blob: 4aa938e059c2a7cbb0cf89a1508c4b9dd5b28fe7 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef SkTextLayout_DEFINED
#define SkTextLayout_DEFINED
#include "SkRefCnt.h"
#include "SkPaint.h"
#include "SkScalar.h"
class SkTextLayout : public SkRefCnt {
/** Create a textlayout that implements the CSS features of letter-spacing
and word-spacing. It takes values to add to the advance width for each
letter (charExtra) and to add to the advance width for each space
@param charExtra amount to add to every character's advance width
@param spaceExtra amount to add to every space character's advance width
@return a new textlayout subclass that implements tracking
static SkTextLayout* CreateTrackingLayout(SkScalar charExtra, SkScalar spaceExtra);
class Rec;
int layout( const SkPaint& paint,
const char* text, size_t byteLength, SkUnicodeWalkerProc proc,
Rec rec[]);
class Rec {
SkUnichar charCode() const { return fCharCode; }
SkScalar fDeltaAdvance; //!< set by the subclass in onLayout()
SkUnichar fCharCode;
// to be used in the future
uint16_t fGlyphID;
uint16_t fFlags;
friend class SkTextLayout;
virtual void onLayout(const SkPaint& paint, Rec rec[], int count) {}