starting next gaggle of docs

starting next gaggle of docs

Bug: skia:6898
Change-Id: I639795b55c0c96b2efccac13cb67592f055a75a2
Commit-Queue: Cary Clark <>
Reviewed-by: Cary Clark <>
diff --git a/docs/SkRect_Reference.bmh b/docs/SkRect_Reference.bmh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33d9e54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/SkRect_Reference.bmh
@@ -0,0 +1,1320 @@
+#Topic Rect
+#Alias Rects
+#Alias Rect_Reference
+#Struct SkRect
+#Topic Overview
+#Subtopic Subtopics
+#ToDo manually add subtopics ##
+# topics # description ##
+#Legend ##
+#Table ##
+#Subtopic Operators
+# description                                              # function ##
+#Legend ##
+# friend bool operator!=(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b) # ##
+# friend bool operator==(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b) # ##
+#Table ##
+#Subtopic ##
+#Subtopic Member_Functions
+# description        # function ##
+#Legend ##
+# Make               # ##
+# MakeEmpty          # ##
+# MakeFromIRect      # ##
+# MakeIWH            # ##
+# MakeLTRB           # ##
+# MakeLargest        # ##
+# MakeSize           # ##
+# MakeWH             # ##
+# MakeXYWH           # ##
+# bottom             # ##
+# centerX            # ##
+# centerY            # ##
+# height             # ##
+# inset              # ##
+# intersect          # ##
+# isEmpty            # ##
+# isFinite           # ##
+# isLargest          # ##
+# isSorted           # ##
+# iset               # ##
+# isetWH             # ##
+# left               # ##
+# makeInset          # ##
+# makeOffset         # ##
+# makeOutset         # ##
+# offset             # ##
+# offsetTo           # ##
+# outset             # ##
+# right              # ##
+# set                # ##
+# setBounds          # ##
+# setBoundsCheck     # ##
+# setEmpty           # ##
+# setLTRB            # ##
+# setLargest         # ##
+# setLargestInverted # ##
+# setWH              # ##
+# setXYWH            # ##
+# toQuad             # ##
+# top                # ##
+# width              # ##
+# x                  # ##
+# y                  # ##
+#Table ##
+#Subtopic ##
+#Topic ##
+#Member SkScalar  fLeft
+#Member SkScalar  fTop
+#Member SkScalar  fRight
+#Member SkScalar  fBottom
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method static constexpr SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeEmpty()
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method static SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeLargest()
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method static SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeWH(SkScalar w, SkScalar h)
+#Param w  incomplete ##
+#Param h  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method static SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeIWH(int w, int h)
+#Param w  incomplete ##
+#Param h  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method static SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeSize(const SkSize& size)
+#Param size  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method static constexpr SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeLTRB(SkScalar l, SkScalar t, SkScalar r,
+                                                           SkScalar b)
+#Param l  incomplete ##
+#Param t  incomplete ##
+#Param r  incomplete ##
+#Param b  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method static SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeXYWH(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkScalar w, SkScalar h)
+#Param x  incomplete ##
+#Param y  incomplete ##
+#Param w  incomplete ##
+#Param h  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method static SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeFromIRect(const SkIRect& irect)
+#Param irect  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method static SkRect Make(const SkISize& size)
+#Param size  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method static SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Make(const SkIRect& irect)
+#Param irect  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool isEmpty() const
+Return true if the rectangle width or height are <= 0
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool isSorted() const
+Return true if the rectangle width and height are >= 0
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool isLargest() const
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool isFinite() const
+Returns true if and only if all values in the rectangle are finite. If any are
+infinite or NaN then this returns false.
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method SkScalar    x() const
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method SkScalar    y() const
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method SkScalar    left() const
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method SkScalar    top() const
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method SkScalar    right() const
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method SkScalar    bottom() const
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method SkScalar    width() const
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method SkScalar    height() const
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method SkScalar    centerX() const
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method SkScalar    centerY() const
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method friend bool operator==(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b)
+#Param a  incomplete ##
+#Param b  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method friend bool operator!=(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b)
+#Param a  incomplete ##
+#Param b  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void toQuad(SkPoint quad[4]) const
+return the 4 points that enclose the rectangle (top-left, top-right, bottom-right,
+Consider adding param to control whether quad is CW or CCW.
+#Param quad  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void setEmpty()
+Set this rectangle to the empty rectangle (0,0,0,0)
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void set(const SkIRect& src)
+#Param src  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void set(SkScalar left, SkScalar top, SkScalar right, SkScalar bottom)
+#Param left  incomplete ##
+#Param top  incomplete ##
+#Param right  incomplete ##
+#Param bottom  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void setLTRB(SkScalar left, SkScalar top, SkScalar right, SkScalar bottom)
+alias for set(l, t, r, b)
+#Param left  incomplete ##
+#Param top  incomplete ##
+#Param right  incomplete ##
+#Param bottom  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void iset(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
+Initialize the rectangle with the 4 specified integers. The routine handles
+converting them to scalars (by calling SkIntToScalar)
+#Param left  incomplete ##
+#Param top  incomplete ##
+#Param right  incomplete ##
+#Param bottom  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void isetWH(int width, int height)
+Set this rectangle to be left/top at 0,0, and have the specified width
+and height (automatically converted to SkScalar).
+#Param width  incomplete ##
+#Param height  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void set(const SkPoint pts[], int count)
+Set this rectangle to be the bounds of the array of points.
+If the array is empty (count == 0), then set this rectangle
+to the empty rectangle (0,0,0,0)
+#Param pts  incomplete ##
+#Param count  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void setBounds(const SkPoint pts[], int count)
+alias for set(pts, count)
+#Param pts  incomplete ##
+#Param count  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool setBoundsCheck(const SkPoint pts[], int count)
+Compute the bounds of the array of points, and set this rectangle to that
+bounds and return true... unless a non-finite value is encountered,
+in which case this rectangle is set to empty and false is returned.
+#Param pts  incomplete ##
+#Param count  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void set(const SkPoint& p0, const SkPoint& p1)
+#Param p0  incomplete ##
+#Param p1  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void setXYWH(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkScalar width, SkScalar height)
+#Param x  incomplete ##
+#Param y  incomplete ##
+#Param width  incomplete ##
+#Param height  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void setWH(SkScalar width, SkScalar height)
+#Param width  incomplete ##
+#Param height  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void setLargest()
+Sets rectangle left and top to most negative value, and sets
+right and bottom to most positive value.
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void setLargestInverted()
+Sets rectangle left and top to most positive value, and sets
+right and bottom to most negative value.
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method SkRect makeOffset(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy) const
+Return a new Rect, built as an offset of this rectangle.
+#Param dx  incomplete ##
+#Param dy  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method SkRect makeInset(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy) const
+Return a new Rect, built as an inset of this rectangle.
+#Param dx  incomplete ##
+#Param dy  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method SkRect makeOutset(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy) const
+Return a new Rect, built as an outset of this rectangle.
+#Param dx  incomplete ##
+#Param dy  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void offset(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy)
+Offset set the rectangle by adding dx to its left and right,
+and adding dy to its top and bottom.
+#Param dx  incomplete ##
+#Param dy  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void offset(const SkPoint& delta)
+#Param delta  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void offsetTo(SkScalar newX, SkScalar newY)
+Offset this rectangle such its new x() and y() will equal newX and newY.
+#Param newX  incomplete ##
+#Param newY  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void inset(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy)
+Inset the rectangle by (dx,dy). If dx is positive, then the sides are
+moved inwards, making the rectangle narrower. If dx is negative, then
+the sides are moved outwards, making the rectangle wider. The same holds
+true for dy and the top and bottom.
+#Param dx  incomplete ##
+#Param dy  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void outset(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy)
+Outset the rectangle by (dx,dy). If dx is positive, then the sides are
+moved outwards, making the rectangle wider. If dx is negative, then the
+sides are moved inwards, making the rectangle narrower. The same holds
+true for dy and the top and bottom.
+#Param dx  incomplete ##
+#Param dy  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool intersect(const SkRect& r)
+If this rectangle intersects r, return true and set this rectangle to that
+intersection, otherwise return false and do not change this rectangle.
+If either rectangle is empty, do nothing and return false.
+#Param r  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool intersect(SkScalar left, SkScalar top, SkScalar right, SkScalar bottom)
+If this rectangle intersects the rectangle specified by left, top, right, bottom,
+return true and set this rectangle to that intersection, otherwise return false
+and do not change this rectangle.
+If either rectangle is empty, do nothing and return false.
+#Param left  incomplete ##
+#Param top  incomplete ##
+#Param right  incomplete ##
+#Param bottom  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT intersect(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b)
+If rectangles a and b intersect, return true and set this rectangle to
+that intersection, otherwise return false and do not change this
+rectangle. If either rectangle is empty, do nothing and return false.
+#Param a  incomplete ##
+#Param b  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+#Method    bool intersects(SkScalar left, SkScalar top, SkScalar right, SkScalar bottom) const
+Returns true if this rectangle is not empty, and the specified sides of
+a rectangle are not empty, and they intersect.
+#Param left  incomplete ##
+#Param top  incomplete ##
+#Param right  incomplete ##
+#Param bottom  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    bool intersects(const SkRect& r) const
+#Param r  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    static bool Intersects(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b)
+Returns true if rectangles a and b are not empty and intersect.
+#Param a  incomplete ##
+#Param b  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    void join(SkScalar left, SkScalar top, SkScalar right, SkScalar bottom)
+Updates rectangle to enclose itself and the specified rectangle.
+If this rectangle is empty, just set it to the specified rectangle.
+If the specified rectangle is empty, do nothing.
+#Param left  incomplete ##
+#Param top  incomplete ##
+#Param right  incomplete ##
+#Param bottom  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    void join(const SkRect& r)
+If this rectangle is empty, just set it to the specified rectangle. If the specified
+rectangle is empty, do nothing.
+#Param r  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    void joinNonEmptyArg(const SkRect& r)
+#Param r  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    void joinPossiblyEmptyRect(const SkRect& r)
+Joins the rectangle with another without checking if either are empty (may produce unexpected
+results if either rectangle is inverted).
+#Param r  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    void growToInclude(SkPoint pt)
+Grows rectangle to include the specified (x,y). After this call, the
+following will be true: fLeft <= x <= fRight && fTop <= y <= fBottom.
+This is close, but not quite the same contract as contains(), since
+contains() treats the left and top different from the right and bottom.
+contains(x,y) -> fLeft <= x < fRight && fTop <= y < fBottom. Also note
+that contains(x,y) always returns false if the rectangle is empty.
+#Param pt  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    void growToInclude(const SkPoint pts[], int count)
+Bulk version of growToInclude
+#Param pts  incomplete ##
+#Param count  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    void growToInclude(const SkPoint pts[], size_t stride, int count)
+Bulk version of growToInclude with stride.
+#Param pts  incomplete ##
+#Param stride  incomplete ##
+#Param count  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    bool contains(const SkRect& r) const {
+Return true if this rectangle contains r, and if both rectangles are
+not empty.
+#Param r  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    bool contains(const SkIRect& r) const
+Returns true if the specified rectangle r is inside or equal to this rectangle.
+#Param r  incomplete ##
+#Return incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    void round(SkIRect* dst) const
+Sets dst rectangle by rounding this rectangle coordinates to their
+nearest integer values using SkScalarRoundToInt.
+#Param dst  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    void roundOut(SkIRect* dst) const
+Sets dst rectangle by rounding "out" this rectangle, choosing the
+SkScalarFloorToInt of top and left, and the SkScalarCeilToInt of right and bottom.
+#Param dst  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    void roundOut(SkRect* dst) const 
+Sets the dst rectangle by rounding "out" this rectangle, choosing the
+SkScalarFloorToScalar of top and left, and the SkScalarCeilToScalar of right and bottom.
+It is safe for this to equal dst.
+#Param dst  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    void roundIn(SkIRect* dst) const
+Set the dst rectangle by rounding "in" this rectangle, choosing the
+ceil() of top and left, and the floor of right and bottom. This does *not*
+call sort(), so it is possible that the resulting rectangle is inverted;
+either left >= right or top >= bottom. Call isEmpty() to detect that.
+#Param dst  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    SkIRect round() const
+Returns the result of calling round(&dst)
+#Return  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    SkIRect roundOut() const
+Returns the result of calling roundOut(&dst)
+#Return  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    void sort()
+Swaps top/bottom or left/right if there are flipped; if width()
+or height() would have returned a negative value. This should be called
+if the edges are computed separately, and may have crossed over each
+other. When this returns, left <= right && top <= bottom
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    SkRect makeSorted() const
+Returns a new Rect that is the sorted version of this rectangle (left <= right, top <= bottom).
+#Return  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#SeeAlso incomplete
+#Method    const SkScalar* asScalars() const
+Cast-safe way to treat the rectangle as a SkScalar array with four entries.
+#Return  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#Method    void dump(bool asHex) const
+#Param asHex  incomplete ##
+// incomplete
+#Method    void dump() const
+// incomplete
+#Method    void dumpHex() const
+// incomplete
+#Struct SkRect ##
+#Topic Rect ##