GN: dm

This builds, links, and runs on Linux.  Have not tried Mac.

I've tested is_debug={true,false} and is_component_build.
It's neat that the component build DM works, but it's also an indication I've missed an essential flag or two... it shouldn't work. :)

The GPU backend isn't working yet, but all the software configurations I've tried look good.

This fleshes out all the other parts of SkCodec too... I noticed we weren't able to decode gifs or webp.


diff --git a/ b/
index 07c7009..794a375 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 skia_public_includes = [
+  "include/android",
@@ -16,8 +17,10 @@
+  "include/svg",
+  "include/xml",
   "include/c",  # TODO: move back to top, order shouldn't matter
@@ -39,6 +42,8 @@
+    "src/effects/gradients",
+    "src/fonts",
@@ -148,14 +153,19 @@
+    "//third_party/expat",
+    "//third_party/giflib",
+    "//third_party/libwebp",
   defines = [
   libs = [ "pthread" ]
@@ -168,12 +178,16 @@
   sources += pdf_gypi.sources
   sources += utils_gypi.sources
   sources += [
+    "src/android/SkBitmapRegionCodec.cpp",
+    "src/android/SkBitmapRegionDecoder.cpp",
+    "src/codec/SkAndroidCodec.cpp",
+    "src/codec/SkGifCodec.cpp",
@@ -181,9 +195,12 @@
+    "src/codec/SkSampledCodec.cpp",
+    "src/codec/SkWebpAdapterCodec.cpp",
+    "src/codec/SkWebpCodec.cpp",
@@ -193,7 +210,12 @@
+    "src/svg/SkSVGCanvas.cpp",
+    "src/svg/SkSVGDevice.cpp",
+    "src/xml/SkDOM.cpp",
+    "src/xml/SkXMLParser.cpp",
+    "src/xml/SkXMLWriter.cpp",
@@ -210,12 +232,14 @@
+      "src/xps/SkDocument_XPS.cpp",
   } else {
     sources += [
+      "src/xps/SkDocument_XPS_None.cpp",
@@ -276,3 +300,124 @@
+template("test_lib") {
+  config(target_name + "_config") {
+    include_dirs = invoker.public_include_dirs
+  }
+  source_set(target_name) {
+    forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", [ "public_include_dirs" ])
+    public_configs = [
+      ":" + target_name + "_config",
+      ":skia_private",
+    ]
+    if (!defined(deps)) {
+      deps = []
+    }
+    deps += [ ":skia" ]
+    testonly = true
+  }
+test_lib("gpu_tool_utils") {
+  public_include_dirs = [ "tools/gpu" ]
+  sources = [
+    "tools/gpu/GrContextFactory.cpp",
+    "tools/gpu/GrTest.cpp",
+    "tools/gpu/TestContext.cpp",
+    "tools/gpu/gl/GLTestContext.cpp",
+    "tools/gpu/gl/debug/DebugGLTestContext.cpp",
+    "tools/gpu/gl/debug/GrBufferObj.cpp",
+    "tools/gpu/gl/debug/GrFrameBufferObj.cpp",
+    "tools/gpu/gl/debug/GrProgramObj.cpp",
+    "tools/gpu/gl/debug/GrShaderObj.cpp",
+    "tools/gpu/gl/debug/GrTextureObj.cpp",
+    "tools/gpu/gl/debug/GrTextureUnitObj.cpp",
+    "tools/gpu/gl/null/NullGLTestContext.cpp",
+  ]
+  libs = []
+  if (is_linux) {
+    sources += [ "tools/gpu/gl/glx/CreatePlatformGLTestContext_glx.cpp" ]
+    libs += [
+      "GL",
+      "GLU",
+      "X11",
+    ]
+  } else if (is_mac) {
+    sources += [ "tools/gpu/gl/mac/CreatePlatformGLTestContext_mac.cpp" ]
+    libs += [ "OpenGL.framework" ]
+  }
+test_lib("flags") {
+  public_include_dirs = [ "tools/flags" ]
+  sources = [
+    "tools/flags/SkCommandLineFlags.cpp",
+    "tools/flags/SkCommonFlags.cpp",
+    "tools/flags/SkCommonFlagsConfig.cpp",
+  ]
+  deps = [
+    ":gpu_tool_utils",
+  ]
+test_lib("tool_utils") {
+  public_include_dirs = [
+    "tools",
+    "tools/timer",
+  ]
+  sources = [
+    "src/utils/SkMultiPictureDocumentReader.cpp",  # TODO(halcanary): move to tools?
+    "tools/ProcStats.cpp",
+    "tools/Resources.cpp",
+    "tools/picture_utils.cpp",
+    "tools/random_parse_path.cpp",
+    "tools/sk_tool_utils.cpp",
+    "tools/sk_tool_utils_font.cpp",
+    "tools/timer/Timer.cpp",
+  ]
+  deps = [
+    ":flags",
+  ]
+gm_sources = exec_script("gyp/",
+                         [
+                           rebase_path("gm"),
+                           "*.c*",
+                         ],
+                         "list lines",
+                         [])
+test_lib("gm") {
+  public_include_dirs = [ "gm" ]
+  sources = gm_sources
+  deps = [
+    ":gpu_tool_utils",
+    ":skia",
+    ":tool_utils",
+  ]
+executable("dm") {
+  sources = [
+    "dm/DM.cpp",
+    "dm/DMJsonWriter.cpp",
+    "dm/DMSrcSink.cpp",
+    # TODO: tests for real
+    "tests/Test.cpp",
+  ]
+  include_dirs = [ "tests" ]
+  deps = [
+    ":flags",
+    ":gm",
+    ":gpu_tool_utils",
+    ":skia",
+    ":tool_utils",
+    "//third_party/jsoncpp",
+    "//third_party/libpng",
+  ]
+  testonly = true