blob: a924985ffe12f77f2ac15520d76d63eb916aaf31 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include "check_macros.h"
namespace ruy {
// Layout storage order. Here and elsewhere, 'col' is short for 'column'.
// 'column-major' means that each column is contiguous in memory.
enum class Order : std::uint8_t { kColMajor, kRowMajor };
struct KernelLayout final {
Order order = Order::kColMajor;
std::uint8_t rows = 1;
std::uint8_t cols = 1;
// Describes the shape and storage layout of a matrix.
struct Layout final {
std::int32_t rows = 0;
std::int32_t cols = 0;
// Stride is the offset between two adjacent matrix elements
// in the non-contiguous direction.
std::int32_t stride = 0;
Order order = Order::kColMajor;
KernelLayout kernel;
// A Matrix is really what Eigen and gemmlowp would have called a 'matrix map':
// it merely wraps existing data as a matrix. It doesn't own any buffer.
// Scalar may be any floating-point or integral type. When integral, it may be
// signed or unsigned.
template <typename Scalar>
struct Matrix final {
static_assert(!std::is_const<Scalar>::value, "");
void operator=(const Matrix& other) {
mutable_data_ = other.mutable_data_;
#ifndef NDEBUG
has_mutable_data_ = other.has_mutable_data_;
layout = other.layout;
zero_point = other.zero_point;
// Our take on the c++ problem of enforcing constness of data wrapped in a
// containers class: it's not worth the hassle
// of trying to make it fully work at compile-time. Instead, we only enforce
// constness at runtime, and to make it zero-overhead, we only enforce it
// in debug builds.
union {
Scalar* mutable_data_ = nullptr;
const Scalar* const_data_;
#ifndef NDEBUG
bool has_mutable_data_ = false;
void set_data(Scalar* data) {
mutable_data_ = data;
#ifndef NDEBUG
has_mutable_data_ = true;
void set_data(const Scalar* data) {
const_data_ = data;
#ifndef NDEBUG
has_mutable_data_ = false;
Scalar* data() {
#ifndef NDEBUG
return mutable_data_;
const Scalar* data() const { return const_data_; }
// The shape and data layout of this matrix.
Layout layout;
// The zero_point, i.e. which Scalar value is to be interpreted as zero.
// When Scalar is floating-point, this must be 0.
Scalar zero_point = 0;
template <typename StreamType, typename Scalar>
StreamType& operator<<(StreamType& stream, const Matrix<Scalar>& mat) {
for (int row = 0; row < mat.layout.rows; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < mat.layout.cols; col++) {
stream << static_cast<double>(Element(mat, row, col)) << " ";
stream << "\n";
return stream;
} // namespace ruy