blob: 6b2e1118cb2ea05f98912142172219322471d62c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkMatrix.h"
#include "gl/GrGLProgramDataManager.h"
#include "gl/GrGLGpu.h"
#include "glsl/GrGLSLUniformHandler.h"
SkASSERT((COUNT) <= (UNI).fArrayCount || \
(1 == (COUNT) && GrGLSLShaderVar::kNonArray == (UNI).fArrayCount))
GrGLProgramDataManager::GrGLProgramDataManager(GrGLGpu* gpu, GrGLuint programID,
const UniformInfoArray& uniforms,
const VaryingInfoArray& pathProcVaryings)
: fGpu(gpu)
, fProgramID(programID) {
int count = uniforms.count();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Uniform& uniform = fUniforms[i];
const UniformInfo& builderUniform = uniforms[i];
SkASSERT(GrGLSLShaderVar::kNonArray == builderUniform.fVariable.getArrayCount() ||
builderUniform.fVariable.getArrayCount() > 0);
uniform.fArrayCount = builderUniform.fVariable.getArrayCount();
uniform.fType = builderUniform.fVariable.getType();
// TODO: Move the Xoom uniform array in both FS and VS bug workaround here.
if (kVertex_GrShaderFlag & builderUniform.fVisibility) {
uniform.fVSLocation = builderUniform.fLocation;
} else {
uniform.fVSLocation = kUnusedUniform;
if (kFragment_GrShaderFlag & builderUniform.fVisibility) {
uniform.fFSLocation = builderUniform.fLocation;
} else {
uniform.fFSLocation = kUnusedUniform;
// NVPR programs have separable varyings
count = pathProcVaryings.count();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
PathProcVarying& pathProcVarying = fPathProcVaryings[i];
const VaryingInfo& builderPathProcVarying = pathProcVaryings[i];
SkASSERT(GrGLSLShaderVar::kNonArray == builderPathProcVarying.fVariable.getArrayCount() ||
builderPathProcVarying.fVariable.getArrayCount() > 0);
pathProcVarying.fArrayCount = builderPathProcVarying.fVariable.getArrayCount();
pathProcVarying.fType = builderPathProcVarying.fVariable.getType();
pathProcVarying.fLocation = builderPathProcVarying.fLocation;
void GrGLProgramDataManager::setSampler(UniformHandle u, int texUnit) const {
const Uniform& uni = fUniforms[u.toIndex()];
SkASSERT(GrGLSLShaderVar::kNonArray == uni.fArrayCount);
// FIXME: We still insert a single sampler uniform for every stage. If the shader does not
// reference the sampler then the compiler may have optimized it out. Uncomment this assert
// once stages insert their own samplers.
// this->printUnused(uni);
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fFSLocation) {
GR_GL_CALL(fGpu->glInterface(), Uniform1i(uni.fFSLocation, texUnit));
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fVSLocation && uni.fVSLocation != uni.fFSLocation) {
GR_GL_CALL(fGpu->glInterface(), Uniform1i(uni.fVSLocation, texUnit));
void GrGLProgramDataManager::set1f(UniformHandle u, float v0) const {
const Uniform& uni = fUniforms[u.toIndex()];
SkASSERT(uni.fType == kFloat_GrSLType);
SkASSERT(GrGLSLShaderVar::kNonArray == uni.fArrayCount);
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fFSLocation) {
GR_GL_CALL(fGpu->glInterface(), Uniform1f(uni.fFSLocation, v0));
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fVSLocation && uni.fVSLocation != uni.fFSLocation) {
GR_GL_CALL(fGpu->glInterface(), Uniform1f(uni.fVSLocation, v0));
void GrGLProgramDataManager::set1fv(UniformHandle u,
int arrayCount,
const float v[]) const {
const Uniform& uni = fUniforms[u.toIndex()];
SkASSERT(uni.fType == kFloat_GrSLType);
SkASSERT(arrayCount > 0);
// This assert fires in some instances of the two-pt gradient for its VSParams.
// Once the uniform manager is responsible for inserting the duplicate uniform
// arrays in VS and FS driver bug workaround, this can be enabled.
// this->printUni(uni);
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fFSLocation) {
GR_GL_CALL(fGpu->glInterface(), Uniform1fv(uni.fFSLocation, arrayCount, v));
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fVSLocation && uni.fVSLocation != uni.fFSLocation) {
GR_GL_CALL(fGpu->glInterface(), Uniform1fv(uni.fVSLocation, arrayCount, v));
void GrGLProgramDataManager::set2f(UniformHandle u, float v0, float v1) const {
const Uniform& uni = fUniforms[u.toIndex()];
SkASSERT(uni.fType == kVec2f_GrSLType);
SkASSERT(GrGLSLShaderVar::kNonArray == uni.fArrayCount);
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fFSLocation) {
GR_GL_CALL(fGpu->glInterface(), Uniform2f(uni.fFSLocation, v0, v1));
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fVSLocation && uni.fVSLocation != uni.fFSLocation) {
GR_GL_CALL(fGpu->glInterface(), Uniform2f(uni.fVSLocation, v0, v1));
void GrGLProgramDataManager::set2fv(UniformHandle u,
int arrayCount,
const float v[]) const {
const Uniform& uni = fUniforms[u.toIndex()];
SkASSERT(uni.fType == kVec2f_GrSLType);
SkASSERT(arrayCount > 0);
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fFSLocation) {
GR_GL_CALL(fGpu->glInterface(), Uniform2fv(uni.fFSLocation, arrayCount, v));
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fVSLocation && uni.fVSLocation != uni.fFSLocation) {
GR_GL_CALL(fGpu->glInterface(), Uniform2fv(uni.fVSLocation, arrayCount, v));
void GrGLProgramDataManager::set3f(UniformHandle u, float v0, float v1, float v2) const {
const Uniform& uni = fUniforms[u.toIndex()];
SkASSERT(uni.fType == kVec3f_GrSLType);
SkASSERT(GrGLSLShaderVar::kNonArray == uni.fArrayCount);
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fFSLocation) {
GR_GL_CALL(fGpu->glInterface(), Uniform3f(uni.fFSLocation, v0, v1, v2));
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fVSLocation && uni.fVSLocation != uni.fFSLocation) {
GR_GL_CALL(fGpu->glInterface(), Uniform3f(uni.fVSLocation, v0, v1, v2));
void GrGLProgramDataManager::set3fv(UniformHandle u,
int arrayCount,
const float v[]) const {
const Uniform& uni = fUniforms[u.toIndex()];
SkASSERT(uni.fType == kVec3f_GrSLType);
SkASSERT(arrayCount > 0);
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fFSLocation) {
GR_GL_CALL(fGpu->glInterface(), Uniform3fv(uni.fFSLocation, arrayCount, v));
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fVSLocation && uni.fVSLocation != uni.fFSLocation) {
GR_GL_CALL(fGpu->glInterface(), Uniform3fv(uni.fVSLocation, arrayCount, v));
void GrGLProgramDataManager::set4f(UniformHandle u,
float v0,
float v1,
float v2,
float v3) const {
const Uniform& uni = fUniforms[u.toIndex()];
SkASSERT(uni.fType == kVec4f_GrSLType);
SkASSERT(GrGLSLShaderVar::kNonArray == uni.fArrayCount);
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fFSLocation) {
GR_GL_CALL(fGpu->glInterface(), Uniform4f(uni.fFSLocation, v0, v1, v2, v3));
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fVSLocation && uni.fVSLocation != uni.fFSLocation) {
GR_GL_CALL(fGpu->glInterface(), Uniform4f(uni.fVSLocation, v0, v1, v2, v3));
void GrGLProgramDataManager::set4fv(UniformHandle u,
int arrayCount,
const float v[]) const {
const Uniform& uni = fUniforms[u.toIndex()];
SkASSERT(uni.fType == kVec4f_GrSLType);
SkASSERT(arrayCount > 0);
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fFSLocation) {
GR_GL_CALL(fGpu->glInterface(), Uniform4fv(uni.fFSLocation, arrayCount, v));
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fVSLocation && uni.fVSLocation != uni.fFSLocation) {
GR_GL_CALL(fGpu->glInterface(), Uniform4fv(uni.fVSLocation, arrayCount, v));
void GrGLProgramDataManager::setMatrix2f(UniformHandle u, const float matrix[]) const {
this->setMatrices<2>(u, 1, matrix);
void GrGLProgramDataManager::setMatrix3f(UniformHandle u, const float matrix[]) const {
this->setMatrices<3>(u, 1, matrix);
void GrGLProgramDataManager::setMatrix4f(UniformHandle u, const float matrix[]) const {
this->setMatrices<4>(u, 1, matrix);
void GrGLProgramDataManager::setMatrix2fv(UniformHandle u, int arrayCount, const float m[]) const {
this->setMatrices<2>(u, arrayCount, m);
void GrGLProgramDataManager::setMatrix3fv(UniformHandle u, int arrayCount, const float m[]) const {
this->setMatrices<3>(u, arrayCount, m);
void GrGLProgramDataManager::setMatrix4fv(UniformHandle u, int arrayCount, const float m[]) const {
this->setMatrices<4>(u, arrayCount, m);
template<int N> struct set_uniform_matrix;
template<int N> inline void GrGLProgramDataManager::setMatrices(UniformHandle u,
int arrayCount,
const float matrices[]) const {
const Uniform& uni = fUniforms[u.toIndex()];
SkASSERT(uni.fType == kMat22f_GrSLType + (N - 2));
SkASSERT(arrayCount > 0);
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fFSLocation) {
set_uniform_matrix<N>::set(fGpu->glInterface(), uni.fFSLocation, arrayCount, matrices);
if (kUnusedUniform != uni.fVSLocation && uni.fVSLocation != uni.fFSLocation) {
set_uniform_matrix<N>::set(fGpu->glInterface(), uni.fVSLocation, arrayCount, matrices);
template<> struct set_uniform_matrix<2> {
inline static void set(const GrGLInterface* gli, const GrGLint loc, int cnt, const float m[]) {
GR_GL_CALL(gli, UniformMatrix2fv(loc, cnt, false, m));
template<> struct set_uniform_matrix<3> {
inline static void set(const GrGLInterface* gli, const GrGLint loc, int cnt, const float m[]) {
GR_GL_CALL(gli, UniformMatrix3fv(loc, cnt, false, m));
template<> struct set_uniform_matrix<4> {
inline static void set(const GrGLInterface* gli, const GrGLint loc, int cnt, const float m[]) {
GR_GL_CALL(gli, UniformMatrix4fv(loc, cnt, false, m));
void GrGLProgramDataManager::setPathFragmentInputTransform(VaryingHandle u,
int components,
const SkMatrix& matrix) const {
const PathProcVarying& fragmentInput = fPathProcVaryings[u.toIndex()];
SkASSERT((components == 2 && fragmentInput.fType == kVec2f_GrSLType) ||
(components == 3 && fragmentInput.fType == kVec3f_GrSLType));
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
void GrGLProgramDataManager::printUnused(const Uniform& uni) const {
if (kUnusedUniform == uni.fFSLocation && kUnusedUniform == uni.fVSLocation) {
GrCapsDebugf(fGpu->caps(), "Unused uniform in shader\n");