blob: 438307c420fd6e8537fcd55d3b1792c06629647d [file] [log] [blame]
plugins {
id "application"
apply plugin: 'java'
ext {
javaMainClass = "org.robolectric.preinstrumented.JarInstrumentor"
application {
mainClassName = javaMainClass
java {
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
dependencies {
implementation "$guavaJREVersion"
implementation project(":sandbox")
task instrumentAll {
dependsOn ':prefetchSdks'
dependsOn 'build'
doLast {
def androidAllMavenLocal = "${System.getProperty('user.home')}/.m2/repository/org/robolectric/android-all"
sdksToInstrument().each { androidSdk ->
println("Instrumenting ${androidSdk.coordinates}")
def inputPath = "${androidAllMavenLocal}/${androidSdk.version}/${androidSdk.jarFileName}"
def outputPath = "${buildDir}/${androidSdk.preinstrumentedJarFileName}"
javaexec {
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
main = javaMainClass
args = [inputPath, outputPath]
task('sourcesJar', type: Jar) {
archiveClassifier = "sources"
task('javadocJar', type: Jar) {
archiveClassifier = "javadoc"
// Avoid publishing the preinstrumented jars by default. They are published
// manually when the instrumentation configuration changes to maximize gradle
// and maven caching.
if (System.getenv('PUBLISH_PREINSTRUMENTED_JARS') == "true") {
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
apply plugin: "signing"
publishing {
publications {
sdksToInstrument().each { androidSdk ->
"sdk${androidSdk.apiLevel}"(MavenPublication) {
artifact "${buildDir}/${androidSdk.preinstrumentedJarFileName}"
artifactId 'android-all-instrumented'
artifact sourcesJar
artifact javadocJar
version androidSdk.preinstrumentedVersion
pom {
name = "Google Android ${androidSdk.androidVersion} instrumented android-all library"
description = "Google Android ${androidSdk.androidVersion} framework jars transformed with Robolectric instrumentation."
url = ""
inceptionYear = "2008"
licenses {
license {
name = "Apache 2.0"
url = ""
comments = "While the EULA for the Android SDK restricts distribution of those binaries, the source code is licensed under Apache 2.0 which allows compiling binaries from source and then distributing those versions."
distribution = "repo"
scm {
url = ""
connection = ""
developers {
developer {
name = "The Android Open Source Projects"
repositories {
maven {
url = ""
credentials {
username =["sonatype-login"] ?: System.env['sonatypeLogin']
password =["sonatype-password"] ?: System.env['sonatypePassword']
signing {
sdksToInstrument().each { androidSdk ->
sign publishing.publications."sdk${androidSdk.apiLevel}"
def sdksToInstrument() {
var result = AndroidSdk.ALL_SDKS
var sdkFilter = (System.getenv('PREINSTRUMENTED_SDK_VERSIONS') ?: "").split(",").collect { it as Integer }
if (sdkFilter.size > 0) {
result = result.findAll { sdkFilter.contains(it.apiLevel) }
return result
clean.doFirst {
AndroidSdk.ALL_SDKS.each { androidSdk ->
delete "${buildDir}/${androidSdk.preinstrumentedJarFileName}"