Optimize CMYK->RGBA (BGRA) transform for jpeg decodes

Swizzle Bench Runtime
Nexus 6P     0.14x
Dell Venue 8 0.12x

CMYK Jpeg Decode Runtime
Nexus 6P     0.81x
Dell Venue 8 0.85x

GOLD_TRYBOT_URL= https://gold.skia.org/search2?unt=true&query=source_type%3Dgm&master=false&issue=1676773003

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1676773003
diff --git a/src/core/SkOpts.h b/src/core/SkOpts.h
index 69da362..2e8778e 100644
--- a/src/core/SkOpts.h
+++ b/src/core/SkOpts.h
@@ -57,14 +57,16 @@
     // Swizzle input into some sort of 8888 pixel, {premul,unpremul} x {rgba,bgra}.
     typedef void (*Swizzle_8888)(uint32_t*, const void*, int);
-    extern Swizzle_8888 RGBA_to_BGRA,  // i.e. just swap RB
-                        RGBA_to_rgbA,  // i.e. just premultiply
-                        RGBA_to_bgrA,  // i.e. swap RB and premultiply
-                        RGB_to_RGB1,   // i.e. insert an opaque alpha
-                        RGB_to_BGR1,   // i.e. swap RB and insert an opaque alpha
-                        gray_to_RGB1,  // i.e. expand to color channels + an opaque alpha
-                        grayA_to_RGBA, // i.e. expand to color channels
-                        grayA_to_rgbA; // i.e. expand to color channels and premultiply
+    extern Swizzle_8888 RGBA_to_BGRA,          // i.e. just swap RB
+                        RGBA_to_rgbA,          // i.e. just premultiply
+                        RGBA_to_bgrA,          // i.e. swap RB and premultiply
+                        RGB_to_RGB1,           // i.e. insert an opaque alpha
+                        RGB_to_BGR1,           // i.e. swap RB and insert an opaque alpha
+                        gray_to_RGB1,          // i.e. expand to color channels + an opaque alpha
+                        grayA_to_RGBA,         // i.e. expand to color channels
+                        grayA_to_rgbA,         // i.e. expand to color channels and premultiply
+                        inverted_CMYK_to_RGB1, // i.e. convert color space
+                        inverted_CMYK_to_BGR1; // i.e. convert color space