Roll skia/third_party/externals/angle2/ 437664b4b..b27b03a2c (10 commits)

$ git log 437664b4b..b27b03a2c --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2018-02-19 lfy GLES1: caps: GLES1-specific context limits
2018-02-26 xinghua.cao ES31: Implement memoryBarrier on D3D backend
2018-02-28 jmadill Rename signal utils to Observer.
2018-02-27 jiawei.shao ES31: Add link validations on geometry shader uniforms
2018-02-27 jmadill D3D11: Refactor dependent Framebuffer state changes.
2018-03-02 oetuaho Test shader builtin accessibility from different stages
2018-02-22 jgilbert Support EGLStream from B8G8R8A8_UNORM D3D11Texture.
2018-02-26 jgilbert Move constructors may not be marked explicit.
2018-03-02 oetuaho Fix checking texture function offset
2018-03-01 oetuaho Test that ESSL 300 standard derivatives compile successfully

Created with:
  roll-dep skia/third_party/externals/angle2

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Change-Id: Ia0fa0475816c685e0435b8d636938d30d6ce5043
Commit-Queue: <>
Reviewed-by: <>
1 file changed