Implement Porter Duff XP with a blend table

Removes the runtime logic used by PorterDuffXferProcessor to decide
blend coeffs and shader outputs, and instead uses a compile-time
constant table of pre-selected blend formulas. Separates out the dst
read fallback into its own XP.

Introduces a new blend strategy for srcCoeff=0 that can apply coverage
with a reverse subtract blend equation instead of dual source

Adds new macros in GrBlend.h to analyze blend formulas both runtime.

Removes kSetCoverageDrawing_OptFlag and GrSimplifyBlend as they are no
longer used.

Adds a GM that verifies all xfermodes, including arithmetic, with the
color/coverage invariants used by Porter Duff.

Adds a unit test that verifies each Porter Duff formula with every
color/coverage invariant.

Major changes:

 * Uses a reverse subtract blend equation for coverage when srcCoeff=0
   (clear, dst-out [Sa=1], dst-in, modulate). Platforms that don't
   support dual source blending no longer require a dst copy for
   dst-in and modulate.

 * Sets BlendInfo::fWriteColor to false when the blend does not modify
   the dst. GrGLGpu will now use glColorMask instead of blending for
   these modes (dst, dst-in [Sa=1], modulate ignored for [Sc=1]).

 * Converts all SA blend coeffs to One for opaque inputs, and ISA to
   Zero if there is also no coverage. (We keep ISA around when there
   is coverage because we use it to tweak alpha for coverage.)

 * Abandons solid white optimizations for the sake of simplicity
   (screen was the only mode that previous had solid white opts).

Minor differences:

 * Inconsequential differences in opt flags (e.g. we now return
   kCanTweakAlphaForCoverage_OptFlag even when there is no coverage).

 * Src coeffs when the shader outputs 0.

 * IS2C vs IS2A when the secondary output is scalar.



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diff --git a/src/gpu/effects/GrPorterDuffXferProcessor.cpp b/src/gpu/effects/GrPorterDuffXferProcessor.cpp
index d1e02d2..812cfea 100644
--- a/src/gpu/effects/GrPorterDuffXferProcessor.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/effects/GrPorterDuffXferProcessor.cpp
@@ -17,79 +17,305 @@
 #include "gl/builders/GrGLFragmentShaderBuilder.h"
 #include "gl/builders/GrGLProgramBuilder.h"
-static bool can_tweak_alpha_for_coverage(GrBlendCoeff dstCoeff) {
-    /*
-     The fractional coverage is f.
-     The src and dst coeffs are Cs and Cd.
-     The dst and src colors are S and D.
-     We want the blend to compute: f*Cs*S + (f*Cd + (1-f))D. By tweaking the source color's alpha
-     we're replacing S with S'=fS. It's obvious that that first term will always be ok. The second
-     term can be rearranged as [1-(1-Cd)f]D. By substituting in the various possibilities for Cd we
-     find that only 1, ISA, and ISC produce the correct destination when applied to S' and D.
+ * Wraps the shader outputs and HW blend state that comprise a Porter Duff blend mode with coverage.
+ */
+struct BlendFormula {
+    /**
+     * Values the shader can write to primary and secondary outputs. These must all be modulated by
+     * coverage to support mixed samples. The XP will ignore the multiplies when not using coverage.
-    return kOne_GrBlendCoeff == dstCoeff ||
-           kISA_GrBlendCoeff == dstCoeff ||
-           kISC_GrBlendCoeff == dstCoeff;
+    enum OutputType {
+        kNone_OutputType,        //<! 0
+        kCoverage_OutputType,    //<! inputCoverage
+        kModulate_OutputType,    //<! inputColor * inputCoverage
+        kISAModulate_OutputType, //<! (1 - inputColor.a) * inputCoverage
+        kISCModulate_OutputType, //<! (1 - inputColor) * inputCoverage
+        kLast_OutputType = kISCModulate_OutputType
+    };
+    enum Properties {
+        kModifiesDst_Property              = 1,
+        kUsesDstColor_Property             = 1 << 1,
+        kUsesInputColor_Property           = 1 << 2,
+        kCanTweakAlphaForCoverage_Property = 1 << 3,
+        kLast_Property = kCanTweakAlphaForCoverage_Property
+    };
+    BlendFormula& operator =(const BlendFormula& other) {
+        fData = other.fData;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    bool operator ==(const BlendFormula& other) const {
+        return fData == other.fData;
+    }
+    bool hasSecondaryOutput() const { return kNone_OutputType != fSecondaryOutputType; }
+    bool modifiesDst() const { return SkToBool(fProps & kModifiesDst_Property); }
+    bool usesDstColor() const { return SkToBool(fProps & kUsesDstColor_Property); }
+    bool usesInputColor() const { return SkToBool(fProps & kUsesInputColor_Property); }
+    bool canTweakAlphaForCoverage() const {
+        return SkToBool(fProps & kCanTweakAlphaForCoverage_Property);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Deduce the properties of a compile-time constant BlendFormula.
+     */
+    template<OutputType PrimaryOut, OutputType SecondaryOut,
+             GrBlendEquation BlendEquation, GrBlendCoeff SrcCoeff, GrBlendCoeff DstCoeff>
+    struct get_properties : SkTIntegralConstant<Properties, static_cast<Properties>(
+        (GR_BLEND_MODIFIES_DST(BlendEquation, SrcCoeff, DstCoeff) ?
+            kModifiesDst_Property : 0) |
+        (GR_BLEND_COEFFS_USE_DST_COLOR(SrcCoeff, DstCoeff) ?
+            kUsesDstColor_Property : 0) |
+        ((PrimaryOut >= kModulate_OutputType && GR_BLEND_COEFFS_USE_SRC_COLOR(SrcCoeff,DstCoeff)) ||
+         (SecondaryOut >= kModulate_OutputType && GR_BLEND_COEFF_REFS_SRC2(DstCoeff)) ?
+            kUsesInputColor_Property : 0) |  // We assert later that SrcCoeff doesn't ref src2.
+        (kModulate_OutputType == PrimaryOut &&
+         kNone_OutputType == SecondaryOut &&
+         GR_BLEND_CAN_TWEAK_ALPHA_FOR_COVERAGE(BlendEquation, SrcCoeff, DstCoeff) ?
+            kCanTweakAlphaForCoverage_Property : 0))> {
+        // The provided formula should already be optimized.
+        GR_STATIC_ASSERT((kNone_OutputType == PrimaryOut) ==
+                         !GR_BLEND_COEFFS_USE_SRC_COLOR(SrcCoeff, DstCoeff));
+        GR_STATIC_ASSERT((kNone_OutputType == SecondaryOut) ==
+                         !GR_BLEND_COEFF_REFS_SRC2(DstCoeff));
+        GR_STATIC_ASSERT(PrimaryOut != SecondaryOut || kNone_OutputType == PrimaryOut);
+        GR_STATIC_ASSERT(kNone_OutputType != PrimaryOut || kNone_OutputType == SecondaryOut);
+    };
+    union {
+        struct {
+            // We allot the enums one more bit than they require because MSVC seems to sign-extend
+            // them when the top bit is set. (This is in violation of the C++03 standard 9.6/4)
+            OutputType        fPrimaryOutputType    : 4;
+            OutputType        fSecondaryOutputType  : 4;
+            GrBlendEquation   fBlendEquation        : 6;
+            GrBlendCoeff      fSrcCoeff             : 6;
+            GrBlendCoeff      fDstCoeff             : 6;
+            Properties        fProps                : 32 - (4 + 4 + 6 + 6 + 6);
+        };
+        uint32_t fData;
+    };
+    GR_STATIC_ASSERT(kLast_OutputType      < (1 << 3));
+    GR_STATIC_ASSERT(kLast_GrBlendEquation < (1 << 5));
+    GR_STATIC_ASSERT(kLast_GrBlendCoeff    < (1 << 5));
+    GR_STATIC_ASSERT(kLast_Property        < (1 << 6));
+GR_STATIC_ASSERT(4 == sizeof(BlendFormula));
+ * Initialize a compile-time constant BlendFormula and automatically deduce fProps.
+ */
+    {{{PRIMARY_OUT, \
+       SECONDARY_OUT, \
+       BlendFormula::get_properties<PRIMARY_OUT, SECONDARY_OUT, \
+                                    BLEND_EQUATION, SRC_COEFF, DST_COEFF>::value}}}
+ * When there is no coverage, or the blend mode can tweak alpha for coverage, we use the standard
+ * Porter Duff formula.
+ */
+    INIT_BLEND_FORMULA(BlendFormula::kModulate_OutputType, \
+                       BlendFormula::kNone_OutputType, \
+                       kAdd_GrBlendEquation, SRC_COEFF, DST_COEFF)
+ * When the coeffs are (Zero, Zero), we clear the dst. This formula has its own macro so we can set
+ * the primary output type to none.
+ */
+    INIT_BLEND_FORMULA(BlendFormula::kNone_OutputType, \
+                       BlendFormula::kNone_OutputType, \
+                       kAdd_GrBlendEquation, kZero_GrBlendCoeff, kZero_GrBlendCoeff)
+ * When the coeffs are (Zero, One), we don't write to the dst at all. This formula has its own macro
+ * so we can set the primary output type to none.
+ */
+    INIT_BLEND_FORMULA(BlendFormula::kNone_OutputType, \
+                       BlendFormula::kNone_OutputType, \
+                       kAdd_GrBlendEquation, kZero_GrBlendCoeff, kOne_GrBlendCoeff)
+ * When there is coverage, the equation with f=coverage is:
+ *
+ *   D' = f * (S * srcCoeff + D * dstCoeff) + (1-f) * D
+ *
+ * This can be rewritten as:
+ *
+ *   D' = f * S * srcCoeff + D * (1 - [f * (1 - dstCoeff)])
+ *
+ * To implement this formula, we output [f * (1 - dstCoeff)] for the secondary color and replace the
+ * HW dst coeff with IS2C.
+ *
+ * Xfer modes: dst-atop (Sa!=1)
+ */
+    INIT_BLEND_FORMULA(BlendFormula::kModulate_OutputType, \
+                       ONE_MINUS_DST_COEFF_MODULATE_OUTPUT, \
+                       kAdd_GrBlendEquation, SRC_COEFF, kIS2C_GrBlendCoeff)
+ * When there is coverage and the src coeff is Zero, the equation with f=coverage becomes:
+ *
+ *   D' = f * D * dstCoeff + (1-f) * D
+ *
+ * This can be rewritten as:
+ *
+ *   D' = D - D * [f * (1 - dstCoeff)]
+ *
+ * To implement this formula, we output [f * (1 - dstCoeff)] for the primary color and use a reverse
+ * subtract HW blend equation with coeffs of (DC, One).
+ *
+ * Xfer modes: clear, dst-out (Sa=1), dst-in (Sa!=1), modulate (Sc!=1)
+ */
+                       BlendFormula::kNone_OutputType, \
+                       kReverseSubtract_GrBlendEquation, kDC_GrBlendCoeff, kOne_GrBlendCoeff)
+ * When there is coverage and the dst coeff is Zero, the equation with f=coverage becomes:
+ *
+ *   D' = f * S * srcCoeff + (1-f) * D
+ *
+ * To implement this formula, we output [f] for the secondary color and replace the HW dst coeff
+ * with IS2A. (Note that we can avoid dual source blending when Sa=1 by using ISA.)
+ *
+ * Xfer modes (Sa!=1): src, src-in, src-out
+ */
+    INIT_BLEND_FORMULA(BlendFormula::kModulate_OutputType, \
+                       BlendFormula::kCoverage_OutputType, \
+                       kAdd_GrBlendEquation, SRC_COEFF, kIS2A_GrBlendCoeff)
+ * This table outlines the blend formulas we will use with each xfermode, with and without coverage,
+ * with and without an opaque input color. Optimization properties are deduced at compile time so we
+ * can make runtime decisions quickly. RGB coverage is not supported.
+ */
+static const BlendFormula gBlendTable[2][2][SkXfermode::kLastCoeffMode + 1] = {
+                     /*>> No coverage, input color unknown <<*/ {{
+    /* clear */      DST_CLEAR_FORMULA,
+    /* src */        COEFF_FORMULA(   kOne_GrBlendCoeff,    kZero_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst */        NO_DST_WRITE_FORMULA,
+    /* src-over */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kOne_GrBlendCoeff,    kISA_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst-over */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kIDA_GrBlendCoeff,    kOne_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* src-in */     COEFF_FORMULA(   kDA_GrBlendCoeff,     kZero_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst-in */     COEFF_FORMULA(   kZero_GrBlendCoeff,   kSA_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* src-out */    COEFF_FORMULA(   kIDA_GrBlendCoeff,    kZero_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst-out */    COEFF_FORMULA(   kZero_GrBlendCoeff,   kISA_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* src-atop */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kDA_GrBlendCoeff,     kISA_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst-atop */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kIDA_GrBlendCoeff,    kSA_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* xor */        COEFF_FORMULA(   kIDA_GrBlendCoeff,    kISA_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* plus */       COEFF_FORMULA(   kOne_GrBlendCoeff,    kOne_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* modulate */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kZero_GrBlendCoeff,   kSC_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* screen */     COEFF_FORMULA(   kOne_GrBlendCoeff,    kISC_GrBlendCoeff),
+                     }, /*>> Has coverage, input color unknown <<*/ {
+    /* clear */      COVERAGE_SRC_COEFF_ZERO_FORMULA(BlendFormula::kCoverage_OutputType),
+    /* src */        COVERAGE_DST_COEFF_ZERO_FORMULA(kOne_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst */        NO_DST_WRITE_FORMULA,
+    /* src-over */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kOne_GrBlendCoeff,    kISA_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst-over */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kIDA_GrBlendCoeff,    kOne_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* src-in */     COVERAGE_DST_COEFF_ZERO_FORMULA(kDA_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst-in */     COVERAGE_SRC_COEFF_ZERO_FORMULA(BlendFormula::kISAModulate_OutputType),
+    /* src-out */    COVERAGE_DST_COEFF_ZERO_FORMULA(kIDA_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst-out */    COEFF_FORMULA(   kZero_GrBlendCoeff,   kISA_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* src-atop */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kDA_GrBlendCoeff,     kISA_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst-atop */   COVERAGE_FORMULA(BlendFormula::kISAModulate_OutputType, kIDA_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* xor */        COEFF_FORMULA(   kIDA_GrBlendCoeff,    kISA_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* plus */       COEFF_FORMULA(   kOne_GrBlendCoeff,    kOne_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* modulate */   COVERAGE_SRC_COEFF_ZERO_FORMULA(BlendFormula::kISCModulate_OutputType),
+    /* screen */     COEFF_FORMULA(   kOne_GrBlendCoeff,    kISC_GrBlendCoeff),
+                     }}, /*>> No coverage, input color opaque <<*/ {{
+    /* clear */      DST_CLEAR_FORMULA,
+    /* src */        COEFF_FORMULA(   kOne_GrBlendCoeff,    kZero_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst */        NO_DST_WRITE_FORMULA,
+    /* src-over */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kOne_GrBlendCoeff,    kZero_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst-over */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kIDA_GrBlendCoeff,    kOne_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* src-in */     COEFF_FORMULA(   kDA_GrBlendCoeff,     kZero_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst-in */     NO_DST_WRITE_FORMULA,
+    /* src-out */    COEFF_FORMULA(   kIDA_GrBlendCoeff,    kZero_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst-out */    DST_CLEAR_FORMULA,
+    /* src-atop */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kDA_GrBlendCoeff,     kZero_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst-atop */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kIDA_GrBlendCoeff,    kOne_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* xor */        COEFF_FORMULA(   kIDA_GrBlendCoeff,    kZero_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* plus */       COEFF_FORMULA(   kOne_GrBlendCoeff,    kOne_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* modulate */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kZero_GrBlendCoeff,   kSC_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* screen */     COEFF_FORMULA(   kOne_GrBlendCoeff,    kISC_GrBlendCoeff),
+                     }, /*>> Has coverage, input color opaque <<*/ {
+    /* clear */      COVERAGE_SRC_COEFF_ZERO_FORMULA(BlendFormula::kCoverage_OutputType),
+    /* src */        COEFF_FORMULA(   kOne_GrBlendCoeff,    kISA_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst */        NO_DST_WRITE_FORMULA,
+    /* src-over */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kOne_GrBlendCoeff,    kISA_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst-over */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kIDA_GrBlendCoeff,    kOne_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* src-in */     COEFF_FORMULA(   kDA_GrBlendCoeff,     kISA_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst-in */     NO_DST_WRITE_FORMULA,
+    /* src-out */    COEFF_FORMULA(   kIDA_GrBlendCoeff,    kISA_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst-out */    COVERAGE_SRC_COEFF_ZERO_FORMULA(BlendFormula::kCoverage_OutputType),
+    /* src-atop */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kDA_GrBlendCoeff,     kISA_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* dst-atop */   COEFF_FORMULA(   kIDA_GrBlendCoeff,    kOne_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* xor */        COEFF_FORMULA(   kIDA_GrBlendCoeff,    kISA_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* plus */       COEFF_FORMULA(   kOne_GrBlendCoeff,    kOne_GrBlendCoeff),
+    /* modulate */   COVERAGE_SRC_COEFF_ZERO_FORMULA(BlendFormula::kISCModulate_OutputType),
+    /* screen */     COEFF_FORMULA(   kOne_GrBlendCoeff,    kISC_GrBlendCoeff),
+static BlendFormula get_blend_formula(SkXfermode::Mode xfermode,
+                                      const GrProcOptInfo& colorPOI,
+                                      const GrProcOptInfo& coveragePOI) {
+    SkASSERT(xfermode >= 0 && xfermode <= SkXfermode::kLastCoeffMode);
+    SkASSERT(!coveragePOI.isFourChannelOutput());
+    return gBlendTable[colorPOI.isOpaque()][!coveragePOI.isSolidWhite()][xfermode];
 class PorterDuffXferProcessor : public GrXferProcessor {
-    static GrXferProcessor* Create(GrBlendCoeff srcBlend, GrBlendCoeff dstBlend,
-                                   GrColor constant, const DstTexture* dstTexture,
-                                   bool willReadDstColor) {
-        return SkNEW_ARGS(PorterDuffXferProcessor, (srcBlend, dstBlend, constant, dstTexture,
-                                                    willReadDstColor));
+    static GrXferProcessor* Create(BlendFormula blendFormula) {
+        return SkNEW_ARGS(PorterDuffXferProcessor, (blendFormula));
-    ~PorterDuffXferProcessor() override;
     const char* name() const override { return "Porter Duff"; }
+    bool hasSecondaryOutput() const override { return fBlendFormula.hasSecondaryOutput(); }
     GrGLXferProcessor* createGLInstance() const override;
-    bool hasSecondaryOutput() const override;
-    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    /// @name Stage Output Types
-    ////
-    enum PrimaryOutputType {
-        kNone_PrimaryOutputType,
-        kColor_PrimaryOutputType,
-        kCoverage_PrimaryOutputType,
-        // Modulate color and coverage, write result as the color output.
-        kModulate_PrimaryOutputType,
-        // Custom Porter-Duff output, used for when we explictly are reading the dst and blending
-        // in the shader. Secondary Output must be none if you use this. The custom blend uses the
-        // equation: cov * (coeffS * S + coeffD * D) + (1 - cov) * D
-        kCustom_PrimaryOutputType
-    };
-    enum SecondaryOutputType {
-        // There is no secondary output
-        kNone_SecondaryOutputType,
-        // Writes coverage as the secondary output. Only set if dual source blending is supported
-        // and primary output is kModulate.
-        kCoverage_SecondaryOutputType,
-        // Writes coverage * (1 - colorA) as the secondary output. Only set if dual source blending
-        // is supported and primary output is kModulate.
-        kCoverageISA_SecondaryOutputType,
-        // Writes coverage * (1 - colorRGBA) as the secondary output. Only set if dual source
-        // blending is supported and primary output is kModulate.
-        kCoverageISC_SecondaryOutputType,
-        kSecondaryOutputTypeCnt,
-    };
-    PrimaryOutputType primaryOutputType() const { return fPrimaryOutputType; }
-    SecondaryOutputType secondaryOutputType() const { return fSecondaryOutputType; }
-    GrBlendCoeff getSrcBlend() const { return fSrcBlend; }
-    GrBlendCoeff getDstBlend() const { return fDstBlend; }
+    BlendFormula getBlendFormula() const { return fBlendFormula; }
-    PorterDuffXferProcessor(GrBlendCoeff srcBlend, GrBlendCoeff dstBlend, GrColor constant,
-                            const DstTexture*, bool willReadDstColor);
+    PorterDuffXferProcessor(BlendFormula blendFormula) : fBlendFormula(blendFormula) {
+        this->initClassID<PorterDuffXferProcessor>();
+    }
     GrXferProcessor::OptFlags onGetOptimizations(const GrProcOptInfo& colorPOI,
                                                  const GrProcOptInfo& coveragePOI,
@@ -100,204 +326,100 @@
     void onGetGLProcessorKey(const GrGLSLCaps& caps, GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b) const override;
     void onGetBlendInfo(GrXferProcessor::BlendInfo* blendInfo) const override {
-        if (!this->willReadDstColor()) {
-            blendInfo->fSrcBlend = fSrcBlend;
-            blendInfo->fDstBlend = fDstBlend;
-        } else {
-            blendInfo->fSrcBlend = kOne_GrBlendCoeff;
-            blendInfo->fDstBlend = kZero_GrBlendCoeff;
-        }
-        blendInfo->fBlendConstant = fBlendConstant;
+        blendInfo->fEquation = fBlendFormula.fBlendEquation;
+        blendInfo->fSrcBlend = fBlendFormula.fSrcCoeff;
+        blendInfo->fDstBlend = fBlendFormula.fDstCoeff;
+        blendInfo->fWriteColor = fBlendFormula.modifiesDst();
     bool onIsEqual(const GrXferProcessor& xpBase) const override {
         const PorterDuffXferProcessor& xp = xpBase.cast<PorterDuffXferProcessor>();
-        if (fSrcBlend != xp.fSrcBlend ||
-            fDstBlend != xp.fDstBlend ||
-            fBlendConstant != xp.fBlendConstant ||
-            fPrimaryOutputType != xp.fPrimaryOutputType || 
-            fSecondaryOutputType != xp.fSecondaryOutputType) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        return true;
+        return fBlendFormula == xp.fBlendFormula;
-    GrXferProcessor::OptFlags internalGetOptimizations(const GrProcOptInfo& colorPOI,
-                                                       const GrProcOptInfo& coveragePOI,
-                                                       bool doesStencilWrite);
-    void calcOutputTypes(GrXferProcessor::OptFlags blendOpts, const GrCaps& caps,
-                         bool hasSolidCoverage);
-    GrBlendCoeff fSrcBlend;
-    GrBlendCoeff fDstBlend;
-    GrColor      fBlendConstant;
-    PrimaryOutputType fPrimaryOutputType;
-    SecondaryOutputType fSecondaryOutputType;
+    const BlendFormula fBlendFormula;
     typedef GrXferProcessor INHERITED;
-bool append_porterduff_term(GrGLXPFragmentBuilder* fsBuilder, GrBlendCoeff coeff,
-                            const char* colorName, const char* srcColorName,
-                            const char* dstColorName, bool hasPrevious) {
-    if (kZero_GrBlendCoeff == coeff) {
-        return hasPrevious;
-    } else {
-        if (hasPrevious) {
-            fsBuilder->codeAppend(" + ");
-        }
-        fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s", colorName);
-        switch (coeff) {
-            case kOne_GrBlendCoeff:
-                break;
-            case kSC_GrBlendCoeff:
-                fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * %s", srcColorName); 
-                break;
-            case kISC_GrBlendCoeff:
-                fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * (vec4(1.0) - %s)", srcColorName); 
-                break;
-            case kDC_GrBlendCoeff:
-                fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * %s", dstColorName); 
-                break;
-            case kIDC_GrBlendCoeff:
-                fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * (vec4(1.0) - %s)", dstColorName); 
-                break;
-            case kSA_GrBlendCoeff:
-                fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * %s.a", srcColorName); 
-                break;
-            case kISA_GrBlendCoeff:
-                fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * (1.0 - %s.a)", srcColorName); 
-                break;
-            case kDA_GrBlendCoeff:
-                fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * %s.a", dstColorName); 
-                break;
-            case kIDA_GrBlendCoeff:
-                fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * (1.0 - %s.a)", dstColorName); 
-                break;
-            default:
-                SkFAIL("Unsupported Blend Coeff");
-        }
-        return true;
+static void append_color_output(const PorterDuffXferProcessor& xp, GrGLXPFragmentBuilder* fsBuilder,
+                                BlendFormula::OutputType outputType, const char* output,
+                                const char* inColor, const char* inCoverage) {
+    switch (outputType) {
+        case BlendFormula::kNone_OutputType:
+            fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = vec4(0.0);", output);
+            break;
+        case BlendFormula::kCoverage_OutputType:
+            fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = %s;",
+                                   output, xp.readsCoverage() ? inCoverage : "vec4(1.0)");
+            break;
+        case BlendFormula::kModulate_OutputType:
+            if (xp.readsCoverage()) {
+                fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = %s * %s;", output, inColor, inCoverage);
+            } else {
+                fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = %s;", output, inColor);
+            }
+            break;
+        case BlendFormula::kISAModulate_OutputType:
+            if (xp.readsCoverage()) {
+                fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = (1.0 - %s.a) * %s;", output, inColor, inCoverage);
+            } else {
+                fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = vec4(1.0 - %s.a);", output, inColor);
+            }
+            break;
+        case BlendFormula::kISCModulate_OutputType:
+            if (xp.readsCoverage()) {
+                fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = (vec4(1.0) - %s) * %s;", output, inColor, inCoverage);
+            } else {
+                fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = vec4(1.0) - %s;", output, inColor);
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            SkFAIL("Unsupported output type.");
+            break;
 class GLPorterDuffXferProcessor : public GrGLXferProcessor {
-    GLPorterDuffXferProcessor(const GrProcessor&) {}
-    virtual ~GLPorterDuffXferProcessor() {}
-    static void GenKey(const GrProcessor& processor, const GrGLSLCaps& caps,
-                       GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b) {
+    static void GenKey(const GrProcessor& processor, GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b) {
         const PorterDuffXferProcessor& xp = processor.cast<PorterDuffXferProcessor>();
-        b->add32(xp.primaryOutputType());
-        b->add32(xp.secondaryOutputType());
-        if (xp.willReadDstColor()) {
-            b->add32(xp.getSrcBlend());
-            b->add32(xp.getDstBlend());
-        }
+        b->add32(SkToInt(xp.readsCoverage()) |
+                 (xp.getBlendFormula().fPrimaryOutputType << 1) |
+                 (xp.getBlendFormula().fSecondaryOutputType << 4));
+        GR_STATIC_ASSERT(BlendFormula::kLast_OutputType < 8);
     void onEmitCode(const EmitArgs& args) override {
         const PorterDuffXferProcessor& xp = args.fXP.cast<PorterDuffXferProcessor>();
         GrGLXPFragmentBuilder* fsBuilder = args.fPB->getFragmentShaderBuilder();
-        if (PorterDuffXferProcessor::kCustom_PrimaryOutputType != xp.primaryOutputType()) {
-            SkASSERT(!xp.willReadDstColor());
-            switch(xp.secondaryOutputType()) {
-                case PorterDuffXferProcessor::kNone_SecondaryOutputType:
-                    break;
-                case PorterDuffXferProcessor::kCoverage_SecondaryOutputType:
-                    fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = %s;", args.fOutputSecondary,
-                                           args.fInputCoverage);
-                    break;
-                case PorterDuffXferProcessor::kCoverageISA_SecondaryOutputType:
-                    fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = (1.0 - %s.a) * %s;",
-                                           args.fOutputSecondary, args.fInputColor,
-                                           args.fInputCoverage);
-                    break;
-                case PorterDuffXferProcessor::kCoverageISC_SecondaryOutputType:
-                    fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = (vec4(1.0) - %s) * %s;",
-                                           args.fOutputSecondary, args.fInputColor,
-                                           args.fInputCoverage);
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    SkFAIL("Unexpected Secondary Output");
-            }
-            switch (xp.primaryOutputType()) {
-                case PorterDuffXferProcessor::kNone_PrimaryOutputType:
-                    fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = vec4(0);", args.fOutputPrimary);
-                    break;
-                case PorterDuffXferProcessor::kColor_PrimaryOutputType:
-                    fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = %s;", args.fOutputPrimary, args.fInputColor);
-                    break;
-                case PorterDuffXferProcessor::kCoverage_PrimaryOutputType:
-                    fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = %s;", args.fOutputPrimary, args.fInputCoverage);
-                    break;
-                case PorterDuffXferProcessor::kModulate_PrimaryOutputType:
-                    fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = %s * %s;", args.fOutputPrimary, args.fInputColor,
-                                           args.fInputCoverage);
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    SkFAIL("Unexpected Primary Output");
-            }
-        } else {
-            SkASSERT(xp.willReadDstColor());
-            const char* dstColor = fsBuilder->dstColor();
-            fsBuilder->codeAppend("vec4 colorBlend =");
-            // append src blend
-            bool didAppend = append_porterduff_term(fsBuilder, xp.getSrcBlend(),
-                                                    args.fInputColor, args.fInputColor,
-                                                    dstColor, false);
-            // append dst blend
-            SkAssertResult(append_porterduff_term(fsBuilder, xp.getDstBlend(),
-                                                  dstColor, args.fInputColor,
-                                                  dstColor, didAppend));
-            fsBuilder->codeAppend(";");
-            fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = %s * colorBlend + (vec4(1.0) - %s) * %s;",
-                                   args.fOutputPrimary, args.fInputCoverage, args.fInputCoverage,
-                                   dstColor);
+        BlendFormula blendFormula = xp.getBlendFormula();
+        if (blendFormula.hasSecondaryOutput()) {
+            append_color_output(xp, fsBuilder, blendFormula.fSecondaryOutputType,
+                                args.fOutputSecondary, args.fInputColor, args.fInputCoverage);
+        append_color_output(xp, fsBuilder, blendFormula.fPrimaryOutputType,
+                            args.fOutputPrimary, args.fInputColor, args.fInputCoverage);
-    void onSetData(const GrGLProgramDataManager&, const GrXferProcessor&) override {};
+    void onSetData(const GrGLProgramDataManager&, const GrXferProcessor&) override {}
     typedef GrGLXferProcessor INHERITED;
-PorterDuffXferProcessor::PorterDuffXferProcessor(GrBlendCoeff srcBlend,
-                                                 GrBlendCoeff dstBlend,
-                                                 GrColor constant,
-                                                 const DstTexture* dstTexture,
-                                                 bool willReadDstColor)
-    : INHERITED(dstTexture, willReadDstColor)
-    , fSrcBlend(srcBlend)
-    , fDstBlend(dstBlend)
-    , fBlendConstant(constant)
-    , fPrimaryOutputType(kModulate_PrimaryOutputType) 
-    , fSecondaryOutputType(kNone_SecondaryOutputType) {
-    this->initClassID<PorterDuffXferProcessor>();
-PorterDuffXferProcessor::~PorterDuffXferProcessor() {
-void PorterDuffXferProcessor::onGetGLProcessorKey(const GrGLSLCaps& caps,
+void PorterDuffXferProcessor::onGetGLProcessorKey(const GrGLSLCaps&,
                                                   GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b) const {
-    GLPorterDuffXferProcessor::GenKey(*this, caps, b);
+    GLPorterDuffXferProcessor::GenKey(*this, b);
 GrGLXferProcessor* PorterDuffXferProcessor::createGLInstance() const {
-    return SkNEW_ARGS(GLPorterDuffXferProcessor, (*this));
+    return SkNEW(GLPorterDuffXferProcessor);
@@ -306,168 +428,167 @@
                                             bool doesStencilWrite,
                                             GrColor* overrideColor,
                                             const GrCaps& caps) {
-    GrXferProcessor::OptFlags optFlags = this->internalGetOptimizations(colorPOI,
-                                                                        coveragePOI,
-                                                                        doesStencilWrite);
-    this->calcOutputTypes(optFlags, caps, coveragePOI.isSolidWhite());
+    GrXferProcessor::OptFlags optFlags = GrXferProcessor::kNone_Opt;
+    if (!fBlendFormula.modifiesDst()) {
+        if (!doesStencilWrite) {
+            optFlags |= GrXferProcessor::kSkipDraw_OptFlag;
+        }
+        optFlags |= (GrXferProcessor::kIgnoreColor_OptFlag |
+                     GrXferProcessor::kIgnoreCoverage_OptFlag |
+                     GrXferProcessor::kCanTweakAlphaForCoverage_OptFlag);
+    } else {
+        if (!fBlendFormula.usesInputColor()) {
+            optFlags |= GrXferProcessor::kIgnoreColor_OptFlag;
+        }
+        if (coveragePOI.isSolidWhite()) {
+            optFlags |= GrXferProcessor::kIgnoreCoverage_OptFlag;
+        }
+        if (colorPOI.allStagesMultiplyInput() && fBlendFormula.canTweakAlphaForCoverage()) {
+            optFlags |= GrXferProcessor::kCanTweakAlphaForCoverage_OptFlag;
+        }
+    }
     return optFlags;
-void PorterDuffXferProcessor::calcOutputTypes(GrXferProcessor::OptFlags optFlags,
-                                              const GrCaps& caps,
-                                              bool hasSolidCoverage) {
-    if (this->willReadDstColor()) {
-        fPrimaryOutputType = kCustom_PrimaryOutputType;
-        return;
+class ShaderPDXferProcessor : public GrXferProcessor {
+    static GrXferProcessor* Create(SkXfermode::Mode xfermode, const DstTexture* dstTexture) {
+        return SkNEW_ARGS(ShaderPDXferProcessor, (xfermode, dstTexture));
-    if (optFlags & kIgnoreColor_OptFlag) {
-        if (optFlags & kIgnoreCoverage_OptFlag) {
-            fPrimaryOutputType = kNone_PrimaryOutputType;
-            return;
-        } else {
-            fPrimaryOutputType = kCoverage_PrimaryOutputType;
-            return;
-        }
-    } else if (optFlags & kIgnoreCoverage_OptFlag) {
-        fPrimaryOutputType = kColor_PrimaryOutputType;
-        return;
+    const char* name() const override { return "Porter Duff Shader"; }
+    bool hasSecondaryOutput() const override { return false; }
+    GrGLXferProcessor* createGLInstance() const override;
+    SkXfermode::Mode getXfermode() const { return fXfermode; }
+    ShaderPDXferProcessor(SkXfermode::Mode xfermode, const DstTexture* dstTexture)
+        : INHERITED(dstTexture, true)
+        , fXfermode(xfermode) {
+        this->initClassID<ShaderPDXferProcessor>();
-    // If we do have coverage determine whether it matters.  Dual source blending is expensive so
-    // we don't do it if we are doing coverage drawing.  If we aren't then We always do dual source
-    // blending if we have any effective coverage stages OR the geometry processor doesn't emits
-    // solid coverage.
-    if (!(optFlags & kSetCoverageDrawing_OptFlag) && !hasSolidCoverage) {
-        if (caps.shaderCaps()->dualSourceBlendingSupport()) {
-            if (kZero_GrBlendCoeff == fDstBlend) {
-                // write the coverage value to second color
-                fSecondaryOutputType = kCoverage_SecondaryOutputType;
-                fDstBlend = kIS2C_GrBlendCoeff;
-            } else if (kSA_GrBlendCoeff == fDstBlend) {
-                // SA dst coeff becomes 1-(1-SA)*coverage when dst is partially covered.
-                fSecondaryOutputType = kCoverageISA_SecondaryOutputType;
-                fDstBlend = kIS2C_GrBlendCoeff;
-            } else if (kSC_GrBlendCoeff == fDstBlend) {
-                // SA dst coeff becomes 1-(1-SA)*coverage when dst is partially covered.
-                fSecondaryOutputType = kCoverageISC_SecondaryOutputType;
-                fDstBlend = kIS2C_GrBlendCoeff;
-            }
+    GrXferProcessor::OptFlags onGetOptimizations(const GrProcOptInfo&, const GrProcOptInfo&,
+                                                 bool, GrColor*, const GrCaps&) override {
+        return kNone_Opt;
+    }
+    void onGetGLProcessorKey(const GrGLSLCaps& caps, GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b) const override;
+    bool onIsEqual(const GrXferProcessor& xpBase) const override {
+        const ShaderPDXferProcessor& xp = xpBase.cast<ShaderPDXferProcessor>();
+        return fXfermode == xp.fXfermode;
+    }
+    const SkXfermode::Mode fXfermode;
+    typedef GrXferProcessor INHERITED;
+static bool append_porterduff_term(GrGLXPFragmentBuilder* fsBuilder, SkXfermode::Coeff coeff,
+                                   const char* colorName, const char* srcColorName,
+                                   const char* dstColorName, bool hasPrevious) {
+    if (SkXfermode::kZero_Coeff == coeff) {
+        return hasPrevious;
+    } else {
+        if (hasPrevious) {
+            fsBuilder->codeAppend(" + ");
+        fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s", colorName);
+        switch (coeff) {
+            case SkXfermode::kOne_Coeff:
+                break;
+            case SkXfermode::kSC_Coeff:
+                fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * %s", srcColorName);
+                break;
+            case SkXfermode::kISC_Coeff:
+                fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * (vec4(1.0) - %s)", srcColorName);
+                break;
+            case SkXfermode::kDC_Coeff:
+                fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * %s", dstColorName);
+                break;
+            case SkXfermode::kIDC_Coeff:
+                fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * (vec4(1.0) - %s)", dstColorName);
+                break;
+            case SkXfermode::kSA_Coeff:
+                fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * %s.a", srcColorName);
+                break;
+            case SkXfermode::kISA_Coeff:
+                fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * (1.0 - %s.a)", srcColorName);
+                break;
+            case SkXfermode::kDA_Coeff:
+                fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * %s.a", dstColorName);
+                break;
+            case SkXfermode::kIDA_Coeff:
+                fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * (1.0 - %s.a)", dstColorName);
+                break;
+            default:
+                SkFAIL("Unsupported Blend Coeff");
+        }
+        return true;
-PorterDuffXferProcessor::internalGetOptimizations(const GrProcOptInfo& colorPOI,
-                                                  const GrProcOptInfo& coveragePOI,
-                                                  bool doesStencilWrite) {
-    if (this->willReadDstColor()) {
-        return GrXferProcessor::kNone_Opt;
+class GLShaderPDXferProcessor : public GrGLXferProcessor {
+    static void GenKey(const GrProcessor& processor, GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b) {
+        const ShaderPDXferProcessor& xp = processor.cast<ShaderPDXferProcessor>();
+        b->add32(xp.getXfermode());
-    bool srcAIsOne = colorPOI.isOpaque();
-    bool hasCoverage = !coveragePOI.isSolidWhite();
+    void onEmitCode(const EmitArgs& args) override {
+        const ShaderPDXferProcessor& xp = args.fXP.cast<ShaderPDXferProcessor>();
+        GrGLXPFragmentBuilder* fsBuilder = args.fPB->getFragmentShaderBuilder();
-    bool dstCoeffIsOne = kOne_GrBlendCoeff == fDstBlend ||
-                         (kSA_GrBlendCoeff == fDstBlend && srcAIsOne);
-    bool dstCoeffIsZero = kZero_GrBlendCoeff == fDstBlend ||
-                         (kISA_GrBlendCoeff == fDstBlend && srcAIsOne);
+        SkXfermode::Coeff srcCoeff, dstCoeff;
+        SkXfermode::ModeAsCoeff(xp.getXfermode(), &srcCoeff, &dstCoeff);
-    // When coeffs are (0,1) there is no reason to draw at all, unless
-    // stenciling is enabled. Having color writes disabled is effectively
-    // (0,1).
-    if ((kZero_GrBlendCoeff == fSrcBlend && dstCoeffIsOne)) {
-        if (doesStencilWrite) {
-            return GrXferProcessor::kIgnoreColor_OptFlag |
-                   GrXferProcessor::kSetCoverageDrawing_OptFlag;
-        } else {
-            fDstBlend = kOne_GrBlendCoeff;
-            return GrXferProcessor::kSkipDraw_OptFlag;
-        }
+        const char* dstColor = fsBuilder->dstColor();
+        fsBuilder->codeAppend("vec4 colorBlend =");
+        // append src blend
+        bool didAppend = append_porterduff_term(fsBuilder, srcCoeff,
+                                                args.fInputColor, args.fInputColor,
+                                                dstColor, false);
+        // append dst blend
+        SkAssertResult(append_porterduff_term(fsBuilder, dstCoeff,
+                                              dstColor, args.fInputColor,
+                                              dstColor, didAppend));
+        fsBuilder->codeAppend(";");
+        fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = %s * colorBlend + (vec4(1.0) - %s) * %s;",
+                               args.fOutputPrimary, args.fInputCoverage, args.fInputCoverage,
+                               dstColor);
-    // if we don't have coverage we can check whether the dst
-    // has to read at all. If not, we'll disable blending.
-    if (!hasCoverage) {
-        if (dstCoeffIsZero) {
-            if (kOne_GrBlendCoeff == fSrcBlend) {
-                // if there is no coverage and coeffs are (1,0) then we
-                // won't need to read the dst at all, it gets replaced by src
-                fDstBlend = kZero_GrBlendCoeff;
-                return GrXferProcessor::kNone_Opt |
-                       GrXferProcessor::kIgnoreCoverage_OptFlag;
-            } else if (kZero_GrBlendCoeff == fSrcBlend) {
-                // if the op is "clear" then we don't need to emit a color
-                // or blend, just write transparent black into the dst.
-                fSrcBlend = kOne_GrBlendCoeff;
-                fDstBlend = kZero_GrBlendCoeff;
-                return GrXferProcessor::kIgnoreColor_OptFlag |
-                       GrXferProcessor::kIgnoreCoverage_OptFlag;
-            }
-        }
-        return GrXferProcessor::kIgnoreCoverage_OptFlag;
-    }
+    void onSetData(const GrGLProgramDataManager&, const GrXferProcessor&) override {}
-    // check whether coverage can be safely rolled into alpha
-    // of if we can skip color computation and just emit coverage
-    if (can_tweak_alpha_for_coverage(fDstBlend)) {
-        if (colorPOI.allStagesMultiplyInput()) {
-            return GrXferProcessor::kSetCoverageDrawing_OptFlag |
-                GrXferProcessor::kCanTweakAlphaForCoverage_OptFlag;
-        } else {
-            return GrXferProcessor::kSetCoverageDrawing_OptFlag;
+    typedef GrGLXferProcessor INHERITED;
-        }
-    }
-    if (dstCoeffIsZero) {
-        if (kZero_GrBlendCoeff == fSrcBlend) {
-            // the source color is not included in the blend
-            // the dst coeff is effectively zero so blend works out to:
-            // (c)(0)D + (1-c)D = (1-c)D.
-            fDstBlend = kISA_GrBlendCoeff;
-            return GrXferProcessor::kIgnoreColor_OptFlag |
-                GrXferProcessor::kSetCoverageDrawing_OptFlag;
-        } else if (srcAIsOne) {
-            // the dst coeff is effectively zero so blend works out to:
-            // cS + (c)(0)D + (1-c)D = cS + (1-c)D.
-            // If Sa is 1 then we can replace Sa with c
-            // and set dst coeff to 1-Sa.
-            fDstBlend = kISA_GrBlendCoeff;
-            if (colorPOI.allStagesMultiplyInput()) {
-                return GrXferProcessor::kSetCoverageDrawing_OptFlag |
-                    GrXferProcessor::kCanTweakAlphaForCoverage_OptFlag;
-            } else {
-                return GrXferProcessor::kSetCoverageDrawing_OptFlag;
-            }
-        }
-    } else if (dstCoeffIsOne) {
-        // the dst coeff is effectively one so blend works out to:
-        // cS + (c)(1)D + (1-c)D = cS + D.
-        fDstBlend = kOne_GrBlendCoeff;
-        if (colorPOI.allStagesMultiplyInput()) {
-            return GrXferProcessor::kSetCoverageDrawing_OptFlag |
-                GrXferProcessor::kCanTweakAlphaForCoverage_OptFlag;
-        } else {
-            return GrXferProcessor::kSetCoverageDrawing_OptFlag;
-        }
-        return GrXferProcessor::kSetCoverageDrawing_OptFlag;
-    }
-    return GrXferProcessor::kNone_Opt;
+void ShaderPDXferProcessor::onGetGLProcessorKey(const GrGLSLCaps&,
+                                                  GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b) const {
+    GLShaderPDXferProcessor::GenKey(*this, b);
-bool PorterDuffXferProcessor::hasSecondaryOutput() const {
-    return kNone_SecondaryOutputType != fSecondaryOutputType;
+GrGLXferProcessor* ShaderPDXferProcessor::createGLInstance() const {
+    return SkNEW(GLShaderPDXferProcessor);
 class PDLCDXferProcessor : public GrXferProcessor {
-    static GrXferProcessor* Create(GrBlendCoeff srcBlend, GrBlendCoeff dstBlend,
-                                   const GrProcOptInfo& colorPOI);
+    static GrXferProcessor* Create(SkXfermode::Mode xfermode, const GrProcOptInfo& colorPOI);
     ~PDLCDXferProcessor() override;
@@ -541,9 +662,9 @@
-GrXferProcessor* PDLCDXferProcessor::Create(GrBlendCoeff srcBlend, GrBlendCoeff dstBlend,
+GrXferProcessor* PDLCDXferProcessor::Create(SkXfermode::Mode xfermode,
                                             const GrProcOptInfo& colorPOI) {
-    if (kOne_GrBlendCoeff != srcBlend || kISA_GrBlendCoeff != dstBlend) {
+    if (SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode != xfermode) {
         return NULL;
@@ -585,91 +706,40 @@
-GrPorterDuffXPFactory::GrPorterDuffXPFactory(GrBlendCoeff src, GrBlendCoeff dst)
-    : fSrcCoeff(src), fDstCoeff(dst) {
+GrPorterDuffXPFactory::GrPorterDuffXPFactory(SkXfermode::Mode xfermode)
+    : fXfermode(xfermode) {
-GrXPFactory* GrPorterDuffXPFactory::Create(SkXfermode::Mode mode) {
-    switch (mode) {
-        case SkXfermode::kClear_Mode: {
-            static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gClearPDXPF(kZero_GrBlendCoeff, kZero_GrBlendCoeff);
-            return SkRef(&gClearPDXPF);
-            break;
-        }
-        case SkXfermode::kSrc_Mode: {
-            static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gSrcPDXPF(kOne_GrBlendCoeff, kZero_GrBlendCoeff);
-            return SkRef(&gSrcPDXPF);
-            break;
-        }
-        case SkXfermode::kDst_Mode: {
-            static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gDstPDXPF(kZero_GrBlendCoeff, kOne_GrBlendCoeff);
-            return SkRef(&gDstPDXPF);
-            break;
-        }
-        case SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode: {
-            static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gSrcOverPDXPF(kOne_GrBlendCoeff, kISA_GrBlendCoeff);
-            return SkRef(&gSrcOverPDXPF);
-            break;
-        }
-        case SkXfermode::kDstOver_Mode: {
-            static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gDstOverPDXPF(kIDA_GrBlendCoeff, kOne_GrBlendCoeff);
-            return SkRef(&gDstOverPDXPF);
-            break;
-        }
-        case SkXfermode::kSrcIn_Mode: {
-            static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gSrcInPDXPF(kDA_GrBlendCoeff, kZero_GrBlendCoeff);
-            return SkRef(&gSrcInPDXPF);
-            break;
-        }
-        case SkXfermode::kDstIn_Mode: {
-            static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gDstInPDXPF(kZero_GrBlendCoeff, kSA_GrBlendCoeff);
-            return SkRef(&gDstInPDXPF);
-            break;
-        }
-        case SkXfermode::kSrcOut_Mode: {
-            static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gSrcOutPDXPF(kIDA_GrBlendCoeff, kZero_GrBlendCoeff);
-            return SkRef(&gSrcOutPDXPF);
-            break;
-        }
-        case SkXfermode::kDstOut_Mode: {
-            static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gDstOutPDXPF(kZero_GrBlendCoeff, kISA_GrBlendCoeff);
-            return SkRef(&gDstOutPDXPF);
-            break;
-        }
-        case SkXfermode::kSrcATop_Mode: {
-            static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gSrcATopPDXPF(kDA_GrBlendCoeff, kISA_GrBlendCoeff);
-            return SkRef(&gSrcATopPDXPF);
-            break;
-        }
-        case SkXfermode::kDstATop_Mode: {
-            static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gDstATopPDXPF(kIDA_GrBlendCoeff, kSA_GrBlendCoeff);
-            return SkRef(&gDstATopPDXPF);
-            break;
-        }
-        case SkXfermode::kXor_Mode: {
-            static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gXorPDXPF(kIDA_GrBlendCoeff, kISA_GrBlendCoeff);
-            return SkRef(&gXorPDXPF);
-            break;
-        }
-        case SkXfermode::kPlus_Mode: {
-            static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gPlusPDXPF(kOne_GrBlendCoeff, kOne_GrBlendCoeff);
-            return SkRef(&gPlusPDXPF);
-            break;
-        }
-        case SkXfermode::kModulate_Mode: {
-            static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gModulatePDXPF(kZero_GrBlendCoeff, kSC_GrBlendCoeff);
-            return SkRef(&gModulatePDXPF);
-            break;
-        }
-        case SkXfermode::kScreen_Mode: {
-            static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gScreenPDXPF(kOne_GrBlendCoeff, kISC_GrBlendCoeff);
-            return SkRef(&gScreenPDXPF);
-            break;
-        }
-        default:
-            return NULL;
+GrXPFactory* GrPorterDuffXPFactory::Create(SkXfermode::Mode xfermode) {
+    static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gClearPDXPF(SkXfermode::kClear_Mode);
+    static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gSrcPDXPF(SkXfermode::kSrc_Mode);
+    static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gDstPDXPF(SkXfermode::kDst_Mode);
+    static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gSrcOverPDXPF(SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode);
+    static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gDstOverPDXPF(SkXfermode::kDstOver_Mode);
+    static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gSrcInPDXPF(SkXfermode::kSrcIn_Mode);
+    static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gDstInPDXPF(SkXfermode::kDstIn_Mode);
+    static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gSrcOutPDXPF(SkXfermode::kSrcOut_Mode);
+    static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gDstOutPDXPF(SkXfermode::kDstOut_Mode);
+    static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gSrcATopPDXPF(SkXfermode::kSrcATop_Mode);
+    static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gDstATopPDXPF(SkXfermode::kDstATop_Mode);
+    static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gXorPDXPF(SkXfermode::kXor_Mode);
+    static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gPlusPDXPF(SkXfermode::kPlus_Mode);
+    static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gModulatePDXPF(SkXfermode::kModulate_Mode);
+    static GrPorterDuffXPFactory gScreenPDXPF(SkXfermode::kScreen_Mode);
+    static GrPorterDuffXPFactory* gFactories[] = {
+        &gClearPDXPF, &gSrcPDXPF, &gDstPDXPF, &gSrcOverPDXPF, &gDstOverPDXPF, &gSrcInPDXPF,
+        &gDstInPDXPF, &gSrcOutPDXPF, &gDstOutPDXPF, &gSrcATopPDXPF, &gDstATopPDXPF, &gXorPDXPF,
+        &gPlusPDXPF, &gModulatePDXPF, &gScreenPDXPF
+    };
+    GR_STATIC_ASSERT(SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gFactories) == SkXfermode::kLastCoeffMode + 1);
+    if (xfermode < 0 || xfermode > SkXfermode::kLastCoeffMode) {
+        return NULL;
+    return SkRef(gFactories[xfermode]);
@@ -678,16 +748,22 @@
                                              const GrProcOptInfo& covPOI,
                                              const DstTexture* dstTexture) const {
     if (covPOI.isFourChannelOutput()) {
-        return PDLCDXferProcessor::Create(fSrcCoeff, fDstCoeff, colorPOI);
-    } else {
-        return PorterDuffXferProcessor::Create(fSrcCoeff, fDstCoeff, 0, dstTexture,
-                                               this->willReadDstColor(caps, colorPOI, covPOI));
+        SkASSERT(!dstTexture || !dstTexture->texture());
+        return PDLCDXferProcessor::Create(fXfermode, colorPOI);
+    BlendFormula blendFormula = get_blend_formula(fXfermode, colorPOI, covPOI);
+    if (blendFormula.hasSecondaryOutput() && !caps.shaderCaps()->dualSourceBlendingSupport()) {
+        return ShaderPDXferProcessor::Create(fXfermode, dstTexture);
+    }
+    SkASSERT(!dstTexture || !dstTexture->texture());
+    return PorterDuffXferProcessor::Create(blendFormula);
 bool GrPorterDuffXPFactory::supportsRGBCoverage(GrColor /*knownColor*/,
                                                 uint32_t knownColorFlags) const {
-    if (kOne_GrBlendCoeff == fSrcCoeff && kISA_GrBlendCoeff == fDstCoeff &&
+    if (SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode == fXfermode &&
         kRGBA_GrColorComponentFlags == knownColorFlags) {
         return true;
@@ -697,103 +773,50 @@
 void GrPorterDuffXPFactory::getInvariantOutput(const GrProcOptInfo& colorPOI,
                                                const GrProcOptInfo& coveragePOI,
                                                GrXPFactory::InvariantOutput* output) const {
-    if (!coveragePOI.isSolidWhite()) {
-        output->fWillBlendWithDst = true;
-        output->fBlendedColorFlags = 0;
+    output->fWillBlendWithDst = true;
+    output->fBlendedColorFlags = kNone_GrColorComponentFlags;
+    // The blend table doesn't support LCD coverage, but these formulas never have invariant output.
+    if (coveragePOI.isFourChannelOutput()) {
-    GrBlendCoeff srcCoeff = fSrcCoeff;
-    GrBlendCoeff dstCoeff = fDstCoeff;
-    // TODO: figure out to merge this simplify with other current optimization code paths and
-    // eventually remove from GrBlend
-    GrSimplifyBlend(&srcCoeff, &dstCoeff, colorPOI.color(), colorPOI.validFlags(),
-                    0, 0, 0);
-    if (GrBlendCoeffRefsDst(srcCoeff)) {
-        output->fWillBlendWithDst = true;
-        output->fBlendedColorFlags = 0;
+    const BlendFormula& blendFormula = get_blend_formula(fXfermode, colorPOI, coveragePOI);
+    if (blendFormula.usesDstColor()) {
-    if (kZero_GrBlendCoeff != dstCoeff) {
-        bool srcAIsOne = colorPOI.isOpaque();
-        if (kISA_GrBlendCoeff != dstCoeff || !srcAIsOne) {
-            output->fWillBlendWithDst = true;
-        }
-        output->fBlendedColorFlags = 0;
-        return;
-    }
+    SkASSERT(coveragePOI.isSolidWhite());
+    SkASSERT(kAdd_GrBlendEquation == blendFormula.fBlendEquation);
-    switch (srcCoeff) {
+    output->fWillBlendWithDst = false;
+    switch (blendFormula.fSrcCoeff) {
         case kZero_GrBlendCoeff:
             output->fBlendedColor = 0;
             output->fBlendedColorFlags = kRGBA_GrColorComponentFlags;
-            break;
+            return;
         case kOne_GrBlendCoeff:
             output->fBlendedColor = colorPOI.color();
             output->fBlendedColorFlags = colorPOI.validFlags();
-            break;
+            return;
-            // The src coeff should never refer to the src and if it refers to dst then opaque
-            // should have been false.
-        case kSC_GrBlendCoeff:
-        case kISC_GrBlendCoeff:
-        case kDC_GrBlendCoeff:
-        case kIDC_GrBlendCoeff:
-        case kSA_GrBlendCoeff:
-        case kISA_GrBlendCoeff:
-        case kDA_GrBlendCoeff:
-        case kIDA_GrBlendCoeff:
-        default:
-            SkFAIL("srcCoeff should not refer to src or dst.");
-            break;
-            // TODO: update this once GrPaint actually has a const color.
-        case kConstC_GrBlendCoeff:
-        case kIConstC_GrBlendCoeff:
-        case kConstA_GrBlendCoeff:
-        case kIConstA_GrBlendCoeff:
-            output->fBlendedColorFlags = 0;
-            break;
+        default: return;
-    output->fWillBlendWithDst = false;
 bool GrPorterDuffXPFactory::willReadDstColor(const GrCaps& caps,
                                              const GrProcOptInfo& colorPOI,
                                              const GrProcOptInfo& coveragePOI) const {
-    // We can always blend correctly if we have dual source blending.
-    if (caps.shaderCaps()->dualSourceBlendingSupport()) {
-        return false;
+    if (coveragePOI.isFourChannelOutput()) {
+        return false; // The LCD XP never does a dst read.
-    if (can_tweak_alpha_for_coverage(fDstCoeff)) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool srcAIsOne = colorPOI.isOpaque();
-    if (kZero_GrBlendCoeff == fDstCoeff) {
-        if (kZero_GrBlendCoeff == fSrcCoeff || srcAIsOne) {
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    // Reduces to: coeffS * (Cov*S) + D
-    if (kSA_GrBlendCoeff == fDstCoeff && srcAIsOne) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    // We can always blend correctly if we have solid coverage.
-    if (coveragePOI.isSolidWhite()) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    return true;
+    // We fallback on the shader XP when the blend formula would use dual source blending but we
+    // don't have support for it.
+    return !caps.shaderCaps()->dualSourceBlendingSupport() &&
+           get_blend_formula(fXfermode, colorPOI, coveragePOI).hasSecondaryOutput();
@@ -806,3 +829,15 @@
     return GrPorterDuffXPFactory::Create(mode);
+void GrPorterDuffXPFactory::TestGetXPOutputTypes(const GrXferProcessor* xp,
+                                                 int* outPrimary,
+                                                 int* outSecondary) {
+    if (!!strcmp(xp->name(), "Porter Duff")) {
+        *outPrimary = *outSecondary = -1;
+        return;
+    }
+    BlendFormula blendFormula = static_cast<const PorterDuffXferProcessor*>(xp)->getBlendFormula();
+    *outPrimary = blendFormula.fPrimaryOutputType;
+    *outSecondary = blendFormula.fSecondaryOutputType;