Refactor complex CTM management for image filters

This consolidates the scale decomposition and SkMatrixImageFilter logic
that SkCanvas did during a layer save into an applyCTM function. It is
expanded to handle the extra transformation steps for backdrops.

The backdrop logic in SkCanvas has also been updated to only snap the
necessary portion of the buffer, and also use applyCTM. Previously any
backdrop filter with a CTM beyond scale/translate would do no filtering.

Unfortunately, perspective has caused too many headaches to solve in a
single CL, so its issues are recorded at

Other minor fixes that were encountered while working on this:
- Raster's CopyFromRaster() incorrectly held onto the subset after copying.
  (unfortunately it looks like snapBackImage() needs to copy; referencing
   the subset directly corrupted the output).
- SkLocalMatrixImageFilter now supports complex CTMs assuming its input
  supports CTMs.
- CropRects need to apply in the source coordinate system, but are not
  aware of complex CTMs when performing clipping. For a simple fix, any
  filter with a crop rect set cannot support complex CTMs until that's

Bug: skia:9074, chromium:959412
Change-Id: I1276a4ec400dfefb958c14beda078bdf1d087baa
Commit-Queue: Michael Ludwig <>
Reviewed-by: Robert Phillips <>
diff --git a/src/core/SkCanvas.cpp b/src/core/SkCanvas.cpp
index 1df0f72..0ea506b 100644
--- a/src/core/SkCanvas.cpp
+++ b/src/core/SkCanvas.cpp
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include "src/core/SkDraw.h"
 #include "src/core/SkGlyphRun.h"
 #include "src/core/SkImageFilterCache.h"
+#include "src/core/SkImageFilterPriv.h"
 #include "src/core/SkLatticeIter.h"
 #include "src/core/SkMSAN.h"
 #include "src/core/SkMakeUnique.h"
@@ -929,27 +930,42 @@
 void SkCanvas::DrawDeviceWithFilter(SkBaseDevice* src, const SkImageFilter* filter,
                                     SkBaseDevice* dst, const SkIPoint& dstOrigin,
                                     const SkMatrix& ctm) {
-    SkDraw draw;
-    SkRasterClip rc;
-    rc.setRect(SkIRect::MakeWH(dst->width(), dst->height()));
-    if (!dst->accessPixels(&draw.fDst)) {
-        draw.fDst.reset(dst->imageInfo(), nullptr, 0);
-    }
-    draw.fMatrix = &SkMatrix::I();
-    draw.fRC = &rc;
-    int x = src->getOrigin().x() - dstOrigin.x();
-    int y = src->getOrigin().y() - dstOrigin.y();
     SkPaint p;
+    SkIRect snapBounds = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(dstOrigin.x() - src->getOrigin().x(),
+                                           dstOrigin.y() - src->getOrigin().y(),
+                                           dst->width(), dst->height());
+    int x = 0;
+    int y = 0;
     if (filter) {
-        SkMatrix actm = ctm;
-        // Account for the origin offset in the local matrix
-        actm.postTranslate(x, y);
-        p.setImageFilter(filter->makeWithLocalMatrix(actm));
+        // Calculate expanded snap bounds
+        SkIRect newBounds = filter->filterBounds(
+                snapBounds, ctm, SkImageFilter::kReverse_MapDirection, &snapBounds);
+        // Must clamp to valid src since the filter or rotations may expand beyond what's readable
+        SkIRect srcR = SkIRect::MakeWH(src->width(), src->height());
+        if (!newBounds.intersect(srcR)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        x = newBounds.fLeft - snapBounds.fLeft;
+        y = newBounds.fTop - snapBounds.fTop;
+        snapBounds = newBounds;
+        SkMatrix localCTM;
+        sk_sp<SkImageFilter> modifiedFilter = SkApplyCTMToBackdropFilter(filter, ctm, &localCTM);
+        // Account for the origin offset in the CTM
+        localCTM.postTranslate(-dstOrigin.x(), -dstOrigin.y());
+        // In this case we always wrap the filter (even when it's the original) with 'localCTM'
+        // since there's no device CTM stack that provides it to the image filter context.
+        // FIXME - once perspective is properly supported, drop the
+        // localCTM.hasPerspective condition from assert.
+        SkASSERT(localCTM.isScaleTranslate() || filter->canHandleComplexCTM() ||
+                 localCTM.hasPerspective());
+        p.setImageFilter(modifiedFilter->makeWithLocalMatrix(localCTM));
-    auto special = src->snapSpecial();
+    auto special = src->snapBackImage(snapBounds);
     if (special) {
         dst->drawSpecial(special.get(), x, y, p, nullptr, SkMatrix::I());
@@ -991,36 +1007,41 @@
     SkImageFilter* imageFilter = paint ? paint->getImageFilter() : nullptr;
     SkMatrix stashedMatrix = fMCRec->fMatrix;
     MCRec* modifiedRec = nullptr;
-    SkMatrix remainder;
-    SkSize scale;
-     *  ImageFilters (so far) do not correctly handle matrices (CTM) that contain rotation/skew/etc.
-     *  but they do handle scaling. To accommodate this, we do the following:
+     *  Many ImageFilters (so far) do not (on their own) correctly handle matrices (CTM) that
+     *  contain rotation/skew/etc. We rely on applyCTM to create a new image filter DAG as needed to
+     *  accommodate this, but it requires update the CTM we use when drawing into the layer.
      *  1. Stash off the current CTM
-     *  2. Decompose the CTM into SCALE and REMAINDER
-     *  3. Wack the CTM to be just SCALE, and wrap the imagefilter with a MatrixImageFilter that
-     *     contains the REMAINDER
+     *  2. Apply the CTM to imagefilter, which decomposes it into simple and complex transforms
+     *     if necessary.
+     *  3. Wack the CTM to be the remaining scale matrix and use the modified imagefilter, which
+     *     is a MatrixImageFilter that contains the complex matrix.
      *  4. Proceed as usual, allowing the client to draw into the layer (now with a scale-only CTM)
-     *  5. During restore, we process the MatrixImageFilter, which applies REMAINDER to the output
+     *  5. During restore, the MatrixImageFilter automatically applies complex stage to the output
      *     of the original imagefilter, and draw that (via drawSprite)
      *  6. Unwack the CTM to its original state (i.e. stashedMatrix)
      *  Perhaps in the future we could augment #5 to apply REMAINDER as part of the draw (no longer
      *  a sprite operation) to avoid the extra buffer/overhead of MatrixImageFilter.
-    if (imageFilter && !stashedMatrix.isScaleTranslate() && !imageFilter->canHandleComplexCTM() &&
-        stashedMatrix.decomposeScale(&scale, &remainder))
-    {
-        // We will restore the matrix (which we are overwriting here) in restore via fStashedMatrix
-        modifiedRec = fMCRec;
-        this->internalSetMatrix(SkMatrix::MakeScale(scale.width(), scale.height()));
-        SkPaint* p = lazyP.set(*paint);
-        p->setImageFilter(SkImageFilter::MakeMatrixFilter(remainder,
-                                                          SkFilterQuality::kLow_SkFilterQuality,
-                                                          sk_ref_sp(imageFilter)));
-        imageFilter = p->getImageFilter();
-        paint = p;
+    if (imageFilter) {
+        SkMatrix modifiedCTM;
+        sk_sp<SkImageFilter> modifiedFilter = SkApplyCTMToFilter(imageFilter, stashedMatrix,
+                                                                 &modifiedCTM);
+        if (!SkIsSameFilter(modifiedFilter.get(), imageFilter)) {
+            // The original filter couldn't support the CTM entirely
+            SkASSERT(modifiedCTM.isScaleTranslate() || imageFilter->canHandleComplexCTM());
+            modifiedRec = fMCRec;
+            this->internalSetMatrix(modifiedCTM);
+            SkPaint* p = lazyP.set(*paint);
+            p->setImageFilter(std::move(modifiedFilter));
+            imageFilter = p->getImageFilter();
+            paint = p;
+        }
+        // Else the filter didn't change, so modifiedCTM == stashedMatrix and there's nothing
+        // left to do since the stack already has that as the CTM.
     // do this before we create the layer. We don't call the public save() since