Roll third_party/externals/angle2/ 5d2ccc534..a00ef3144 (10 commits)

Manual roll including GN fixes

$ git log 5d2ccc534..a00ef3144 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2018-05-14 geofflang Add more dEQP EGL expectations for Linux and Android.
2018-05-14 geofflang Add more dEQP EGL expectations for Linux and Android.
2018-05-14 cwallez DisplayGLX: Close the X display if we own it.
2018-05-14 geofflang Add more dEQP EGL expectations for Linux and Android.
2018-05-14 geofflang DEQP: Print not supported messages from tests.
2018-05-14 geofflang Add dEQP EGL test expectations for Linux and Android.
2018-05-10 jmadill Vulkan: Implement masked color clear with depth.
2018-05-14 jmadill Fix libGLESv2 wrong .def file.
2018-05-14 jmadill Fix warnings from size_t conversions.
2018-04-23 lfy GLES1: Renderer (minimal)


Change-Id: I0ed2b9c8824b7833a4a0234204cb849805717daa
Reviewed-by: Brian Osman <>
Reviewed-by: Mike Klein <>
Commit-Queue: Brian Osman <>
Commit-Queue: Mike Klein <>
2 files changed