SkAR: drawing text, shapes, rotation modes enabled, translating objects

To run this app, you need to create an out directory as such:
bin/gn gen out/arm64 --args='ndk="NDK_PATH" target_cpu="ABI"'

For now, the only supported ABI is arm64

Change-Id: I012f0c6a0550d80a0028f42177d5ca72974d848d
Bug: skia:
Reviewed-by: Mike Reed <>
Reviewed-by: Mike Klein <>
Commit-Queue: Ziad Ben Hadj-Alouane <>
diff --git a/ b/
index 26cd616..0dd4fb1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1995,6 +1995,60 @@
+  if (is_android) {
+    test_app("arcore") {
+      is_shared_library = true
+      configs = [
+        ":skia_public",
+        "gn:default",
+      ]
+      # For internship expedience, yes, we're rebuilding Skia rather than depending on :skia.
+      # At the moment there's no way to use Skia and Skottie/SkShaper unless they're in the same .so.
+      sources = []
+      sources += skia_core_sources
+      sources += skia_utils_sources
+      sources += skia_xps_sources
+      sources += [
+        "src/android/SkAndroidFrameworkUtils.cpp",
+        "src/android/SkAnimatedImage.cpp",
+        "src/android/SkBitmapRegionCodec.cpp",
+        "src/android/SkBitmapRegionDecoder.cpp",
+        "src/codec/SkAndroidCodec.cpp",
+        "src/codec/SkBmpBaseCodec.cpp",
+        "src/codec/SkBmpCodec.cpp",
+        "src/codec/SkBmpMaskCodec.cpp",
+        "src/codec/SkBmpRLECodec.cpp",
+        "src/codec/SkBmpStandardCodec.cpp",
+        "src/codec/SkCodec.cpp",
+        "src/codec/SkCodecImageGenerator.cpp",
+        "src/codec/SkColorTable.cpp",
+        "src/codec/SkGifCodec.cpp",
+        "src/codec/SkMaskSwizzler.cpp",
+        "src/codec/SkMasks.cpp",
+        "src/codec/SkSampledCodec.cpp",
+        "src/codec/SkSampler.cpp",
+        "src/codec/SkStreamBuffer.cpp",
+        "src/codec/SkSwizzler.cpp",
+        "src/codec/SkWbmpCodec.cpp",
+        "src/images/SkImageEncoder.cpp",
+        "src/ports/SkDiscardableMemory_none.cpp",
+        "src/ports/SkImageGenerator_skia.cpp",
+        "src/ports/SkMemory_malloc.cpp",
+        "src/ports/SkOSFile_stdio.cpp",
+        "src/sfnt/SkOTTable_name.cpp",
+        "src/sfnt/SkOTUtils.cpp",
+        "src/utils/mac/SkStream_mac.cpp",
+        "third_party/gif/SkGifImageReader.cpp",
+      ]
+      deps = [
+        ":tool_utils",
+        "modules/skottie",
+        "modules/skshaper",
+      ]
+    }
+  }
   if (!skia_use_angle && (is_linux || is_win || is_mac)) {
     test_app("HelloWorld") {
       sources = [