In runtime effects, verify that loops conform to ES2 rules

Bug: skia:11094
Change-Id: I68a08e79d29579901b74daca3c22f5112fbb3c8c
Commit-Queue: Brian Osman <>
Reviewed-by: Mike Klein <>
diff --git a/src/sksl/SkSLAnalysis.cpp b/src/sksl/SkSLAnalysis.cpp
index 3d5ef22..2462ec3 100644
--- a/src/sksl/SkSLAnalysis.cpp
+++ b/src/sksl/SkSLAnalysis.cpp
@@ -460,6 +460,191 @@
+static const char* invalid_for_ES2(const ForStatement& loop,
+                                   Analysis::UnrollableLoopInfo& loopInfo) {
+    auto getConstant = [&](const std::unique_ptr<Expression>& expr, double* val) {
+        if (!expr->isCompileTimeConstant()) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (!expr->type().isInteger() && !expr->type().isFloat()) {
+            SkDEBUGFAIL("unexpected constant type");
+            return false;
+        }
+        *val = expr->type().isInteger() ? static_cast<double>(expr->getConstantInt())
+                                        : static_cast<double>(expr->getConstantFloat());
+        return true;
+    };
+    //
+    // init_declaration has the form: type_specifier identifier = constant_expression
+    //
+    if (!loop.initializer()) {
+        return "missing init declaration";
+    }
+    if (!loop.initializer()->is<VarDeclaration>()) {
+        return "invalid init declaration";
+    }
+    const VarDeclaration& initDecl = loop.initializer()->as<VarDeclaration>();
+    if (!initDecl.baseType().isInteger() && !initDecl.baseType().isFloat()) {
+        return "invalid type for loop index";
+    }
+    if (initDecl.arraySize() != 0) {
+        return "invalid type for loop index";
+    }
+    if (!initDecl.value()) {
+        return "missing loop index initializer";
+    }
+    if (!getConstant(initDecl.value(), &loopInfo.fStart)) {
+        return "loop index initializer must be a constant expression";
+    }
+    loopInfo.fIndex = &initDecl.var();
+    auto is_loop_index = [&](const std::unique_ptr<Expression>& expr) {
+        return expr->is<VariableReference>() &&
+               expr->as<VariableReference>().variable() == loopInfo.fIndex;
+    };
+    //
+    // condition has the form: loop_index relational_operator constant_expression
+    //
+    if (!loop.test()) {
+        return "missing condition";
+    }
+    if (!loop.test()->is<BinaryExpression>()) {
+        return "invalid condition";
+    }
+    const BinaryExpression& cond = loop.test()->as<BinaryExpression>();
+    if (!is_loop_index(cond.left())) {
+        return "expected loop index on left hand side of condition";
+    }
+    // relational_operator is one of: > >= < <= == or !=
+    switch (cond.getOperator()) {
+        case Token::Kind::TK_GT:
+        case Token::Kind::TK_GTEQ:
+        case Token::Kind::TK_LT:
+        case Token::Kind::TK_LTEQ:
+        case Token::Kind::TK_EQEQ:
+        case Token::Kind::TK_NEQ:
+            break;
+        default:
+            return "invalid relational operator";
+    }
+    double loopEnd = 0;
+    if (!getConstant(cond.right(), &loopEnd)) {
+        return "loop index must be compared with a constant expression";
+    }
+    //
+    // expression has one of the following forms:
+    //   loop_index++
+    //   loop_index--
+    //   loop_index += constant_expression
+    //   loop_index -= constant_expression
+    // The spec doesn't mention prefix increment and decrement, but there is some consensus that
+    // it's an oversight, so we allow those as well.
+    //
+    if (! {
+        return "missing loop expression";
+    }
+    switch (>kind()) {
+        case Expression::Kind::kBinary: {
+            const BinaryExpression& next =>as<BinaryExpression>();
+            if (!is_loop_index(next.left())) {
+                return "expected loop index in loop expression";
+            }
+            if (!getConstant(next.right(), &loopInfo.fDelta)) {
+                return "loop index must be modified by a constant expression";
+            }
+            switch (next.getOperator()) {
+                case Token::Kind::TK_PLUSEQ:                                      break;
+                case Token::Kind::TK_MINUSEQ: loopInfo.fDelta = -loopInfo.fDelta; break;
+                default:
+                    return "invalid operator in loop expression";
+            }
+        } break;
+        case Expression::Kind::kPrefix: {
+            const PrefixExpression& next =>as<PrefixExpression>();
+            if (!is_loop_index(next.operand())) {
+                return "expected loop index in loop expression";
+            }
+            switch (next.getOperator()) {
+                case Token::Kind::TK_PLUSPLUS:   loopInfo.fDelta =  1; break;
+                case Token::Kind::TK_MINUSMINUS: loopInfo.fDelta = -1; break;
+                default:
+                    return "invalid operator in loop expression";
+            }
+        } break;
+        case Expression::Kind::kPostfix: {
+            const PostfixExpression& next =>as<PostfixExpression>();
+            if (!is_loop_index(next.operand())) {
+                return "expected loop index in loop expression";
+            }
+            switch (next.getOperator()) {
+                case Token::Kind::TK_PLUSPLUS:   loopInfo.fDelta =  1; break;
+                case Token::Kind::TK_MINUSMINUS: loopInfo.fDelta = -1; break;
+                default:
+                    return "invalid operator in loop expression";
+            }
+        } break;
+        default:
+            return "invalid loop expression";
+    }
+    //
+    // Within the body of the loop, the loop index is not statically assigned to, nor is it used as
+    // argument to a function 'out' or 'inout' parameter.
+    //
+    if (Analysis::StatementWritesToVariable(*loop.statement(), initDecl.var())) {
+        return "loop index must not be modified within body of the loop";
+    }
+    // Finally, compute the iteration count, based on the bounds, and the termination operator.
+    constexpr int kMaxUnrollableLoopLength = 128;
+    loopInfo.fCount = 0;
+    double val = loopInfo.fStart;
+    auto evalCond = [&]() {
+        switch (cond.getOperator()) {
+            case Token::Kind::TK_GT:   return val >  loopEnd;
+            case Token::Kind::TK_GTEQ: return val >= loopEnd;
+            case Token::Kind::TK_LT:   return val <  loopEnd;
+            case Token::Kind::TK_LTEQ: return val <= loopEnd;
+            case Token::Kind::TK_EQEQ: return val == loopEnd;
+            case Token::Kind::TK_NEQ:  return val != loopEnd;
+            default: SkUNREACHABLE;
+        }
+    };
+    for (loopInfo.fCount = 0; loopInfo.fCount <= kMaxUnrollableLoopLength; ++loopInfo.fCount) {
+        if (!evalCond()) {
+            break;
+        }
+        val += loopInfo.fDelta;
+    }
+    if (loopInfo.fCount > kMaxUnrollableLoopLength) {
+        return "loop must guarantee termination in fewer iterations";
+    }
+    return nullptr;  // All checks pass
+bool Analysis::ForLoopIsValidForES2(const ForStatement& loop,
+                                    Analysis::UnrollableLoopInfo* outLoopInfo,
+                                    ErrorReporter* errors) {
+    UnrollableLoopInfo ignored,
+                       *loopInfo = outLoopInfo ? outLoopInfo : &ignored;
+    if (const char* msg = invalid_for_ES2(loop, *loopInfo)) {
+        if (errors) {
+            errors->error(loop.fOffset, msg);
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
 // ProgramVisitor