add gpu backend (not hooked up yet)

git-svn-id: 2bbb7eff-a529-9590-31e7-b0007b416f81
diff --git a/gpu/include/GrDrawTarget.h b/gpu/include/GrDrawTarget.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fee13a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gpu/include/GrDrawTarget.h
@@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
+    Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
+    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+    limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef GrDrawTarget_DEFINED
+#define GrDrawTarget_DEFINED
+#include "GrScalar.h"
+#include "GrMatrix.h"
+#include "GrColor.h"
+#include "GrRefCnt.h"
+#include "GrSamplerState.h"
+#include "GrClip.h"
+class GrTexture;
+class GrRenderTarget;
+class GrClipIterator;
+class GrVertexBuffer;
+class GrIndexBuffer;
+class GrDrawTarget : public GrRefCnt {
+    /**
+     * Geometric primitives used for drawing.
+     */
+    enum PrimitiveType {
+        kTriangles_PrimitiveType,
+        kTriangleStrip_PrimitiveType,
+        kTriangleFan_PrimitiveType,
+        kPoints_PrimitiveType,
+        kLines_PrimitiveType,
+        kLineStrip_PrimitiveType
+    };
+    /**
+     *  Flags that affect rendering. Controlled using enable/disableState(). All
+     *  default to disabled.
+     */
+    enum StateBits {
+        kDither_StateBit          = 0x1,//<! Perform color dithering
+        kAntialias_StateBit       = 0x2,//<! Perform anti-aliasing. The render-
+                                        //   target must support some form of AA
+                                        //   (msaa, coverage sampling, etc). For
+                                        //   GrGpu-created rendertarget/textures
+                                        //   this is controlled by parameters
+                                        //   passed to createTexture.
+        kClip_StateBit            = 0x4,//<! Controls whether drawing is clipped
+                                        //   against the region specified by
+                                        //   setClip.
+    };
+    /**
+     * Coeffecients for alpha-blending.
+     */
+    enum BlendCoeff {
+        kZero_BlendCoeff,    //<! 0
+        kOne_BlendCoeff,     //<! 1
+        kSC_BlendCoeff,      //<! src color
+        kISC_BlendCoeff,     //<! one minus src color
+        kDC_BlendCoeff,      //<! dst color
+        kIDC_BlendCoeff,     //<! one minus dst color
+        kSA_BlendCoeff,      //<! src alpha
+        kISA_BlendCoeff,     //<! one minus src alpha
+        kDA_BlendCoeff,      //<! dst alpha
+        kIDA_BlendCoeff,     //<! one minus dst alpha
+    };
+    /**
+     * StencilPass
+     *
+     * Sets the stencil state for subsequent draw calls. Used to fill paths.
+     *
+     * Winding requires two passes when the GPU/API doesn't support separate
+     * stencil.
+     *
+     * The color pass for path fill is used to zero out stencil bits used for
+     * path filling. Every pixel covere by a winding/EO stencil pass must get
+     * covered by the color pass in order to leave stencil buffer in the correct
+     * state for the next path draw.
+     *
+     * NOTE: Stencil-based Winding fill has alias-to-zero problems. (e.g. A
+     * winding count of 128,256,512,etc with a 8 bit stencil buffer
+     * will be unfilled)
+     */
+    enum StencilPass {
+        kNone_StencilPass,            //<! Not drawing a path or clip.
+        kEvenOddStencil_StencilPass,  //<! records in/out in stencil buffer
+                                      //   using the Even/Odd fill rule.
+        kEvenOddColor_StencilPass,    //<! writes colors to color target in
+                                      //   pixels marked inside the fill by
+                                      //   kEOFillStencil_StencilPass. Clears
+                                      //   stencil in pixels covered by
+                                      //   geometry.
+        kWindingStencil1_StencilPass, //<! records in/out in stencil buffer
+                                      //   using the Winding fill rule.
+        kWindingStencil2_StencilPass, //<! records in/out in stencil buffer
+                                      //   using the Winding fill rule.
+                                      //   Run when single-stencil-pass winding
+                                      //   not supported (i.e. no separate
+                                      //   stencil support)
+        kWindingColor_StencilPass,    //<! writes colors to color target in
+                                      //   pixels marked inside the fill by
+                                      //   kWindFillStencil_StencilPass. Clears
+                                      //   stencil in pixels covered by
+                                      //   geometry.
+        kDrawTargetCount_StencilPass  //<! Subclass may extend this enum to use
+                                      //   the stencil for other purposes (e.g.
+                                      //   to do stencil-based clipping)
+                                      //   This value is provided as basis for
+                                      //   defining these extended enum values.
+    };
+    enum MatrixMode {
+        kModelView_MatrixMode = 0,
+        kTexture_MatrixMode,
+        kMatrixModeCount
+    };
+    struct DrawState {
+        uint32_t                fFlagBits;
+        BlendCoeff          	fSrcBlend;
+        BlendCoeff          	fDstBlend;
+        GrTexture*          	fTexture;
+        GrSamplerState        	fSamplerState;
+        GrRenderTarget*     	fRenderTarget;
+        GrColor             	fColor;
+        float               	fPointSize;
+        StencilPass             fStencilPass;
+        bool                    fReverseFill;
+        GrMatrix                fMatrixModeCache[kMatrixModeCount];
+        bool operator ==(const DrawState& s) const {
+            return 0 == memcmp(this, &s, sizeof(DrawState));
+        }
+        bool operator !=(const DrawState& s) const { return !(*this == s); }
+    };
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    GrDrawTarget();
+    /**
+     * Sets the current clip to the region specified by clip. All draws will be
+     * clipped against this clip if kClip_StateBit is enabled.
+     *
+     * @param description of the clipping region
+     */
+    void setClip(const GrClip& clip);
+    /**
+     * Gets the current clip.
+     *
+     * @return the clip.
+     */
+    const GrClip& getClip() const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the texture used at the next drawing call
+     *
+     * @param texture The texture to set. Can be NULL though there is no advantage
+     * to settings a NULL texture if doing non-textured drawing
+     */
+    void setTexture(GrTexture* texture);
+    /**
+     * Retrieves the currently set texture.
+     *
+     * @return    The currently set texture. The return value will be NULL if no
+     *            texture has been set, NULL was most recently passed to
+     *            setTexture, or the last setTexture was destroyed.
+     */
+    GrTexture* currentTexture() const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the rendertarget used at the next drawing call
+     *
+     * @param target  The render target to set. Must be a valid rendertarget.
+     *                That is it is a value that was returned by
+     *                currentRenderTarget() or GrTexture::asRenderTarget().
+     */
+    void setRenderTarget(GrRenderTarget* target);
+    /**
+     * Retrieves the currently set rendertarget.
+     *
+     * @return    The currently set render target.
+     */
+    GrRenderTarget* currentRenderTarget() const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the sampler state for the next draw.
+     *
+     * The sampler state determines the address wrap modes and
+     * filtering
+     *
+     * @param samplerState    Specifies the sampler state.
+     */
+    void setSamplerState(const GrSamplerState& samplerState);
+    /**
+     * Sets the matrix applied to texture coordinates.
+     *
+     * The post-matrix texture coordinates in the square [0,1]^2 cover the
+     * entire area of the texture. This means the full POT width when a NPOT
+     * texture is embedded in a POT width texture to meet the 3D API
+     * requirements. The texture matrix is applied both when the texture
+     * coordinates are explicit and when vertex positions are used as texture
+     * coordinates. In the latter case the texture matrix is applied to the
+     * pre-modelview position values.
+     *
+     * @param m the matrix used to transform the texture coordinates.
+     */
+    void setTextureMatrix(const GrMatrix& m) {
+        this->loadMatrix(m, kTexture_MatrixMode);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the matrix applied to veretx positions.
+     *
+     * In the post-view-matrix space the rectangle [0,w]x[0,h]
+     * fully covers the render target. (w and h are the width and height of the
+     * the rendertarget.)
+     *
+     * @param m the matrix used to transform the vertex positions.
+     */
+    void setViewMatrix(const GrMatrix& m) {
+        this->loadMatrix(m, kModelView_MatrixMode);
+    }
+    /**
+     *  Multiplies the current view matrix by a matrix
+     *
+     *  After this call V' = V*m where V is the old view matrix,
+     *  m is the parameter to this function, and V' is the new view matrix.
+     *  (We consider positions to be column vectors so position vector p is
+     *  transformed by matrix X as p' = X*p.)
+     *
+     *  @param m the matrix used to modify the modelview matrix.
+     */
+    void concatViewMatrix(const GrMatrix& m);
+    /**
+     *  Sets color for next draw to a premultiplied-alpha color.
+     *
+     *  @param the color to set.
+     */
+    void setColor(GrColor);
+    /**
+     *  Sets the color to be used for the next draw to be
+     *  (r,g,b,a) = (alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha).
+     *
+     *  @param alpha The alpha value to set as the color.
+     */
+    void setAlpha(uint8_t alpha);
+    /**
+     * Sets pass for path rendering
+     *
+     * @param pass of path rendering
+     */
+    void setStencilPass(StencilPass pass);
+    /**
+     * Reveses the in/out decision of the fill rule for path rendering.
+     * Only affects kEOFillColor_StencilPass and kWindingFillColor_StencilPass
+     *
+     * @param reverse true to reverse, false otherwise
+     */
+    void setReverseFill(bool reverse);
+    /**
+     * Enable render state settings.
+     *
+     * @param flags   bitfield of StateBits specifing the states to enable
+     */
+    void enableState(uint32_t stateBits);
+    /**
+     * Disable render state settings.
+     *
+     * @param flags   bitfield of StateBits specifing the states to disable
+     */
+    void disableState(uint32_t stateBits);
+    bool isDitherState() const {
+        return fCurrDrawState.fFlagBits & kDither_StateBit;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the size of points used the next time points are drawn.
+     *
+     * @param the point size
+     */
+    void setPointSize(float size);
+    /**
+     * Sets the blending function coeffecients.
+     *
+     * The blend function will be:
+     *    D' = sat(S*srcCoef + D*dstCoef)
+     *
+     *   where D is the existing destination color, S is the incoming source
+     *   color, and D' is the new destination color that will be written. sat()
+     *   is the saturation function.
+     *
+     * @param srcCoef coeffecient applied to the src color.
+     * @param dstCoef coeffecient applied to the dst color.
+     */
+    void setBlendFunc(BlendCoeff srcCoef, BlendCoeff dstCoef);
+    /**
+     * Retrieves the current view matrix
+     * @param matrix will be the current view matrix after return.
+     */
+    void getViewMatrix(GrMatrix* matrix) const;
+    /**
+     *  Retrieves the inverse of the current view matrix.
+     *
+     *  If the current view matrix is invertible, return true, and if matrix
+     *  is non-null, copy the inverse into it. If the current view matrix is
+     *  non-invertible, return false and ignore the matrix parameter.
+     *
+     * @param matrix if not null, will receive a copy of the current inverse.
+     */
+    bool getViewInverse(GrMatrix* matrix) const;
+    /**
+     * Used to save and restore the GrGpu's drawing state
+     */
+    struct SavedDrawState {
+    private:
+        DrawState fState;
+        friend class GrDrawTarget;
+    };
+    /**
+     * Saves the current draw state. The state can be restored at a later time
+     * with restoreDrawState.
+     *
+     * See also AutoStateRestore class.
+     *
+     * @param   state will hold the state after the function returns.
+     */
+    void saveCurrentDrawState(SavedDrawState* state) const;
+    /**
+     * Restores previously saved draw state. The client guarantees that state
+     * was previously passed to saveCurrentDrawState and that the rendertarget
+     * and texture set at save are still valid.
+     *
+     * See also AutoStateRestore class.
+     *
+     * @param   state the previously saved state to restore.
+     */
+    void restoreDrawState(const SavedDrawState& state);
+    /**
+     * Copies the draw state from another target to this target.
+     *
+     * @param srcTarget     draw target used as src of the draw state.
+     */
+    void copyDrawState(const GrDrawTarget& srcTarget);
+    /**
+     * Flags that indicate the layout of vertex data.
+     *
+     * kSeparateTexCoord_VertexLayoutBit is incompatible with
+     * kPositionAsTexCoord_VertexLayoutBit. kTextFormat_VertexLayoutBit is
+     * incompatible with any other flags.
+     *
+     * When kTextFormat_VertexLayoutBit is set:
+     *      Texture coordinates are separate.
+     *      Positions and Texture coordinates are SkGpuTextVertex.
+     * For non-text vertices:
+     *      Position and texture coordinates are GrPoints.
+     *      Colors are GrColors.
+     *
+     * The order is always positions, texture coords, colors.
+     */
+    enum VertexLayoutBits {
+        kSeparateTexCoord_VertexLayoutBit   = 0x1, //<! vertices have texture
+                                                   //   coords that are not
+                                                   //   inferred from the
+                                                   //   positions
+        kPositionAsTexCoord_VertexLayoutBit = 0x2, //<! vertices use positions
+                                                   //   as texture coords.
+        kColor_VertexLayoutBit              = 0x4, //<! vertices have colors
+        kTextFormat_VertexLayoutBit         = 0x8, //<! vertices represent glyphs
+                                                   //   and therefore contain
+                                                   //   two GrGpuTextVertexs.
+                                                   //   One for pos and one for
+                                                   //   text coords.
+        // for below assert
+        kDummy,
+        kHighVertexLayoutBit = kDummy - 1
+    };
+    GR_STATIC_ASSERT(kHighVertexLayoutBit < (1 << 8*sizeof(GrVertexLayout)));
+    /**
+     * Reserves space for vertices and/or indices. Draw target will use
+     * reserved vertices / indices at next draw.
+     *
+     * If succeeds:
+     *          if vertexCount is nonzero, *vertices will be the array
+     *          of vertices to be filled by caller. The next draw will read
+     *          these vertices.
+     *
+     *          if indecCount is nonzero, *indices will be the array of indices
+     *          to be filled by caller. The next indexed draw will read from
+     *          these indices.
+     *
+     * If a client does not already have a vertex buffer or cpu arrays then this
+     * is the preferred way to allocate vertex/index array. It allows the
+     * subclass of GrDrawTarget to decide whether to put data in buffers, to
+     * group vertex data that uses the same state (e.g. for deferred rendering),
+     * etc.
+     *
+     * This must be matched with a releaseReservedGeometry call after all
+     * draws that reference the reserved geometry data have been called.
+     *
+     * AutoGeometryRelease can be used to automatically call the release.
+     *
+     * @param vertexCount  the number of vertices to reserve space for. Can be 0.
+     * @param indexCount   the number of indices to reserve space for. Can be 0.
+     * @param vertexLayout the format of vertices (ignored if vertexCount == 0).
+     * @param vertices     will point to reserved vertex space if vertexCount is
+     *                     non-zero. Illegal to pass NULL if vertexCount > 0.
+     * @param indices      will point to reserved index space if indexCount is
+     *                     non-zero. Illegal to pass NULL if indexCount > 0.
+     *
+     * @return  true if succeeded in allocating space for the vertices and false
+     *               if not.
+     */
+    bool reserveAndLockGeometry(GrVertexLayout    vertexLayout,
+                                uint32_t          vertexCount,
+                                uint32_t          indexCount,
+                                void**            vertices,
+                                void**            indices);
+    /**
+     * Provides hints to caller about the number of vertices and indices
+     * that can be allocated cheaply. This can be useful if caller is reserving
+     * space but doesn't know exactly how much geometry is needed.
+     *
+     * Also may hint whether the draw target should be flushed first. This is
+     * useful for deferred targets.
+     *
+     * @param vertexLayout layout of vertices caller would like to reserve
+     * @param vertexCount  in: hint about how many vertices the caller would
+     *                     like to allocate.
+     *                     out: a hint about the number of vertices that can be
+     *                     allocated cheaply. Negative means no hint.
+     *                     Ignored if NULL.
+     * @param indexCount   in: hint about how many indices the caller would
+     *                     like to allocate.
+     *                     out: a hint about the number of indices that can be
+     *                     allocated cheaply. Negative means no hint.
+     *                     Ignored if NULL.
+     *
+     * @return  true if target should be flushed based on the input values.
+     */
+    virtual bool geometryHints(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout,
+                               int32_t*       vertexCount,
+                               int32_t*       indexCount) const;
+    /**
+     * Releases reserved vertex/index data from reserveAndLockGeometry().
+     */
+    void releaseReservedGeometry();
+    /**
+     * Sets source of vertex data for the next draw. Data does not have to be
+     * in the array until drawIndexed or drawNonIndexed.
+     *
+     * @param array         cpu array containing vertex data.
+     * @param vertexLayout  layout of the vertex data in the array.
+     */
+    void setVertexSourceToArray(const void* array, GrVertexLayout vertexLayout);
+    /**
+     * Sets source of index data for the next indexed draw. Data does not have
+     * to be in the array until drawIndexed or drawNonIndexed.
+     *
+     * @param array cpu array containing index data.
+     */
+    void setIndexSourceToArray(const void* array);
+    /**
+     * Sets source of vertex data for the next draw. Data does not have to be
+     * in the buffer until drawIndexed or drawNonIndexed.
+     *
+     * @param buffer        vertex buffer containing vertex data. Must be
+     *                      unlocked before draw call.
+     * @param vertexLayout  layout of the vertex data in the buffer.
+     */
+    void setVertexSourceToBuffer(const GrVertexBuffer* buffer,
+                                 GrVertexLayout vertexLayout);
+    /**
+     * Sets source of index data for the next indexed draw. Data does not have
+     * to be in the buffer until drawIndexed or drawNonIndexed.
+     *
+     * @param buffer index buffer containing indices. Must be unlocked
+     *               before indexed draw call.
+     */
+    void setIndexSourceToBuffer(const GrIndexBuffer* buffer);
+    /**
+     * Draws indexed geometry using the current state and current vertex / index
+     * sources.
+     *
+     * @param type         The type of primitives to draw.
+     * @param startVertex  the vertex in the vertex array/buffer corresponding
+     *                     to index 0
+     * @param startIndex   first index to read from index src.
+     * @param vertexCount  one greater than the max index.
+     * @param indexCount   the number of index elements to read. The index count
+     *                     is effectively trimmed to the last completely
+     *                     specified primitive.
+     */
+    virtual void drawIndexed(PrimitiveType type,
+                             uint32_t startVertex,
+                             uint32_t startIndex,
+                             uint32_t vertexCount,
+                             uint32_t indexCount) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Draws non-indexed geometry using the current state and current vertex
+     * sources.
+     *
+     * @param type         The type of primitives to draw.
+     * @param startVertex  the vertex in the vertex array/buffer corresponding
+     *                     to index 0
+     * @param vertexCount  one greater than the max index.
+     */
+    virtual void drawNonIndexed(PrimitiveType type,
+                                uint32_t startVertex,
+                                uint32_t vertexCount)  = 0;
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    class AutoStateRestore : ::GrNoncopyable {
+    public:
+        AutoStateRestore(GrDrawTarget* target);
+        ~AutoStateRestore();
+    private:
+        GrDrawTarget*       fDrawTarget;
+        SavedDrawState      fDrawState;
+    };
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    class AutoReleaseGeometry : ::GrNoncopyable {
+    public:
+        AutoReleaseGeometry(GrDrawTarget*  target,
+                            GrVertexLayout vertexLayout,
+                            uint32_t       vertexCount,
+                            uint32_t       indexCount) {
+            fTarget = target;
+            fSuccess = fTarget->reserveAndLockGeometry(vertexLayout,
+                                                       vertexCount,
+                                                       indexCount,
+                                                       &fVertices,
+                                                       &fIndices);
+        }
+        ~AutoReleaseGeometry() {
+            if (fSuccess) {
+                fTarget->releaseReservedGeometry();
+            }
+        }
+        bool succeeded() const { return fSuccess; }
+        void* vertices() const { return fVertices; }
+        void* indices() const { return fIndices; }
+        GrPoint* positions() const {
+            return static_cast<GrPoint*>(fVertices);
+        }
+    private:
+        GrDrawTarget* fTarget;
+        bool          fSuccess;
+        void*         fVertices;
+        void*         fIndices;
+    };
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    class AutoClipRestore : ::GrNoncopyable {
+    public:
+        AutoClipRestore(GrDrawTarget* target) {
+            fTarget = target;
+            fClip = fTarget->getClip();
+        }
+        ~AutoClipRestore() {
+            fTarget->setClip(fClip);
+        }
+    private:
+        GrDrawTarget* fTarget;
+        GrClip        fClip;
+    };
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /**
+     * Helper function to compute the size of a vertex from a vertex layout
+     * @return size of a single vertex.
+     */
+    static size_t VertexSize(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout);
+    /**
+     * Helper function to compute the offset of texture coordinates in a vertex
+     * @return offset of texture coordinates in vertex layout or -1 if the
+     *         layout has no texture coordinates.
+     */
+    static int VertexTexCoordOffset(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout);
+    /**
+     * Helper function to compute the offset of the color in a vertex
+     * @return offset of color in vertex layout or -1 if the
+     *         layout has no color.
+     */
+    static int VertexColorOffset(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout);
+    /**
+     * Helper function to compute vertex size and component offsets.
+     * @param texCoordOffset  after return it is the offset of texture coords
+     *                        in vertex layout or -1 if the layout has no
+     *                        texture coords.
+     * @param colorOffset     after return it is the offset of color in vertex
+     *                        layout or -1 if the layout has no color.
+     * @return size of a single vertex.
+     */
+    static int VertexSizeAndOffsets(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout,
+                                    int* texCoordOffset,
+                                    int* colorOffset);
+    /**
+     * Helper function to determine if vertex layout contains either explicit or
+     * implicit texture coordinates.
+     *
+     * @return true if vertex specifies texture coordinates, false otherwise.
+     */
+    static bool VertexHasTexCoords(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout);
+    // Helpers for GrDrawTarget subclasses that won't have private access to
+    // SavedDrawState but need to peek at the state values.
+    static DrawState& accessSavedDrawState(SavedDrawState& sds)
+                                                        { return sds.fState; }
+    static const DrawState& accessSavedDrawState(const SavedDrawState& sds)
+                                                        { return sds.fState; }
+    // implemented by subclass
+    virtual bool acquireGeometryHelper(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout,
+                                       void** vertices,
+                                       void** indices) = 0;
+    virtual void releaseGeometryHelper() = 0;
+    virtual void clipWillChange(const GrClip& clip) = 0;
+    enum GeometrySrcType {
+        kArray_GeometrySrcType,
+        kReserved_GeometrySrcType,
+        kBuffer_GeometrySrcType
+    };
+    struct {
+        bool            fLocked;
+        uint32_t        fVertexCount;
+        uint32_t        fIndexCount;
+    } fReservedGeometry;
+    struct GeometrySrc {
+        GeometrySrcType             fVertexSrc;
+        union {
+            const GrVertexBuffer*   fVertexBuffer;
+            const void*             fVertexArray;
+        };
+        GeometrySrcType             fIndexSrc;
+        union {
+            const GrIndexBuffer*    fIndexBuffer;
+            const void*             fIndexArray;
+        };
+        GrVertexLayout              fVertexLayout;
+    } fGeometrySrc;
+    GrClip fClip;
+    DrawState fCurrDrawState;
+    // set texture or modelview matrix
+    void loadMatrix(const GrMatrix&, MatrixMode);
+    // not meant for outside usage. Could cause problems if calls between
+    // the save and restore mess with reserved geometry state.
+    class AutoGeometrySrcRestore {
+    public:
+        AutoGeometrySrcRestore(GrDrawTarget* target) {
+            fTarget = target;
+            fGeometrySrc = fTarget->fGeometrySrc;
+        }
+        ~AutoGeometrySrcRestore() {
+            fTarget->fGeometrySrc = fGeometrySrc;
+        }
+    private:
+        GrDrawTarget *fTarget;
+        GeometrySrc  fGeometrySrc;
+        AutoGeometrySrcRestore();
+        AutoGeometrySrcRestore(const AutoGeometrySrcRestore&);
+        AutoGeometrySrcRestore& operator =(AutoGeometrySrcRestore&);
+    };