Copy description from Cargo.toml to METADATA am: 935946a08c am: 29039859f7 am: cf9c2bd726 am: 0c4e551e3d

Original change:

Change-Id: Ia805e4841792201aeb66ff6f9f5adc918ab5ce45
diff --git a/METADATA b/METADATA
index c6ed94f..9fc8d6a 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 name: "peeking_take_while"
-description: "Provides the peeking_take_while iterator adaptor method."
+description: "Like `Iterator::take_while`, but calls the predicate on a peeked value. This allows you to use `Iterator::by_ref` and `Iterator::take_while` together, and still get the first value for which the `take_while` predicate returned false after dropping the `by_ref`."
 third_party {
   url {
     type: HOMEPAGE