change params to getPaths callback, avoiding a xform/copy up front.


  18/18  MB	1	33.1µs	33.3µs	33.4µs	34.2µs	1%	█▄▃▂▂▁▁▁▁▂	nonrendering	font-path-batch
  18/18  MB	12	43.7µs	43.8µs	43.8µs	44.1µs	0%	█▂▁▂▁▅▂▂▆▂	nonrendering	font-path-loop


  17/17  MB	1	10.2µs	10.3µs	10.4µs	11µs	2%	█▃▂▂▂▂▂▁▁▂	nonrendering	font-path-batch
  17/17  MB	21	23.4µs	23.4µs	23.4µs	23.4µs	0%	█▂▁▃▃▂▄▁▂▂	nonrendering	font-path-loop

Bug: skia:
Change-Id: Ib1aa886fd675326bf5936b47b0d459ba02f1681e
Reviewed-by: Mike Reed <>
Commit-Queue: Mike Reed <>
diff --git a/bench/FontCacheBench.cpp b/bench/FontCacheBench.cpp
index 98caa2b..beae47a 100644
--- a/bench/FontCacheBench.cpp
+++ b/bench/FontCacheBench.cpp
@@ -184,9 +184,9 @@
             } else {
                 fFont.getPaths(fGlyphs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(fGlyphs),
-                               [](uint16_t, const SkPath* src, void* ctx) {
+                               [](const SkPath* src, const SkMatrix& mx, void* ctx) {
                                    if (src) {
-                                       *static_cast<SkPath*>(ctx) = *src;
+                                       src->transform(mx, static_cast<SkPath*>(ctx));
                                }, &path);
diff --git a/include/core/SkFont.h b/include/core/SkFont.h
index d8f7b53..ded498a 100644
--- a/include/core/SkFont.h
+++ b/include/core/SkFont.h
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include "SkScalar.h"
 #include "SkTypeface.h"
+class SkMatrix;
 class SkPaint;
 class SkPath;
 struct SkFontMetrics;
@@ -376,7 +377,7 @@
         @param ctx           function context
     void getPaths(const uint16_t glyphIDs[], int count,
-                  void (*glyphPathProc)(uint16_t glyphID, const SkPath* pathOrNull, void* ctx),
+                  void (*glyphPathProc)(const SkPath* pathOrNull, const SkMatrix& mx, void* ctx),
                   void* ctx) const;
     /** Returns SkFontMetrics associated with SkTypeface.
diff --git a/src/core/SkFont.cpp b/src/core/SkFont.cpp
index 6c3949b..9f2b166 100644
--- a/src/core/SkFont.cpp
+++ b/src/core/SkFont.cpp
@@ -359,22 +359,19 @@
 void SkFont::getPaths(const uint16_t glyphs[], int count,
-                      void (*proc)(uint16_t, const SkPath*, void*), void* ctx) const {
+                      void (*proc)(const SkPath*, const SkMatrix&, void*), void* ctx) const {
     SkFont font(*this);
     SkScalar scale = font.setupForAsPaths(nullptr);
+    if (!scale) {
+        scale = 1;
+    }
+    const SkMatrix mx = SkMatrix::MakeScale(scale, scale);
     auto exclusive = SkStrikeCache::FindOrCreateStrikeWithNoDeviceExclusive(font);
     auto cache = exclusive.get();
     for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
-        const SkPath* orig = cache->findPath(cache->getGlyphIDMetrics(glyphs[i]));
-        if (orig && scale) {
-            SkPath tmp;
-            orig->transform(SkMatrix::MakeScale(scale, scale), &tmp);
-            proc(glyphs[i], &tmp, ctx);
-        } else {
-            proc(glyphs[i], orig, ctx);
-        }
+        proc(cache->findPath(cache->getGlyphIDMetrics(glyphs[i])), mx, ctx);
@@ -384,10 +381,10 @@
         bool    fWasSet;
     } pair = { path, false };
-    this->getPaths(&glyphID, 1, [](uint16_t, const SkPath* orig, void* ctx) {
+    this->getPaths(&glyphID, 1, [](const SkPath* orig, const SkMatrix& mx, void* ctx) {
         Pair* pair = static_cast<Pair*>(ctx);
         if (orig) {
-            *pair->fPath = *orig;
+            orig->transform(mx, pair->fPath);
             pair->fWasSet = true;
     }, &pair);
diff --git a/src/core/SkPaint_text.cpp b/src/core/SkPaint_text.cpp
index 2a76e6e..a43c46e 100644
--- a/src/core/SkPaint_text.cpp
+++ b/src/core/SkPaint_text.cpp
@@ -495,10 +495,12 @@
     SkPath*         fDst;
     const SkPoint*  fPos;
-static void PathPosProc(uint16_t, const SkPath* src, void* ctx) {
+static void PathPosProc(const SkPath* src, const SkMatrix& mx, void* ctx) {
     PathPosRec* rec = static_cast<PathPosRec*>(ctx);
     if (src) {
-        rec->fDst->addPath(*src, SkMatrix::MakeTrans(rec->fPos->fX, rec->fPos->fY));
+        SkMatrix m(mx);
+        m.postTranslate(rec->fPos->fX, rec->fPos->fY);
+        rec->fDst->addPath(*src, m);
     rec->fPos += 1;