blob: 41c2ef894eb8ef67330d692c2006ea9c1a696352 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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//! Enumerations for IANA-managed values.
//! Sources:
//! - <>
//! - <>
//! - <>
mod tests;
/// Trait indicating an enum that can be constructed from `i64` values.
pub trait EnumI64: Sized + Eq {
fn from_i64(i: i64) -> Option<Self>;
fn to_i64(&self) -> i64;
/// Trait indicating an enum with a range of private values.
pub trait WithPrivateRange {
fn is_private(i: i64) -> bool;
/// Generate an enum with associated values, plus a `from_i64` method.
macro_rules! iana_registry {
( $(#[$attr:meta])* $enum_name:ident {$($(#[$fattr:meta])* $name:ident: $val:expr,)* } ) => {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub enum $enum_name {
$($(#[$fattr])* $name = $val,)*
impl EnumI64 for $enum_name {
fn from_i64(i: i64) -> Option<Self> {
match i {
$(x if x == Self::$name as i64 => Some(Self::$name),)*
_ => None,
fn to_i64(&self) -> i64 {
*self as i64
iana_registry! {
/// IANA-registered COSE header parameters.
/// From IANA registry <>
/// as of 2021-03-19.
HeaderParameter {
/// Reserved
Reserved: 0,
/// Cryptographic algorithm to use
/// Associated value of type int / tstr
Alg: 1,
/// Critical headers to be understood
/// Associated value of type [+ label]
Crit: 2,
/// Content type of the payload
/// Associated value of type tstr / uint
ContentType: 3,
/// Key identifier
/// Associated value of type bstr
Kid: 4,
/// Full Initialization Vector
/// Associated value of type bstr
Iv: 5,
/// Partial Initialization Vector
/// Associated value of type bstr
PartialIv: 6,
/// CBOR-encoded signature structure
/// Associated value of type COSE_Signature / [+ COSE_Signature ]
CounterSignature: 7,
/// Counter signature with implied signer and headers
/// Associated value of type bstr
CounterSignature0: 9,
/// Identifies the context for the key identifier
/// Associated value of type bstr
KidContext: 10,
/// An unordered bag of X.509 certificates
/// Associated value of type COSE_X509
X5Bag: 32,
/// An ordered chain of X.509 certificates
/// Associated value of type COSE_X509
X5Chain: 33,
/// Hash of an X.509 certificate
/// Associated value of type COSE_CertHash
X5T: 34,
/// URI pointing to an X.509 certificate
/// Associated value of type uri
X5U: 35,
/// Challenge Nonce
/// Associated value of type bstr
CuphNonce: 256,
/// Public Key
/// Associated value of type array
CuphOwnerPubKey: 257,
/// Integer values for COSE header parameters below this value are reserved for private use.
pub const HEADER_PARAMETER_PRIVATE_USE_MAX: i64 = -65536;
impl WithPrivateRange for HeaderParameter {
fn is_private(i: i64) -> bool {
iana_registry! {
/// IANA-registered COSE header algorithm parameters.
/// From IANA registry <>
/// as of 2021-03-19.
HeaderAlgorithmParameter {
/// Party V other provided information
/// Associated value of type bstr
PartyVOther: -26,
/// Party V provided nonce
/// Associated value of type bstr / int
PartyVNonce: -25,
/// Party V identity information
/// Associated value of type bstr
PartyVIdentity: -24,
/// Party U other provided information
/// Associated value of type bstr
PartyUOther: -23,
/// Party U provided nonce
/// Associated value of type bstr / int
PartyUNonce: -22,
/// Party U identity information
/// Associated value of type bstr
PartyUIdentity: -21,
/// Random salt
/// Associated value of type bstr
Salt: -20,
/// Static public key identifier for the sender
/// Associated value of type bstr
StaticKeyId: -3,
/// Static public key for the sender
/// Associated value of type COSE_Key
StaticKey: -2,
/// Ephemeral public key for the sender
/// Associated value of type COSE_Key
EphemeralKey: -1,
iana_registry! {
/// IANA-registered COSE algorithms.
/// From IANA registry <>
/// as of 2021-03-19.
Algorithm {
/// RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-1
RS1: -65535,
/// WalnutDSA signature
WalnutDSA: -260,
/// RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-512
RS512: -259,
/// RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-384
RS384: -258,
/// RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256
RS256: -257,
/// ECDSA using secp256k1 curve and SHA-256
ES256K: -47,
/// HSS/LMS hash-based digital signature
HSS_LMS: -46,
/// SHAKE-256 512-bit Hash Value
SHAKE256: -45,
/// SHA-2 512-bit Hash
SHA_512: -44,
/// SHA-2 384-bit Hash
SHA_384: -43,
/// RSAES-OAEP w/ SHA-512
RSAES_OAEP_SHA_512: -42,
/// RSAES-OAEP w/ SHA-256
RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256: -41,
RSAES_OAEP_RFC_8017_default: -40,
/// RSASSA-PSS w/ SHA-512
PS512: -39,
PS384: -38,
/// RSASSA-PSS w/ SHA-256
PS256: -37,
/// ECDSA w/ SHA-512
ES512: -36,
/// ECDSA w/ SHA-384
ES384: -35,
/// ECDH SS w/ Concat KDF and AES Key Wrap w/ 256-bit key
ECDH_SS_A256KW: -34,
/// ECDH SS w/ Concat KDF and AES Key Wrap w/ 192-bit key
ECDH_SS_A192KW: -33,
/// ECDH SS w/ Concat KDF and AES Key Wrap w/ 128-bit key
ECDH_SS_A128KW: -32,
/// ECDH ES w/ Concat KDF and AES Key Wrap w/ 256-bit key
ECDH_ES_A256KW: -31,
/// ECDH ES w/ Concat KDF and AES Key Wrap w/ 192-bit key
ECDH_ES_A192KW: -30,
/// ECDH ES w/ Concat KDF and AES Key Wrap w/ 128-bit key
ECDH_ES_A128KW: -29,
/// ECDH SS w/ HKDF - generate key directly
ECDH_SS_HKDF_512: -28,
/// ECDH SS w/ HKDF - generate key directly
ECDH_SS_HKDF_256: -27,
/// ECDH ES w/ HKDF - generate key directly
ECDH_ES_HKDF_512: -26,
/// ECDH ES w/ HKDF - generate key directly
ECDH_ES_HKDF_256: -25,
/// SHAKE-128 256-bit Hash Value
SHAKE128: -18,
/// SHA-2 512-bit Hash truncated to 256-bits
SHA_512_256: -17,
/// SHA-2 256-bit Hash
SHA_256: -16,
/// SHA-2 256-bit Hash truncated to 64-bits
SHA_256_64: -15,
/// SHA-1 Hash
SHA_1: -14,
/// Shared secret w/ AES-MAC 256-bit key
Direct_HKDF_AES_256: -13,
/// Shared secret w/ AES-MAC 128-bit key
Direct_HKDF_AES_128: -12,
/// Shared secret w/ HKDF and SHA-512
Direct_HKDF_SHA_512: -11,
/// Shared secret w/ HKDF and SHA-256
Direct_HKDF_SHA_256: -10,
/// EdDSA
EdDSA: -8,
/// ECDSA w/ SHA-256
ES256: -7,
/// Direct use of CEK
Direct: -6,
/// AES Key Wrap w/ 256-bit key
A256KW: -5,
/// AES Key Wrap w/ 192-bit key
A192KW: -4,
/// AES Key Wrap w/ 128-bit key
A128KW: -3,
/// Reserved
Reserved: 0,
/// AES-GCM mode w/ 128-bit key, 128-bit tag
A128GCM: 1,
/// AES-GCM mode w/ 192-bit key, 128-bit tag
A192GCM: 2,
/// AES-GCM mode w/ 256-bit key, 128-bit tag
A256GCM: 3,
/// HMAC w/ SHA-256 truncated to 64 bits
HMAC_256_64: 4,
/// HMAC w/ SHA-256
HMAC_256_256: 5,
/// HMAC w/ SHA-384
HMAC_384_384: 6,
/// HMAC w/ SHA-512
HMAC_512_512: 7,
/// AES-CCM mode 128-bit key, 64-bit tag, 13-byte nonce
AES_CCM_16_64_128: 10,
/// AES-CCM mode 256-bit key, 64-bit tag, 13-byte nonce
AES_CCM_16_64_256: 11,
/// AES-CCM mode 128-bit key, 64-bit tag, 7-byte nonce
AES_CCM_64_64_128: 12,
/// AES-CCM mode 256-bit key, 64-bit tag, 7-byte nonce
AES_CCM_64_64_256: 13,
/// AES-MAC 128-bit key, 64-bit tag
AES_MAC_128_64: 14,
/// AES-MAC 256-bit key, 64-bit tag
AES_MAC_256_64: 15,
/// ChaCha20/Poly1305 w/ 256-bit key, 128-bit tag
ChaCha20Poly1305: 24,
/// AES-MAC 128-bit key, 128-bit tag
AES_MAC_128_128: 25,
/// AES-MAC 256-bit key, 128-bit tag
AES_MAC_256_128: 26,
/// AES-CCM mode 128-bit key, 128-bit tag, 13-byte nonce
AES_CCM_16_128_128: 30,
/// AES-CCM mode 256-bit key, 128-bit tag, 13-byte nonce
AES_CCM_16_128_256: 31,
/// AES-CCM mode 128-bit key, 128-bit tag, 7-byte nonce
AES_CCM_64_128_128: 32,
/// AES-CCM mode 256-bit key, 128-bit tag, 7-byte nonce
AES_CCM_64_128_256: 33,
/// For doing IV generation for symmetric algorithms.
/// Integer values for COSE algorithms below this value are reserved for private use.
pub const ALGORITHM_PRIVATE_USE_MAX: i64 = -65536;
impl WithPrivateRange for Algorithm {
fn is_private(i: i64) -> bool {
iana_registry! {
/// IANA-registered COSE common key parameters.
/// From IANA registry <>
/// as of 2021-03-19.
KeyParameter {
/// Reserved value.
Reserved: 0,
/// Identification of the key type
/// Associated value of type tstr / int
Kty: 1,
/// Key identification value - match to kid in message
/// Associated value of type bstr
Kid: 2,
/// Key usage restriction to this algorithm
/// Associated value of type tstr / int
Alg: 3,
/// Restrict set of permissible operations
/// Associated value of type [+ (tstr / int)]
KeyOps: 4,
/// Base IV to be XORed with Partial IVs
/// Associated value of type bstr
BaseIv: 5,
iana_registry! {
/// IANA-registered COSE key parameters for keys of type [`KeyType::OKP`].
/// From IANA registry <>
/// as of 2021-03-19.
OkpKeyParameter {
/// EC identifier - Taken from the "COSE Elliptic Curves" registry
/// Associated value of type tstr / int
Crv: -1,
/// x-coordinate
/// Associated value of type bstr
X: -2,
/// Private key
/// Associated value of type bstr
D: -4,
iana_registry! {
/// IANA-registered COSE key parameters for keys of type [`KeyType::EC2`].
/// From IANA registry <>
/// as of 2021-03-19.
Ec2KeyParameter {
/// EC identifier - Taken from the "COSE Elliptic Curves" registry
/// Associated value of type tstr / int
Crv: -1,
/// Public Key
/// Associated value of type bstr
X: -2,
/// y-coordinate
/// Associated value of type bstr / bool
Y: -3,
/// Private key
/// Associated value of type bstr
D: -4,
iana_registry! {
/// IANA-registered COSE key parameters for keys of type [`KeyType::RSA`].
/// From IANA registry <>
/// as of 2021-03-19.
RsaKeyParameter {
/// The RSA modulus n
/// Associated value of type bstr
N: -1,
/// The RSA public exponent e
/// Associated value of type bstr
E: -2,
/// The RSA private exponent d
/// Associated value of type bstr
D: -3,
/// The prime factor p of n
/// Associated value of type bstr
P: -4,
/// The prime factor q of n
/// Associated value of type bstr
Q: -5,
/// dP is d mod (p - 1)
/// Associated value of type bstr
DP: -6,
/// dQ is d mod (q - 1)
/// Associated value of type bstr
DQ: -7,
/// qInv is the CRT coefficient q^(-1) mod p
/// Associated value of type bstr
QInv: -8,
/// Other prime infos, an array
/// Associated value of type array
Other: -9,
/// a prime factor r_i of n, where i >= 3
/// Associated value of type bstr
RI: -10,
/// d_i = d mod (r_i - 1)
/// Associated value of type bstr
DI: -11,
/// The CRT coefficient t_i = (r_1 * r_2 * ... * r_(i-1))^(-1) mod r_i
/// Associated value of type bstr
TI: -12,
iana_registry! {
/// IANA-registered COSE key parameters for keys of type [`KeyType::Symmetric`].
/// From IANA registry <>
/// as of 2021-03-19.
SymmetricKeyParameter {
/// Key Value
/// Associated value of type bstr
K: -1,
iana_registry! {
/// IANA-registered COSE key parameters for keys of type [`KeyType::HSS_LMS`].
/// From IANA registry <>
/// as of 2021-03-19.
HssLmsKeyParameter {
/// Public key for HSS/LMS hash-based digital signature
/// Associated value of type bstr
Pub: -1,
iana_registry! {
/// IANA-registered COSE key parameters for keys of type [`KeyType::WalnutDSA`].
/// From IANA registry <>
/// as of 2021-03-19.
WalnutDsaKeyParameter {
/// Group and Matrix (NxN) size
/// Associated value of type uint
N: -1,
/// Finite field F_q
/// Associated value of type uint
Q: -2,
/// List of T-values, enties in F_q
/// Associated value of type array of uint
TValues: -3,
/// NxN Matrix of enties in F_q in column-major form
/// Associated value of type array of array of uint
Matrix1: -4,
/// Permutation associated with matrix 1
/// Associated value of type array of uint
Permutation1: -5,
/// NxN Matrix of enties in F_q in column-major form
/// Associated value of type array of array of uint
Matrix2: -6,
iana_registry! {
/// IANA-registered COSE key types.
/// From IANA registry <>
/// as of 2021-03-19.
KeyType {
/// This value is reserved
Reserved: 0,
/// Octet Key Pair
OKP: 1,
/// Elliptic Curve Keys w/ x- and y-coordinate pair
EC2: 2,
/// RSA Key
RSA: 3,
/// Symmetric Keys
Symmetric: 4,
/// Public key for HSS/LMS hash-based digital signature
/// WalnutDSA public key
WalnutDSA: 6,
iana_registry! {
/// IANA-registered COSE elliptic curves.
/// From IANA registry <>
/// as of 2021-03-19.
EllipticCurve {
Reserved: 0,
/// EC2: NIST P-256 also known as secp256r1
P_256: 1,
/// EC2: NIST P-384 also known as secp384r1
P_384: 2,
/// EC2: NIST P-521 also known as secp521r1
P_521: 3,
/// OKP: X25519 for use w/ ECDH only
X25519: 4,
/// OKP: X448 for use w/ ECDH only
X448: 5,
/// OKP: Ed25519 for use w/ EdDSA only
Ed25519: 6,
/// OKP: Ed448 for use w/ EdDSA only
Ed448: 7,
/// EC2: SECG secp256k1 curve
Secp256k1: 8,
/// Integer values for COSE elliptic curves below this value are reserved for private use.
pub const ELLIPTIC_CURVE_PRIVATE_USE_MAX: i64 = -65536;
impl WithPrivateRange for EllipticCurve {
fn is_private(i: i64) -> bool {
iana_registry! {
/// Key operation values.
/// See RFC 8152 section 7.1 table 4.
KeyOperation {
/// Key is used to create signatures. Requires private key fields.
Sign: 1,
/// Key is used for verification of signatures.
Verify: 2,
/// Key is used for key transport encryption.
Encrypt: 3,
/// Key is used for key transport decryption. Requires private key fields.
Decrypt: 4,
/// Key is used for key wrap encryption.
WrapKey: 5,
/// Key is used for key wrap decryption. Requires private key fields.
UnwrapKey: 6,
/// Key is used for deriving keys. Requires private key fields.
DeriveKey: 7,
/// Key is used for deriving bits not to be used as a key. Requires private key fields.
DeriveBits: 8,
/// Key is used for creating MACs.
MacCreate: 9,
/// Key is used for validating MACs.
MacVerify: 10,
iana_registry! {
/// CBOR tag values for COSE structures.
/// From IANA registry <>
/// as of 2021-03-19.
CborTag {
/// COSE Single Recipient Encrypted Data Object
CoseEncrypt0: 16,
/// COSE Mac w/o Recipients Object
CoseMac0: 17,
/// COSE Single Signer Data Object
CoseSign1: 18,
/// CBOR Web Token (CWT)
Cwt: 61,
/// COSE Encrypted Data Object
CoseEncrypt: 96,
/// COSE MACed Data Object
CoseMac: 97,
/// COSE Signed Data Object
CoseSign: 98,
iana_registry! {
/// CoAP Content Formats
/// From IANA registry <>
/// as of 2021-03-19.
CoapContentFormat {
/// text/plain; charset=utf-8
TextPlainUtf8: 0,
/// application/cose; cose-type="cose-encrypt0"
CoseEncrypt0: 16,
/// application/cose; cose-type="cose-mac0"
CoseMac0: 17,
/// application/cose; cose-type="cose-sign1"
CoseSign1: 18,
/// application/link-format
LinkFormat: 40,
/// application/xml
Xml: 41,
/// application/octet-stream
OctetStream: 42,
/// application/exi
Exi: 47,
/// application/json
Json: 50,
/// application/json-patch+json
JsonPatchJson: 51,
/// application/merge-patch+json
MergePatchJson: 52,
/// application/cbor
Cbor: 60,
/// application/cwt
Cwt: 61,
/// application/multipart-core
MultipartCore: 62,
/// application/cbor-seq
CborSeq: 63,
/// application/cose; cose-type="cose-encrypt"
CoseEncrypt: 96,
/// application/cose; cose-type="cose-mac"
CoseMac: 97,
/// application/cose; cose-type="cose-sign"
CoseSign: 98,
/// application/cose-key
CoseKey: 101,
/// application/cose-key-set
CoseKeySet: 102,
/// application/senml+json
SenmlJson: 110,
/// application/sensml+json
SensmlJson: 111,
/// application/senml+cbor
SenmlCbor: 112,
/// application/sensml+cbor
SensmlCbor: 113,
/// application/senml-exi
SenmlExi: 114,
/// application/sensml-exi
SensmlExi: 115,
/// application/coap-group+json
CoapGroupJson: 256,
/// application/dots+cbor
DotsCbor: 271,
/// application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=server-generated-key
Pkcs7MimeSmimeTypeServerGeneratedKey: 280,
/// application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=certs-only
Pkcs7MimeSmimeTypeCertsOnly: 281,
/// application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=CMC-Request
Pkcs7MimeSmimeTypeCmcRequest: 282,
/// application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=CMC-Response
Pkcs7MimeSmimeTypeCmcResponse: 283,
/// application/pkcs8
Pkcs8: 284,
/// application/csrattrs
Csrattrs: 285,
/// application/pkcs10
Pkcs10: 286,
/// application/pkix-cert
PkixCert: 287,
/// application/senml+xml
SenmlXml: 310,
/// application/sensml+xml
SensmlXml: 311,
/// application/senml-etch+json
SenmlEtchJson: 320,
/// application/senml-etch+cbor
SenmlEtchCbor: 322,
/// application/td+json
TdJson: 432,
/// application/vnd.ocf+cbor
VndOcfCbor: 10000,
/// application/oscore
Oscore: 10001,
// application/json deflate
JsonDeflate: 11050,
// application/cbor deflate
CborDeflate: 11060,
/// application/vnd.oma.lwm2m+tlv
VndOmaLwm2mTlv: 11542,
/// application/vnd.oma.lwm2m+json
VndOmaLwm2mJson: 11543,
/// application/vnd.oma.lwm2m+cbor
VndOmaLwm2mCbor: 11544,