Don't allow mixed static/non-static overloads

We currently fail at runtime when trying to call a method that is
overloaded with both static and non-static methods.  This is something
python won't allow: the object is either a function or an instance, and
can't be both.
diff --git a/include/pybind11/pybind11.h b/include/pybind11/pybind11.h
index cdf5f1a..c1bc673 100644
--- a/include/pybind11/pybind11.h
+++ b/include/pybind11/pybind11.h
@@ -318,6 +318,15 @@
             m_ptr = rec->sibling.ptr();
             chain_start = chain;
+            if (chain->is_method != rec->is_method)
+                pybind11_fail("overloading a method with both static and instance methods is not supported; "
+                    #if defined(NDEBUG)
+                        "compile in debug mode for more details"
+                    #else
+                        "error while attempting to bind " + std::string(rec->is_method ? "instance" : "static") + " method " +
+                        std::string(pybind11::str(rec->scope.attr("__name__"))) + "." + std::string(rec->name) + signature
+                    #endif
+                );
             while (chain->next)
                 chain = chain->next;
             chain->next = rec;
diff --git a/tests/test_methods_and_attributes.cpp b/tests/test_methods_and_attributes.cpp
index 8ce25b6..e11bdf2 100644
--- a/tests/test_methods_and_attributes.cpp
+++ b/tests/test_methods_and_attributes.cpp
@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@
     py::str overloaded(int, int)     const { return "(int, int) const"; }
     py::str overloaded(float, float) const { return "(float, float) const"; }
+    static py::str overloaded() { return "static"; }
     int value = 0;
@@ -206,6 +208,17 @@
         .def("overloaded_const", static_cast<py::str (ExampleMandA::*)(int,     int) const>(&ExampleMandA::overloaded))
         .def("overloaded_const", static_cast<py::str (ExampleMandA::*)(float, float) const>(&ExampleMandA::overloaded))
+        // Raise error if trying to mix static/non-static overloads on the same name:
+        .def_static("add_mixed_overloads1", []() {
+            auto emna = py::reinterpret_borrow<py::class_<ExampleMandA>>(py::module::import("pybind11_tests").attr("ExampleMandA"));
+            emna.def       ("overload_mixed1", static_cast<py::str (ExampleMandA::*)(int, int)>(&ExampleMandA::overloaded))
+                .def_static("overload_mixed1", static_cast<py::str (              *)(        )>(&ExampleMandA::overloaded));
+        })
+        .def_static("add_mixed_overloads2", []() {
+            auto emna = py::reinterpret_borrow<py::class_<ExampleMandA>>(py::module::import("pybind11_tests").attr("ExampleMandA"));
+            emna.def_static("overload_mixed2", static_cast<py::str (              *)(        )>(&ExampleMandA::overloaded))
+                .def       ("overload_mixed2", static_cast<py::str (ExampleMandA::*)(int, int)>(&ExampleMandA::overloaded));
+        })
         .def("__str__", &ExampleMandA::toString)
         .def_readwrite("value", &ExampleMandA::value);
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 18bf8d9..0eaef9c 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -148,6 +148,28 @@
     assert isinstance(MetaclassOverride.__dict__["readonly"], int)
+def test_no_mixed_overloads():
+    from pybind11_tests import debug_enabled
+    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
+        ExampleMandA.add_mixed_overloads1()
+    assert (str(excinfo.value) ==
+            "overloading a method with both static and instance methods is not supported; " +
+            ("compile in debug mode for more details" if not debug_enabled else
+             "error while attempting to bind static method ExampleMandA.overload_mixed1"
+             "() -> str")
+            )
+    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
+        ExampleMandA.add_mixed_overloads2()
+    assert (str(excinfo.value) ==
+            "overloading a method with both static and instance methods is not supported; " +
+            ("compile in debug mode for more details" if not debug_enabled else
+             "error while attempting to bind instance method ExampleMandA.overload_mixed2"
+             "(self: pybind11_tests.ExampleMandA, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> str")
+            )
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("access", ["ro", "rw", "static_ro", "static_rw"])
 def test_property_return_value_policies(access):
     from pybind11_tests import TestPropRVP