Roll skia/third_party/externals/angle2/ 06ef36b98..da8e257cb (38 commits)
$ git log 06ef36b98..da8e257cb --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2017-09-12 mradev Number of views should match when Draw* is called
2017-09-13 geofflang Allow ReadPixels with GL_FLOAT type and EXT_color_buffer_half_float.
2017-09-12 geofflang Add GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT_24 as a depth format for surfaces.
2017-09-12 jmadill Remove Renderer11::markAllStateDirty.
2017-09-12 jmadill Lift AMD blit suppressions.
2017-09-12 jmadill Consolidate Index buffer application.
2017-09-12 jmadill D3D11: Consolidate Scissor state application.
2017-09-12 jmadill D3D11: Consolidate SRV and Sampler application.
2017-09-12 jmadill D3D11: Consolidate Viewport state application.
2017-09-12 jmadill D3D11: Consolidate Rasterizer State application.
2017-09-12 jmadill D3D11: Consolidate Blend State application.
2017-09-12 jmadill D3D11: Consolidate Depth Stencil State application.
2017-09-12 jmadill D3D11: Consolidate OMSetRenderTargets calls.
2017-09-12 jmadill Cleanup to Resource11's reset method.
2017-09-12 jmadill Context: Remove recompilation trigger impl method.
2017-09-12 jmadill Fix out-of-bounds reads in BlitFramebuffer.
2017-09-12 jmadill D3D11: Move TF state management to StateManager11.
2017-09-12 jmadill StateManager11: Add internal dirty bits for uniforms.
2017-09-12 jmadill D3D11: Consolidate constant buffer application.
2017-09-12 jmadill D3D11: Move Constant Buffer state to StateManager11.
2017-09-12 geofflang Include string.h for strncmp in ExtensionBehavior.cpp
2017-09-12 jmadill Cleanups to ResourceSerial.
2017-09-11 cwallez Allow compiling dEQP on Mac in Chromium checkout.
2017-09-11 jmadill Update Texture dirty bits documentation.
2017-09-12 mradev Fix viewport and scissor multiview updates in StatemanagerGL
2017-09-12 oetuaho GLSL: Fix initializing globals declared after main()
2017-01-09 yizhou.jiang ES31: Implement getMultisamplefv for D3D part.
2017-08-30 jie.a.chen ES31: Add glGetProgramInterfaceiv API
2017-07-14 oetuaho Refer to GLSL extensions through TExtension enum
2017-09-11 fjhenigman Add linux_angle_ozone_rel_ng to CQ.
2017-09-09 jmadill D3D: Refactor driver uniform application.
2017-09-09 jmadill ProgramD3D: Use more UniformTypeInfo.
2017-09-09 jmadill Fix EXTERNAL and 2D_ARRAY sampler type info.
2017-09-09 jmadill D3D: Only scan cached shader executable lists once.
2017-09-09 jmadill D3D11: Only update swizzles after a state change.
2017-09-09 jmadill D3D11: Implement dirty bits for texture updates.
2017-09-09 jmadill Move swizzling and program update to StateManager11.
2017-09-09 jmadill GL: Use dirty bits for texture and sampler bindings.
Created with:
roll-dep skia/third_party/externals/angle2
Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:
If the roll is causing failures, see:
Change-Id: Ic6e7cc57ddde2bfb397f5fa1b7db707f939817ad
Reviewed-by: angle-deps-roller . <>
Commit-Queue: angle-deps-roller . <>
1 file changed