Implementing a scanline decoder for jpeg


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diff --git a/include/codec/SkScanlineDecoder.h b/include/codec/SkScanlineDecoder.h
index c047223..d7f73dd 100644
--- a/include/codec/SkScanlineDecoder.h
+++ b/include/codec/SkScanlineDecoder.h
@@ -77,6 +77,8 @@
     virtual bool onReallyHasAlpha() const { return false; }
+    const SkImageInfo& dstInfo() const { return fDstInfo; }
     const SkImageInfo   fDstInfo;
     int                 fCurrScanline;
diff --git a/src/codec/SkJpegCodec.cpp b/src/codec/SkJpegCodec.cpp
index a4ad766..c125874 100644
--- a/src/codec/SkJpegCodec.cpp
+++ b/src/codec/SkJpegCodec.cpp
@@ -168,6 +168,8 @@
         JpegDecoderMgr* decoderMgr)
     : INHERITED(srcInfo, stream)
     , fDecoderMgr(decoderMgr)
+    , fSwizzler(NULL)
+    , fSrcRowBytes(0)
@@ -227,22 +229,77 @@
+ * Handles rewinding the input stream if it is necessary
+ */
+bool SkJpegCodec::handleRewind() {
+    switch(this->rewindIfNeeded()) {
+        case kCouldNotRewind_RewindState:
+            return fDecoderMgr->returnFalse("could not rewind");
+        case kRewound_RewindState: {
+            JpegDecoderMgr* decoderMgr = NULL;
+            if (!ReadHeader(this->stream(), NULL, &decoderMgr)) {
+                return fDecoderMgr->returnFalse("could not rewind");
+            }
+            SkASSERT(NULL != decoderMgr);
+            fDecoderMgr.reset(decoderMgr);
+            return true;
+        }
+        case kNoRewindNecessary_RewindState:
+            return true;
+        default:
+            SkASSERT(false);
+            return false;
+    }
+ * Checks if we can scale to the requested dimensions and scales the dimensions
+ * if possible
+ */
+bool SkJpegCodec::scaleToDimensions(uint32_t dstWidth, uint32_t dstHeight) {
+    // libjpeg can scale to 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8
+    SkASSERT(1 == fDecoderMgr->dinfo()->scale_num);
+    SkASSERT(1 == fDecoderMgr->dinfo()->scale_denom);
+    jpeg_calc_output_dimensions(fDecoderMgr->dinfo());
+    while (fDecoderMgr->dinfo()->output_width != dstWidth ||
+            fDecoderMgr->dinfo()->output_height != dstHeight) {
+        // Return a failure if we have tried all of the possible scales
+        if (8 == fDecoderMgr->dinfo()->scale_denom ||
+                dstWidth > fDecoderMgr->dinfo()->output_width ||
+                dstHeight > fDecoderMgr->dinfo()->output_height) {
+            return fDecoderMgr->returnFalse("could not scale to requested dimensions");
+        }
+        // Try the next scale
+        fDecoderMgr->dinfo()->scale_denom *= 2;
+        jpeg_calc_output_dimensions(fDecoderMgr->dinfo());
+    }
+    return true;
+ * Create the swizzler based on the encoded format
+ */
+void SkJpegCodec::initializeSwizzler(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo,
+                                     void* dst, size_t dstRowBytes,
+                                     const Options& options) {
+    SkSwizzler::SrcConfig srcConfig = get_src_config(*fDecoderMgr->dinfo());
+    fSwizzler.reset(SkSwizzler::CreateSwizzler(srcConfig, NULL, dstInfo, dst, dstRowBytes,
+            options.fZeroInitialized));
+    fSrcRowBytes = SkSwizzler::BytesPerPixel(srcConfig) * dstInfo.width();
  * Performs the jpeg decode
 SkCodec::Result SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo,
                                          void* dst, size_t dstRowBytes,
                                          const Options& options, SkPMColor*, int*) {
     // Rewind the stream if needed
-    SkCodec::RewindState rewindState = this->rewindIfNeeded();
-    if (rewindState == kCouldNotRewind_RewindState) {
-        return kCouldNotRewind;
-    } else if (rewindState == kRewound_RewindState) {
-        JpegDecoderMgr* decoderMgr = NULL;
-        if (!ReadHeader(this->stream(), NULL, &decoderMgr)) {
-            return kCouldNotRewind;
-        }
-        SkASSERT(NULL != decoderMgr);
-        fDecoderMgr.reset(decoderMgr);
+    if (!this->handleRewind()) {
+        fDecoderMgr->returnFailure("could not rewind stream", kCouldNotRewind);
     // Get a pointer to the decompress info since we will use it quite frequently
@@ -257,25 +314,10 @@
     if (!conversion_possible(dstInfo, this->getInfo())) {
         return fDecoderMgr->returnFailure("conversion_possible", kInvalidConversion);
-    // Check if we can scale to the requested dimensions
-    // libjpeg can scale to 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8
-    SkASSERT(1 == dinfo->scale_num);
-    SkASSERT(1 == dinfo->scale_denom);
-    jpeg_calc_output_dimensions(dinfo);
-    const uint32_t dstWidth = dstInfo.width();
-    const uint32_t dstHeight = dstInfo.height();
-    while (dinfo->output_width != dstWidth || dinfo->output_height != dstHeight) {
-        // Return a failure if we have tried all of the possible scales
-        if (8 == dinfo->scale_denom ||
-                dstWidth > dinfo->output_width ||
-                dstHeight > dinfo->output_height) {
-            return fDecoderMgr->returnFailure("cannot scale to requested dims", kInvalidScale);
-        }
-        // Try the next scale
-        dinfo->scale_denom *= 2;
-        jpeg_calc_output_dimensions(dinfo);
+    // Perform the necessary scaling
+    if (!this->scaleToDimensions(dstInfo.width(), dstInfo.height())) {
+        fDecoderMgr->returnFailure("cannot scale to requested dims", kInvalidScale);
     // Now, given valid output dimensions, we can start the decompress
@@ -284,13 +326,10 @@
     // Create the swizzler
-    SkSwizzler::SrcConfig srcConfig = get_src_config(*dinfo);
-    SkAutoTDelete<SkSwizzler> swizzler(SkSwizzler::CreateSwizzler(srcConfig, NULL, dstInfo, dst,
-            dstRowBytes, options.fZeroInitialized));
-    if (NULL == swizzler) {
-        return fDecoderMgr->returnFailure("getSwizzler", kInvalidInput);
+    this->initializeSwizzler(dstInfo, dst, dstRowBytes, options);
+    if (NULL == fSwizzler) {
+        return fDecoderMgr->returnFailure("getSwizzler", kUnimplemented);
-    const uint32_t srcBytesPerPixel = SkSwizzler::BytesPerPixel(srcConfig);
     // This is usually 1, but can also be 2 or 4.
     // If we wanted to always read one row at a time, we could, but we will save space and time
@@ -299,29 +338,30 @@
     SkASSERT(rowsPerDecode <= 4);
     // Create a buffer to contain decoded rows (libjpeg requires a 2D array)
-    const uint32_t srcRowBytes = srcBytesPerPixel * dstWidth;
-    SkAutoTDeleteArray<uint8_t> srcBuffer(SkNEW_ARRAY(uint8_t, srcRowBytes * rowsPerDecode));
+    SkASSERT(0 != fSrcRowBytes);
+    SkAutoTDeleteArray<uint8_t> srcBuffer(SkNEW_ARRAY(uint8_t, fSrcRowBytes * rowsPerDecode));
     JSAMPLE* srcRows[4];
     uint8_t* srcPtr = srcBuffer.get();
     for (uint8_t i = 0; i < rowsPerDecode; i++) {
         srcRows[i] = (JSAMPLE*) srcPtr;
-        srcPtr += srcRowBytes;
+        srcPtr += fSrcRowBytes;
     // Ensure that we loop enough times to decode all of the rows
     // libjpeg will prevent us from reading past the bottom of the image
+    uint32_t dstHeight = dstInfo.height();
     for (uint32_t y = 0; y < dstHeight + rowsPerDecode - 1; y += rowsPerDecode) {
         // Read rows of the image
         uint32_t rowsDecoded = jpeg_read_scanlines(dinfo, srcRows, rowsPerDecode);
         // Convert to RGB if necessary
         if (JCS_CMYK == dinfo->out_color_space) {
-            convert_CMYK_to_RGB(srcRows[0], dstWidth * rowsDecoded);
+            convert_CMYK_to_RGB(srcRows[0], dstInfo.width() * rowsDecoded);
         // Swizzle to output destination
         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rowsDecoded; i++) {
-            swizzler->next(srcRows[i]);
+            fSwizzler->next(srcRows[i]);
         // If we cannot read enough rows, assume the input is incomplete
@@ -331,7 +371,7 @@
             // the fill color for opaque images.  If the destination is kGray,
             // the low 8 bits of SK_ColorBLACK will be used.  Conveniently,
             // these are zeros, which is the representation for black in kGray.
-            SkSwizzler::Fill(swizzler->getDstRow(), dstInfo, dstRowBytes,
+            SkSwizzler::Fill(fSwizzler->getDstRow(), dstInfo, dstRowBytes,
                     dstHeight - y - rowsDecoded, SK_ColorBLACK, NULL);
             // Prevent libjpeg from failing on incomplete decode
@@ -346,3 +386,120 @@
     return kSuccess;
+ * Enable scanline decoding for jpegs
+ */
+class SkJpegScanlineDecoder : public SkScanlineDecoder {
+    SkJpegScanlineDecoder(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, SkJpegCodec* codec)
+        : INHERITED(dstInfo)
+        , fCodec(codec)
+    {
+        fStorage.reset(fCodec->fSrcRowBytes);
+        fSrcRow = static_cast<uint8_t*>(fStorage.get());
+    }
+    SkImageGenerator::Result onGetScanlines(void* dst, int count, size_t rowBytes) override {
+        // Set the jump location for libjpeg errors
+        if (setjmp(fCodec->fDecoderMgr->getJmpBuf())) {
+            return fCodec->fDecoderMgr->returnFailure("setjmp", SkImageGenerator::kInvalidInput);
+        }
+        // Read rows one at a time
+        for (int y = 0; y < count; y++) {
+            // Read row of the image
+            uint32_t rowsDecoded = jpeg_read_scanlines(fCodec->fDecoderMgr->dinfo(), &fSrcRow, 1);
+            if (rowsDecoded != 1) {
+                SkSwizzler::Fill(dst, this->dstInfo(), rowBytes, count - y, SK_ColorBLACK, NULL);
+                return SkImageGenerator::kIncompleteInput;
+            }
+            // Convert to RGB if necessary
+            if (JCS_CMYK == fCodec->fDecoderMgr->dinfo()->out_color_space) {
+                convert_CMYK_to_RGB(fSrcRow, dstInfo().width());
+            }
+            // Swizzle to output destination
+            fCodec->fSwizzler->setDstRow(dst);
+            fCodec->fSwizzler->next(fSrcRow);
+            dst = SkTAddOffset<void>(dst, rowBytes);
+        }
+        return SkImageGenerator::kSuccess;
+    }
+    SkImageGenerator::Result onSkipScanlines(int count) override {
+        // Set the jump location for libjpeg errors
+        if (setjmp(fCodec->fDecoderMgr->getJmpBuf())) {
+            return fCodec->fDecoderMgr->returnFailure("setjmp", SkImageGenerator::kInvalidInput);
+        }
+        // Read rows but ignore the output
+        for (int y = 0; y < count; y++) {
+            jpeg_read_scanlines(fCodec->fDecoderMgr->dinfo(), &fSrcRow, 1);
+        }
+        return SkImageGenerator::kSuccess;
+    }
+    void onFinish() override {
+        if (setjmp(fCodec->fDecoderMgr->getJmpBuf())) {
+            SkCodecPrintf("setjmp: Error in libjpeg finish_decompress\n");
+            return;
+        }
+        jpeg_finish_decompress(fCodec->fDecoderMgr->dinfo());
+    }
+    SkJpegCodec*        fCodec;     // unowned
+    SkAutoMalloc        fStorage;
+    uint8_t*            fSrcRow;    // ptr into fStorage
+    typedef SkScanlineDecoder INHERITED;
+SkScanlineDecoder* SkJpegCodec::onGetScanlineDecoder(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo,
+        const Options& options, SkPMColor ctable[], int* ctableCount) {
+    // Rewind the stream if needed
+    if (!this->handleRewind()) {
+        SkCodecPrintf("Could not rewind\n");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // Set the jump location for libjpeg errors
+    if (setjmp(fDecoderMgr->getJmpBuf())) {
+        SkCodecPrintf("setjmp: Error from libjpeg\n");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // Check if we can decode to the requested destination
+    if (!conversion_possible(dstInfo, this->getInfo())) {
+        SkCodecPrintf("Cannot convert to output type\n");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // Perform the necessary scaling
+    if (!this->scaleToDimensions(dstInfo.width(), dstInfo.height())) {
+        SkCodecPrintf("Cannot scale ot output dimensions\n");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // Now, given valid output dimensions, we can start the decompress
+    if (!jpeg_start_decompress(fDecoderMgr->dinfo())) {
+        SkCodecPrintf("start decompress failed\n");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // Create the swizzler
+    this->initializeSwizzler(dstInfo, NULL, dstInfo.minRowBytes(), options);
+    if (NULL == fSwizzler) {
+        SkCodecPrintf("Could not create swizzler\n");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // Return the new scanline decoder
+    return SkNEW_ARGS(SkJpegScanlineDecoder, (dstInfo, this));
diff --git a/src/codec/SkJpegCodec.h b/src/codec/SkJpegCodec.h
index 51a741a..3447a10 100644
--- a/src/codec/SkJpegCodec.h
+++ b/src/codec/SkJpegCodec.h
@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@
         return kJPEG_SkEncodedFormat;
+    SkScanlineDecoder* onGetScanlineDecoder(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, const Options& options,
+            SkPMColor ctable[], int* ctableCount) override;
@@ -91,7 +94,28 @@
     SkJpegCodec(const SkImageInfo& srcInfo, SkStream* stream, JpegDecoderMgr* decoderMgr);
+    /*
+     * Handles rewinding the input stream if it is necessary
+     */
+    bool handleRewind();
+    /*
+     * Checks if we can scale to the requested dimensions and scales the dimensions
+     * if possible
+     */
+    bool scaleToDimensions(uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
+    /*
+     * Create the swizzler based on the encoded format
+     */
+    void initializeSwizzler(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, void* dst, size_t dstRowBytes,
+            const Options& options);
     SkAutoTDelete<JpegDecoderMgr> fDecoderMgr;
+    SkAutoTDelete<SkSwizzler>     fSwizzler;
+    size_t                        fSrcRowBytes;
+    friend class SkJpegScanlineDecoder;
     typedef SkCodec INHERITED;
diff --git a/tests/CodexTest.cpp b/tests/CodexTest.cpp
index b33e0be..080e6e5 100644
--- a/tests/CodexTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/CodexTest.cpp
@@ -105,11 +105,11 @@
     check(r, "randPixels.gif", SkISize::Make(8, 8), false);
     // JPG
-    check(r, "CMYK.jpg", SkISize::Make(642, 516), false);
-    check(r, "color_wheel.jpg", SkISize::Make(128, 128), false);
-    check(r, "grayscale.jpg", SkISize::Make(128, 128), false);
-    check(r, "mandrill_512_q075.jpg", SkISize::Make(512, 512), false);
-    check(r, "randPixels.jpg", SkISize::Make(8, 8), false);
+    check(r, "CMYK.jpg", SkISize::Make(642, 516), true);
+    check(r, "color_wheel.jpg", SkISize::Make(128, 128), true);
+    check(r, "grayscale.jpg", SkISize::Make(128, 128), true);
+    check(r, "mandrill_512_q075.jpg", SkISize::Make(512, 512), true);
+    check(r, "randPixels.jpg", SkISize::Make(8, 8), true);
     // PNG
     check(r, "arrow.png", SkISize::Make(187, 312), true);