Add support for clipstack to Gr. GrClip is now a list of rects and paths with set operations to combine them. The stencil buffer is used to perform the set operations to put the clip into the stencil buffer. Building Gr's clip from Skia's clipStack is currently disabled due to the fact that Skia's clipStack is relative to the root layer not the current layer. This will be fixed in a subsequent CL.

git-svn-id: 2bbb7eff-a529-9590-31e7-b0007b416f81
diff --git a/gpu/src/GrGpu.cpp b/gpu/src/GrGpu.cpp
index 019c99f..f42e316 100644
--- a/gpu/src/GrGpu.cpp
+++ b/gpu/src/GrGpu.cpp
@@ -22,12 +22,13 @@
 #include "GrIndexBuffer.h"
 #include "GrVertexBuffer.h"
 #include "GrBufferAllocPool.h"
+#include "GrPathRenderer.h"
 // probably makes no sense for this to be less than a page
 static const size_t VERTEX_POOL_VB_SIZE = 1 << 12;
 static const int VERTEX_POOL_VB_COUNT = 1;
 size_t GrTexture::BytesPerPixel(PixelConfig config) {
     switch (config) {
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@
 extern void gr_run_unittests();
@@ -68,7 +69,10 @@
-                 fUnitSquareVertexBuffer(NULL) {
+                 fUnitSquareVertexBuffer(NULL),
+                 fPathRenderer(NULL),
+                 fVertexPoolInUse(false),
+                 fIndexPoolInUse(false) {
 //    gr_run_unittests();
@@ -80,6 +84,7 @@
     delete fVertexPool;
     delete fIndexPool;
+    delete fPathRenderer;
 void GrGpu::resetContext() {
@@ -91,7 +96,7 @@
 static const int MAX_QUADS = 1 << 12; // max possible: (1 << 14) - 1;
@@ -159,7 +164,7 @@
     return fUnitSquareVertexBuffer;
 void GrGpu::clipWillBeSet(const GrClip& newClip) {
     if (newClip != fClip) {
@@ -167,8 +172,113 @@
+// stencil settings to use when clip is in stencil
+const GrStencilSettings GrGpu::gClipStencilSettings = {
+    kKeep_StencilOp,             kKeep_StencilOp,
+    kKeep_StencilOp,             kKeep_StencilOp,
+    kAlwaysIfInClip_StencilFunc, kAlwaysIfInClip_StencilFunc,
+    0,                           0,
+    0,                           0,
+    0,                           0
+// converts special stencil func to
+static const GrStencilFunc gGrClipToNormalStencilFunc[2][kClipStencilFuncCount] = {
+    {// Stencil-Clipping is DISABLED, effectively always inside the clip
+        // In the Clip Funcs
+        kAlways_StencilFunc,          // kAlwaysIfInClip_StencilFunc
+        kEqual_StencilFunc,           // kEqualIfInClip_StencilFunc
+        kLess_StencilFunc,            // kLessIfInClip_StencilFunc
+        kLEqual_StencilFunc,          // kLEqualIfInClip_StencilFunc
+        // Special in the clip func that forces user's ref to be 0.
+        kNotEqual_StencilFunc,        // kNonZeroIfInClip_StencilFunc
+                                      // make ref 0 and do normal nequal.
+    },
+    {// Stencil-Clipping is ENABLED
+        // In the Clip Funcs
+        kEqual_StencilFunc,           // kAlwaysIfInClip_StencilFunc
+                                      // eq stencil clip bit, mask
+                                      // out user bits.
+        kEqual_StencilFunc,           // kEqualIfInClip_StencilFunc
+                                      // add stencil bit to mask and ref
+        kLess_StencilFunc,            // kLessIfInClip_StencilFunc
+        kLEqual_StencilFunc,          // kLEqualIfInClip_StencilFunc
+                                      // for both of these we can add
+                                      // the clip bit to the mask and
+                                      // ref and compare as normal
+        // Special in the clip func that forces user's ref to be 0.
+        kLess_StencilFunc,            // kNonZeroIfInClip_StencilFunc
+                                      // make ref have only the clip bit set
+                                      // and make comparison be less
+                                      // 10..0 < 1..user_bits..
+    }
+GrStencilFunc GrGpu::ConvertStencilFunc(bool stencilInClip, GrStencilFunc func) {
+    GrAssert(func >= 0);
+    if (func >= kBasicStencilFuncCount) {
+        GrAssert(func < kStencilFuncCount);
+        func = gGrClipToNormalStencilFunc[stencilInClip ? 1 : 0][func - kBasicStencilFuncCount];
+        GrAssert(func >= 0 && func < kBasicStencilFuncCount);
+    }
+    return func;
+void GrGpu::ConvertStencilFuncAndMask(GrStencilFunc func,
+                                      bool clipInStencil,
+                                      unsigned int clipBit,
+                                      unsigned int userBits,
+                                      unsigned int* ref,
+                                      unsigned int* mask) {
+    if (func < kBasicStencilFuncCount) {
+        *mask &= userBits;
+        *ref &= userBits;
+    } else {
+        if (clipInStencil) {
+            switch (func) {
+                case kAlwaysIfInClip_StencilFunc:
+                    *mask = clipBit;
+                    *ref = clipBit;
+                    break;
+                case kEqualIfInClip_StencilFunc:
+                case kLessIfInClip_StencilFunc:
+                case kLEqualIfInClip_StencilFunc:
+                    *mask = (*mask & userBits) | clipBit;
+                    *ref = (*ref & userBits) | clipBit;
+                    break;
+                case kNonZeroIfInClip_StencilFunc:
+                    *mask = (*mask & userBits) | clipBit;
+                    *ref = clipBit;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    GrCrash("Unknown stencil func");
+            }
+        } else {
+            *mask &= userBits;
+            *ref &= userBits;
+        }
+    }
+    #include "GrRandom.h"
+    GrRandom gRandom;
+    #define SET_RANDOM_COLOR this->setColor(0xff000000 | gRandom.nextU());
+    #define SET_RANDOM_COLOR
 bool GrGpu::setupClipAndFlushState(GrPrimitiveType type) {
     const GrIRect* r = NULL;
+    GrIRect clipRect;
     // we check this early because we need a valid
     // render target to setup stencil clipping
@@ -179,80 +289,135 @@
     if (fCurrDrawState.fFlagBits & kClip_StateBit) {
-        fClipState.fClipInStencil = fClip.countRects() > 1;
+        GrRenderTarget& rt = *fCurrDrawState.fRenderTarget;
+        GrRect bounds;
+        GrRect rtRect;
+        rtRect.setLTRB(0, 0,
+                       GrIntToScalar(rt.width()), GrIntToScalar(rt.height()));
+        if (fClip.hasBounds()) {
+            bounds = fClip.getBounds();
+            bounds.intersectWith(rtRect);
+        } else {
+            bounds = rtRect;
+        }
+        bounds.roundOut(&clipRect);
+        if  (clipRect.isEmpty()) {
+            clipRect.setLTRB(0,0,0,0);
+        }
+        r = &clipRect;
+        fClipState.fClipInStencil = !fClip.isRect() &&
+                                    !fClip.isEmpty() &&
+                                    !bounds.isEmpty();
         if (fClipState.fClipInStencil &&
             (fClipState.fClipIsDirty ||
-             fClipState.fStencilClipTarget != fCurrDrawState.fRenderTarget)) {
+             fClip != rt.fLastStencilClip)) {
+            rt.fLastStencilClip = fClip;
+            // we set the current clip to the bounds so that our recursive
+            // draws are scissored to them. We use the copy of the complex clip
+            // in the rt to render
+            const GrClip& clip = rt.fLastStencilClip;
+            fClip.setFromRect(bounds);
             AutoStateRestore asr(this);
-            AutoGeometrySrcRestore agsr(this);
+            AutoInternalDrawGeomRestore aidgr(this);
-            // We have to use setVertexSourceToBuffer (and index) in order
-            // to ensure we correctly restore the client's geom sources.
-            // We tack the clip verts onto the vertex pool but we don't
-            // use the various helper functions because of their side effects.
-            int rectTotal = fClip.countRects();
-            if (NULL == fVertexPool) {
-                fVertexPool = new GrVertexBufferAllocPool(this,
-                                                          true,
-                                                          VERTEX_POOL_VB_SIZE,
-                                                          VERTEX_POOL_VB_COUNT);
-            } else if (kBuffer_GeometrySrcType == fGeometrySrc.fVertexSrc) {
-                // we can't reset if vertex source is array or reserved
-                // because then the client data is in the pool!
-                fVertexPool->reset();
-            }
-            const GrVertexBuffer* vertexBuffer;
-            int vStart;
-            GrPoint* rectVertices =
-                reinterpret_cast<GrPoint*>(fVertexPool->makeSpace(0,
-                                                                  rectTotal * 4,
-                                                                  &vertexBuffer,
-                                                                  &vStart));
-            for (int r = 0; r < rectTotal; ++r) {
-                const GrIRect& rect = fClip.getRects()[r];
-                rectVertices[4 * r].setIRectFan(rect.fLeft, rect.fTop,
-                                                rect.fRight, rect.fBottom);
-            }
-            fVertexPool->unlock();
-            this->setVertexSourceToBuffer(0, vertexBuffer);
-            this->setIndexSourceToBuffer(getQuadIndexBuffer());
-            // don't clip the clip or recurse!
-            this->disableState(kClip_StateBit);
-            this->eraseStencilClip();
-            this->setStencilPass((GrDrawTarget::StencilPass)kSetClip_StencilPass);
-            int currRect = 0;
-            while (currRect < rectTotal) {
-                int rectCount = GrMin(MAX_QUADS,
-                                      rectTotal - currRect);
-                this->drawIndexed(kTriangles_PrimitiveType,
-                                  vStart + currRect * 4,
-                                  0,
-                                  rectCount*4,
-                                  rectCount*6);
-                currRect += rectCount;
+            this->eraseStencilClip(clipRect);
+            this->flushScissor(NULL);
+            this->enableState(kNoColorWrites_StateBit);
+            this->disableState(kNoColorWrites_StateBit);
+            int count = clip.getElementCount();
+            int clipBit = rt.stencilBits();
+            clipBit = (1 << (clipBit-1));
+            // walk through each clip element and perform its set op
+            // with the existing clip.
+            for (int c = 0; c < count; ++c) {
+                GrPathFill fill;
+                // enabled at bottom of loop
+                this->disableState(kModifyStencilClip_StateBit);
+                bool canDrawDirectToClip;
+                if (kRect_ClipType == clip.getElementType(c)) {
+                    canDrawDirectToClip = true;
+                    fill = kEvenOdd_PathFill;
+                } else {
+                    fill = clip.getPathFill(c);
+                    canDrawDirectToClip = getPathRenderer()->requiresStencilPass(clip.getPath(c));
+                }
+                GrSetOp op = 0 == c ? kReplace_SetOp : clip.getOp(c);
+                int passes;
+                GrStencilSettings stencilSettings[GrStencilSettings::kMaxStencilClipPasses];
+                canDrawDirectToClip = GrStencilSettings::GetClipPasses(op,  canDrawDirectToClip,
+                                                                       clipBit, &fill,
+                                                                       &passes, stencilSettings);
+                // draw the element to the client stencil bits if necessary
+                if (!canDrawDirectToClip) {
+                    if (kRect_ClipType == clip.getElementType(c)) {
+                        static const GrStencilSettings gDrawToStencil = {
+                            kIncClamp_StencilOp, kIncClamp_StencilOp,
+                            kIncClamp_StencilOp, kIncClamp_StencilOp,
+                            kAlways_StencilFunc, kAlways_StencilFunc,
+                            0xffffffff,          0xffffffff,
+                            0x00000000,          0x00000000,
+                            0xffffffff,          0xffffffff,
+                        };
+                        this->setStencil(gDrawToStencil);
+                        SET_RANDOM_COLOR
+                        this->drawSimpleRect(clip.getRect(c), NULL, 0);
+                    } else {
+                        SET_RANDOM_COLOR
+                        getPathRenderer()->drawPathToStencil(this, clip.getPath(c), fill, NULL);
+                    }
+                }
+                // now we modify the clip bit by rendering either the clip
+                // element directly or a bounding rect of the entire clip.
+                this->enableState(kModifyStencilClip_StateBit);
+                for (int p = 0; p < passes; ++p) {
+                    this->setStencil(stencilSettings[p]);
+                    if (canDrawDirectToClip) {
+                        if (kRect_ClipType == clip.getElementType(c)) {
+                            SET_RANDOM_COLOR
+                            this->drawSimpleRect(clip.getRect(c), NULL, 0);
+                        } else {
+                            SET_RANDOM_COLOR
+                            getPathRenderer()->drawPath(this, 0, clip.getPath(c), fill, NULL);
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        SET_RANDOM_COLOR
+                        this->drawSimpleRect(bounds, 0, NULL);
+                    }
+                }
-            fClipState.fStencilClipTarget = fCurrDrawState.fRenderTarget;
+            fClip = clip;
+            // recusive draws would have disabled this.
+            fClipState.fClipInStencil = true;
         fClipState.fClipIsDirty = false;
-        if (!fClipState.fClipInStencil) {
-            r = &fClip.getBounds();
-        }
     // Must flush the scissor after graphics state
-    if (!flushGraphicsState(type)) {
+    if (!this->flushGraphicsState(type)) {
         return false;
-    flushScissor(r);
+    this->flushScissor(r);
     return true;
 void GrGpu::drawIndexed(GrPrimitiveType type,
                         int startVertex,
@@ -314,10 +479,11 @@
 void GrGpu::prepareVertexPool() {
     if (NULL == fVertexPool) {
-        fVertexPool = new GrVertexBufferAllocPool(this, true, 
-                                                  VERTEX_POOL_VB_SIZE, 
+        fVertexPool = new GrVertexBufferAllocPool(this, true,
+                                                  VERTEX_POOL_VB_SIZE,
-    } else {
+    } else if (!fVertexPoolInUse) {
+        // the client doesn't have valid data in the pool
@@ -325,7 +491,8 @@
 void GrGpu::prepareIndexPool() {
     if (NULL == fVertexPool) {
         fIndexPool = new GrIndexBufferAllocPool(this, true, 0, 1);
-    } else {
+    } else if (!fIndexPoolInUse) {
+        // the client doesn't have valid data in the pool
@@ -339,7 +506,7 @@
     if (fReservedGeometry.fVertexCount) {
         GrAssert(NULL != vertices);
-        prepareVertexPool();
+        this->prepareVertexPool();
         *vertices = fVertexPool->makeSpace(vertexLayout,
@@ -354,7 +521,7 @@
     if (fReservedGeometry.fIndexCount) {
         GrAssert(NULL != indices);
-        prepareIndexPool();
+        this->prepareIndexPool();
         *indices = fIndexPool->makeSpace(fReservedGeometry.fIndexCount,
@@ -397,7 +564,17 @@
+GrPathRenderer* GrGpu::getPathRenderer() {
+    if (NULL == fPathRenderer) {
+        fPathRenderer = new GrDefaultPathRenderer(this->supportsTwoSidedStencil(),
+                                                  this->supportsStencilWrapOps());
+    }
+    return fPathRenderer;
 const GrGpu::Stats& GrGpu::getStats() const {
     return fStats;