Path ops formerly found the topmost unprocessed edge and determined its angle sort order to initialize the winding. This never worked correctly with cubics and was flaky with paths consisting mostly of vertical edges.

This replacement shoots axis-aligned rays through all intersecting edges to find the outermost one either horizontally or vertically. The resulting code is smaller and twice as fast.

To support this, most of the horizontal / vertical intersection code was rewritten and standardized, and old code supporting the top-directed winding was deleted.

Contours were pointed to by an SkTDArray. Instead, put them in a linked list, and designate the list head with its own class to ensure that methods that take lists of contours start at the top. This change removed a large percentage of memory allocations used by path ops.

Review URL:
diff --git a/src/pathops/SkOpSegment.cpp b/src/pathops/SkOpSegment.cpp
index ce35f84..de813cb 100644
--- a/src/pathops/SkOpSegment.cpp
+++ b/src/pathops/SkOpSegment.cpp
@@ -102,47 +102,6 @@
     return other->activeAngleInner(oSpan, startPtr, endPtr, done, sortable);
-SkDPoint SkOpSegment::activeLeftTop(SkOpSpanBase** firstSpan) {
-    SkASSERT(!done());
-    SkDPoint topPt = {SK_ScalarMax, SK_ScalarMax};
-    // see if either end is not done since we want smaller Y of the pair
-    bool lastDone = true;
-    SkOpSpanBase* span = &fHead;
-    SkOpSpanBase* lastSpan = NULL;
-    do {
-        if (!lastDone || (!span->final() && !span->upCast()->done())) {
-            const SkPoint& xy = span->pt();
-            if (topPt.fY > xy.fY || (topPt.fY == xy.fY && topPt.fX > xy.fX)) {
-                topPt = xy;
-                if (firstSpan) {
-                    *firstSpan = span;
-                }
-            }
-            if (fVerb != SkPath::kLine_Verb && !lastDone) {
-                double curveTopT;
-                SkDCurve curve;
-                this->subDivide(lastSpan, span, &curve);
-                SkDPoint curveTop = (curve.*Top[fVerb])(fPts, fWeight, lastSpan->t(), span->t(),
-                        &curveTopT);
-                if (topPt.fY > curveTop.fY || (topPt.fY == curveTop.fY && topPt.fX > curveTop.fX)) {
-                    topPt = curveTop;
-                    if (firstSpan) {
-                        const SkPoint& lastXY = lastSpan->pt();
-                        *firstSpan = lastXY.fY > xy.fY || (lastXY.fY == xy.fY && lastXY.fX > xy.fX)
-                                ? span : lastSpan;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            lastSpan = span;
-        }
-        if (span->final()) {
-            break;
-        }
-        lastDone = span->upCast()->done();
-    } while ((span = span->upCast()->next()));
-    return topPt;
 bool SkOpSegment::activeOp(SkOpSpanBase* start, SkOpSpanBase* end, int xorMiMask, int xorSuMask,
         SkPathOp op) {
     int sumMiWinding = this->updateWinding(end, start);
@@ -278,88 +237,6 @@
     return result;
-SkOpAngle* SkOpSegment::addSingletonAngleDown(SkOpSegment** otherPtr, SkOpAngle** anglePtr,
-        SkChunkAlloc* allocator) {
-    SkOpSpan* startSpan = fTail.prev();
-    SkASSERT(startSpan);
-    SkOpAngle* angle = SkOpTAllocator<SkOpAngle>::Allocate(allocator);
-    *anglePtr = angle;
-    angle->set(&fTail, startSpan);
-    fTail.setFromAngle(angle);
-    SkOpSegment* other = NULL;  // these initializations silence a release build warning
-    SkOpSpan* oStartSpan = NULL;
-    SkOpSpanBase* oEndSpan = NULL;
-    SkOpPtT* ptT = fTail.ptT(), * startPtT = ptT;
-    while ((ptT = ptT->next()) != startPtT) {
-        other = ptT->segment();
-        oStartSpan = ptT->span()->upCastable();
-        if (oStartSpan && oStartSpan->windValue()) {
-            oEndSpan = oStartSpan->next();
-            break;
-        }
-        oEndSpan = ptT->span();
-        oStartSpan = oEndSpan->prev();
-        if (oStartSpan && oStartSpan->windValue()) {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!oStartSpan) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    SkOpAngle* oAngle = SkOpTAllocator<SkOpAngle>::Allocate(allocator);
-    oAngle->set(oStartSpan, oEndSpan);
-    oStartSpan->setToAngle(oAngle);
-    *otherPtr = other;
-    return oAngle;
-SkOpAngle* SkOpSegment::addSingletonAngles(int step, SkChunkAlloc* allocator) {
-    SkOpSegment* other;
-    SkOpAngle* angle, * otherAngle;
-    if (step > 0) {
-        otherAngle = addSingletonAngleUp(&other, &angle, allocator);
-    } else {
-        otherAngle = addSingletonAngleDown(&other, &angle, allocator);
-    }
-    if (!otherAngle) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    angle->insert(otherAngle);
-    return angle;
-SkOpAngle* SkOpSegment::addSingletonAngleUp(SkOpSegment** otherPtr, SkOpAngle** anglePtr,
-        SkChunkAlloc* allocator) {
-    SkOpSpanBase* endSpan =;
-    SkASSERT(endSpan);
-    SkOpAngle* angle = SkOpTAllocator<SkOpAngle>::Allocate(allocator);
-    *anglePtr = angle;
-    angle->set(&fHead, endSpan);
-    fHead.setToAngle(angle);
-    SkOpSegment* other = NULL;  // these initializations silence a release build warning
-    SkOpSpan* oStartSpan = NULL;
-    SkOpSpanBase* oEndSpan = NULL;
-    SkOpPtT* ptT = fHead.ptT(), * startPtT = ptT;
-    while ((ptT = ptT->next()) != startPtT) {
-        other = ptT->segment();
-        oEndSpan = ptT->span();
-        oStartSpan = oEndSpan->prev();
-        if (oStartSpan && oStartSpan->windValue()) {
-            break;
-        }
-        oStartSpan = oEndSpan->upCastable();
-        if (oStartSpan && oStartSpan->windValue()) {
-            oEndSpan = oStartSpan->next();
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    SkOpAngle* oAngle = SkOpTAllocator<SkOpAngle>::Allocate(allocator);
-    oAngle->set(oEndSpan, oStartSpan);
-    oEndSpan->setFromAngle(oAngle);
-    *otherPtr = other;
-    return oAngle;
 SkOpPtT* SkOpSegment::addT(double t, AllowAlias allowAlias, SkChunkAlloc* allocator) {
     SkPoint pt = this->ptAtT(t);
@@ -437,14 +314,6 @@
-bool SkOpSegment::BetweenTs(const SkOpSpanBase* lesser, double testT,
-        const SkOpSpanBase* greater) {
-    if (lesser->t() > greater->t()) {
-        SkTSwap<const SkOpSpanBase*>(lesser, greater);
-    }
-    return approximately_between(lesser->t(), testT, greater->t());
 void SkOpSegment::calcAngles(SkChunkAlloc* allocator) {
     bool activePrior = !fHead.isCanceled();
     if (activePrior && !fHead.simple()) {
@@ -494,20 +363,9 @@
     } while ((base = span->next()));
-// from
-bool SkOpSegment::clockwise(const SkOpSpanBase* start, const SkOpSpanBase* end, bool* swap) const {
-    SkASSERT(fVerb != SkPath::kLine_Verb);
-    if (fVerb != SkPath::kCubic_Verb) {
-        SkOpCurve edge;
-        this->subDivide(start, end, &edge);
-        return SkDQuad::Clockwise(edge, swap);
-    }
-    return SkDCubic::Clockwise(fPts, start->t(), end->t(), swap);
 void SkOpSegment::ComputeOneSum(const SkOpAngle* baseAngle, SkOpAngle* nextAngle,
         SkOpAngle::IncludeType includeType) {
-    const SkOpSegment* baseSegment = baseAngle->segment();
+    SkOpSegment* baseSegment = baseAngle->segment();
     int sumMiWinding = baseSegment->updateWindingReverse(baseAngle);
     int sumSuWinding;
     bool binary = includeType >= SkOpAngle::kBinarySingle;
@@ -534,9 +392,9 @@
-void SkOpSegment::ComputeOneSumReverse(const SkOpAngle* baseAngle, SkOpAngle* nextAngle,
+void SkOpSegment::ComputeOneSumReverse(SkOpAngle* baseAngle, SkOpAngle* nextAngle,
         SkOpAngle::IncludeType includeType) {
-    const SkOpSegment* baseSegment = baseAngle->segment();
+    SkOpSegment* baseSegment = baseAngle->segment();
     int sumMiWinding = baseSegment->updateWinding(baseAngle);
     int sumSuWinding;
     bool binary = includeType >= SkOpAngle::kBinarySingle;
@@ -634,102 +492,6 @@
     return start->starter(end)->windSum();
-SkOpSpan* SkOpSegment::crossedSpanY(const SkPoint& basePt, double mid, bool opp, bool current,
-        SkScalar* bestY, double* hitT, bool* hitSomething, bool* vertical) {
-    SkScalar bottom = fBounds.fBottom;
-    *vertical = false;
-    if (bottom <= *bestY) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    SkScalar top = fBounds.fTop;
-    if (top >= basePt.fY) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (fBounds.fLeft > basePt.fX) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (fBounds.fRight < basePt.fX) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (fBounds.fLeft == fBounds.fRight) {
-        // if vertical, and directly above test point, wait for another one
-        *vertical = AlmostEqualUlps(basePt.fX, fBounds.fLeft);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    // intersect ray starting at basePt with edge
-    SkIntersections intersections;
-    // OPTIMIZE: use specialty function that intersects ray with curve,
-    // returning t values only for curve (we don't care about t on ray)
-    intersections.allowNear(false);
-    int pts = (intersections.*CurveVertical[fVerb])(fPts, fWeight, top, bottom, basePt.fX, false);
-    if (pts == 0 || (current && pts == 1)) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (current) {
-        SkASSERT(pts > 1);
-        int closestIdx = 0;
-        double closest = fabs(intersections[0][0] - mid);
-        for (int idx = 1; idx < pts; ++idx) {
-            double test = fabs(intersections[0][idx] - mid);
-            if (closest > test) {
-                closestIdx = idx;
-                closest = test;
-            }
-        }
-        intersections.quickRemoveOne(closestIdx, --pts);
-    }
-    double bestT = -1;
-    for (int index = 0; index < pts; ++index) {
-        double foundT = intersections[0][index];
-        if (approximately_less_than_zero(foundT)
-                    || approximately_greater_than_one(foundT)) {
-            continue;
-        }
-        SkScalar testY = (*CurvePointAtT[fVerb])(fPts, fWeight, foundT).fY;
-        if (approximately_negative(testY - *bestY)
-                || approximately_negative(basePt.fY - testY)) {
-            continue;
-        }
-        if (pts > 1 && fVerb == SkPath::kLine_Verb) {
-            *vertical = true;
-            return NULL;  // if the intersection is edge on, wait for another one
-        }
-        if (fVerb > SkPath::kLine_Verb) {
-            SkScalar dx = (*CurveSlopeAtT[fVerb])(fPts, fWeight, foundT).fX;
-            if (approximately_zero(dx)) {
-                *vertical = true;
-                return NULL;  // hit vertical, wait for another one
-            }
-        }
-        *bestY = testY;
-        bestT = foundT;
-    }
-    if (bestT < 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    SkASSERT(bestT >= 0);
-    SkASSERT(bestT < 1);
-    SkOpSpanBase* testTSpanBase = &this->fHead;
-    SkOpSpanBase* nextTSpan;
-    double endT = 0;
-    do {
-        nextTSpan = testTSpanBase->upCast()->next();
-        endT = nextTSpan->t();
-        if (endT >= bestT) {
-            break;
-        }
-        testTSpanBase = nextTSpan;
-    } while (testTSpanBase);
-    SkOpSpan* bestTSpan = NULL;
-    SkOpSpan* testTSpan = testTSpanBase->upCast();
-    if (!testTSpan->isCanceled()) {
-        *hitT = bestT;
-        bestTSpan = testTSpan;
-        *hitSomething = true;
-    }
-    return bestTSpan;
 void SkOpSegment::detach(const SkOpSpan* span) {
     if (span->done()) {
@@ -1036,126 +798,6 @@
     return nextSegment;
-SkOpSegment* SkOpSegment::findTop(bool firstPass, SkOpSpanBase** startPtr, SkOpSpanBase** endPtr,
-        bool* unsortable, SkChunkAlloc* allocator) {
-    // iterate through T intersections and return topmost
-    // topmost tangent from y-min to first pt is closer to horizontal
-    SkASSERT(!done());
-    SkOpSpanBase* firstT = NULL;
-    (void) this->activeLeftTop(&firstT);
-    if (!firstT) {
-        *unsortable = !firstPass;
-        firstT = &fHead;
-        while (firstT->upCast()->done()) {
-            firstT = firstT->upCast()->next();
-        }
-        *startPtr = firstT;
-        *endPtr = firstT->upCast()->next();
-        return this;
-    }
-    // sort the edges to find the leftmost
-    int step = 1;
-    SkOpSpanBase* end;
-    if (firstT->final() || firstT->upCast()->done()) {
-        step = -1;
-        end = firstT->prev();
-        SkASSERT(end);
-    } else {
-        end = firstT->upCast()->next();
-    }
-    // if the topmost T is not on end, or is three-way or more, find left
-    // look for left-ness from tLeft to firstT (matching y of other)
-    SkASSERT(firstT != end);
-    SkOpAngle* markAngle = spanToAngle(firstT, end);
-    if (!markAngle) {
-        markAngle = addSingletonAngles(step, allocator);
-    }
-    if (!markAngle) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (!markAngle->markStops()) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    const SkOpAngle* baseAngle = markAngle->next() == markAngle && !isVertical() ? markAngle
-            : markAngle->findFirst();
-    if (!baseAngle) {
-        return NULL;  // nothing to do
-    }
-    SkScalar top = SK_ScalarMax;
-    const SkOpAngle* firstAngle = NULL;
-    const SkOpAngle* angle = baseAngle;
-    SkDebugf("-%s- baseAngle\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    baseAngle->debugLoop();
-    do {
-        if (!angle->unorderable()) {
-            const SkOpSegment* next = angle->segment();
-            SkPathOpsBounds bounds;
-            next->subDivideBounds(angle->end(), angle->start(), &bounds);
-            if (top > bounds.fTop) {
-                top = bounds.fTop;
-                firstAngle = angle;
-            }
-        }
-        angle = angle->next();
-    } while (angle != baseAngle);
-    if (!firstAngle) {
-        return NULL;  // if all are unorderable, give up
-    }
-    SkDebugf("-%s- firstAngle\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    firstAngle->debugLoop();
-    // skip edges that have already been processed
-    angle = firstAngle;
-    SkOpSegment* leftSegment = NULL;
-    bool looped = false;
-    do {
-        *unsortable = angle->unorderable();
-        if (firstPass || !*unsortable) {
-            leftSegment = angle->segment();
-            *startPtr = angle->end();
-            *endPtr = angle->start();
-            const SkOpSpan* firstSpan = (*startPtr)->starter(*endPtr);
-            if (!firstSpan->done()) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        angle = angle->next();
-        looped = true;
-    } while (angle != firstAngle);
-    if (angle == firstAngle && looped) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (leftSegment->verb() >= SkPath::kQuad_Verb) {
-        SkOpSpanBase* start = *startPtr;
-        SkOpSpanBase* end = *endPtr;
-        bool swap;
-        bool cw = leftSegment->clockwise(start, end, &swap);
-        SkDebugf("%s id=%d s=%1.9g e=%1.9g (%c) cw=%d swap=%d inflections=%d monotonic=%d\n",
-                __FUNCTION__, leftSegment->debugID(), start->t(), end->t(),
-                start->t() < end->t() ? '-' : '+', cw,
-                swap, leftSegment->debugInflections(start, end),
-                leftSegment->monotonicInY(start, end));
-        if (!cw && swap) {
-    // FIXME: I doubt it makes sense to (necessarily) swap if the edge was not the first
-    // sorted but merely the first not already processed (i.e., not done)
-            SkTSwap(*startPtr, *endPtr);
-        }
-        // FIXME: clockwise isn't reliable -- try computing swap from tangent ?
-    } else {
-        SkDebugf("%s id=%d s=%1.9g e=%1.9g (%c) cw=%d swap=%d inflections=%d monotonic=%d\n",
-                __FUNCTION__, leftSegment->debugID(), (*startPtr)->t(), (*endPtr)->t(),
-                (*startPtr)->t() < (*endPtr)->t() ? '-' : '+', -1, -1, -1, 1);
-    }
-    return leftSegment;
 SkOpGlobalState* SkOpSegment::globalState() const {
     return contour()->globalState(); 
@@ -1169,6 +811,7 @@
     fCubicType = SkDCubic::kUnsplit_SkDCubicType;
     fCount = 0;
     fDoneCount = 0;
+    fTopsFound = false;
     fVisited = false;
     SkOpSpan* zeroSpan = &fHead;
     zeroSpan->init(this, NULL, 0, fPts[0]);
@@ -1178,68 +821,6 @@
     SkDEBUGCODE(fID = globalState()->nextSegmentID());
-void SkOpSegment::initWinding(SkOpSpanBase* start, SkOpSpanBase* end,
-        SkOpAngle::IncludeType angleIncludeType) {
-    int local = SkOpSegment::SpanSign(start, end);
-    SkDEBUGCODE(bool success);
-    if (angleIncludeType == SkOpAngle::kBinarySingle) {
-        int oppLocal = SkOpSegment::OppSign(start, end);
-        SkDEBUGCODE(success =) markAndChaseWinding(start, end, local, oppLocal, NULL);
-    // OPTIMIZATION: the reverse mark and chase could skip the first marking
-        SkDEBUGCODE(success |=) markAndChaseWinding(end, start, local, oppLocal, NULL);
-    } else {
-        SkDEBUGCODE(success =) markAndChaseWinding(start, end, local, NULL);
-    // OPTIMIZATION: the reverse mark and chase could skip the first marking
-        SkDEBUGCODE(success |=) markAndChaseWinding(end, start, local, NULL);
-    }
-    SkASSERT(success);
-when we start with a vertical intersect, we try to use the dx to determine if the edge is to
-the left or the right of vertical. This determines if we need to add the span's
-sign or not. However, this isn't enough.
-If the supplied sign (winding) is zero, then we didn't hit another vertical span, so dx is needed.
-If there was a winding, then it may or may not need adjusting. If the span the winding was borrowed
-from has the same x direction as this span, the winding should change. If the dx is opposite, then
-the same winding is shared by both.
-bool SkOpSegment::initWinding(SkOpSpanBase* start, SkOpSpanBase* end, double tHit,
-        int winding, SkScalar hitDx, int oppWind, SkScalar hitOppDx) {
-    SkASSERT(this == start->segment());
-    SkASSERT(hitDx || !winding);
-    SkScalar dx = (*CurveSlopeAtT[fVerb])(fPts, fWeight, tHit).fX;
-//    SkASSERT(dx);
-    int windVal = start->starter(end)->windValue();
-    SkDebugf("%s id=%d oldWinding=%d hitDx=%c dx=%c windVal=%d", __FUNCTION__, debugID(), winding,
-            hitDx ? hitDx > 0 ? '+' : '-' : '0', dx > 0 ? '+' : '-', windVal);
-    int sideWind = winding + (dx < 0 ? windVal : -windVal);
-    if (abs(winding) < abs(sideWind)) {
-        winding = sideWind;
-    }
-    SkDEBUGCODE(int oppLocal = SkOpSegment::OppSign(start, end));
-    SkASSERT(hitOppDx || !oppWind || !oppLocal);
-    int oppWindVal = start->starter(end)->oppValue();
-    if (!oppWind) {
-        oppWind = dx < 0 ? oppWindVal : -oppWindVal;
-    } else if (hitOppDx * dx >= 0) {
-        int oppSideWind = oppWind + (dx < 0 ? oppWindVal : -oppWindVal);
-        if (abs(oppWind) < abs(oppSideWind)) {
-            oppWind = oppSideWind;
-        }
-    }
-    SkDebugf(" winding=%d oppWind=%d\n", winding, oppWind);
-    // if this fails to mark (because the edges are too small) inform caller to try again
-    bool success = markAndChaseWinding(start, end, winding, oppWind, NULL);
-    // OPTIMIZATION: the reverse mark and chase could skip the first marking
-    success |= markAndChaseWinding(end, start, winding, oppWind, NULL);
-    return success;
 bool SkOpSegment::isClose(double t, const SkOpSegment* opp) const {
     SkDPoint cPt = this->dPtAtT(t);
     SkDVector dxdy = (*CurveDSlopeAtT[this->verb()])(this->pts(), this->weight(), t);
@@ -1306,8 +887,7 @@
     while ((other = other->nextChase(&start, &step, &spanStart, &last))) {
         if (spanStart->windSum() != SK_MinS32) {
             if (this->operand() == other->operand()) {
-                SkASSERT(spanStart->windSum() == winding);
-                if (spanStart->oppSum() != oppWinding) {
+                if (spanStart->windSum() != winding || spanStart->oppSum() != oppWinding) {
                     return false;
@@ -1438,39 +1018,6 @@
     return NULL;
-bool SkOpSegment::monotonicInY(const SkOpSpanBase* start, const SkOpSpanBase* end) const {
-    SkASSERT(fVerb != SkPath::kLine_Verb);
-    if (fVerb == SkPath::kQuad_Verb) {
-        SkDQuad dst = SkDQuad::SubDivide(fPts, start->t(), end->t());
-        return dst.monotonicInY();
-    }
-    if (fVerb == SkPath::kConic_Verb) {
-        SkDConic dst = SkDConic::SubDivide(fPts, fWeight, start->t(), end->t());
-        return dst.monotonicInY();
-    }
-    SkASSERT(fVerb == SkPath::kCubic_Verb);
-    SkDCubic dst = SkDCubic::SubDivide(fPts, start->t(), end->t());
-    if (dst.monotonicInY()) {
-        return true;
-    }
-    SkDCubic whole;
-    whole.set(fPts);
-    return whole.monotonicInY();
-bool SkOpSegment::NextCandidate(SkOpSpanBase* span, SkOpSpanBase** start,
-        SkOpSpanBase** end) {
-    while (span->final() || span->upCast()->done()) {
-        if (span->final()) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        span = span->upCast()->next();
-    }
-    *start = span;
-    *end = span->upCast()->next();
-    return true;
 SkOpSegment* SkOpSegment::nextChase(SkOpSpanBase** startPtr, int* stepPtr, SkOpSpan** minPtr,
         SkOpSpanBase** last) const {
     SkOpSpanBase* origStart = *startPtr;
@@ -1499,7 +1046,7 @@
             return NULL;
-        if (angle->sign() != next->sign() && !angle->segment()->contour()->isXor()
+        if (angle->debugSign() != next->debugSign() && !angle->segment()->contour()->isXor()
                 && !next->segment()->contour()->isXor()) {
             SkDebugf("%s mismatched signs\n", __FUNCTION__);
@@ -1558,7 +1105,7 @@
         SkASSERT(ptT->span() == span);
         while ((ptT = ptT->next()) != spanStopPtT) {
             SkOpSegment* opp = ptT->span()->segment();
-            if (opp->setVisited()) {
+            if (!opp->setVisited()) {
             if (opp->verb() == SkPath::kLine_Verb) {
@@ -2024,19 +1571,6 @@
     return true;
-void SkOpSegment::subDivideBounds(const SkOpSpanBase* start, const SkOpSpanBase* end,
-        SkPathOpsBounds* bounds) const {
-    SkDCurve edge;
-    subDivide(start, end, &edge);
-    (edge.*SetBounds[fVerb])(fPts, fWeight, start->t(), end->t(), bounds);
-SkDPoint SkOpSegment::top(const SkOpSpanBase* start, const SkOpSpanBase* end, double* topT) const {
-    SkDCurve edge;
-    subDivide(start, end, &edge);
-    return (edge.*Top[fVerb])(fPts, fWeight, start->t(), end->t(), topT);
 void SkOpSegment::undoneSpan(SkOpSpanBase** start, SkOpSpanBase** end) {
     SkOpSpan* span = this->head();
     do {
@@ -2072,10 +1606,19 @@
     return updateOppWinding(startSpan, endSpan);
-int SkOpSegment::updateWinding(const SkOpSpanBase* start, const SkOpSpanBase* end) const {
-    const SkOpSpan* lesser = start->starter(end);
+int SkOpSegment::updateWinding(SkOpSpanBase* start, SkOpSpanBase* end) {
+    SkOpSpan* lesser = start->starter(end);
     int winding = lesser->windSum();
     if (winding == SK_MinS32) {
+        SkOpGlobalState* globals = this->globalState();
+        SkOpContour* contourHead = globals->contourHead();
+        int windTry = 0;
+        while (!lesser->sortableTop(contourHead) && ++windTry < SkOpGlobalState::kMaxWindingTries) {
+            ;
+        }
+        winding = lesser->windSum();
+    }
+    if (winding == SK_MinS32) {
         return winding;
     int spanWinding = SkOpSegment::SpanSign(start, end);
@@ -2086,15 +1629,15 @@
     return winding;
-int SkOpSegment::updateWinding(const SkOpAngle* angle) const {
-    const SkOpSpanBase* startSpan = angle->start();
-    const SkOpSpanBase* endSpan = angle->end();
+int SkOpSegment::updateWinding(SkOpAngle* angle) {
+    SkOpSpanBase* startSpan = angle->start();
+    SkOpSpanBase* endSpan = angle->end();
     return updateWinding(endSpan, startSpan);
-int SkOpSegment::updateWindingReverse(const SkOpAngle* angle) const {
-    const SkOpSpanBase* startSpan = angle->start();
-    const SkOpSpanBase* endSpan = angle->end();
+int SkOpSegment::updateWindingReverse(const SkOpAngle* angle) {
+    SkOpSpanBase* startSpan = angle->start();
+    SkOpSpanBase* endSpan = angle->end();
     return updateWinding(startSpan, endSpan);
@@ -2110,41 +1653,6 @@
     return result;
-int SkOpSegment::windingAtT(double tHit, const SkOpSpan* span, bool crossOpp,
-        SkScalar* dx) const {
-    if (approximately_zero(tHit - span->t())) {  // if we hit the end of a span, disregard
-        return SK_MinS32;
-    }
-    int winding = crossOpp ? span->oppSum() : span->windSum();
-    SkASSERT(winding != SK_MinS32);
-    int windVal = crossOpp ? span->oppValue() : span->windValue();
-    SkDebugf("%s id=%d opp=%d tHit=%1.9g t=%1.9g oldWinding=%d windValue=%d", __FUNCTION__,
-            debugID(), crossOpp, tHit, span->t(), winding, windVal);
-    // see if a + change in T results in a +/- change in X (compute x'(T))
-    *dx = (*CurveSlopeAtT[fVerb])(fPts, fWeight, tHit).fX;
-    if (fVerb > SkPath::kLine_Verb && approximately_zero(*dx)) {
-        *dx = fPts[2].fX - fPts[1].fX - *dx;
-    }
-    if (*dx == 0) {
-        SkDebugf(" dx=0 winding=SK_MinS32\n");
-        return SK_MinS32;
-    }
-    if (windVal < 0) {  // reverse sign if opp contour traveled in reverse
-            *dx = -*dx;
-    }
-    if (winding * *dx > 0) {  // if same signs, result is negative
-        winding += *dx > 0 ? -windVal : windVal;
-    }
-    SkDebugf(" dx=%c winding=%d\n", *dx > 0 ? '+' : '-', winding);
-    return winding;
 int SkOpSegment::windSum(const SkOpAngle* angle) const {
     const SkOpSpan* minSpan = angle->start()->starter(angle->end());
     return minSpan->windSum();