Revert "Import xml-rs 0.8.3"

Revert submission 1767390-import-serde-xml-rs

Reason for revert: DroidMonitor: Potential culprit for Bug 193808832 - verifying through Forrest before revert submission. This is part of the standard investigation process, and does not mean your CL will be reverted
Reverted Changes:
Ic95f41063:Import xml-rs 0.8.3
Ie6b7a9e17:Import serde-xml-rs 0.4.1

Change-Id: If0f29d300185d6219fbff485f4e21b32427f56b8
58 files changed
tree: 4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904

This tree is empty.