[0] is b2[0] and b1[1] is b2[1]
+    assert m.refwrap_iiw(IncType(5)) == 5
+    assert m.refwrap_call_iiw(IncType(10), m.refwrap_iiw) == [10, 10, 10, 10]
+def test_complex_cast():
+    """std::complex casts"""
+    assert m.complex_cast(1) == "1.0"
+    assert m.complex_cast(2j) == "(0.0, 2.0)"