added note about wrapping conditional expressions
diff --git a/source/1.0/doc/coding_standards.txt b/source/1.0/doc/coding_standards.txt
index 49a9a81..b2904f5 100644
--- a/source/1.0/doc/coding_standards.txt
+++ b/source/1.0/doc/coding_standards.txt
@@ -100,6 +100,12 @@
     echo ${x}
+When a conditional expression is written using the builtin [ command, and that
+line must be wrapped, place the control || or && operators on the same line as
+the expression where possible, with the list to be executed on its own line. ::
+  [ -n 'some really long expression' -a -n 'some other long expr' ] && \
+      echo 'that was actually true!'
 .. vim:spell
 .. $Id$