added coding standards
diff --git a/source/1.0/doc/coding_standards.txt b/source/1.0/doc/coding_standards.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9733b40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/1.0/doc/coding_standards.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+Coding Standards
+Variable and Function Names
+All shUnit2 specific constants, variables, and functions will be prefixed
+appropriately with 'shunit'. This is to distinguish usage in the shUnit2 code
+from users own scripts so that the shell name space remains predictable to
+users. The exceptions here are the standard ``assertEquals``, etc. functions.
+All non-builtin constants and variables will be surrouned with squiggle
+brackets, e.g. '${shunit_someVariable}' to improve code readability.
+Due to some shells not supporting local variables in functions, care in the
+naming and use of variables, both public and private, is very important.
+Accidental overriding of the variables can occur easily if care is not taken as
+all variables are technically global variables in some shells.
+| *type*                           | *sample*                  |
+| global public constant           | ``SHUNIT_TRUE``           |
+| global private constant          | ``__SHUNIT_SHELL_FLAGS``  |
+| global public variable           | not used                  |
+| global private variable          | ``__shunit_someVariable`` |
+| global macro                     | ``_SHUNIT_SOME_MACRO_``   |
+| public function                  | ``assertEquals``          |
+| public function, local variable  | ``shunit_someVariable_``  |
+| private function                 | ``_shunit_someFunction``  |
+| private function, local variable | ``_shunit_someVariable_`` |
+Where it makes sense, variables can have the first letter of the second and
+later words capitalized. For example, the local variable name for the total
+number of test cases seen might be ``shunit_totalTestsSeen_``.
+Local Variable Cleanup
+As many shells do not support local variables, no support for cleanup of
+variables is present either. As such, all variables local to a function must be
+cleared up with the ``unset`` command at the end of each function.
+Code block indentation is two (2) spaces, and tabs may not be used. ::
+  if [ -z 'some string' ]; then
+    someFunction
+  fi
+Lines of code should be no longer than 80 characters unless absolutely
+necessary. When lines are wrapped using the backslash character '\', subsequent
+lines should be indented with four (4) spaces so as to differentiate from the
+standard spacing of two characters, and tabs may not be used. ::
+  for x in some set of very long set of arguments that make for a very long \
+      that extends much too long for one line
+  do
+    echo ${x}
+  done
+.. $Revision: 233 $