initial import from svn trunk revision 2950
diff --git a/checkpolicy/module_compiler.h b/checkpolicy/module_compiler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa91400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/checkpolicy/module_compiler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+/* Author : Joshua Brindle <>
+ *	    Karl MacMillan <>
+ *          Jason Tang     <>
+ *	Added support for binary policy modules
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2005 Tresys Technology, LLC
+ *	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *	the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
+ */
+#include <sepol/policydb/hashtab.h>
+/* Called when checkpolicy begins to parse a policy -- either at the
+ * very beginning for a kernel/base policy, or after the module header
+ * for policy modules.  Initialize the memory structures within.
+ * Return 0 on success, -1 on error. */
+int define_policy(int pass, int module_header_given);
+/* Declare a symbol declaration to the current avrule_decl.  Check
+ * that insertion is allowed here and that the symbol does not already
+ * exist.  Returns 0 on success, 1 if symbol was already there (caller
+ * needs to free() the datum), -1 if declarations not allowed, -2 for
+ * duplicate declarations, -3 for all else.
+ */
+int declare_symbol(uint32_t symbol_type,
+		   hashtab_key_t key, hashtab_datum_t datum,
+		   uint32_t * dest_value, uint32_t * datum_value);
+role_datum_t *declare_role(void);
+type_datum_t *declare_type(unsigned char primary, unsigned char isattr);
+user_datum_t *declare_user(void);
+type_datum_t *get_local_type(char *id, uint32_t value, unsigned char isattr);
+/* Add a symbol to the current avrule_block's require section.  Note
+ * that a module may not both declare and require the same symbol.
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 on error. */
+int require_symbol(uint32_t symbol_type,
+		   hashtab_key_t key, hashtab_datum_t datum,
+		   uint32_t * dest_value, uint32_t * datum_value);
+/* Enable a permission for a class within the current avrule_decl.
+ * Return 0 on success, -1 if out of memory. */
+int add_perm_to_class(uint32_t perm_value, uint32_t class_value);
+/* Functions called from REQUIRE blocks.  Add the first symbol on the
+ * id_queue to this avrule_decl's scope if not already there.
+ * c.f. require_symbol(). */
+int require_class(int pass);
+int require_role(int pass);
+int require_type(int pass);
+int require_attribute(int pass);
+int require_user(int pass);
+int require_bool(int pass);
+int require_sens(int pass);
+int require_cat(int pass);
+/* Check if an identifier is within the scope of the current
+ * declaration or any of its parents.  Return 1 if it is, 0 if not.
+ * If the identifier is not known at all then return 1 (truth).  */
+int is_id_in_scope(uint32_t symbol_type, hashtab_key_t id);
+/* Check if a particular permission is within the scope of the current
+ * declaration or any of its parents.  Return 1 if it is, 0 if not.
+ * If the identifier is not known at all then return 1 (truth).  */
+int is_perm_in_scope(hashtab_key_t perm_id, hashtab_key_t class_id);
+/* Search the current avrules block for a conditional with the same
+ * expression as 'cond'.  If the conditional does not exist then
+ * create one.  Either way, return the conditional. */
+cond_list_t *get_current_cond_list(cond_list_t * cond);
+/* Append rule to the current avrule_block. */
+void append_cond_list(cond_list_t * cond);
+void append_avrule(avrule_t * avrule);
+void append_role_trans(role_trans_rule_t * role_tr_rules);
+void append_role_allow(role_allow_rule_t * role_allow_rules);
+void append_range_trans(range_trans_rule_t * range_tr_rules);
+/* Create a new optional block and add it to the global policy.
+ * During the second pass resolve the block's requirements.  Return 0
+ * on success, -1 on error.
+ */
+int begin_optional(int pass);
+int end_optional(int pass);
+/* ELSE blocks are similar to normal blocks with the following two
+ * limitations:
+ *   - no declarations are allowed within else branches
+ *   - no REQUIRES are allowed; the else branch inherits the parent's
+ *     requirements
+ */
+int begin_optional_else(int pass);
+/* Called whenever existing an avrule block.  Check that the block had
+ * a non-empty REQUIRE section.  If so pop the block off of the scop
+ * stack and return 0.  If not then send an error to yyerror and
+ * return -1. */
+int end_avrule_block(int pass);