Move paints to the front of draw structs.

The order of arguments in these structs is arbitrary, so we might as well arrange them to optimize something.  Putting the paints at the front means the logic to find the paint is a lot more concise: it's usually just ptr+0, or *(ptr+0) when the SkPaint is optional.

This considerably reduces the size of the jump table in IsDraw::operator().



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git-svn-id: 2bbb7eff-a529-9590-31e7-b0007b416f81
diff --git a/src/record/SkRecords.h b/src/record/SkRecords.h
index d4b6852..581ae21 100644
--- a/src/record/SkRecords.h
+++ b/src/record/SkRecords.h
@@ -19,11 +19,17 @@
 // We leave this SK_RECORD_TYPES macro defined for use by code that wants to operate on SkRecords
 // types polymorphically.  (See SkRecord::Record::{visit,mutate} for an example.)
+// Order doesn't technically matter here, but the compiler can generally generate better code if
+// you keep them semantically grouped, especially the Draws.  It's also nice to leave NoOp at 0.
 #define SK_RECORD_TYPES(M)                                          \
     M(NoOp)                                                         \
     M(Restore)                                                      \
     M(Save)                                                         \
     M(SaveLayer)                                                    \
+    M(PushCull)                                                     \
+    M(PopCull)                                                      \
+    M(PairedPushCull)         /*From SkRecordAnnotateCullingPairs*/ \
     M(Concat)                                                       \
     M(SetMatrix)                                                    \
     M(ClipPath)                                                     \
@@ -48,9 +54,6 @@
     M(DrawText)                                                     \
     M(DrawTextOnPath)                                               \
     M(DrawVertices)                                                 \
-    M(PushCull)                                                     \
-    M(PopCull)                                                      \
-    M(PairedPushCull)         /*From SkRecordAnnotateCullingPairs*/ \
     M(BoundedDrawPosTextH)    /*From SkRecordBoundDrawPosTextH*/
 // Defines SkRecords::Type, an enum of all record types.
@@ -195,71 +198,73 @@
 RECORD2(ClipRegion, SkRegion, region, SkRegion::Op, op);
 RECORD1(Clear, SkColor, color);
-RECORD4(DrawBitmap, ImmutableBitmap, bitmap,
+// While not strictly required, if you have an SkPaint, it's fastest to put it first.
+RECORD4(DrawBitmap, Optional<SkPaint>, paint,
+                    ImmutableBitmap, bitmap,
                     SkScalar, left,
-                    SkScalar, top,
-                    Optional<SkPaint>, paint);
-RECORD3(DrawBitmapMatrix, ImmutableBitmap, bitmap, SkMatrix, matrix, Optional<SkPaint>, paint);
-RECORD4(DrawBitmapNine, ImmutableBitmap, bitmap,
+                    SkScalar, top);
+RECORD3(DrawBitmapMatrix, Optional<SkPaint>, paint, ImmutableBitmap, bitmap, SkMatrix, matrix);
+RECORD4(DrawBitmapNine, Optional<SkPaint>, paint,
+                        ImmutableBitmap, bitmap,
                         SkIRect, center,
-                        SkRect, dst,
-                        Optional<SkPaint>, paint);
-RECORD5(DrawBitmapRectToRect, ImmutableBitmap, bitmap,
+                        SkRect, dst);
+RECORD5(DrawBitmapRectToRect, Optional<SkPaint>, paint,
+                              ImmutableBitmap, bitmap,
                               Optional<SkRect>, src,
                               SkRect, dst,
-                              Optional<SkPaint>, paint,
                               SkCanvas::DrawBitmapRectFlags, flags);
-RECORD3(DrawDRRect, SkRRect, outer, SkRRect, inner, SkPaint, paint);
-RECORD2(DrawOval, SkRect, oval, SkPaint, paint);
+RECORD3(DrawDRRect, SkPaint, paint, SkRRect, outer, SkRRect, inner);
+RECORD2(DrawOval, SkPaint, paint, SkRect, oval);
 RECORD1(DrawPaint, SkPaint, paint);
-RECORD2(DrawPath, SkPath, path, SkPaint, paint);
-RECORD4(DrawPoints, SkCanvas::PointMode, mode, size_t, count, SkPoint*, pts, SkPaint, paint);
-RECORD4(DrawPosText, PODArray<char>, text,
+RECORD2(DrawPath, SkPaint, paint, SkPath, path);
+RECORD4(DrawPoints, SkPaint, paint, SkCanvas::PointMode, mode, size_t, count, SkPoint*, pts);
+RECORD4(DrawPosText, SkPaint, paint,
+                     PODArray<char>, text,
                      size_t, byteLength,
-                     PODArray<SkPoint>, pos,
-                     SkPaint, paint);
-RECORD5(DrawPosTextH, PODArray<char>, text,
+                     PODArray<SkPoint>, pos);
+RECORD5(DrawPosTextH, SkPaint, paint,
+                      PODArray<char>, text,
                       size_t, byteLength,
                       PODArray<SkScalar>, xpos,
-                      SkScalar, y,
-                      SkPaint, paint);
-RECORD2(DrawRRect, SkRRect, rrect, SkPaint, paint);
-RECORD2(DrawRect, SkRect, rect, SkPaint, paint);
-RECORD4(DrawSprite, ImmutableBitmap, bitmap, int, left, int, top, Optional<SkPaint>, paint);
-RECORD5(DrawText, PODArray<char>, text,
+                      SkScalar, y);
+RECORD2(DrawRRect, SkPaint, paint, SkRRect, rrect);
+RECORD2(DrawRect, SkPaint, paint, SkRect, rect);
+RECORD4(DrawSprite, Optional<SkPaint>, paint, ImmutableBitmap, bitmap, int, left, int, top);
+RECORD5(DrawText, SkPaint, paint,
+                  PODArray<char>, text,
                   size_t, byteLength,
                   SkScalar, x,
-                  SkScalar, y,
-                  SkPaint, paint);
-RECORD5(DrawTextOnPath, PODArray<char>, text,
+                  SkScalar, y);
+RECORD5(DrawTextOnPath, SkPaint, paint,
+                        PODArray<char>, text,
                         size_t, byteLength,
                         SkPath, path,
-                        Optional<SkMatrix>, matrix,
-                        SkPaint, paint);
+                        Optional<SkMatrix>, matrix);
 // This guy is so ugly we just write it manually.
 struct DrawVertices {
     static const Type kType = DrawVertices_Type;
-    DrawVertices(SkCanvas::VertexMode vmode,
+    DrawVertices(const SkPaint& paint,
+                 SkCanvas::VertexMode vmode,
                  int vertexCount,
                  SkPoint* vertices,
                  SkPoint* texs,
                  SkColor* colors,
                  SkXfermode* xmode,
                  uint16_t* indices,
-                 int indexCount,
-                 const SkPaint& paint)
-        : vmode(vmode)
+                 int indexCount)
+        : paint(paint)
+        , vmode(vmode)
         , vertexCount(vertexCount)
         , vertices(vertices)
         , texs(texs)
         , colors(colors)
         , xmode(SkSafeRef(xmode))
         , indices(indices)
-        , indexCount(indexCount)
-        , paint(paint) {}
+        , indexCount(indexCount) {}
+    SkPaint paint;
     SkCanvas::VertexMode vmode;
     int vertexCount;
     PODArray<SkPoint> vertices;
@@ -268,7 +273,6 @@
     SkAutoTUnref<SkXfermode> xmode;
     PODArray<uint16_t> indices;
     int indexCount;
-    SkPaint paint;
 // Records added by optimizations.