Robolectric 4.3 Alpha 1

Robolectric 4.3 Alpha 1 is an alpha release. APIs are very likely to change and new features will be added. We'd love feedback from testing this version, but we recommend you don't rely on it in your test suite.

This release introduces a new extension mechanism for Robolectric, fixes a performance regression in 4.x, and includes numerous SDK support improvements and bug fixes.


  • Description. Thanks @user! [issue #x].b1

Android SDK support and Test API changes


Bug Fixes

Deprecations and Removals

Internal Changes

Known Issues


  • Android Studio/Android Gradle Plugin 3.3 or 3.4 Beta
  • Android SDK 28 (includes support for testing against SDKs from 16 on)

Use Robolectric:

testCompile "org.robolectric:robolectric:4.2-beta-1"

Find more details here. Report issues here. Enjoy!

a2 — added in Alpha 2. b1 — added in Beta 1.