Create an activity context for activities.

Previously Robolectric would simply reused the application's ContextImpl as the base context for the activity. As new APIs are being added in R and S (getDisplay, isUiContext) this will not continue to work well for activities. Also in general having the activity context and the application context be different more closely aligns with how android platform works in practice and will improve the quality of tests.

This change produces a couple of notable differences with prior behavior:

## Resources

For resources/themes/configuration/displaymetrics/etc tests would frequently simply modify the application context with the expectation that the activity would receive identical changes (because the context objects were the same). This change causes this pattern to not work in general. It tries to preserve the theme carrying across by initialising the activity theme to the application theme, which was a common pattern, however changes to the resources/theme after an activity has been created will not longer be reflected by updating the application context automatically. Instead tests will have to ensure that they properly call changeConfiguration() on the activity controller (which now produces behavior much more aligned with real android when combined with RuntimeEnvironment.setQualifiers by correctly either calling onConfigurationChanged or restarting the activity) or instead apply the updates directly to the activity context.

## System services

Previously because the activity and application shared the same context acquiring a service from that context returned the same instance and subsequently allowed a test to acquire the shadow of a system service on the application context and assume that the activity would receive the same stateful shadow implementation. By creating an activity context the system service objects returned would naturally be different instances, resulting in different shadows with different state. Before we are able to enable the new behavior by default we'll have to ensure the service shadows are storing state globally when appropriate and not per instance.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 479649775
6 files changed
tree: 0f6c8581701c0d403150c60d225fb09468ab95b2
  1. .github/
  2. annotations/
  3. buildSrc/
  4. errorprone/
  5. gradle/
  6. images/
  7. integration_tests/
  8. junit/
  9. nativeruntime/
  10. pluginapi/
  11. plugins/
  12. preinstrumented/
  13. processor/
  14. resources/
  15. robolectric/
  16. sandbox/
  17. scripts/
  18. shadowapi/
  19. shadows/
  20. testapp/
  21. utils/
  22. .gitignore
  23. .gitmodules
  24. build.gradle
  27. gradlew
  28. gradlew.bat
  31. settings.gradle

Build Status GitHub release

Robolectric is the industry-standard unit testing framework for Android. With Robolectric, your tests run in a simulated Android environment inside a JVM, without the overhead and flakiness of an emulator. Robolectric tests routinely run 10x faster than those on cold-started emulators.

Robolectric supports running unit tests for 16 different versions of Android, ranging from Jelly Bean (API level 16) to SV2 (API level 32).


Here's an example of a simple test written using Robolectric:

public class MyActivityTest {

  public void clickingButton_shouldChangeResultsViewText() {
    Activity activity = Robolectric.setupActivity(MyActivity.class);

    Button button = (Button) activity.findViewById(;
    TextView results = (TextView) activity.findViewById(;

    assertThat(results.getText().toString(), equalTo("Testing Android Rocks!"));

For more information about how to install and use Robolectric on your project, extend its functionality, and join the community of contributors, please visit


Starting a New Project

If you'd like to start a new project with Robolectric tests you can refer to deckard (for either maven or gradle) as a guide to setting up both Android and Robolectric on your machine.


testImplementation "junit:junit:4.13.2"
testImplementation "org.robolectric:robolectric:4.8.2"

Building And Contributing

Robolectric is built using Gradle. Both IntelliJ and Android Studio can import the top-level build.gradle file and will automatically generate their project files from it.


Those software configurations are recommended and tested.

  • JDK 11. Gradle JVM should be set to Java 11.
    • For command line, make sure the environment variable JAVA_HOME is correctly point to JDK11, or set the build environment by Gradle CLI option"YourJdkHomePath" or by Gradle Properties
    • For both IntelliJ and Android Studio, see Settings/Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Gradle.
  • Ninja 1.10.2+. Check it by ninja --version.
  • CMake 3.22.1+. Check it by cmake --version.
  • GCC 7.5.0+ on Linux or Apple clang 12.0.0+ on macOS. Check it by gcc --version.

See Building Robolectric for more details about setting up a build environment for Robolectric.


Robolectric supports running tests against multiple Android API levels. The work it must do to support each API level is slightly different, so its shadows are built separately for each. To build shadows for every API version, run:

./gradlew clean assemble testClasses --parallel


Run tests for all API levels:

The fully tests could consume more than 16G memory(total of physical and virtual memory).

./gradlew test --parallel

Run tests for part of supported API levels, e.g. run tests for API level 26, 27, 28:

./gradlew test --parallel -Drobolectric.enabledSdks=26,27,28

Run compatibility test suites on opening Emulator:

./gradlew connectedCheck

Using Snapshots

If you would like to live on the bleeding edge, you can try running against a snapshot build. Keep in mind that snapshots represent the most recent changes on master and may contain bugs.


repositories {
    maven { url "" }

dependencies {
    testImplementation "org.robolectric:robolectric:4.9-SNAPSHOT"