Revert of GYP groudwork for half-float opts support. (patchset #1 id:1 of

Reason for revert:
Going to punt on 16-bit float support for now.  Can't figure out ARM 64.

Original issue's description:
> GYP groudwork for half-float opts support.
> This sets us up two new opts targets with the immediate goal of adding half-float (SkHalf.h) opts:
>   - opts_neon_fp16: uses hardware support on most ARM chips with NEON to do 4 conversions at a time;
>   - opts_avx: uses hardware support on Intel chips with AVX to do 8 conversions at a time.
> opts_avx will be a handy thing to have around later too, especially if we want to work with floats.
> This doesn't actually add any new source files to these libraries yet, so they're no-ops for now.
> I'll need to write a parallel change to Chrome's GN and GYPs before we can start adding sources.
> This also rolls GYP up to head, to get suppport for EnableEnhancedInstructionSet: '3' on Windows,
> which is how we turn on AVX there.  There's no Mac-specific flag, so we use OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS.
> BUG=skia:
> Committed:,

Review URL:
diff --git a/gyp/opts.gyp b/gyp/opts.gyp
index bdf7866..2fb1468 100644
--- a/gyp/opts.gyp
+++ b/gyp/opts.gyp
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
       'conditions': [
         [ 'skia_arch_type == "x86" and skia_os != "ios"', {
           'cflags': [ '-msse2' ],
-          'dependencies': [ 'opts_ssse3', 'opts_sse41', 'opts_avx' ],
+          'dependencies': [ 'opts_ssse3', 'opts_sse41' ],
           'sources': [ '<@(sse2_sources)' ],
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@
           'cflags':  [ '-fomit-frame-pointer' ],
           'variables': { 'arm_neon_optional%': '<(arm_neon_optional>' },
           'sources': [ '<@(armv7_sources)' ],
-          'dependencies': [ 'opts_neon_fp16' ],
           'conditions': [
             [ 'arm_neon == 1 or arm_neon_optional == 1', {
               'dependencies': [ 'opts_neon' ]
@@ -121,26 +120,6 @@
-      'target_name': 'opts_avx',
-      'product_name': 'skia_opts_avx',
-      'type': 'static_library',
-      'standalone_static_library': 1,
-      'dependencies': [ 'core.gyp:*' ],
-      'sources': [ '<@(avx_sources)' ],
-      'conditions': [
-        [ 'skia_os == "win"', {
-            'defines' : [ 'SK_CPU_SSE_LEVEL=50' ],
-            'msvs_settings': { 'VCCLCompilerTool': { 'EnabledEnhancedInstructionSet': '3' } },
-        }],
-        [ 'not skia_android_framework', {
-          'cflags': [ '-mavx' ],
-        }],
-        [ 'skia_os == "mac"', {
-          'xcode_settings': { 'OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS': [ '-mavx' ] },
-        }],
-      ],
-    },
-    {
       'target_name': 'opts_neon',
       'product_name': 'skia_opts_neon',
       'type': 'static_library',
@@ -174,27 +153,5 @@
-    {
-      'target_name': 'opts_neon_fp16',
-      'product_name': 'skia_opts_neon_fp16',
-      'type': 'static_library',
-      'standalone_static_library': 1,
-      'dependencies': [ 'core.gyp:*' ],
-      'include_dirs': [ '../src/core' ],
-      'sources': [ '<@(neon_fp16_sources)' ],
-      'conditions': [
-        [ 'not skia_android_framework', {
-          'cflags': [
-            '-mfpu=neon-fp16',
-            '-mfp16-format=ieee',
-            '-fomit-frame-pointer',
-          ],
-        }],
-      ],
-      'ldflags': [
-        '-march=armv7-a',
-        '-Wl,--fix-cortex-a8',
-      ],
-    },