Fixed issues found by fuzzer

Last week, the fuzzer found a few numerical issue with filters and I had written some fixes for them. Here are the fixes with some unit tests.

For senorblanco : So I figured out what was asserting when we'd get a 0 width "result" in SkBicubicImageFilter::onFilterImage(). Basically, if the "result" SkBitmap object calls SkBitmap::setConfig() with "width" and/or "height" set to 0, then the SkBitmap object will call SkBitmap::reset(), making the SkBitmap object's config invalid. At this point, calling SkBitmap::getAddr32() will assert, even without attempting to dereference the data pointer, because the SkBitmap's config is invalid. If height is valid, but width is 0, then this call to SkBitmap::getAddr32() happens directly in SkBicubicImageFilter::onFilterImage() a few lines lower and asserts right away.



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git-svn-id: 2bbb7eff-a529-9590-31e7-b0007b416f81
diff --git a/include/effects/SkLightingImageFilter.h b/include/effects/SkLightingImageFilter.h
index 07f713b..9c90cd9 100644
--- a/include/effects/SkLightingImageFilter.h
+++ b/include/effects/SkLightingImageFilter.h
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@
         return fX > fY ? (fX > fZ ? fX : fZ) : (fY > fZ ? fY : fZ);
     void normalize() {
-        SkScalar scale = SkScalarInvert(SkScalarSqrt(dot(*this)));
+        // Small epsilon is added to prevent division by 0.
+        SkScalar scale = SkScalarInvert(SkScalarSqrt(dot(*this)) + SK_ScalarNearlyZero);
         fX = SkScalarMul(fX, scale);
         fY = SkScalarMul(fY, scale);
         fZ = SkScalarMul(fZ, scale);
diff --git a/src/effects/SkBicubicImageFilter.cpp b/src/effects/SkBicubicImageFilter.cpp
index b7dffb8..778df3f 100644
--- a/src/effects/SkBicubicImageFilter.cpp
+++ b/src/effects/SkBicubicImageFilter.cpp
@@ -102,6 +102,9 @@
                                     SkScalarMul(SkIntToScalar(src.height()), fScale.fHeight));
     SkIRect dstIRect;
+    if (dstIRect.isEmpty()) {
+        return false;
+    }
     result->setConfig(src.config(), dstIRect.width(), dstIRect.height());
     if (!result->getPixels()) {
diff --git a/src/effects/SkLightingImageFilter.cpp b/src/effects/SkLightingImageFilter.cpp
index 5460559..3141e1d 100644
--- a/src/effects/SkLightingImageFilter.cpp
+++ b/src/effects/SkLightingImageFilter.cpp
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@
         colorScale = SkScalarClampMax(colorScale, SK_Scalar1);
         SkPoint3 color(lightColor * colorScale);
         return SkPackARGB32(255,
-                            SkScalarFloorToInt(color.fX),
-                            SkScalarFloorToInt(color.fY),
-                            SkScalarFloorToInt(color.fZ));
+                            SkClampMax(SkScalarFloorToInt(color.fX), 255),
+                            SkClampMax(SkScalarFloorToInt(color.fY), 255),
+                            SkClampMax(SkScalarFloorToInt(color.fZ), 255));
     SkScalar fKD;
@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@
             SkScalarPow(, fShininess));
         colorScale = SkScalarClampMax(colorScale, SK_Scalar1);
         SkPoint3 color(lightColor * colorScale);
-        return SkPackARGB32(SkScalarFloorToInt(color.maxComponent()),
-                            SkScalarFloorToInt(color.fX),
-                            SkScalarFloorToInt(color.fY),
-                            SkScalarFloorToInt(color.fZ));
+        return SkPackARGB32(SkClampMax(SkScalarFloorToInt(color.maxComponent()), 255),
+                            SkClampMax(SkScalarFloorToInt(color.fX), 255),
+                            SkClampMax(SkScalarFloorToInt(color.fY), 255),
+                            SkClampMax(SkScalarFloorToInt(color.fZ), 255));
     SkScalar fKS;
@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@
      : INHERITED(color),
-       fSpecularExponent(specularExponent)
+       fSpecularExponent(SkScalarPin(specularExponent, kSpecularExponentMin, kSpecularExponentMax))
        fS = target - location;
@@ -785,6 +785,9 @@
+    static const SkScalar kSpecularExponentMin;
+    static const SkScalar kSpecularExponentMax;
     typedef SkLight INHERITED;
     SkPoint3 fLocation;
     SkPoint3 fTarget;
@@ -795,6 +798,11 @@
     SkPoint3 fS;
+// According to the spec, the specular term should be in the range [1, 128] :
+const SkScalar SkSpotLight::kSpecularExponentMin = SkFloatToScalar(1.0f);
+const SkScalar SkSpotLight::kSpecularExponentMax = SkFloatToScalar(128.0f);
 SkLightingImageFilter::SkLightingImageFilter(SkLight* light, SkScalar surfaceScale, SkImageFilter* input, const SkIRect* cropRect)
diff --git a/tests/ImageFilterTest.cpp b/tests/ImageFilterTest.cpp
index da1a719..0032c7f 100644
--- a/tests/ImageFilterTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/ImageFilterTest.cpp
@@ -7,12 +7,44 @@
 #include "Test.h"
+#include "SkBicubicImageFilter.h"
+#include "SkBitmap.h"
+#include "SkBitmapDevice.h"
+#include "SkBitmapSource.h"
+#include "SkCanvas.h"
 #include "SkColorMatrixFilter.h"
 #include "SkColorFilterImageFilter.h"
+#include "SkDeviceImageFilterProxy.h"
+#include "SkLightingImageFilter.h"
 #include "SkRect.h"
 class ImageFilterTest {
+    static const int kBitmapSize = 4;
+    static void make_small_bitmap(SkBitmap& bitmap) {
+        bitmap.setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, kBitmapSize, kBitmapSize);
+        bitmap.allocPixels();
+        SkBitmapDevice device(bitmap);
+        SkCanvas canvas(&device);
+        canvas.clear(0x00000000);
+        SkPaint darkPaint;
+        darkPaint.setColor(0xFF804020);
+        SkPaint lightPaint;
+        lightPaint.setColor(0xFF244484);
+        const int i = kBitmapSize / 4;
+        for (int y = 0; y < kBitmapSize; y += i) {
+            for (int x = 0; x < kBitmapSize; x += i) {
+      ;
+                canvas.translate(SkIntToScalar(x), SkIntToScalar(y));
+                canvas.drawRect(SkRect::MakeXYWH(0, 0, i, i), darkPaint);
+                canvas.drawRect(SkRect::MakeXYWH(i, 0, i, i), lightPaint);
+                canvas.drawRect(SkRect::MakeXYWH(0, i, i, i), lightPaint);
+                canvas.drawRect(SkRect::MakeXYWH(i, i, i, i), darkPaint);
+                canvas.restore();
+            }
+        }
+    }
     static SkImageFilter* make_scale(float amount, SkImageFilter* input = NULL) {
         SkScalar s = SkFloatToScalar(amount);
@@ -70,6 +102,47 @@
             SkAutoTUnref<SkImageFilter> grayWithCrop(make_grayscale(NULL, &cropRect));
             REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, false == grayWithCrop->asColorFilter(NULL));
+        {
+            // Tests pass by not asserting
+            SkBitmap bitmap, result;
+            make_small_bitmap(bitmap);
+            result.setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, kBitmapSize, kBitmapSize);
+            result.allocPixels();
+            {
+                // This tests for :
+                // 1 ) location at (0,0,1)
+                SkPoint3 location(0, 0, SK_Scalar1);
+                // 2 ) location and target at same value
+                SkPoint3 target(location.fX, location.fY, location.fZ);
+                // 3 ) large negative specular exponent value
+                SkScalar specularExponent = SkFloatToScalar(-1000);
+                SkPaint paint;
+                paint.setImageFilter(SkLightingImageFilter::CreateSpotLitSpecular(
+                        location, target, specularExponent, SkFloatToScalar(180),
+                        0xFFFFFFFF, SK_Scalar1, SK_Scalar1, SK_Scalar1,
+                        new SkBitmapSource(bitmap)))->unref();
+                SkCanvas canvas(result);
+                SkRect r = SkRect::MakeWH(kBitmapSize, kBitmapSize);
+                canvas.drawRect(r, paint);
+            }
+            {
+                // This tests for scale bringing width to 0
+                SkSize scale = SkSize::Make(SkFloatToScalar(-0.001), SK_Scalar1);
+                SkAutoTUnref<SkBicubicImageFilter> bicubic(
+                    SkBicubicImageFilter::CreateMitchell(
+                        scale, new SkBitmapSource(bitmap)));
+                SkBitmapDevice device(bitmap);
+                SkDeviceImageFilterProxy proxy(&device);
+                SkIPoint loc = SkIPoint::Make(0, 0);
+                // An empty input should early return and return false
+                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter,
+                    !bicubic->filterImage(&proxy, bitmap, SkMatrix::I(), &result, &loc));
+            }
+        }