CanvasKit Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[0.30.0] - 2021-09-15


  • Surface.grContext and Surface.openGLversion - these had been undocumented and are no longer exposed.
  • CanvasKit.setCurrentContext and CanvasKit.currentContext. Existing calls can be deleted.


  • CanvasKit APIs now handle switching between WebGL contexts automatically.
  • Reduced overhead when switching between WebGL contexts.

Type Changes (index.d.ts)

  • Canvas.drawImage* calls are correctly documented as accepting an optional Paint or null.

[0.29.0] - 2021-08-06


  • Path.makeAsWinding has been added to convert paths with an EvenOdd FillType to the equivalent area using the Winding FillType.


  • Paint.getBlendMode() has been removed.
  • Canvas.drawImageAtCurrentFrame() has been removed.
  • FilterQuality enum removed -- pass FilterOptions | CubicResampler instead.

Type Changes (index.d.ts)

  • Replaced all object with actual types, including AnimationMarker.

[0.28.1] - 2021-06-28


  • Typeface.MakeFreeTypeFaceFromData as a more convenient way to create a Typeface from the bytes of a .ttf, .woff, or .woff2 file.
  • Typeface.getGlyphIDs - provides the same functionality as Font.getGlyphIDs.


  • ICU has been updated from v65 to v69.
  • Freetype has been updated from f9350be to ff40776.


  • We should no longer have to decode the same font multiple times (
  • Font.getGlyphIDs had the wrong type for the third argument. It is now correctly a Uint16Array.


  • FontMgr.MakeTypefaceFromData will be removed in favor of Typeface.MakeFreeTypeFaceFromData
  • FontMgr.RefDefault will be removed in an upcoming version. It's only real use was for FontMgr.MakeTypefaceFromData.

[0.28.0] - 2021-06-17


  • Surface.makeImageFromTexture and Surface.makeImageFromTextureSource as easy ways to provide CanvasKit with a WebGL texture and interact with WebGL texture sources (e.g. <video>)


  • We now build/ship with emscripten 2.0.20.


  • Path.toCmds() returns a flattened Float32Array instead of a 2D Array.
  • Canvaskit.Path.MakeFromCmds no longer accepts a 2D Array. Inputs must be flattened, but can be an array, a TypedArray, or a MallocObj.
  • CanvasKit.*Builder have all been removed. Clients should use Malloc instead.


  • CanvasKit.Shader.MakeLerp, the same effect can be easily generated with RuntimeEffect

Known Bugs

  • On legacy (non-ANGLE) SwiftShader, certain paths that require tessellation may not be drawn correctly when using a WebGL-backed surface. (

[0.27.0] - 2021-05-20


  • Font.getGlyphIntercepts()


  • Bug with images using certain exif metadata. (


  • Canvas.flush, which had been previously deprecated. Surface.flush is the preferred method.
  • AnimatedImage.getCurrentFrame, which had been previously deprecated. AnimatedImage.makeImageAtCurrentFrame is the replacement, which behaves exactly the same.

[0.26.0] - 2021-04-23


  • Add 'isEmbolden, setEmbolden' to 'Font'
  • Add 'drawGlyphs' to 'Canvas'
  • Add drawPatch to Canvas.
  • Add Strut as a RectHeightStyle enum.
  • CanvasKit.RuntimeEffect now supports integer uniforms in the SkSL. These are still passed to RuntimeEffect.makeShader as floats (like all other uniforms), and will be converted to integers internally, to match the expectations of the shader.
  • Add 'halfLeading' to TextStyle and StrutStyle.
  • ParagraphStyle now accepts textHeightBehavior.


  • Picture.saveAsFile(), in favor of Picture.serialize() where clients can control how to store/encode the bytes.

[0.25.1] - 2021-03-30


  • Skottie accessors for dynamic text properties (text string, font size).
  • Optional sampling parameter to drawAtlas (paint filter-quality is ignored/deprecated)


[0.25.0] - 2021-03-02


  • A full build of CanvasKit is now in /bin/full.
  • CanvasKit.rt_effect to test if the RuntimeEffect code was compiled in.


  • The ShapedText type has been removed. Clients who want ShapedText should use the Paragraph APIs.


  • Font.measureText, which had been previously deprecated. Clients should use either Paragraph APIs or Font.getGlyphWidths instead (the latter does no shaping).
  • Font.getWidths, which had been previously deprecated. Clients should use Font.getGlyphWidths.

Type Changes (index.d.ts)

  • Documentation added for managed_skottie, particles, and skottie feature constants.

[0.24.0] - 2021-02-18


  • The Skottie factory (MakeManagedAnimation) now accepts an optional logger object.


  • CanvasKit.getDataBytes has been removed, as has the Data type. The 2 APIS that returned Data now return Uint8Array containing the bytes directly. These are Image.encodeToData (now named Image.encodeToBytes) and SkPicture.serialize. These APIs return null if the encoding or serialization failed.

Type Changes (index.d.ts)

  • Image.encodeToDataWithFormat was incorrectly documented as its own thing.

[0.23.0] - 2021-02-04


  • Constants for the shadow flags. Of note, some of these values can be used on previous releases.
  • getShadowLocalBounds() to estimate the bounds of the shadows drawn by Canvas.drawShadow.
  • now takes "no_matrix", which will omit the helper JS to deal with 3x3, 4x4 and SkColorMatrix (in case clients have logic to deal with that themselves).
  • CanvasKit.RuntimeEffect.Make now takes an optional callback function that will be called with any compilation error.
  • CanvasKit.RuntimeEffect now exposes uniforms. The number, dimensions, and name of each uniform can be queried, using RuntimeEffect.getUniformCount, RuntimeEffect.getUniform, and RuntimeEffect.getUniformName. The total number of floats across all uniforms (that must be passed to RuntimeEffect.makeShader) can be queried with RuntimeEffect.getUniformFloatCount.


  • MakeImprovedNoise is removed.
  • Particles now use a single code string containing both Effect and Particle code. Uniform APIs are now shared between Effect and Particle programs, and are no longer prefixed with Effect or Particle. For example, instead of ParticleEffect.getEffectUniform and ParticleEffect.getParticleUniform, there is now just: ParticleEffect.getUniform.


  • Path.getPoint() and SkottieAnimation.size() now return a TypedArray instead of a normal array. Additionally, they take an optional parameter to allow the result to be copied into that provided TypedArray instead of a new one being allocated.
  • APIs that passed in points should have less overhead (and now can accept a TypedArray).
  • Canvas.drawShadow() now accepts zPlaneParams and lightPos as Malloc'ed and regular Float32Arrays. getShadowLocalBounds() does as well.
  • ContourMeasure.getPosTan returns a Float32Array instead of a normal array. Additionally, this method takes an optional parameter to allow the result to be copied into that provided Float32Array instead of a new one being allocated.


  • Improper error returned when a WebGL context could not be used.
  • 4x4 matrices are "downsampled" properly if necessary to 3x3 matrices by removing the third column and the third row.
  • SkottieAnimation.size() was incorrectly returning an object. It now returns a TypedArray of length 2 (w, h).


  • Canvas.drawImageRect, Canvas.drawImage, Canvas.drawAtlas, These rely on the Paint's FilterQuality, which is going away. Pass sampling options explicitly.


  • PathMeasure, which was deprecated and replaced with ContourMeasure.

[0.22.0] - 2020-12-17


  • Canvas.drawImageCubic, Canvas.drawImageOptions, Canvas.drawImageRectCubic, Canvas.drawImageRectOptions to replace functionality that previously required FilterQuality.
  • A copy of this changelog is published in NPM releases for easier discovery.


  • Canvas.drawImageNine now takes a required FilterMode (the Paint still is optional).

[0.21.0] - 2020-12-16


  • getImageInfo() and getColorSpace() to the Image type.
  • CanvasKit.deleteContext() for deleting WebGL contexts when done with them, resizing, etc.
  • Image.makeCopyWithDefaultMipmaps() for use with Image.makeShaderOptions; necessary if choosing a MipmapMode that is not None.


  • Path.addPoly() no longer accepts a 2d array of points, but a flattened 1d array.
  • MakeVertices() no longer accepts 2d arrays of points or texture coordinates, but flattened 1d arrays in both places.
  • Paint.setFilterQuality, Paint.getFilterQuality, Image.makeShader have been removed. The new way to specify interpolation settings is with the newly added Image.makeShader* methods. Image.makeShaderCubic is a replacement for high quality; Image.makeShaderOptions is for medium/low.


  • MakeImage is now documented in the Typescript types (index.d.ts). The parameters have been streamlined to align with other, similar APIs.
  • MakeAnimatedImageFromEncoded respects Exif metadata. MakeImageFromEncoded already did so (and continues to do so).
  • The Canvas2D emulation layer always uses high quality image smoothing (this drastically simplifies the underlying code).
  • We now compile CanvasKit with emsdk 2.0.10 when testing and deploying to npm.
  • Instead of shipping a "core" build to npm, we ship a "profiling" build, which is the same as the main build, just with unmangled function calls and other debugging info useful for determining where runtime is spent.


  • Canvas.drawPoints correctly takes a flattened Array or TypedArray of points (as the documentation says), not a 2D array.

Type Changes (index.d.ts)

  • Documented additional type for InputFlexibleColorArray.

[0.20.0] - 2020-11-12


  • MakeFractalNoise, MakeImprovedNoise, and MakeTurbulence have been added to CanvasKit.Shader.
  • MakeRasterDirectSurface for giving the user direct access to drawn pixels.
  • getLineMetrics to Paragraph.
  • Canvas.saveLayerPaint as an experimental, undocumented "fast path" if one only needs to pass the paint.
  • Support for .woff and .woff2 fonts. Disable .woff2 for reduced code size by supplying no_woff2 to (This removes the code to do brotli decompression).


  • CanvasKit.MakePathFromSVGString was renamed to CanvasKit.Path.MakeFromSVGString
  • CanvasKit.MakePathFromOp was renamed to CanvasKit.Path.MakeFromOp
  • The API for Canvas.readPixels and Image.readPixels has been reworked to more accurately reflect the C++ backend and each other. bytesPerRow is now a required parameter. They take an ImageInfo object to specify the output format. Additionally they take an optional malloc'd object as the last parameter. If provided, the data will be copied into there instead of allocating a new buffer.


  • We now compile CanvasKit with emsdk 2.0.6 when testing and deploying to npm.
  • We no longer compile with rtti on, saving about 1% in code size.
  • CanvasKit.Shader.Blend, ...Color, and ...Lerp have been renamed to CanvasKit.Shader.MakeBlend, ...MakeColor and ...MakeLerp to align with naming conventions. The old names will be removed in an upcoming release.


  • CanvasKit.MakePathFromCmds; Was deprecated in favor of CanvasKit.Path.MakeFromCmds.
  • new CanvasKit.Path(path) in favor of existing path.copy().
  • Unused internal APIs (_getRasterN32PremulSurface, Drawable)
  • measureText from the CanvasContext2D emulation layer due to deprecation of measureText.


  • Font.getWidths in favor of Font.getGlyphIDs and Font.getGlyphWidths.
  • Font.measureText in favor of the Paragraph APIs (which actually do shaping).

Type Changes (index.d.ts)

  • Return value for MakeFromCmds correctly reflects the possibility of null.
  • CanvasKit.GrContext was renamed to CanvasKit.GrDirectContext.
  • Add docs/types for Shader Gradients (e.g. CanvasKit.Shader.MakeLinearGradient).

[0.19.0] - 2020-10-08


  • "Sk" has been removed from all names. e.g. new CanvasKit.SkPaint() becomes new CanvasKit.Paint(). See ./types/index.d.ts for all the new names.


  • Surface.captureFrameAsSkPicture; it was deprecated previously.
  • CanvasKit.MakeSkCornerPathEffect, CanvasKit.MakeSkDiscretePathEffect, CanvasKit.MakeBlurMaskFilter, CanvasKit.MakeSkDashPathEffect, CanvasKit.MakeLinearGradientShader, CanvasKit.MakeRadialGradientShader, CanvasKit.MakeTwoPointConicalGradientShader; these were deprecated previously and have replacements like CanvasKit.PathEffect.MakeDash.
  • Canvas.concat44; it was deprecated previously, just use Canvas.concat

[0.18.1] - 2020-10-06


  • Typescript types (and documentation) are now in the types subfolder. We will keep these updated as we make changes to the CanvasKit library.

[0.18.0] - 2020-10-05


  • SkRect are no longer returned from CanvasKit.LTRBRect, CanvasKit.XYWHRect nor are accepted as JS objects. Instead, the format is 4 floats in either an array, a Float32Array or a piece of memory returned by CanvasKit.Malloc. These floats are the left, top, right, bottom numbers of the rectangle.
  • SkIRect (Rectangles with Integer values) are no longer accepted as JS objects. Instead, the format is 4 ints in either an array, an Int32Array or a piece of memory returned by CanvasKit.Malloc. These ints are the left, top, right, bottom numbers of the rectangle.
  • SkRRect (Rectangles with rounded corners) are no longer returned from CanvasKit.RRectXY nor are accepted as JS objects. Instead, the format is 12 floats in either an array, a Float32Array or a piece of memory returned by CanvasKit.Malloc. The first 4 floats are the left, top, right, bottom numbers of the rectangle and then 4 sets of points starting in the upper left corner and going clockwise. This change allows for faster transfer between JS and WASM code.
  • SkPath.addRoundRect has been replaced with SkPath.addRRect. The same functionality can be had with the CanvasKit.RRectXY helper.
  • SkPath.addRect no longer accepts 4 floats as separate arguments. It only accepts an SkRect (an array/Float32Array of 4 floats) and an optional boolean for determining clockwise or counter-clockwise directionality.
  • The order of SkCanvas.saveLayer arguments is slightly different (more consistent). It is now paint, bounds, backdrop, flags


  • We now compile CanvasKit with emsdk 2.0.0 when testing and deploying to npm.
  • WebGL interface creation is a little leaner in terms of code size and speed.
  • The signature of main used with SkSL passed to CanvasKit.SkRuntimeEffect.Make has changed. There is no longer an inout half4 color parameter, effects must return their color instead. Valid signatures are now half4 main() or half4 main(float2 coord).
  • SkPath.getBounds, SkShapedText.getBounds, and SkVertices.bounds now take an optional argument. If a Float32Array with length 4 or greater is provided, the bounds will be copied into this array instead of allocating a new one.
  • SkCanvas.drawAnimatedImage has been removed in favor of calling SkCanvas.drawImageAtCurrentFrame or SkAnimatedImage.makeImageAtCurrentFrame and then SkCanvas.drawImage.
  • SkTextBlob.MakeFromRSXform also accepts a (possibly Malloc'd) Float32Array of RSXforms ( see SkRSXform for more.)


  • SkCanvas.drawRoundRect has been removed in favor of SkCanvas.drawRRect The same functionality can be had with the CanvasKit.RRectXY helper.
  • SkPath.arcTo which had been deprecated in favor of SkPath.arcToOval, SkPath.arcToRotated, SkPath.arcToTangent.
  • Extraneous ColorTypes from ColorType enum.


  • CanvasKit.LTRBiRect and CanvasKit.XYWHiRect as helpers to create SkIRects.
  • SkCanvas.drawRect4f as a somewhat experimental way to have array-free APIs for clients that already have their own representation of Rect. This is experimental because we don't know if it's faster/better under real-world use and because we don't want to commit to having these for all Rect APIs (and for similar types) until it has baked in a bit.
  • Added the following to TextStyle:
    • decorationStyle
    • textBaseline
    • letterSpacing
    • wordSpacing
    • heightMultiplier
    • locale
    • shadows
    • fontFeatures
  • Added strutStyle to ParagraphStyle.
  • Added addPlaceholder to ParagraphBuilder.
  • Added getRectsForPlaceholders to Paragraph.
  • SkFont.getGlyphIDs, SkFont.getGlyphBounds, SkFont.getGlyphWidths for turning code points into GlyphIDs and getting the associated metrics with those glyphs. Note: glyph ids are only valid for the font of which they were requested.
  • SkTextBlob.MakeFromRSXformGlyphs and SkTextBlob.MakeFromGlyphs as a way to build TextBlobs using GlyphIDs instead of code points.
  • CanvasKit.MallocGlyphIDs as a helper for pre-allocating space on the WASM heap for Glyph IDs.


  • SkAnimatedImage.getCurrentFrame; prefer SkAnimatedImage.makeImageAtCurrentFrame (which follows the establishing naming convention).
  • SkSurface.captureFrameAsSkPicture will be removed in a future release. Callers can simply use SkPictureRecorder directly.
  • CanvasKit.FourFloatArrayHelper and related helpers (mostly helping with drawAtlas). CanvasKit.Malloc is the better tool and will replace these soon.
  • SkPathMeasure; SkContourMeasureIter has all the same functionality and a cleaner pattern.


  • Addressed Memory leak in SkCanvas.drawText.
  • Made SkTextBlob hang on to less memory during its lifetime.
  • SkPath.computeTightBounds() works again. Like getBounds() it takes an optional argument to put the bounds into.

[0.17.3] - 2020-08-05


  • Added CanvasKit.TypefaceFontProvider, which can be used to register fonts with a font family alias. For example, "Roboto Light" may be registered with the alias "Roboto", and it will be used when "Roboto" is used with a light font weight.
  • Added CanvasKit.ParagraphBuilder.MakeFromFontProvider to make a ParagraphBuilder from a TypefaceFontProvider.
  • Added CanvasKit.ParagraphBuilder.pushPaintStyle which can be used to stroke or fill text with paints instead of simple colors.

[0.17.2] - 2020-07-22


  • Shader programs are no longer generated with do-while loops in WebGL 1.0.

[0.17.1] - 2020-07-21


  • Compile option to deserialize effects in skps include_effects_deserialization.


  • Pathops and SKP deserialization/serialization enabled on the npm build.

[0.17.0] - 2020-07-20


  • Added CanvasKit.MakeImageFromCanvasImageSource which takes either an HTMLImageElement, SVGImageElement, HTMLVideoElement, HTMLCanvasElement, ImageBitmap, or OffscreenCanvas and returns an SkImage. This function is an alternative to CanvasKit.MakeImageFromEncoded for creating SkImages when loading and decoding images. In the future, codesize of CanvasKit may be able to be reduced by removing image codecs in wasm, if browser APIs for decoding images are used along with CanvasKit.MakeImageFromCanvasImageSource instead of CanvasKit.MakeImageFromEncoded.
  • Three usage examples of CanvasKit.MakeImageFromCanvasImageSource in core.spec.ts.
  • Added support for asynchronous callbacks in perfs and tests.
  • CanvasKit.SkPath.MakeFromVerbsPointsWeights and CanvasKit.SkPath.addVerbsPointsWeights for supplying many path operations (e.g. moveTo, cubicTo) at once.
  • The object returned by CanvasKit.malloc now has a subarray method which works exactly like the normal TypedArray version. The TypedArray which it returns is also backed by WASM memory and when passed into CanvasKit will be used w/o copying the data (just like Malloc.toTypedArray).
  • SkM44.setupCamera to return a 4x4 matrix which sets up a perspective view from a camera.
  • SkPath.arcToOval, SkPath.arcToTangent, and SkPath.arcToRotated to replace the three overloads of SkPath.arcTo.


  • In all places where color arrays are accepted (gradient makers, drawAtlas, and MakeSkVertices), You can now provide either flat Float32Arrays of float colors, Uint32Arrays of int colors, or 2d Arrays of Float32Array(4) colors. The one thing you should not pass is an Array of numbers, since canvaskit wouldn't be able to tell whether they're ints or floats without checking them all. The fastest choice for gradients is the flat Float32Array, the fastest choice for drawAtlas and MakeSkVertices is the flat Uint32Array.
  • Color arrays may also be objects created with CanvasKit.Malloc
  • renamed reportBackendType to reportBackendTypeIsGPU and made it return a boolean
  • MakeWebGLCanvasSurface can now accept an optional dictionary of WebGL context attributes that can be used to override default attributes.


  • TextStyle.color can correctly be a Malloc'd Float32Array.
  • Support wombat-dressing-room. go/npm-publish


  • CanvasKit.MakePathFromCmds has been renamed to CanvasKit.SkPath.MakeFromCmds. The alias will be removed in an upcoming release.
  • SkPath.arcTo Separated into three functions.

[0.16.2] - 2020-06-05


  • A bug where loading fonts (and other memory intensive calls) would cause CanvasKit to infrequently crash with TypeError: Cannot perform %TypedArray%.prototype.set on a neutered ArrayBuffer.
  • Incorrectly freeing Malloced colors passed into computeTonalColors.

[0.16.1] - 2020-06-04


  • Colors are unsigned to be compatible with Flutter Web and previous behavior, not signed ints.

[0.16.0] - 2020-06-03


  • Support for wide-gamut color spaces DisplayP3 and AdobeRGB. However, correct representation on a WCG monitor requires that the browser is rendering everything to the DisplayP3 or AdobeRGB profile, since there is not yet any way to indicate to the browser that a canvas element has a non-sRGB color space. See color support example in extra.html. Only supported for WebGL2 backed surfaces.
  • Added SkSurface.reportBackendType which returns either 'CPU' or 'GPU'.
  • Added SkSurface.imageInfo which returns an ImageInfo object describing the size and color properties of the surface. colorSpace is added to ImageInfo everywhere it is used.
  • CanvasKit.Free to explicitly clean up memory after CanvasKit.Malloc. All memory allocated with CanvasKit.Malloc must be released with CanvasKit.Free or it will be leaked. This can improve performance by reducing the copying of data between the JS and WASM side.
  • CanvasKit.ColorAsInt, SkPaint.setColorComponents, SkPaint.setColorInt, SkCanvas.drawColorComponents, SkCanvas.drawColorInt for when clients want to avoid the overhead of allocating an array for color components and only need 8888 color.


  • We now compile/ship with Emscripten v1.39.16.
  • CanvasKit.MakeCanvasSurface accepts a new enum specifying one of the three color space and pixel format combinations supported by CanvasKit.
  • all _Make*Shader functions now accept a color space argument at the end. leaving it off or passing null makes it behave as it did before, defaulting to sRGB
  • SkPaint.setColor accepts a new color space argument, defaulting to sRGB.
  • Fewer allocations required to send Color and Matrices between JS and WASM layer.
  • All APIs that take a 1 dimensional array should also accept the object returned by Malloc. It is recommended to pass the Malloc object, as the TypedArray could be invalidated any time CanvasKit needs to allocate memory and needs to resize to accommodate.


  • CanvasKitInit(...) now directly returns a Promise. As such, CanvasKitInit(...).ready() has been removed.
  • CanvasKit.MakeCanvasSurface no longer accepts width/height arguments to override those on the canvas element. Use the canvas element's width/height attributes to dictate the size of the drawing area, and use CSS width/height to set the size it will appear on the page (it is rescaled after drawing when css sizing applies).
  • Memory returned by CanvasKit.Malloc will no longer be automatically cleaned up. Clients must use CanvasKit.Free to release the memory.
  • CanvasKit.Malloc no longer directly returns a TypedArray, but an object that can produce them with toTypedArray(). This is to avoid "detached ArrayBuffer" errors:


  • WebGL context is no longer created with "antialias" flag. Using "antialias" caused poor AA quality in Ganesh when trying to do coverage-based AA with MSAA unknowingly enabled. It also reduced performance.

[0.15.0] - 2020-05-14


  • Support for DOMMatrix on all APIs that take SkMatrix (i.e. arrays or Float32Arrays of length 6/9/16).
  • setEdging and setEmbeddedBitmaps to SkFont. You can disable the ability to draw aliased fonts (and save some code size) with the argument no_alias_font.


  • Previously deprecated functions MakeSkDashPathEffect, MakeLinearGradientShader, MakeRadialGradientShader, MakeTwoPointConicalGradientShader, MakeSkCornerPathEffect, MakeSkDiscretePathEffect


  • CanvasKit colors are now represented with a TypedArray of four floats.
  • Calls to getError should be disabled. This may cause a performance improvement in some scenarios.


  • SkPaint.setColorf is obsolete and removed. setColor accepts a CanvasKit color which is always composed of floats.
  • localmatrix option for SkShader.Lerp and SkShader.Blend.


  • SkCanvas.concat44 has been folded into concat (which now takes 3x2, 3x3, or 4x4 matrices). It will be removed soon.


[0.14.0] - 2020-03-18


  • SkShader.MakeSweepGradient
  • SkCanvas.saveLayer can now be called with 1 argument (the paint). In this case the current effective clip will be used, as the current rect is assumed to be null.
  • SkPaint.setAlphaf
  • Clients can supply no_codecs to to remove all codec encoding and decoded code. This can save over 100 kb compressed if codecs are not needed.


  • MakeSkDashPathEffect will be removed soon. Calls can be replaced with SkPathEffect.MakeDash.
  • MakeLinearGradientShader will be removed soon. Calls can be replaced with SkShader.MakeLinearGradient.
  • MakeRadialGradientShader will be removed soon. Calls can be replaced with SkShader.MakeRadialGradient.
  • MakeTwoPointConicalGradientShader will be removed soon. Calls can be replaced with SkShader.MakeTwoPointConicalGradient.


  • Shadows are properly draw on fillRect and strokeRect in the canvas2d emulation layer.
  • Shadow offsets properly ignore the CTM in the canvas2d emulation layer.


  • Stop compiling jpeg and webp encoders by default. This results in a 100kb binary size reduction. Clients that need these encoders can supply force_encode_webp or force_encode_jpeg to


  • Removed inverse filltypes.
  • Removed StrokeAndFill paint style.
  • Removed TextEncoding enum (it was only used internally). All functions assume UTF-8.

[0.13.0] - 2020-02-28


  • MakeSkCornerPathEffect will be removed soon. Calls can be replaced with SkPathEffect.MakeCorner.
  • MakeSkDiscretePathEffect will be removed soon. Calls can be replaced with SkPathEffect.MakeDiscrete.


  • SkSurface.drawOnce for drawing a single frame (in addition to already existing SkSurface.requestAnimationFrame for animation logic).
  • CanvasKit.parseColorString which processes color strings like "#2288FF"
  • Particles module now exposes effect uniforms, which can be modified for live-updating.
  • Experimental 4x4 matrices added in SkM44.
  • Vector math functions added in SkVector.
  • SkRuntimeEffect.makeShaderWithChildren, which can take in other shaders as fragmentProcessors.
  • GrContext.releaseResourcesAndAbandonContext to free up WebGL contexts.
  • A few methods on SkFont: setHinting, setLinearMetrics, setSubpixel.


  • We now compile/ship with Emscripten v1.39.6.
  • SkMatrix.multiply can now accept any number of matrix arguments, multiplying them left-to-right.
  • SkMatrix.invert now returns null when the matrix is not invertible. Previously it would return an identity matrix. Callers must determine what behavior would be appropriate in this situation.
  • In Canvas2D compatibility layer, the underlying SkFont will have setSubpixel(true).
  • Bones are removed from Vertices builder


  • Support for .otf fonts (.woff and .woff2 still not supported).

[0.12.0] - 2020-01-22


  • SkFontMgr.countFamilies and SkFontMgr.getFamilyName to expose the parsed font names.


  • SKP serialization/deserialization now available (can be disabled with the 'no_skp'). SkPicture.DEBUGONLY_saveAsFile renamed to SkPicture.saveAsFile and CanvasKit.MakeSkPicture is now exposed. SKP support is not shipped to npm builds. force_serialize_skp has been removed since it opt-out, not opt-in.


  • Bug that sometimes resulted in 'Cannot perform Construct on a neutered ArrayBuffer'
  • Bug with SkImage.readPixels (
  • Bug with transparent colors in Canvas2d mode (

[0.11.0] - 2020-01-10


  • A "Core" build that removes Fonts, the Skottie animation player, the Particles demo, and PathOps is available in bin/core/. It is about half the size of the "CoreWithFonts" build.
  • Experimental Runtime shader available for custom builds.
  • WebP support.
  • SkAnimatedImage.getCurrentFrame which returns an SkImage.


  • CanvasKit.SaveLayerInitWithPrevious and CanvasKit.SaveLayerF16ColorType constants.
  • Some compilation configurations, for example, those with no fonts or just one of particles/skottie.


  • Small tweaks to compilation settings to reduce code size and linkage time.
  • JS functions are no longer provided when the underlying c++ calls have been compiled out.


  • SkShader.Empty
  • Support for Type 1 Fonts. These are ancient and removing them saves about 135k of code size.


  • In an effort to reduce code size for most clients, npm now contains two CanvasKit builds. In bin/ there is the "CoreWithFonts" build that contains most functionality from 0.10.0. However, we no longer ship the Skottie animation player, nor the Particles demo. Further, PathOps are removed from this build MakePathFromOp, SkPath.op and SkPath.simplify. Clients who need any of those features are encouraged to create a custom build using
  • SkPicture.DEBUGONLY_saveAsFile was accidentally included in release builds. It has been removed. Clients who need this in a release build (e.g. to file a bug report that only reproduces in release) should do a custom build with the force_serialize_skp flag given.


  • SkCanvas.drawAnimatedImage will be renamed soon. Calls can be replaced with SkCanvas.drawImage and SkAnimatedImage.getCurrentFrame.

[0.10.0] - 2019-12-09


  • SkContourMeasureIter and SkContourMeasure as an alternative to SkPathMeasure.
  • CanvasKit image decode cache helpers: getDecodeCacheLimitBytes(), setDecodeCacheLimitBytes(), and getDecodeCacheUsedBytes().
  • SkShader.Blend, SkShader.Color, SkShader.Empty, SkShader.Lerp.


  • The returned values from SkParagraph.getRectsForRange now have direction with value CanvasKit.TextDirection.


  • MakeImage properly in the externs file and can work with CanvasKit.Malloc.

[0.9.0] - 2019-11-18


  • Experimental CanvasKit.Malloc, which can be used to create a TypedArray backed by the C++ WASM memory. This can save a copy in some cases (e.g. SkColorFilter.MakeMatrix). This is an advanced feature, so use it with care.
  • SkCanvas.clipRRect, SkCanvas.drawColor
  • Blur, ColorFilter, Compose, MatrixTransform SkImageFilters. Can be used with SkPaint.setImageFilter.
  • SkCanvas.saveLayer now takes 3 or 4 params to include up to bounds, paint, SkImageFilter, flags.
  • SkPath.rArcTo, SkPath.rConicTo, SkPath.rCubicTo, SkPath.rLineTo, SkPath.rMoveTo, SkPath.rQuadTo. Like their non-relative siblings, these are chainable.
  • Add width(), height(), reset(), getFrameCount() to SkAnimatedImage.
  • SkCanvas.drawImageNine, SkCanvas.drawPoints and related PointMode enum.
  • SkPath.addPoly
  • SkPathMeasure.getSegment
  • More information on SkParagraph API, eg. getLongestLine(), getWordBoundary, and others.


  • CanvasKit.MakeBlurMaskFilter will be renamed/moved soon to CanvasKit.SkMaskFilter.MakeBlur.


  • Use newer version of Freetype2 (Tracking Skia's DEPS now).
  • Use newer versions of libpng and zlib (Tracking Skia's DEPS now).


  • null dereference when sometimes falling back to CPU.
  • Actually ask WebGL for a stencil buffer.
  • Can opt out of Paragraph API with no_paragraph passed into or when using primitive_shaper.

[0.8.0] - 2019-10-21


  • CanvasKit.MakeAnimatedImageFromEncoded, SkCanvas.drawAnimatedImage.
  • CanvasKit.SkFontMgr.FromData which takes several ArrayBuffers of font data, parses them, reading the metadata (e.g. family names) and stores them into a SkFontMgr.
  • SkParagraph as an optional set of APIs for dealing with text layout.


  • The no_font compile option should strip out more dead code related to fonts.
  • and no_embedded_font option now allows creating a SkFontMgr.FromData instead of always having an empty one.
  • Updated to emscripten 1.38.47
  • Switch to WebGL 2.0, but fall back to 1.0 when unavailable -


  • Null terminator bug in draw text -

[0.7.0] - 2019-09-18


  • SkCanvas.drawCircle(), SkCanvas.getSaveCount()
  • SkPath.offset(), SkPath.drawOval
  • SkRRect support (SkCanvas.drawRRect, SkCanvas.drawDRRect, CanvasKit.RRectXY). Advanced users can specify the 8 individual radii, if needed.
  • CanvasKit.computeTonalColors(), which returns TonalColors, which has an ambient SkColor and a spot SkColor.
  • CanvasKit.SkColorFilter and a variety of factories. SkPaint.setColorFilter is the only consumer of these at the moment.
  • CanvasKit.SkColorMatrix with functions .identity(), .scaled(), .concat() and others. Primarily for use with CanvasKit.SkColorFilter.MakeMatrix.


  • MakeSkVertices uses a builder to save a copy.


  • When SkPath.arcTo is given seven arguments, it no longer turns the first four into a SkRect automatically, and instead uses them as arcTo(rx, ry, xAxisRotate, useSmallArc, isCCW, x, y) (see SkPath.h for more).

[0.6.0] - 2019-05-06


  • SkSurface.grContext now exposed. GrContext has new methods for monitoring/setting the cache limits; tweaking these may lead to better performance in some cases. getResourceCacheLimitBytes, setResourceCacheLimitBytes, getResourceCacheUsageBytes
  • SkCanvas.drawAtlas for efficiently drawing multiple sprites from a sprite sheet with a set of transforms, color blends, etc.
  • SkColorBuilder, RSXFormBuilder, SkRectBuilder which increase performance by reducing the amount of malloc/free calls per frame, given that the array size is fixed.
  • Basic SkPicture support. SkSurface.captureFrameAsSkPicture is a helper function to capture an SkPicture, which can be dumped to disk (for debugging) with SkPicture.DEBUGONLY_saveAsFile.
  • SkImage.readPixels, which returns a TypedArray of pixel values (safe to use anywhere, doesn't need a delete()).


  • Better GrGLCaps support for WebGL - this shouldn't have any impacts on APIs or correctness, except by perhaps fixing a few bugs in various surface types.
  • Use unsigned ints for SkColor on the JS side - this shouldn't have any impacts unless clients have pre-computed colors, in which case, they will need to re-compute them.
  • [breaking] Moved CanvasKit.MakeImageShader to SkImage.makeShader - removed clampUnpremul as argument.

[0.5.1] - 2019-03-21


  • SkPathMeasure, RSXFormBuilder, SkFont.getWidths, SkTextBlob.MakeFromRSXform which were needed to add the helper function SkTextBlob.MakeOnPath.
  • SkSurface.requestAnimationFrame - wrapper around window.requestAnimationFrame that takes care of the setup/tear down required to use CanvasKit optimally. The callback has an SkCanvas as the first parameter - callers should draw on that.


  • Location in Skia Git repo now modules/canvaskit (was experimental/canvaskit)


  • Extern bug in CanvasKit.SkMatrix.invert
  • Fallback to CPU now properly refreshes the canvas to get access to the CanvasRenderingContext2D.
  • Compile flags for better WebGL1 support for some graphics cards.
  • Antialias bug on large oval paths


  • SkCanvas.flush will be removed soon - client should only call SkSurface.flush

[0.5.0] - 2019-03-08


  • isVolitile option to CanvasKit.MakeSkVertices. The previous (and current default) behavior was for this to be true; some applications may go faster if set to false.
  • SkCanvas.saveLayer(rect, paint)
  • SkCanvas.restoreToCount(int) which can be used with the output of .save() and .saveLayer().
  • Optional particles library from modules/particles. See CanvasKit.MakeParticles(json);
  • More public APIs for working with Surfaces/Contexts GetWebGLContext, MakeGrContext, MakeOnScreenGLSurface, MakeRenderTarget.
  • SkSurface.getSurface() and SkCanvas.getSurface() for making compatible surfaces (typically used as a workspace and then "saved" with surface.makeImageSnapshot())


  • CanvasKit.MakeWebGLCanvasSurface no longer takes a webgl context as a first arg, only a canvas or an id of a canvas. If users want to manage their own GL contexts, they should build the SkSurface themselves with GetWebGLContext -> MakeGrContext -> MakeOnScreenGLSurface.

[0.4.1] - 2019-03-01


  • Optional arguments to MakeManagedAnimation for supplying external assets (like images, fonts).

[0.4.0] - 2019-02-25


  • SkPath.addRoundRect, SkPath.reset, SkPath.rewind exposed.
  • SkCanvas.drawArc, SkCanvas.drawLine, SkCanvas.drawOval, SkCanvas.drawRoundRect exposed.
  • Can import/export a SkPath to an array of commands. See CanvasKit.MakePathFromCmds and SkPath.toCmds.
  • SkCanvas.drawTextBlob() and SkCanvas.SkTextBlob.MakeFromText() to draw text to a canvas.
  • CanvasKit.TextEncoding enum. For use with SkTextBlob.
  • Text shaping with ShapedText object and SkCanvas.drawText. At compile time, one can choose between using Harfbuzz/ICU (default) or a primitive one ("primitive_shaper") which just does line breaking. Using Harfbuzz/ICU substantially increases code size (4.3 MB to 6.4 MB).


  • SkCanvas.drawText() now requires an SkFont object for raw strings.


  • SkPaint.setTextSize(), SkPaint.getTextSize(), SkPaint.setTypeface() which should be replaced by using SkFont.
  • Deprecated CanvasKitInit().then() interface (see 0.3.1 notes)


  • Potential bug in ready() if already loaded.

[0.3.1] - 2019-01-04


  • SkFont now exposed.
  • MakeCanvasSurface can now take a canvas element directly.
  • MakeWebGLCanvasSurface can now take a WebGL context as an integer and use it directly.


  • CanvasKitInit(...).then() is no longer the recommended way to initialize things. It will be removed in 0.4.0. Use CanvasKitInit(...).ready(), which returns a real Promise.


  • SkPaint.measureText - use SkFont.measureText instead.

[0.3.0] - 2018-12-18


  • Add Canvas2D JS layer. This mirrors the HTML Canvas API. This may be omitted at compile time it by adding no_canvas to the invocation.
  • CanvasKit.FontMgr.DefaultRef() and fontmgr.MakeTypefaceFromData to load fonts.
  • Exposed SkPath.setVolatile. Some animations see performance improvements by setting their paths' volatility to true.


  • SkPath.addRect now correctly draws counter-clockwise vs clockwise.


  • CanvasKit.MakeImageShader no longer takes encoded bytes, but an SkImage, created from CanvasKit.MakeImageFromEncoded. Additionally, the optional parameters clampIfUnpremul and localMatrix have been exposed.
  • SkPath.arcTo now takes startAngle, sweepAngle, forceMoveTo as additional parameters.
  • SkPath.stroke has a new option precision It defaults to 1.0.
  • CanvasKit comes with one font (NotoMono) instead of the Skia TestTypeface. Clients are encouraged to use the new fontmgr.MakeTypefaceFromData for more font variety.


  • CanvasKit.initFonts() - no longer needed.

[0.2.1] - 2018-11-20

Beginning of Changelog history