Roll external/skia 7eb1d296c06b..cf8c53436c77 (1 commits)

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Bug: 147686308
Merged-In: I36c0eb43dd1b65826478f3e3c285268b618175dd
Change-Id: I68c33de98e667563f87e868becc8940ff8453e81
diff --git a/src/gpu/ops/GrAAConvexPathRenderer.cpp b/src/gpu/ops/GrAAConvexPathRenderer.cpp
index d68ce5f..bb08cc4 100644
--- a/src/gpu/ops/GrAAConvexPathRenderer.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/ops/GrAAConvexPathRenderer.cpp
@@ -472,24 +472,27 @@
                         color, skipUVs,
                         -segb.fNorms[0].dot(qpts[2]) + c0,
+            // We need a negative value that is very large that it won't effect results if it is
+            // interpolated with. However, the value can't be too large of a negative that it
+            // effects numerical precision on less powerful GPUs.
+            static const SkScalar kStableLargeNegativeValue = -SK_ScalarMax/1000000;
             verts.write(qpts[0] + segb.fNorms[0],
                         color, skipUVs,
-                        -SK_ScalarMax/100,
-                        -SK_ScalarMax/100);
+                        kStableLargeNegativeValue,
+                        kStableLargeNegativeValue);
             verts.write(qpts[2] + segb.fNorms[1],
                         color, skipUVs,
-                        -SK_ScalarMax/100,
-                        -SK_ScalarMax/100);
+                        kStableLargeNegativeValue,
+                        kStableLargeNegativeValue);
             SkVector midVec = segb.fNorms[0] + segb.fNorms[1];
             verts.write(qpts[1] + midVec,
                         color, skipUVs,
-                        -SK_ScalarMax/100,
-                        -SK_ScalarMax/100);
+                        kStableLargeNegativeValue,
+                        kStableLargeNegativeValue);
             GrPathUtils::QuadUVMatrix toUV(qpts);
             toUV.apply(quadVertsBegin, 6, vertexStride, uvOffset);