This CL adds glTexStorage support.

For us to take advantage of immutable texture storage, we would need to
know in advance that the texture will not be changing allocated size.

In some cases we cannot know this in advance: we will sometimes later
need mipmaps to be allocated and generated. However, in the cases where
we know in advance that we are allocating mipmaps we can take advantage
of immutable storage.


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diff --git a/src/gpu/gl/GrGLGpu.cpp b/src/gpu/gl/GrGLGpu.cpp
index 071b113..2984133 100644
--- a/src/gpu/gl/GrGLGpu.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/gl/GrGLGpu.cpp
@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@
  * @param desc           The surface descriptor for the texture being created.
  * @param interface      The GL interface in use.
- * @param target         The GL target to which the texture is bound
+ * @param caps           The capabilities of the GL device.
  * @param internalFormat The data format used for the internal storage of the texture.
  * @param externalFormat The data format used for the external storage of the texture.
  * @param externalType   The type of the data used for the external storage of the texture.
@@ -928,6 +928,7 @@
 static void allocate_and_populate_uncompressed_texture(const GrSurfaceDesc& desc,
                                                        const GrGLInterface& interface,
+                                                       const GrGLCaps& caps,
                                                        GrGLenum target,
                                                        GrGLenum internalFormat,
                                                        GrGLenum externalFormat,
@@ -936,27 +937,70 @@
                                                        int baseWidth, int baseHeight,
                                                        bool* succeeded) {
-    *succeeded = true;
-    for (int currentMipLevel = 0; currentMipLevel < texels.count(); currentMipLevel++) {
-        int twoToTheMipLevel = 1 << currentMipLevel;
-        int currentWidth = SkTMax(1, baseWidth / twoToTheMipLevel);
-        int currentHeight = SkTMax(1, baseHeight / twoToTheMipLevel);
-        const void* currentMipData = texels[currentMipLevel].fPixels;
-        // Even if curremtMipData is nullptr, continue to call TexImage2D.
-        // This will allocate texture memory which we can later populate.
+    bool useTexStorage = caps.isConfigTexSupportEnabled(desc.fConfig);
+    // We can only use TexStorage if we know we will not later change the storage requirements.
+    // This means if we may later want to add mipmaps, we cannot use TexStorage.
+    // Right now, we cannot know if we will later add mipmaps or not.
+    // The only time we can use TexStorage is when we already have the
+    // mipmaps.
+    useTexStorage &= texels.count() > 1;
+    if (useTexStorage) {
+        // We never resize or change formats of textures.
-                      TexImage2D(target,
-                                 currentMipLevel,
-                                 internalFormat,
-                                 currentWidth,
-                                 currentHeight,
-                                 0, // border
-                                 externalFormat, externalType,
-                                 currentMipData));
+                      TexStorage2D(target,
+                                   texels.count(),
+                                   internalFormat,
+                                   desc.fWidth, desc.fHeight));
         GrGLenum error = check_alloc_error(desc, &interface);
         if (error != GR_GL_NO_ERROR) {
             *succeeded = false;
-            break;
+        } else {
+            for (int currentMipLevel = 0; currentMipLevel < texels.count(); currentMipLevel++) {
+                const void* currentMipData = texels[currentMipLevel].fPixels;
+                if (currentMipData == nullptr) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                int twoToTheMipLevel = 1 << currentMipLevel;
+                int currentWidth = SkTMax(1, desc.fWidth / twoToTheMipLevel);
+                int currentHeight = SkTMax(1, desc.fHeight / twoToTheMipLevel);
+                GR_GL_CALL(&interface,
+                           TexSubImage2D(target,
+                                         currentMipLevel,
+                                         0, // left
+                                         0, // top
+                                         currentWidth,
+                                         currentHeight,
+                                         externalFormat, externalType,
+                                         currentMipData));
+            }
+            *succeeded = true;
+        }
+    } else {
+        *succeeded = true;
+        for (int currentMipLevel = 0; currentMipLevel < texels.count(); currentMipLevel++) {
+            int twoToTheMipLevel = 1 << currentMipLevel;
+            int currentWidth = SkTMax(1, baseWidth / twoToTheMipLevel);
+            int currentHeight = SkTMax(1, baseHeight / twoToTheMipLevel);
+            const void* currentMipData = texels[currentMipLevel].fPixels;
+            // Even if curremtMipData is nullptr, continue to call TexImage2D.
+            // This will allocate texture memory which we can later populate.
+            GL_ALLOC_CALL(&interface,
+                          TexImage2D(target,
+                                     currentMipLevel,
+                                     internalFormat,
+                                     currentWidth,
+                                     currentHeight,
+                                     0, // border
+                                     externalFormat, externalType,
+                                     currentMipData));
+            GrGLenum error = check_alloc_error(desc, &interface);
+            if (error != GR_GL_NO_ERROR) {
+                *succeeded = false;
+                break;
+            }
@@ -966,40 +1010,86 @@
  * @param desc           The surface descriptor for the texture being created.
  * @param interface      The GL interface in use.
- * @param target         The GL target to which the texture is bound
+ * @param caps           The capabilities of the GL device.
  * @param internalFormat The data format used for the internal storage of the texture.
  * @param texels         The texel data of the texture being created.
- * @param baseWidth      The width of the texture's base mipmap level
- * @param baseHeight     The height of the texture's base mipmap level
 static bool allocate_and_populate_compressed_texture(const GrSurfaceDesc& desc,
                                                      const GrGLInterface& interface,
+                                                     const GrGLCaps& caps,
                                                      GrGLenum target, GrGLenum internalFormat,
                                                      const SkTArray<GrMipLevel>& texels,
                                                      int baseWidth, int baseHeight) {
-    for (int currentMipLevel = 0; currentMipLevel < texels.count(); currentMipLevel++) {
-        int twoToTheMipLevel = 1 << currentMipLevel;
-        int currentWidth = SkTMax(1, baseWidth / twoToTheMipLevel);
-        int currentHeight = SkTMax(1, baseHeight / twoToTheMipLevel);
-        // Make sure that the width and height that we pass to OpenGL
-        // is a multiple of the block size.
-        size_t dataSize = GrCompressedFormatDataSize(desc.fConfig, baseWidth, baseHeight);
+    bool useTexStorage = caps.isConfigTexSupportEnabled(desc.fConfig);
+    // We can only use TexStorage if we know we will not later change the storage requirements.
+    // This means if we may later want to add mipmaps, we cannot use TexStorage.
+    // Right now, we cannot know if we will later add mipmaps or not.
+    // The only time we can use TexStorage is when we already have the
+    // mipmaps.
+    useTexStorage &= texels.count() > 1;
+    if (useTexStorage) {
+        // We never resize or change formats of textures.
-                      CompressedTexImage2D(target,
-                                           currentMipLevel,
-                                           internalFormat,
-                                           currentWidth,
-                                           currentHeight,
-                                           0, // border
-                                           SkToInt(dataSize),
-                                           texels[currentMipLevel].fPixels));
+                      TexStorage2D(target,
+                                   texels.count(),
+                                   internalFormat,
+                                   baseWidth, baseHeight));
         GrGLenum error = check_alloc_error(desc, &interface);
         if (error != GR_GL_NO_ERROR) {
             return false;
+        } else {
+            for (int currentMipLevel = 0; currentMipLevel < texels.count(); currentMipLevel++) {
+                const void* currentMipData = texels[currentMipLevel].fPixels;
+                if (currentMipData == nullptr) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                int twoToTheMipLevel = 1 << currentMipLevel;
+                int currentWidth = SkTMax(1, baseWidth / twoToTheMipLevel);
+                int currentHeight = SkTMax(1, baseHeight / twoToTheMipLevel);
+                // Make sure that the width and height that we pass to OpenGL
+                // is a multiple of the block size.
+                size_t dataSize = GrCompressedFormatDataSize(desc.fConfig, currentWidth,
+                                                             currentHeight);
+                GR_GL_CALL(&interface, CompressedTexSubImage2D(target,
+                                                               currentMipLevel,
+                                                               0, // left
+                                                               0, // top
+                                                               currentWidth,
+                                                               currentHeight,
+                                                               internalFormat,
+                                                               SkToInt(dataSize),
+                                                               currentMipData));
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        for (int currentMipLevel = 0; currentMipLevel < texels.count(); currentMipLevel++) {
+            int twoToTheMipLevel = 1 << currentMipLevel;
+            int currentWidth = SkTMax(1, baseWidth / twoToTheMipLevel);
+            int currentHeight = SkTMax(1, baseHeight / twoToTheMipLevel);
+            // Make sure that the width and height that we pass to OpenGL
+            // is a multiple of the block size.
+            size_t dataSize = GrCompressedFormatDataSize(desc.fConfig, baseWidth, baseHeight);
+            GL_ALLOC_CALL(&interface,
+                          CompressedTexImage2D(target,
+                                               currentMipLevel,
+                                               internalFormat,
+                                               currentWidth,
+                                               currentHeight,
+                                               0, // border
+                                               SkToInt(dataSize),
+                                               texels[currentMipLevel].fPixels));
+            GrGLenum error = check_alloc_error(desc, &interface);
+            if (error != GR_GL_NO_ERROR) {
+                return false;
+            }
@@ -1191,7 +1281,7 @@
         0 == left && 0 == top &&
         desc.fWidth == width && desc.fHeight == height &&
         !desc.fTextureStorageAllocator.fAllocateTextureStorage) {
-        allocate_and_populate_uncompressed_texture(desc, *interface, target,
+        allocate_and_populate_uncompressed_texture(desc, *interface, caps, target,
                                                    internalFormat, externalFormat,
                                                    externalType, texelsShallowCopy,
                                                    width, height, &succeeded);
@@ -1268,8 +1358,8 @@
     if (kNewTexture_UploadType == uploadType) {
-        return allocate_and_populate_compressed_texture(desc, *interface, target, internalFormat,
-                                                        texels, width, height);
+        return allocate_and_populate_compressed_texture(desc, *interface, caps, target,
+                                                        internalFormat, texels, width, height);
     } else {
         // Paletted textures can't be updated.
         if (GR_GL_PALETTE8_RGBA8 == internalFormat) {