Skip the sRGB mip-map testing on command buffer

Chromium command buffer now has the sRGB decode extension, but it doesn't
make any guarantees about the interaction with glGenerateMipmap.


diff --git a/tests/SRGBMipMapTest.cpp b/tests/SRGBMipMapTest.cpp
index 88f08d4..b963aaf 100644
--- a/tests/SRGBMipMapTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/SRGBMipMapTest.cpp
@@ -148,10 +148,14 @@
     // On GL, we may not have sRGB decode support. In that case, rendering sRGB
     // textures to a legacy surface produces nonsense, so this part of the test is meaningless.
+    // We also skip this part of the test on command buffer (via srgbDecodeDisableAffectsMipmaps),
+    // because that implementation of the extension doesn't ensure that mips respect the setting.
+    //
     // TODO: Once Vulkan supports legacy mip-mapping, we can promote this to GrCaps. Right now,
     // Vulkan has most of the functionality, but not the mip-mapping part that's being tested here.
     GrGLGpu* glGpu = static_cast<GrGLGpu*>(context->getGpu());
-    if (glGpu->glCaps().srgbDecodeDisableSupport()) {
+    if (glGpu->glCaps().srgbDecodeDisableSupport() &&
+        glGpu->glCaps().srgbDecodeDisableAffectsMipmaps()) {
         read_and_check_pixels(reporter, l32RenderTargetContext->asTexture().get(), expectedLinear,
                               error, "re-render as linear");