Keep going if attention times out, but print a message so that attn reports can be fixed otherwise it will be really slow. But, this will only happen if something is broken in the driver.
diff --git a/rmi4update/updateutil.cpp b/rmi4update/updateutil.cpp
index c274ada..7950e4c 100644
--- a/rmi4update/updateutil.cpp
+++ b/rmi4update/updateutil.cpp
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 	"failed to write initial zeros",				// UPDATE_FAIL_WRITE_INITIAL_ZEROS
 	"failed to write block",					// UPDATE_FAIL_WRITE_BLOCK
 	"failed to write the flash command",				// UPDATE_FAIL_WRITE_FLASH_COMMAND
-	"timeout waiting for idle",					// UPDATE_FAIL_TIMEOUT_WAITING_FOR_IDLE
+	"timeout waiting for attn",					// UPDATE_FAIL_TIMEOUT_WAITING_FOR_ATTN
 	"failed to write erase all command",				// UPDATE_FAIL_ERASE_ALL
 	"the firmware image is older then the firmware on the device",	// UPDATE_FAIL_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_IS_OLDER
 	"invalid parameter",						// UPDATE_FAIL_INVALID_PARAMETER