Add tests of the runtime effect stage factories

We were testing this with .rtcf and .rts files, but those don't go
through the MakeForXXX factories. This would have caught the bug fixed

Change-Id: Id824e7bf32982c043978b2981cfd91dd7a9b2585
Commit-Queue: Brian Osman <>
Auto-Submit: Brian Osman <>
Reviewed-by: John Stiles <>
diff --git a/tests/SkRuntimeEffectTest.cpp b/tests/SkRuntimeEffectTest.cpp
index 0013d3a..b557546 100644
--- a/tests/SkRuntimeEffectTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/SkRuntimeEffectTest.cpp
@@ -89,6 +89,114 @@
     test("half4 main(float2 p) { return half2(sk_FragCoord.xy).xy01; }");
+DEF_TEST(SkRuntimeEffectForColorFilter, r) {
+    // Tests that the color filter factory rejects or accepts certain SkSL constructs
+    auto test_valid = [r](const char* sksl) {
+        auto [effect, errorText] = SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForColorFilter(SkString(sksl));
+        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, effect, errorText.c_str());
+    };
+    auto test_invalid = [r](const char* sksl, const char* expected) {
+        auto [effect, errorText] = SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForColorFilter(SkString(sksl));
+        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !effect);
+                        errorText.contains(expected),
+                        "Expected error message to contain \"%s\". Actual message: \"%s\"",
+                        expected,
+                        errorText.c_str());
+    };
+    // Color filters must use the 'half4 main(half4)' signature. Either color can be float4/vec4
+    test_valid("half4  main(half4  c) { return c; }");
+    test_valid("float4 main(half4  c) { return c; }");
+    test_valid("half4  main(float4 c) { return c; }");
+    test_valid("float4 main(float4 c) { return c; }");
+    test_valid("vec4   main(half4  c) { return c; }");
+    test_valid("half4  main(vec4   c) { return c; }");
+    test_valid("vec4   main(vec4   c) { return c; }");
+    // Invalid return types
+    test_invalid("void  main(half4 c) {}",                "'main' must return");
+    test_invalid("half3 main(half4 c) { return c.rgb; }", "'main' must return");
+    // Invalid argument types (some are valid as shaders, but not color filters)
+    test_invalid("half4 main() { return half4(1); }",           "'main' parameter");
+    test_invalid("half4 main(float2 p) { return half4(1); }",   "'main' parameter");
+    test_invalid("half4 main(float2 p, half4 c) { return c; }", "'main' parameter");
+    // sk_FragCoord should not be available
+    test_invalid("half4 main(half4 c) { return sk_FragCoord.xy01; }", "unknown identifier");
+    // Sampling a child shader requires that we pass explicit coords
+    test_valid("uniform shader child;"
+               "half4 main(half4 c) { return sample(child, c.rg); }");
+    test_invalid(
+            "uniform shader child;"
+            "half4 main(half4 c) { return sample(child); }",
+            "expected 2 arguments");
+    test_invalid(
+            "uniform shader child;"
+            "half4 main(half4 c) { return sample(child, float3x3(1)); }",
+            "expected 'float2'");
+DEF_TEST(SkRuntimeEffectForShader, r) {
+    // Tests that the shader factory rejects or accepts certain SkSL constructs
+    auto test_valid = [r](const char* sksl) {
+        auto [effect, errorText] = SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader(SkString(sksl));
+        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, effect, errorText.c_str());
+    };
+    auto test_invalid = [r](const char* sksl, const char* expected) {
+        auto [effect, errorText] = SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader(SkString(sksl));
+        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !effect);
+                        errorText.contains(expected),
+                        "Expected error message to contain \"%s\". Actual message: \"%s\"",
+                        expected,
+                        errorText.c_str());
+    };
+    // Shaders must use either the 'half4 main(float2)' or 'half4 main(float2, half4)' signature
+    // Either color can be half4/float4/vec4, but the coords must be float2/vec2
+    test_valid("half4  main(float2 p) { return p.xyxy; }");
+    test_valid("float4 main(float2 p) { return p.xyxy; }");
+    test_valid("vec4   main(float2 p) { return p.xyxy; }");
+    test_valid("half4  main(vec2   p) { return p.xyxy; }");
+    test_valid("vec4   main(vec2   p) { return p.xyxy; }");
+    test_valid("half4  main(float2 p, half4  c) { return c; }");
+    test_valid("half4  main(float2 p, float4 c) { return c; }");
+    test_valid("half4  main(float2 p, vec4   c) { return c; }");
+    test_valid("float4 main(float2 p, half4  c) { return c; }");
+    test_valid("vec4   main(float2 p, half4  c) { return c; }");
+    test_valid("vec4   main(vec2   p, vec4   c) { return c; }");
+    // Invalid return types
+    test_invalid("void  main(float2 p) {}",                "'main' must return");
+    test_invalid("half3 main(float2 p) { return p.xy1; }", "'main' must return");
+    // Invalid argument types (some are valid as color filters, but not shaders)
+    test_invalid("half4 main() { return half4(1); }", "'main' parameter");
+    test_invalid("half4 main(half4 c) { return c; }", "'main' parameter");
+    // sk_FragCoord should be available
+    test_valid("half4 main(float2 p) { return sk_FragCoord.xy01; }");
+    // Sampling a child shader requires that we pass explicit coords
+    test_valid("uniform shader child;"
+               "half4 main(float2 p) { return sample(child, p); }");
+    test_invalid(
+            "uniform shader child;"
+            "half4 main(float2 p) { return sample(child); }",
+            "expected 2 arguments");
+    test_invalid(
+            "uniform shader child;"
+            "half4 main(float2 p) { return sample(child, float3x3(1)); }",
+            "expected 'float2'");
 class TestEffect {
     TestEffect(skiatest::Reporter* r, sk_sp<SkSurface> surface)